Carla pt2

The next morning, as we were all getting ready for our day, I asked Carla go get a bracelet out of my bedroom that I wanted to wear that day.

As she entered the bedroom, Steve came out of the adjoining bathroom in just his underwear. The front was tented out with his erection, and when Carla saw that, her eyes got big and she put her hand up to cover her open mouth.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” Carla said to him. “Mom asked me to come get her bracelet.”

“No problem honey. Her jewelry box is over there, on the dresser.” Steve told, her smiling reassuringly.

She found the bracelet, and then brought it back out to me in the living room. I thought she looked a little flustered, so I asked her, “are you okay hon, you look a little shook up.”

“I accidentally walked in on Dad, and he only had his underwear on.” She confessed, clearly embarrassed by the encounter. She didn’t mention the lump in Steve’s underwear.

“I wouldn’t worry about that hon, we’re all family here.” I assured her.

Later that morning, Steve called me at work and told me what happened. He said that her gaze was locked on his erection. She was definitely interested.

That evening, Steve had to work late, so it was just me and Carla for supper. I could tell something was on her mind, so I asked her, “what are you thinking about hon?”

“Well, um, this morning when I went to get your bracelet, I saw Dad in his underwear, and the front was poking out. What made the front poke out like that?” She asked.

“Well, it was probably his penis. Have you had sex education in school yet?” I asked her.

“No, they had that class last year, but my parents wouldn’t let me attend.” She said.

“Well, that’s just wrong. You’re at an age where you need to understand your body.” I told her.

Then I spent the next half hour, doing the best I could, to describe to her the procreation process.

She had a lot of questions. Most of them were about the penis. She didn’t understand how something could go from limp to hard, if there was no actual bone inside it.

“Well, the penis fills up with blood, and that’s what makes it hard.” I explained to her.

“But blood is a liquid, how can a liquid make the penis hard?” She asked me, clearly confused.

That’s when Steve got home from work. He came in through the door, said hello to everybody and went to the bedroom to change out of his suit and into something more comfortable.

“Do you want to see how a penis can go from soft to hard?” I asked Carla. “because a penis just came into the house.”

When Steve came back out to the living room, wearing his sweats and a t-shirt, I said to him, “Carla’s parents didn’t let her take the sex education class in school. I’ve been explaining the reproductive process to her, and she doesn’t understand how a penis can go from soft to hard, just because it fills with blood.”

Now, this was not our plan. I was going off script here, but I saw an opportunity too good to pass up.

Steve looked at me with a dumbfounded look on his face. So I proceeded, “we need to use your penis for a few minutes, so I can show Carla how it can go from soft to hard.”

Understanding dawned on Steve’s face, and he said, “anything I can do to help.” A big smile on his face.

“Come over here, and stand in front of us.” I instructed Steve. He walked over and stood, hands on his hips. I reached up, and grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants and pulled them down past his knees.

There was his penis, nestled in pubic hair. Soft, Steve’s penis was about 2″, but grew to about 5 1/2″ when hard.

Carla sat there, a look of complete disbelief on her face. She was looking at her first penis.

“Steve, this is the first penis Carla has ever seen.” I said, smiling up at him.

“What do you think Carla, do you like my penis?” Steve asked her, smiling widely.

“It’s funny looking.” She said, honestly. “Are you going to make it hard now?”

“There are a few ways you can make a penis hard.” I told Carla, “one way is to stroke it.”

I took Steve’s limp penis between my thumb and finger and gently pulled on it a few times. It started to get thicker and longer. As I gently stroked him, I looked over at Carla.

She had a look of wonderment on her face. She continued to watch me fondle Steve’s penis, until it grew to its full 5 1/2″, and pointed up to the ceiling.

“Oh my God, it got a lot bigger, didn’t it?” Carla asked me.

“Yes, it needs to be that big to go into a vagina.” I explained to her.

“When does the sperm come out?” She asked me.

“Well, to get the sperm to come out, you have to stimulate the penis. There’s a lot of ways you can stimulate a penis.” I explained.

“Normally, when a guy squirts his sperm, his penis is inside a vagina. But it doesn’t have to be inside a vagina to squirt sperm.” I went on to explain. Poor Carla looked even more confused now, than when we started.

“But if a penis squirts sperm to make babies, why would it squirt sperm if it wasn’t inside a vagina?” She asked me.

“Well, the main reason is because it feels good for the man to squirt his sperm.” I told her. Carla was studying Steve’s penis closely, and when a drop of precum appeared, she asked me, “is that sperm?”

“No hon, that’s a natural lubricant that helps the penis go into the vagina easier.” I explained to her.

“I can’t imagine something that big, going into my vagina.” Carla observed.

“You would be surprised how much a vagina will stretch. Penises come in all shapes and sizes. Some are big, and some are small. A woman’s vagina adapts to accommodate the penis that’s inside of it. It gets tighter around a small penis, and opens up for a big penis.” I explained to her.

By this time, we were pretty much ignoring Steve, and all of our focus was on his erection.

“Is dad’s penis big or small?” She asked me.

“Well, the size really doesn’t matter. A woman can get pleasure from a big penis, or a small penis.” I explained to her.

“But is dad’s penis big or small?” She persisted.

“Well, the average penis size is 6″. Dad’s is a little shorter than that, so I guess he has a small penis.” I told her.

I knew this conversation was having an effect on Steve, because I saw his penis throb and when it did, another drop of precum came out.

“You can touch my penis if you want Carla.” Steve offered.

“Here, I’ll show you how to stroke a penis.” I told her, as I reached my hand out and took Steve’s penis between my thumb and finger. I began to masturbate him, and he started to grown and thrust his hips back and forth.

More and more precum was coming out, and pretty soon, it was dripping off the tip of this penis. down onto the carpet in front of him.

Then I let go of his penis, and took Carla’s hand in mine and brought it up to his erection. Because her hand was so much smaller, she was able to wrap her fingers around his erection. That’s when Steve ruined everything by cumming on the first stroke.

“Oh shit!” He cried out, as a long rope of sperm left his penis. It landed on Carla’s arm and hand, and she jerked her hand back, frightened.

Knowing how important it is to continue stroking while a man’s cumming, I grabbed his penis and began to stroke him, fast. He shot out three or four more shots of cum, before he he was finished, but he never lost any of his erection. He was rebar hard.

“Oh my God, is this sperm?” Carla asked, eyebrows raised in surprise, as she held her arm up for inspection.

“That’s sperm.” I told her.

“Is it always this messy?” She asked me, as she looked around at Steve’s discharge.

“Only if you’re masturbating him. If he squirts in your mouth, vagina or bum, then there’s no mess to clean up.” I told her.

“In your mouth or bum? Why would he squirt sperm in your mouth or bum?” She asked me, totally confused.

“Boys like how tight a girl’s bum grips their penis. Once you get used to it, it feels good to have a penis in your bum.” I explained to her.

“Boys also like to have their penis sucked. So if you’re sucking his penis when he squirts, you’re going to get it in your mouth.” I explained to her.

“Most girls like the taste of it, plus it makes your boobs grow big.” I said to her, with a knowing smile and a wink.

“I love sucking Steve’s penis. Because his penis is kind of small, it’s easy to get it all the way in my mouth. And let me tell you something, the first time you feel a penis squirt in your mouth, well, it’s something you’ll never forget. You will look forward to sucking a penis.” I told her.

“Oh look, his penis is getting hard again.” Carla pointed out. Sure enough, Steve was on the rise.

“Perfect timing. Do you want me to show you how to suck a penis?” I asked Carla.

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