Big Brother is Listening

I gave my boyfriend head on the bed, but his big brother was bigger…

“Smup!” I kept sucking Terry until he went soft, but held still so it didn’t slip out. Then, he pushed me off so he could get up, take off his pants, and go take a shower.

I wiped the corner of my mouth, and rolled over to suck the last drop off my finger. My left hand, so my right was still clean enough to stick inside me. “Huh!” He’s only 13, so we tried using rubbers, but they were too lose to stay on.

So, oral sex. He licked me out real good first, but I didn’t have an orgasm, and his spit started drying up. I felt sticky, but a little moist inside to finger out, and slick back up my pussy lips.

“Oh, hey.” I crossed my legs, and pulled my top back down over my bra. “Uh,” Frank stood there in the hall, just outside the door, and looked away. I could still hear the water splashing in the bathtub from the shower, but I knew that Terry liked to beat off after I filled up the spank bank.

A waste of jizm, if you ask me. “Mom, and dad’ll be home soon, so we better take off.”

“Huh!” I sat up and hooked up the back of my bra, waiting for him to think of something to say. This was awkward, but he wandered off so I could pull my panties up. He said “we,” but that didn’t register until I came out to the front porch.

He was 16, and had a driver license, so he waited in the car. With the shotgun door open for me, but he didn’t honk. I still wasn’t satisfied, but I never really thought about Frank before. He was kinda like a picture of the future for Terrence. We’d been having sex, or play acting for a couple years, before he started puberty, and quit shooting blanks.

I was delighted, but at the same time a little disappointed that we couldn’t do it any more. Not without me getting pregnant, which would be a dead giveaway that I was sexually active. “You really like giving head?” He barely backed out, and drove off, before he got the balls to ask me.

“Yeah, I really like sex. Oral sex is sex, but. Um.” I bit my lip, and grinned when I looked over at his lap. He reached out to pull the gear shifter, and did that thing with his legs. Where you step on the clutch, lift off the gas, then release the clutch, and step on the gas again. So, his legs went up, and down, then back up again. His cock seemed to roll back and forth.

Sticking up hard in his tight crotch, I turned sideways on the seat, and put my hand on his leg. “Why, you like getting head?” I ran my hand up farther, and turned it to feel the inside of his thigh. Squeeze it, and feel his muscle tense when he stepped on the gas again. At a stoplight, he had to shift gears again. “Huh, you don’t have to take me home, you know. A place?”

“Yeah, huh. You won’t tell my brother.”

I laughed, “What, that I sucked you off in the car because he wouldn’t stick around to finish me off?” I shook my head. “Ooh,” I rubbed it up and down behind the zipper.

“You like it?”

“Huh, yeah. I love dick, big hard cock, huh!” I looked around, after I picked out the zipper, and ran it down. “You got a rubber?”

“Yeah, uh. It’s in the glove box.” He shifted again, so both hands were busy. “Hang on a minute, you don’t want to get in a wreck, or busted by the cops?”

“Huh!” I really didn’t care, but he didn’t want to get busted by the cops. With an elementary school girl in the car, and his dick sticking out between his legs, so I just untucked his shirt. So, he could stuff it down between his legs, and drive like that. He shifted gears again, and pulled up the top of the arm rest.

“No, this one.” I flipped the one up in front of me, in the dashboard, but he pulled out 2 and a half rubbers. Well, the package was ripped open to get one out, they just didn’t tear off the end, so I bit the corner on the other end. Careful not to catch the fragile rubber on the sharp edge of the plastic, he finally pulled up in some trees.

Somewhere, he cut the engine, but left it in gear. Let the clutch off, and pulled his shirt up. He’d gone soft on the way, and stopped me before I could pull it all the way out, but then he got the button open, and scooted up to pull them down. His dick still hanging out of the fly, it flopped over his hairy balls when he pulled down his underwear, and sat back. Then, he dropped the seat back so he could lay down, with his legs spread.

“Here,” I handed him the rubber, and leaned over. Licking my lips to get them wet, and picking up his chubby. Took a deep breath through my nose, sucking the wrinkles out of it, and rubbing the side with my tongue. Like a windshield wiper to get it wet, and feel it swell up hard in my mouth. “Smup! Huh, give me that.” I popped the rubber in my mouth, and held it like bubblegum, only backwards. Between my lips, and teeth, so instead of blowing it out, I could roll it on, and fill my mouth with rubbery cock again. “Ugh!” I opened my mouth, and stuck my tongue out, so it could go deep. Without gagging, I relaxed my throat until I could cough up the good slimy thick spit. “Sptooh!” And slick it around with my fingers.

