Bunny Takes Mom Pt 8

I stood there with my hand on my soaking pussy, loving the combination of myself with my son dripping onto my fluttering fingers. I was not one hundred percent sure why I had transformed into a Mommy slut, and was not really bent toward finding an answer. I was currently having a rush of sexual adrenaline that was taking my close-to-being-worn-out-from-so-many-orgasms body on another journey. And I could not give a fuck as to why.

Well, actually, it appears I could give a few more fucks.

My husband, Steve, six-foot two, trim with brown-hair beginning to recede, had his seven inches of hard pink steel deep in the brown, pinkish-purple pussy of my son Nathan’s girlfriend, Bunny. This nineteen-year-old black bombshell was riding him to another climactic peak.

All of this was wrong, every aspect. And I was about to add to the decadent inappropriateness.

Bunny had asked for Nathan to fill her ass in double penetration so she could feel “wall-to-wall Wallers,” our last name. It was a pornographic tableau I had seen in videos before, always wondering how a woman could take it or even if the actress wanted to do so. It seemed like such an awkward and painfully masculine invention. And now, here I was over the moon excited to see it happen live. I mean I love fucking and as of two weeks ago love anal intercourse! So here I was at a logical mile marker: I am a Mommy slut.

To illustrate I lewdly licked the essence of familial fucking off my digits.

My son moaned at his messed up mom’s sensuous smacking.

“Nathan, baby. Let’s not leave her waiting.” I stood by his side and stroked his magnificence back to fullness, dripping coconut lube up and down the shaft. He moaned and reached behind squeezing my firm runner’s ass. I opened my legs a bit for him, and he slipped his finger in my pink star. I flinched and took a surprise breath and relaxed into a moan as he expertly finger fucked his mother’s ass. I pushed back wanting his monster in my cave.

Slow down, Jen. Plenty of time.

Bunny tossed her head back, her black hair now loose and voluminous! “Oh fuck, Daddy Steve. Your cock feels incredible. Keep sucking my titties!”

I took a breath, looked to Nathan and handed him the bottle of lube. He knew what I was about to do and that I wanted his approval. I shrugged, and mouthed, ”I have to!.” He flashed a sexy lust-filled smile and nodded his go ahead: it was okay for his mother to play with his girlfriend’s asshole.

I knelt and gripped her cheeks, spreading them open. She sighed and turned. She was pleasantly shocked to see my face inches from her ass, not her boyfriend’s. She smiled, nodded and then gasped as I ran my flat tongue up and down her crack sucking up her sweat like an appetizer. She was even more excited when I rimmed her hole with my tip. It was so nasty and sexy. I took a deep inhale of her aromatic arousal. My head was spinning with the texture, the taste, the taboo, the temptation.

She stopped her bouncing to shudder and pull Steve’s mouth off her left breast. “Oh, Oh Daddy! Mommy is licking my asshole!”

My laugh was muffled by her epic bootie. I went for it, slobbering, slurping and plunging. I have sucked Steve and Nathan on their back door a few times, usually stroking their erections just underneath. This, however, was an inch and half above a spread open, fully stuffed pussy reeking of the divine feminine! I was intoxicated enough to run my tongue from Steve’s hairy balls up the inch or so of his exposed cock and then around the edges of Bunny’s labia. She shook again and the whole area spasmed.

I was mesmerized by the savory sweet of another woman. “It’s so fucking delicious, Oh Bunny…”

Steve uttered something incoherent as his partner let loose with, “Fuuuck! I’m cumming! Oh MAHhhmeee!”

There was now more of her nectar flowing and I lapped it up like honey. I was actually making yummy lip smacks and humming in child-like delight. Her orgasm lasted a few more seconds and I knew Steve would be following up soon. But that had to be delayed; Bunny wanted them both. I took hold of Steve’s scrotum and squeezed in the way I knew would delay his arrival and he yelped slightly.

I then reached back and like a surgical nurse, Nathan coated my first two fingers with more lube. I placed them on Bunny’s winking blackhole and pushed inside.

She stiffened and held her breath, then let out a guttural “FUuu…” followed by a good ten seconds of panting as I twisted into her. Her interior wasn’t warm, it was burning. I knew from recent experiences that that was a common thing when anal stimulation occurred. I smiled at the effect I was having. I dipped and pulled and plunged and was soon satisfied with the preparedness of this pucker.

The depravity of the next question was enhanced by my whispered salaciousness. “You still want to be double penetrated by my husband and son?” The poor thing was shaking in post-orgasm and could only muster a whimpering nod.

I turned to find my son’s cock right next to me. I squeaked in surprise then chuckled. “Eager thing!” I took hold and guided the throbbing shaft toward its target. I knew he didn’t need my help. Years of being his mom let me know he wanted my help as approval. Now we both were breathing hard over the dirtiness of the parental assist. I rubbed his head around to gather even more lube (one can never have too much) and pulled him to signal that the time was now. With a few grunts, the ass entry began with practiced skill.

