Bobby and mom Norma 6

Safely in the house, Bobby immediately went up to his room to try to get his thoughts together. He was so tired that he still wasn’t sure that it’d actually happened. Did Caroline, Mom’s best friend and their married next door neighbor, really have him suck on her soft, pink nipples and then jack him off while Norma, his own mother, watched?

While Norma had made a pact with Bobby about not touching each other, Caroline obviously didn’t seem to want to abide by it. For the first time in his young life, another person had jacked him off, and it felt SO good. He couldn’t get the feel and taste of Caroline’s nipples out of his head either. All this was going on in Bobby’s mind as he got undressed.

He decided to skip the pajamas and got into bed naked. By the time his head hit the pillow, he was still so tired that he fell asleep immediately, though a bit confused. He still deeply loved his mother and was fascinated by her legs, pussy, and long, dark nipples, but Caroline’s touch kept invading his thoughts. Life wasn’t getting very easy for him.

Norma was also lost in thought. She wanted to give Caroline a serious tongue-lashing for her lecherous display in the backseat. Norma felt betrayed that Caroline would accept Norma’s confidence like that, and then use Bobby for her own pleasure. She needed to be taught a lesson about playing with boys who don’t belong to her. Still, Norma was also reeling from the jealousy that the scene had aroused in her.

What she was most angry with was the fact that she wanted it to be her breasts that Bobby sucked on, her hand around his big, thick cock, and her lips tasting his sweet boy cream. She’d almost decided right then and there to break the pact that she’d made with her son and allow them both to touch the other, no holds barred. If Bobby was going to be her ‘kinda lover’, then may as well make him her complete lover. Of course, since Caroline was her lover already and had sampled the boy for herself, she might consider how to use Bobby for revenge against her. Oh, the dilemma.

Jake was off in his own little world, as always. He’d said very little once they got home. He must have been totally oblivious to the wanton activities going on in the back seat. As far as he was concerned, it was just another dull night with the family. HA! If he only knew the whole truth of the goings on around him!

Norma crawled into bed next to her husband and tried to settle down. She couldn’t. No matter how hard she tried, she still couldn’t get the sight of Bobby’s mouth on Caroline’s breasts and her hand on his cock out of her mind. She was so horny, it wasn’t funny. She thought about trying to get Jake to go for a little nookie, but he was already rolled over and starting to snore. She needed to pee, but she also needed to masturbate. She slipped out from under the covers and walked quietly in her nearly transparent nightie to the door. She wanted to check on Bobby and could use the entire rest of the house as a pretext if Jake asked any questions.

Padding softly down the hall, Norma quietly approached Bobby’s room and opened the door. He was sleeping heavily. “The poor boy is tired from both the game and his backseat dalliance, I bet.” Stepping over the bed, Norma gazed lovingly at her son, the fine handsome man that was growing up so fast. Risking waking him, she placed her hand softly on the side of his face and stroked his cheek. He felt warm, almost hot. Bobby must’ve realized this in his sleep also cause he kicked his feet a bit and tossed the covers almost completely off of him.

Norma backed off while Bobby was readjusting his covers. By the time he was through, they’d slipped almost completely off his body. Usually, he wore pajamas, but tonight, for some reason, Bobby was sleeping in the nude. The faint moonlight coming in the window gave enough light to see his semi-hard cock lying gently on his belly. It was so big and inviting, even half-hard.

Whatever he was dreaming about (“Caroline’s breasts and hand, no doubt”) was certainly having a pleasant effect on him. While she hadn’t wanted to break her pact with him just yet, Norma decided to bend it a bit. While he was asleep, he’d never know that she’d touched him. In his dream state, he’d just think that it was Caroline again.

Kneeling down by the bed, Norma slowly reached her hand out and gently placed the palm over the shaft of Bobby’s semi-hard cock. Cautiously, she wrapped her fingers around it, amazed at the softness of the skin, the firmness in her hand and twitching of its instant reaction to her touch. Jake’s cock was like this when they first got married, but it’d changed somehow and was no longer as soft or as responsive, just like Jake himself. She didn’t so much jack Bobby as she just held him and gently squeezed. Her other hand wanted to get involved so she reached out with it and cupped his balls.

Bobby’s hot body was causing his sack to hang limply so his balls were fully suspended, very warm, and heavy in her hand. She felt each one with her fingers through the scrotal skin. The hair at his crotch was just starting to darken but still kept the downy quality that felt so soft and comforting. Fighting the urge to put his cock and balls into her mouth, Norma released her hands from his genitals and pulled just the sheet back over her boy.