“Huh, where’d you learn to suck dick like that?”

I just shook my head, and sighed. “It’s just practice,” pulling down my sticky underwear again, but he was wet enough. I sure was, so I got my foot out of my panties, and put the glove box back between the seats. So, I could get up, and straddle him. “Uh!” Hunch when his dickhead squeaked against my clit, that had come out of the hood somehow during that whole operations. Then, I got him back to my hungry hole, and sat down. Let my breath out in a long sigh, while his hands ran up my sides. Taking my top with them, and pulling at my bra straps. “Huh!”

I stopped, full of cock for the moment, and pulled my top off. Leaned over him, and felt his dick push up against the inside of my spine, while he pulled the ends of my bra straps together to unhook them. A long story short, I fucked him. Right then, and there, before the last tang of his little brother’s wad finished clinging to my tongue. “Uh, huh! Fuck yeah. Fuck me yeah. FUCK ME!”

“All right!” I started off doing all the work, but finally he figured out how to fuck me back. I don’t know, I don’t exactly have a dick to tell you, but that let me lean back up against the steering wheel. He let go of my boobs, and held onto my hips.

So, I slipped my bra the rest of the way off, and let him give it to me. “Give it to me, yeah give it to me good and hard. Pump me full of cock?”

“Uh fuck!” I barely said pump me full before his eyes clenched shut, and he stopped. I sank down, and then I felt him twitching. Pumping the rubber full of cum, and still not even close to climaxing, I got that disappointing feeling again.

Normally, I can finger it out myself afterwards, but this time he interrupted me, to take me home. Then, I hoped that he’d fuck me off before he blew it, and now I’m blaming myself for saying that. Pump me full, so he started pumping me full of cum, before I could finish.

“Huh!” I got off his lap, and turned around to stick my foot back in my undies. That killed the mood, but I told myself I could finish it in my fantasies when I got home. I’d been a slut long enough to know that it’s never gonna be as good as you expected. The first time, or any time, but you can’t help but get your hopes up. It’s just so disappointing, especially this time. I got my hopes up so much that when it didn’t happen, the 3rd time, it came crashing down like depression.

“Huh!” Meanwhile, he sat up, fixed his pants, and underwear. I put my bra on, and pulled my top down over it. He turned on the car to roll down the window, and throw out the rubber.

“Huh!” I crossed my arms, and I guess I pouted.


“Well for one thing, that’s a waste of spooge.” I was going to just sulk in silence, but when he asked what was wrong, I just let it all out. “First I got eaten out, and then he wanted a beej before he licked me off. Then, he just left me to finger it out while he took a shower, and then you interrupted me before I finished.”

“I’m sorry, but if my mom found out that I let him do it when I’m supposed to be watching him.”

“And now, you’re satisfied. He’s satisfied, and I still have to wait until I get home. “I know.” I patted his shoulder, “I’m probably going to cum like gangbusters when I finally do, but it’s still just a little disappointing.”

“Well, you don’t have to wait until you get home.”

“Oh, now you want to watch me masturbate?”

“No, well maybe I can give you a hand with it?”

“Oh no, maybe about it,” I grabbed his wrist, and stuck it between my legs. “You better make it up to me.”

“Just tell me how you like it.”

“Just fuck me, all ready. God, don’t beat around the bush, just stick your fingers in me, and fuck me.” What’s with boys thinking there’s a secret technique? “Yeah, fuck me harder, what is that, 2 fingers?”

There’s no secret technique to beating off a dick, so who got the bright idea that fucking a girl is somehow more complicated than that? “I heard that girls prefer.” In, out, rinse, repeat…

“I’m not girls, I need more. Ihn!” Way past the point where I’m tight enough for even 2 fingers to be enough. I slammed shut, when he pulled out, then felt around with his middle finger. His ring, and pointer fingers exactly the same length, so he could pry me open, and wiggle those in too. “Uh! Hufugh!” I started drooling, I had to wipe my mouth, but then my language center shut down so I couldn’t say anything. Just grunt, moan, and gasp unintelligibly, but he finally got it.

I don’t like it rough, I need it hard, deep, and faster. Always faster, once his knuckles popped through, his pinky, and thumb slipped on my wet thighs, and the car filled with sucking soppy sounds. His palm slapping my pubes, and smashing my mons into my clitoral root. Striking sparks that built up into a lightning bolt right down my spine.