This was the hottest thing I had ever been involved with.

i know, I know, I say that a lot.

He was soon halfway in and held still, reveling in the heated vice of her cavern. She was grinding slowly, taking Steve’s cock in and out of her pussy while caressing his son with her hardcore rectal muscles. Bunny and Nathan fit together perfectly. Steve made it fully and utterly depraved.

I decided I wanted to see more of them and moved until I was sitting open legged next to my husband. We exchanged looks. Steve was sweating in concentration, trying not to cum. It was so sweet. Bunny was moving back and forth in a dance of grind and pull. Her hands were gripping Steve’s shoulders, her hair a flouncing cascade of curls. Her amazing nipples were half an inch long and hard as possible. I could not help but salivate at the idea of sucking them in, but this moment was theirs.

Nathan was in another zone of pleasure. Men say that DP is a crazy headspace as you can feel the other cock through the woman’s malleable tissue. Nathan was showing a face I did not recognize. It was like he had been replaced by a lust-crazed demon. He was obviously enjoying that fabled headspace of closeness with his father, now sharing his girlfriend in a way they had yet to share his mom! I would need to remedy that.

As all this transpired, my psyche was hitting that untethered space I had reached with Nathan and the anal sex. It was another plane of being where light and color & pleasure and pain all danced around a fire of scorching synchronicity. Remarkably close to yet another explosive convulsion, I was not even touching myself.

The trio was now rocking, moaning, and grunting in their own dance of fire. It was obvious that my men were nearing climax, and I wanted Bunny to join them. Her arms were getting weak, and she was sweating like a tennis pro. I sat up taller, took her jaw in my hands and kissed her full on. Her eyes flew open, then dropped back down to slits of blissful surrender. Our tongues slithered over each other, our lips barely making contact. My guttural hum collided with her muted siren squeals. My hand slid down her belly and squeaked through the space between her and my hubby. I dug until I found her hood, then enclosed its prize in my thumb and forefinger.

Her eyes were wider than dinner plates as she pulled from my mouth and screamed. I am sure the neighbors heard, and I did not care one fuck. This was special. This was a body at its peak pleasure, and it was a wonder to behold. Her vaginal clutching and rectal pulsing set off the two rockets and soon my men were filling her full of white heat. They too let out screams and the words all combined in a freakish chorus of love wails.

“Oh, Fuck BAYYYbe.”


“Oh – my – GAWD!”

“Yesss, let it go! So beautiful!”

That last was my own, only it was probably not heard as I was muttering it though honest tears of joy.

The cum down was long, slow and panting. If Nathan hadn’t been so fit, he would have collapsed along with Bunny, who now lay on my husband like a rag doll. Steve was in no position to offer support, as I think his life force left him through his penis! Nathan pulled back and let go of Bunny and his cum began to flow out with lewd fart noises. I came to my full senses and scrambled down to the floor just in time to catch it in my mouth. I then opened wide and covered the source and sucked.

“Sweet Jeezus, Mom!” Nathan breathed as he flopped back onto his father’s chair.

The flavor was not much different than his cum usually tastes, yet it took on the quality of an elixir because of the act that had spewed it. I wanted more cum. I wanted it like my life depended on it. I reached under and tugged Steve’s deflating dick out of her pussy and tucked my face under, tongue extended to catch the drips as they flowed out slowly. I then licked up her slit and circled around her vagina to gather any remnants. Bunny became aware and lifted her leg as she flopped off of Steve onto the area where I had been sitting. She looked down and smiled wickedly.

“Mommy slut…” She gathered the love soup dripping out and flicked it on my face and into neck open mouth!

I sat back on my feet in a classic submissive pose, my fingers scooping up the drops I had missed and feeding them to my hungry tongue. I moaned and hummed and rocked back and forth. I was cum drunk, no other words for it.

“Holy fuck, Jen,” Steve said. “You need a shower. We all do.”

Nathan chimed in next. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to do mine with my girlfriend.” He stood up and groaned slightly at a sore back then offered a hand to Bunny. She gladly took it and rose up to embrace him fully, a wet kiss sounding out in the quiet of the moment.

I smiled with a strange feeling of motherly pride. My son was a romantic. The two headed up the stairs, arms around waists, her head on his shoulder. My man was now offering a similar hand and I took it. He pulled me forward and I landed on top of him, the two of us in a sweaty sandwich.

“Oh my god, Steve.” I was laying across him with my head on his shoulder, facing away from his face. We were both trying to control our breathing and savor the diminishing pleasures. “Babe. that was a new level of craziness!”

