Brothers watch porn togeter

Growing up my brother and I would go visit our Dad. This trip i was heading to 8th grade and he going in 6st. Half way through the trip our stepmother and brother went out of state and our Dad worked all day. One day we found the porn stash grabbed one and put it in the vcr. Sitting at each end of the couch with the movie playing I was getting hard. Looked over and see my brother rubbig his dick through his shorts. I pul the front on my shorts down and start stroking. He looked over and was like damn bro that is big. Im the older one so of course would be bigger. I laughed and said you wanna? He replied if only you wanna. Eject the movie, put it back and head ustairs to our room. We left the door open incase Dad came home early. After getting naked and on the floor he started stroking me. He started to suck on my hardness. That was first time that other my hand i felt something so good. Doing what he saw the girls in the porn were doing. After getting my dick all slobbered up we got on all fours and get behind him. Slowly inserting it inside his virgin ass he grunted a little bit. His ass was smooth and tight. With this being my first time fucking i didnt last long and came in him. After pulling out he rolled over and said your turn. I grab hold of his cock and slide it into my mouth. His was little smaller than mine but was still a mouthful. After a coupe minutes i get on all fours and he gets behind me sticks hid dick into my virgin ass. Did not hurt that bad. He was pumping at a fast pace he kept saying how good it felt. As he got close to getting the feeling he started going fast. On hard push and he said he was done. Since then till I left for the service every chance we got we fucked. That was many years ago. It is a secret going to the grave.