“UGH! HhuhHhuhHhuh!” I just shuddered, and tried to breathe more than the little bit flapping in and out from my diaphragm fluttering like a trampoline. “UhuhfghnhmHN!” I had to grab his arm and push him out. “Uh fuck huh yeah, huh!” I just lay back, on the passenger seat. Before I realized that he let it down at some point, when I was too overwhelmed with sex to even realize it. “Oh, god. Good, so good.” I was right, after all that buildup. After 3 tries without even getting close to an orgasm, by the time it finally came, it was all I could do not to pass out.

“Feel better?” I just smiled, and nodded, satisfied. Squirmed a little, just to feel my clothes brush my skin, knowing how sensitive it is right after a full body orgasm. “Huh!” He backed out, and let go of the headrest to put it in gear again. “My brother never told me how he got you so young.”

“Well,” I thought, “He didn’t get me. We got each other, I guess.” Shrugging. “You got a cigarette?”

“Fresh out,” he patted his pants, so I shrugged, and thought a little longer. “I was a slut. Still am I guess, but when he was in 6 grade. I guess the word got out, and he said the 2 best words I ever heard in bed.”

“Which are?” Turns out that Frank is a good listener, too.

“Teach me. Honestly, he was the first boy I ever met that even admitted he was a virgin. Again, in 6 grade, so everyone was a virgin, of course.”

“Except you?”

“Oh, no. I mean, yeah I was a slut, but come on, man. We’re still talking about elementary school sex. Play sex, really. You’re lucky if you can even get a boy up, let alone keep it up before they’ve got any hair on it.”

“So then what?”

“Well, then. I guess even I didn’t know how I liked it. So then we figured it out together, and he knows I like it best when we take turns, but I guess he knew we didn’t have enough time for more than a quickie. He could have told me that before he ran off to the shower with his tail between his legs like that.”

“Hang on a sec,” he pulled up to the curb, and held the clutch down, while he rolled down my window. “Hey man, you got another cigarette?”

“Yeah, you got a dollar?”

“For one?” He got the pack of GPCs out, though. “CheepieCs? Come on, man. I’ll give you a dollar for 2.”

“Deal,” he bought us both a cigarette, but I took them, and then lit one when the lighter popped. “Huh!” Took another drag, and handed it over.

“You’re not going to smoke one?” I stuck the unlit one in my purse.

“No, I’ll save it for later, you can finish it.”


“Okay, gimme 1 more drag.” I said that, yeah I say I don’t smoke either, but then I smell it. Especially after sex, and especially after a good hard fuck like this.

“Huh!” He took it back, and flicked the ash out the cracked window. “So, how’d you become a grade school slut in the first place?”

“I don’t know, it just came naturally, I guess? Uh, I got my period in 4th grade. So, I was the only 4th grader, who started puberty. I guess, maybe some of the other girls started, and didn’t talk about it, but the boys noticed, and once I started getting attention, I started encouraging it. Wearing tight tops without training bras on, and the shortest skirts I could get away with.”

“That’s why you prefer skirts, and tops?”

“Well, it certainly helps.” I had to grin, at him figuring this out. “You know you’re a real good listener?”

“Yeah, because I actually care about the answers? So, you weren’t molested, or anything.”

“Yeah? Like I said, 5th, and 6 grade boys can’t really do it, so we pretty much just molested each other until Terry became a teenager. Well, I guess before his birthday, but almost a teenager.”

“I mean by a man.”

“No, I never met a real live child molester, at least not one that was interested in me.” I crossed my arms, over my C cups. “Maybe because I started looking too old, and maybe they just don’t like sociopaths.”

“Wait, what?”

I nodded, “Or psychopath.” I shrugged, “My therapist says there’s no clinical difference, officially. Some psychiatrists use the terms interchangeably, while others still argue over what the difference is, but to me it’s just quicker, and easier to say than Anti-social personality disorder.” I suck my pinky out, and held it back, “With narcissistic, and histrionic traits.” Holding back my ring finger too.

“Well, which do you prefer?”

“Um,” I had to think, “I guess Sociopath, because I’m not really anti-social. I guess when you say Psychopath, you think about some guy in his basement, working on his torture chamber, and hiding it from his family.”

“Should I be worried?”