Beating a hasty retreat, she went to the bathroom in the hall and jacked herself off on the side of the tub thinking about the cock she’s just felt and the way she’d seen it spurt so often already, including in this very bathroom all those weeks ago.

The next morning, everything proceeded as it had most any other Saturday morning. Norma was up before anyone else and immediately started breakfast. Jake got up a little while later and started tinkering in the garage with something. When breakfast was almost ready to eat, Bobby came padding in on bare feet into the kitchen in a pair of sweats and a T-shirt.

“How’d you sleep, honey?” Norma asked him cheerily.

“Not so well, Mom. I was so hot that I kept dreaming about fire and boiling water and steam and jungles and all kinds of other hot things. I still don’t feel so good.”

Norma looked him over carefully. He looked a little pale, and his eyes drooped badly. Feeling his forehead with the back of her hand, he was still hot, feverish even. “Do you have any appetite for breakfast?”

“Not really. Maybe just a cold glass of juice.”

Norma poured him a glass of cold apple juice and added extra ice. “This might help.”

Smiling weakly, he took the proffered glass and sipped

Norma noticed that he could barely keep his eyes
open or his head up as he sat at the table.

“Bobby, why don’t you just take the glass back to your room and go to bed? You might be coming down with something. If you get some good rest now, it won’t get too serious.”

“Alright,” Bobby answered as he dragged himself back to his room.

Ariel, Bobby’s girlfriend, called later that day to see about her weekly date and was very disappointed to hear that Bobby was sick.

By Monday, Bobby was still ill with a fever. Whatever Norma had wanted to get started with him sexually was going to have to wait until he recovered. Ariel called at breakfast to see how he was doing. Ariel offered to bring his missed assignments over to him since they shared many of the same classes. Norma thanked her and realized how sweet Ariel really was. She may not be putting out sexually for Bobby, but she was still a fine girl who loved him. Calling the school, Norma got Bobby released from classes and took off work to look after him.

Like the night before, Bobby was in bed naked and frequently kicked the covers off. Norma kept his door cracked so she could look in on him occasionally without disturbing him as well as feasting her gaze on his exposed manhood in the daylight. While Bobby may not have been up for any kind of sex-play, Norma was definitely enjoying taking care of her sick son. She felt so motherly at times like this.

Late Monday afternoon, Caroline called. With her mind full of Bobby’s illness (now in its 3rd day), Norma’d forgotten all about her jealousy and her planned revenge. Caroline called to catch up on the rest of the weekend which Norma included the topic of Bobby’s fever. Caroline was very concerned for him, even a twinge guilty sounding. “You don’t think that when I was playing with him I took the last of his strength that he was using to fight the fever, do you?” Norma didn’t really think so but decided to play along and use this as her revenge.

“I don’t know. Maybe. His coach’d told him earlier in the year that he shouldn’t have any kind of sex within 24 hours of a game. Perhaps before the game was to keep his strength and masculine edge ready for the game. After the game might’ve been for this very reason. Tired and weak, he was ill equipped to handle both your ministrations and the fever simultaneously.”

Caroline wasn’t very happy to hear that. “If there’s anything you want me to do to comfort him, you let me know. I feel responsible for his illness so the least I can do is nurse him back to health. Not nurse exactly, like I did before, but… Oh you know what I mean.”

“Yes, Caroline, I know what you mean.” Norma was enjoying milking Bobby’s fever to make Caroline feel the heat as well. “Tell you what. I took today off, but I have some important things to do at work tomorrow that I can’t postpone. Why don’t you come over and look after Bobby starting tomorrow until he’s well enough to go back to school?”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll be over in the morning.”

Ariel arrived promptly at 4pm. In her hands were a stack of papers for Bobby’s missed classes as well as some of his books that he’d need to do the assignments. After a bit of small talk and explanations of the assignments, Ariel asked Norma if she could come in and see him.

“He’s been sleeping pretty heavy all day. He may not be much for company, but if you really want to, come on in.”

Norma led Ariel down the hall to Bobby’s room. Poking her head in, Norma noticed that Bobby had again kicked the covers off and was sleeping soundly and naked, exposing himself to anyone who cared to look. Norma said, “Give me a second to get the room ready for you to go in.” Norma went into the room leaving Ariel outside the door. Grabbing the sheet, Norma draped it over her son and tucked it into place to prevent it from getting thrown off again.