He sighed. “Yup… you OK?”

I honestly had to stop and give it a moment of thought. So much had transpired in such a short amount of time. The shift in my affair with my son seemed to be a gradual process before Steve was involved. This entire “becoming a sexual foursome” happened within thirty-six hours.

“When Nathan and I had anal sex, it was a blissful experience that took me to another place.” I sat up some so I could look him in the eyes. “It was like I was disconnected from reality, untethered is a good word. I was floating in this sexual nirvana that caused me to lose any heaviness of real life. I was just now back there again. Does that make sense at all?”

“Sure it does. We’re dealing with some unexpected joys in what is considered completely taboo by most of the world. We are going to find ourselves in places unexpected, and many of them pretty fucking spectacular. You do realize that was not only my first younger woman and black woman, but also my first DP. And it was my son‘s dick on the other side. Jen, it was absolutely incredible knowing that. However…”


Steve closed his eyes for a minute and took a deep breath. I knew he was struggling in the moment and I didn’t want to ruin it for him. I wanted to be there for him if he needed to share.

“I never thought of myself as bisexual generally. I know you had thought about it. We’ve had one or two hot discussions of things you’ve wanted to do with women. But from what happened today it’s obvious that you are totally okay with it. In fact, you seem to love it”

I blushed at his statement, knowing it was one hundred percent true. “And…?”

“And I just became much more intimately close with my son than I ever thought I would. I don’t think I want to have direct sexual contact with him. But I don’t mind an inadvertent rub or squeeze just like when the three of us have been in bed together. I’m not saying ‘never’. How strange is that? “

I didn’t respond. I just smiled at him and he smiled back. We kissed, and I laid my head back on his shoulder this time my mouth on his neck. We were enjoying the bliss, hearing the white noise of the upstairs shower going. Nathan and Bunny were hopefully enjoying themselves. The quiet was broken by a ping from Steve’s nearby phone.

“Dad time- got to go get the girls.

I climbed off of him and he stood and stretched as I asked, “Do you want me to go?”

He thought about it for a moment and shook his head. “No, that’s OK. I know you want to get more time with the two of them upstairs. I mean, not necessarily fucking but I wouldn’t put it past past you.”

I playfully slapped his solid round ass.

“But I’ll do a quick washup in the bathroom right here and I’ll head out. I’ll be another forty-five minutes to an hour. I hope you guys will be cleaned up by then.” He then took on a fun, dad-tone of disgust, “And check the couch and carpet for excess essences.”

I kissed him once more, “Yes, Daddy! I love you so much!”

“Love you. Just remember,” he said as he walked down the hall, “all this when you are Christmas shopping for me.”

I laughed and climbed the stairs in a relaxed satisfaction that was also brand new. Everything about today should cause me great anxiety and stress, especially when I consider the possibility of it being discovered. I felt none of that. But the clock was ticking so it was time to be bold and get one more thing I wanted. I gently tapped on the door to our kids’ shared bathroom. I stepped in and saw that indeed the young couple was passionately all over each other with soap and sponge being traded.

They had not heard me come in or at least it hadn’t registered. I stepped over and slid the glass door on the shower, and the two of them snapped their heads in surprise. It was Bunny who gave the first smile.

“Hi Mommy Jen. Do you want to get cleaned up too? Where is Steve?”

I answered the first question by stepping into the shower and sliding the door closed. “He went to get the girls. We have forty-five minutes.” The shower was decent enough size for three people, and Nathan had to laugh.

“OK, so this is another level of wild as fuck!”

“You are lucky, young man. To have two hot women who want to have you at the same time. Isn’t that right Bunny?”

She answered by taking me in her arms, and the two of us kissed passionately and wetly. Nathan moaned and murmured several “oh fucks” next to us. My hands were all over her slippery body. My God she was a knockout.

“Bunny, my god. Your body is so incredible. Your nipples are just beautiful. They feel so good in my fingers.” She moaned as I bent over and took a beautiful black-brown berry in my mouth. They were larger than mine, but responded in the same way: enlarging as I gently sucked.

Bunny took my head in her hands and pulled my light brown shoulder length hair a bit as she manipulated my attack and pressure. Just like her boyfriend often did.

Speaking of, Nathan had his hand on my ass and was caressing my crack while he made out with his girlfriend. I slid over to her other breast and devoured that one with equal hunger and need.

“Nathan baby. I’m going to take your mom into your bed. We are going to fuck each other while you watch. You may not touch us. But I hope you give us a good load to share at the end.”

I popped off and stood up, staring. She smiled and stepped out of the shower. Nathan turned it off, and the three of us took turns drying each other‘s bodies. When we were done, she took my hand and led me to his room. I have lost count how many times I have fucked my son on this bed. Or even just exchanged oral sex together. But it suddenly felt like…