I had to laugh, “About me? No, I’m fine. I’m sure you heard not to stick your dick in crazy, but I’m not crazy. Honestly, the whole world is crazy, if they think there’s something wrong with you, if you’re a slut. Look, I’m not violent.” I pulled my sleeve up, and he turned away from the road to check out my arm.

“You don’t cut yourself?”

“No? Honestly, I have no idea what’s wrong with those pseudocidal bitches, you want crazy? That’s fucking insane.”

“So what’s with showing off my arm?”

“I don’t have anything to show off. That’s the point, if I were. Big and strong like you, then maybe? I don’t know, honestly I can’t imagine being anyone else.” Let alone liking it, but did I mention Narcissistic traits? “I just don’t care what people think, and I don’t even bother trying to resist my impulses. I like sex, any kind of sex. I like boys, but I’m not going to kick a girl out of bed if she wants to get lezzy with me.”

“That happen much?”

“Not as much as you’d like to think. Why, you want me to set up a threesome?”

“Not really, huh! I can barely handle you alone, and I can’t imagine trying to please you, along with another girl. Why, you want to go out with me?”

“Oh!” Doy, I finally looked out the window. “Where are you taking me?” Outside of city limits, but if he’s thinking about a shallow grave, I’m not going down without a fight.

“I don’t know, wherever you want to go. Unless that sounds too submissive.”

“No, I don’t care about that.” I waved it off. “But how long does it take you to get it up again?” I checked his crotch.

He laughed, “Well, we only have 1 rubber left, so a gangbang is out.”

“Wait, a gangbang?”

“Yeah, you don’t want to get pregnant, or pick up any diseases?”

“I’m not in any hurry, but with the way I control my impulses, it’s probably a foregone conclusion. Why?”

“Because I know some guys. I have friends, so I know a few that would jump at the chance to gangbang you, but not without rubbers?”

“Why not?”

“Because I worry about you, and I don’t want you to get fucked up. If you can’t say no, and you don’t want to get knocked up in 6th grade, we better hold off until we can get enough rubbers for a gangbang.”

“Yeah, good idea. Thanks.”

I guess I better not tell Terry, because it’ll break his heart. Not that I care, but still. That’s one of my problems, and if I’m going to get Frank to set up gangbangs with me, and all his friends. I can’t risk breaking Terry’s heart, and what that might do to Frank. ‘s relationship, with me, and his brother. Whatever that is, but they’re brothers, and he said he cared about me. I kinda believe it, but if he’s the kinda guy that cares enough about me to get rubbers so I don’t get pregnant at eleven. HerpeGonnaSyphylAIDS, then I better be carefuller, as if I care about him. Or his brother, but now that I’ve had his dick, I don’t have to wait for Terry to grow up.

I’ll just keep fucking him as if we’re still boyfriend and girlfriend. As if we’re anything more than fuck buddies, or friends with benefits. “Huh, what kinda guys. Teenagers, like you?”

“Yeah, mostly freshmen, and sophomores.”

“Big dicks?”

“I don’t know, freshmen, and sophomores. It’s not like they wave their dicks in my face, or beat off in front of me.”

“No juniors or seniors?”

“Hah, no. If they don’t have girlfriends by the time they’re my age, you have to ask yourself what’s wrong with them.”

“Why? Don’t you have a girlfriend?”

“I don’t know. I just never got past the friendzone, but that’s okay. I like the friendzone.”

“Don’t you like to fuck?”

“Yeah, of course, but I don’t want to ruin what we have when I can just go home and beat off. I’m not a psychopath!”

“Uh? Ahahahahahuh!”



Note: She’s not a typical psychopath, because there’s no such thing as a typical 11 year old female sociopath. She’s not like Mary Bell, and Norma Joyce Bell (No relation.)

Also, not to say that Sluts are antisocial, just because they break the taboos against Sluts, and act more like “Studs” when they’re boys. She’s just saying, she can’t act out her violent impulses, because she’s too cute, weak, and too busty to attract pedophiles. (She guessed right, child molesters aren’t looking for sociopaths, they’re looking for Victims. Takes one to know one.)

Also, she’s Narcissistic, so an unreliable narrator. Even when she’s honest, she assumes that because she prefers hard deep penetration building faster and faster to climax with little to no foreplay that all girls like it the way she does. What girls want depends on the girl, regardless of what her personality complexes are.

Again, the secret is ask her, Listen to her answers, and try to satisfy her. Or try to rape her, if you’re a psychopath.

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