Now that he was decent, Norma went back to the door and let Ariel in. Speaking softly she said to her as they walked over to the bed together, “As I said, he’s been sleeping hard all day. His fever is still hot so he’s been pretty restless.” Sitting down on the bed, Norma touched her hand to Bobby’s feverish face. “Ariel, go get me a cool washcloth. Let’s see if we can help him sleep a bit easier.”

Ariel took off for the bathroom across the hall. There were no washcloths out that she could see so she had to rummage around a bit. While she was looking in one of the cabinets, she found Bobby’s black & white porn mag. Her eyes got kinda big as she leafed through it briefly. Several of the girls in there looked similar to her, but all were older and sluttier. She quickly put the mag back where she found it and kept looking for the washcloth. Norma realized that Ariel was taking too long and asked what the trouble was. “I can’t find any washcloths,” she called back.

“They’re in the hall closet, sweetie.”

With correct information, Ariel was back in Bobby’s room with the cool damp washcloth in hand. Norma laid it gently across Bobby’s forehead. Almost immediately, Bobby calmed down and visibly relaxed. Ariel was relieved and walked around the bed to sit on the other side. Speaking quietly, Ariel asked about the magazine. Norma blushed a little for Bobby’s sake and told Ariel it probably Bobby’s.

“Young men are like that, esp. Young men Bobby’s age. They enjoy the sight of women in various states of undress. Their hormones were going crazy, and they have to deal with thoughts and reactions like they’ve never had before. I’m sure you’ve had a passing fantasy or two of a sexual nature.”

Ariel blushed and nodded her head. “Why is it that young men are so desirous to see a girl naked while girls aren’t so desirous to see men naked?”

“That’s the way things are. Men are very visual. They see you and want you. It’s a very powerful feeling when you finally get used to it. Most girls don’t even realize what they’re doing as they go about their daily business. You do it and it’s nothing, but to Bobby, it’s everything, it’s wonderful, it’s the spark of life that sets his world on fire. By contrast, I’m sure there are things that Bobby does that he doesn’t even realize get you all excited over him.”

Ariel smiled at the memories. “We used to get along great together. Now, though, he seems so distracted like he doesn’t want me to be around anymore. I’m almost suspecting that there’s another girl in his life, but I don’t know who it’d be. I’ve asked around and everyone vouches for Bobby’s faithfulness to me. What’s going on?”

Norma realized how badly Bobby was in love with her. She didn’t know how to reconcile her feelings for her son and the need for Bobby to get on with the normal life of a teenager. She hesitated to answer. She didn’t want to outright lie to the girl, but she didn’t want to be too open with the truth either.

While they were talking, though, neither one had noticed that Bobby was starting to get restless again. He’d been moving about under the sheet and had successfully untucked it. Now as Norma thought about what to say to Ariel, Bobby did what he’d been doing all day. He kicked the sheet down off of him, exposing him to their mutual gaze.

Norma smiled as Bobby’s proud pecker came into view, even soft it was a sight to behold. Ariel just gasped silently with her mouth wide open. She’d never really seen a cock before. Bobby was such a normal looking guy from all accounts. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that he was hiding such nice equipment. It took both of them a minute to finally realize what’d happened and then decide to do something about it.

Norma kept her head and rose as casually as possible to pull the sheet back up. As she was bringing it up she noticed Ariel’s mouth gaping open and her eyes locked onto Bobby’s soft cock. Instead of covering him up, Norma decided to fold the sheet back along his side.

Stepping over next to Ariel, Norma pushed Ariel’s mouth closed and whispered into her ear, “Have you ever seen a cock before?” Ariel didn’t say anything. She just kept staring at Bobby’s dick and slowly shook her head. “Would you like to feel it?” This time, Ariel broke her stare and looked intently into Norma’s eyes. “It’s ok. Go ahead.” Ariel looked back at Bobby lying on the bed. “Don’t worry. He’s sound asleep. You aren’t going to hurt him. He probably won’t respond like he would if he was healthy, but at least now you don’t have any pressure to do anything or go farther than you’re ready to go.”

Ariel nodded her head indicating that she understood and slowly scooted down the bed toward Bobby’s hips. Norma looked longingly at Ariel as she took her first tenuous steps into Bobby’s love life. Ariel, like most girls, was full of facts about sex and such but had very little real experience and all the facts had merely filled her with fear. Sex, to her, wasn’t dirty as much as a danger. Like a bottle rocket, one false move and it’ll explode your hands off.

