Best job in the world

My job allows me to see people I know naked, even see them masturbating and having sex. Especially the young girls, they’re my favourite ones.

I have the greatest job in the world, let me tell you why.

I have a small local electrician shot on the main road and I fix, well, anything electronic really, PC’s, Laptops, Mobiles, Games Consoles, TV’s but my main business comes from repairing Laptops and Mobile phones.

Most of them are brought in to my shop with cracked screens, dead batteries or water damage, but its not repairing them that makes my job so good, it’s the fact I get to browse through them that makes it the best job in the world.

You would not believe some of the images and videos I’ve seen on them over the years, they are often filled with downloaded porn videos but quite a lot come in to my shop containing naked selfies and amateur self-made porn.

I know everyone who lives in the area and comes in to my shop, I still get shocked when I open up a laptop or switch on a phone and find dirty videos of my customers on them, a lot of college students live in the flats nearby, they are the worst for making homemade porn, some of them look like they concealed their laptops and film themselves having sex with girls in secret, naughty people.

But the best ones, and I am heading in to perverted territory here, come from the phones of the local school kids who mainly bring their phones in with crack screens because they keep dropping them, the 12-15 years old are very-very naughty.

I see boys phones filled with pictures of their cocks, which I assume they send to girls, although if I was a girl I wouldn’t be too impressed with their “Small” offerings, if you know what I mean, however, some of the boys have bigger cocks than me.

Then we have the girl’s phones, sweet and innocent, I think not!

The girls, just like the boys, take a lot of naked selfies standing in front of mirrors, and a lot of these young girls look absolutely gorgeous, they have bodies to die for, I see these girls every morning walking by my shop window on their way to and from school, I give them a smile and some of them wave at me, and they have no idea that I’ve seen them naked, I’ve seen everything they have to offer, all of their goodies.

It’s gotten so bad that I’ve started closing my shop early in an afternoon so I go in the back and jerk myself off while looking at their nude photos and their dirty videos, my favourites are when they do strip-tease in front of the camera, assuming they are intended for their boyfriends, but when I’m viewing them in the back of my shop, it’s all for me.

I’ve become so obsessed with seeing these young girls naked that I’ve started installing spyware on their phones and laptops so I can access their camera’s remotely, anytime I want, and see what they’re doing, hoping they’re being a little naughty.

Over the last few weeks I’ve accessed loads of their laptops, some have had them on a desk or table in their bedrooms with a perfect view of their beds, I’ve sat at home and watched them changing in their rooms, seen a few masturbating on their beds and even witnessed a girl willingly getting fucked by her own father in her bedroom, that’s a good bond between father and daughter.

I’m viewing one right now as I type this story out for you, Elizabeth, I think she’s about 12 maybe 13, she brought her laptop in last week for an upgrade, I’ve accessed her camera and she’s currently sitting by her laptop just wearing a sky blue training bra, she’s got long curly red hair, I’ve accessed her laptop screen, she’s just browsing youtube video’s about painting fingernails, she’s such a cutie, I hope she takes her training bra off soon, I’d love to see her tiny perky nips, her mom’s not bad looking, she’s in the background putting clothes away in some drawers.

I didn’t find any nudes on Elizabeth’s laptop when she brought it in with her dad, but I thought she was cute so installed my spyware on to it so I could check in and have a naughty peak.

You’d be amazed at what I see day in day out, people think their private images and videos are private, they forget that when they take their devices in to repair shops, we technicians have full access to their “private” stuff.

It kind of feels like people pay me to view their private naked photos and videos.

I love my job.

Right, back to watching Elizabeth now, her mom’s gone and it looks like she’s about to step away from her laptop, I hope she’s in her panties.