Norma seemed so sure of herself and so inviting that Ariel moved almost as though it wasn’t her actually moving but Norma inside her head. Norma walked back around to the other side of the bed and knelt down just like she’d done Friday night in the dark. Ariel was still moving slowly and carefully, as though she was carrying a bomb. Norma watched as Ariel extended her hand to touch Bobby’s penis as it lay soft against his thigh. Her first touch was brief as she yanked her hand back like she’d been burned.

“What’s the matter?” Norma asked her.

“I’ve never done this before. I want to do it right, and I don’t want to disturb him.”

“You’re doing just fine. Think of it like petting a strange cat.” Norma reached out and grabbed Ariel’s hand pulled it back toward Bobby’s cock. “Just reach out, place your hand on the shaft, like this.” Ariel’s hand was just barely touching Bobby now. Norma used her own hands and demonstrated.

“You can pet him with an open hand or you can wrap your hand around it and run it lightly up and down which like how he would do if he were to masturbate. You could even just use one finger and trace a line over and around it. It’d be even better if you used both hands.”

So saying, Norma grabbed Ariel’s other hand and placed it under Bobby’s dangling nutsack. “Be gentle. Touch and stroke his cock with one hand while fondling his hot and heavy balls with the other. See, you’ve got it.” Ariel smiled weakly at Norma at the compliment.

“Are all men like this?” Ariel asked.

“Like what?”

“Big like this. His cock seems so BIG to me.”

“Every man is a different. Some are long, some short, some fat, some skinny, mostly a combination of both. He’s a lot like his father, but Bobby’s a bit bigger than even him.”

“Does it hurt?”

“What you’re doing doesn’t hurt him at all. Matter of fact, if he was awake and healthy, he’d really be enjoying this right now.”

“No. I mean when it goes in. Wouldn’t a dick this big hurt?”

“Oh.” Norma realized that Ariel was already considering having sex with Bobby. “Regardless of the size, it usually is uncomfortable to painful the first time. After a bit of time, you’ll get used to it. Like everything else about your body, it takes a bit of work to get accustomed to the new activity, but then it becomes comfortable, even pleasurable.”

Bobby started making some funny noises like he was waking up. Ariel and Norma both pulled their hands away. Bobby settled back down. Norma grabbed the sheet and finished covering him up then motioned to Ariel to leave the room. Back downstairs, Ariel was all smiles and giggles about her experience. She was so focused on her own activities that she almost forgot to ask Norma the question that’d been bugging her the entire time. “Norma, do you touch and fondle Bobby often? You seem to be so well acquainted with him.”

Norma was a bit embarrassed but kept her composure. “I’m his mother, dear. There are some things I have to do to take care of him. Like just now, he’s sick and hot and doesn’t realize what’s going on. He didn’t intend to expose himself to us, but that’s what happened. In the course of being a parent, there are times when exposure, touching, and other things happen. I don’t make a habit of it, you understand, but like we did today, Bobby and I discuss all kinds of intimate topics. He’s a horny young man, but he’s still needs to grow up some, get some more experience, and get his mind around all the things that are changing in his body and his relationships. On the other hand, I’m sure no one would mind if you made a habit of fondling him and helping him understand what life is like in the arms of a beautiful woman like you.”

Ariel blushed a deep red. Her well had been dug and there seemed no way to stop the torrent of desires and emotions that flowed into her. Norma read her well enough for that. Norma opened the door and ushered her out. “If Bobby’s still home tomorrow, will you be back with tomorrow’s school work?” Norma asked her.

Ariel turned and replied over her shoulder, “Yes, ma’am. I’m looking forward to it.”

Norma smiled to herself as she closed the door. “Yes, Norma, that girl certainly does love him. If I play my cards right, she’ll make love to him too. That’ll solve this slippery problem that we’ve gotten ourselves into. Bobby will finally pay more attention to her than me.” Even as she said it, Norma felt that old green goblin of jealously rear its ugly head again.

“I’ll still have him for a while, but so long as he’s enjoying Ariel’s attentions there’ll be no suspicion that I’m enjoying him too.”

Sharing didn’t really make it go away, but it calmed her jealousy a bit. She wasn’t losing Bobby, just sharing him until it was time for him to go away for good.