Carrie’s Little Sister – Part 1

Beautiful redheaded Carrie Thomas sat on the edge of her bed and watched her husband of almost three years stalk angrily around the room. He had wrapped a towel around his waist after getting out of the shower, but he hadn’t dried off well. She could still see tiny droplets of water clinging to his hairy chest. He had been a first-string linebacker on the football team her sophomore year, but a car accident had ended his hopes to play at the college level. His left leg was severely broken, leaving him with a slight limp. But he had continued to lift weights after the accident, his bulging muscles combined with his dark good looks made him one of the most appealing man she’d ever met.

Not that it was going to do her any good today, she thought bitterly…

”My parents neighbor friends have kept Kyler for three months, Carrie said patiently. “They didn’t have to take on that responsibility when our parents died.”

Doug glared at her. “So now it’s my problem?”

He began stalking around the room again. Carrie knew it was crazy, her husband was talking about her adolescent sister’s future, and all she could think about was his well-developed 26-year-old hard body. She kept looking at the front of his towel. Damn, she needed a fuck. She didn’t understand it, but since her 24th birthday; her sexual desires had started getting really intense. She was getting worse than a teenager. She’d found herself undressing strange men with her eyes, and starting to wonder about her friends’ husbands. Not that Doug wasn’t giving it to her regular. His only exercise certainly wasn’t lifting weights. He could be a real wild fuck when he was in the right mood.

“Damn it, Carrie, Doug said angrily. “Are you even listening to me?”

“Of course, I am,” Carrie lied, she wigged as an intense surge of desire went through her like a white-hot poker. She could feel her wet pussy throbbing with an empty ache. God, how she needed a big cock to fill her hungry pussy.

“Why in the hell do we have to take her in?” Doug asked, beginning again the same argument that had been going on for two hours. Ever since Carrie had dropped the bombshell that her sister was going to be moving in with them.

“God Damn It… because she’s my sister,” Carrie groaned. “She has to go someplace.”

“But why in the hell does she have to live with us?” Doug asked.

Carrie didn’t answer, because she thought she understood what was really bothering Doug, she’d been with him long enough to know his feelings. Doug wasn’t mad about having to support Kyler, they made enough money together (she was a nurse and he was an electrical engineer) to support a bigger family. Nor was he worried about room, for they lived in a nice residential neighborhood, in a big brick house with more rooms than they needed. Kyler wouldn’t be a hardship as far as money and room went.

They were in the age of Gen Z; she knew some of her peers were inadequate with taking on tough obligations. It was the age of “Participation Trophies” after all, but she had thought he was made of sterner stuff. He had always been a very private person. He shared few of Carrie’s active interests, and he only tolerated her friends. He enjoyed being by himself and working with his hands. He similarly disliked the social gatherings that Carrie made him attend.

He’d also been that way in high school when Carrie had first started going out with him. All of Carrie’s high school friends were shocked to see them together. Doug was completely different from Carrie; he was a dull person. Carrie was one of the most popular girls, from a wealthy family, and she was being constantly asked out. She was on the cheerleading squad and prom queen the year they had met. Everyone that knew her, said she was a laughing, fun girl. He’d played linebacker on the football team, but even his steady playing didn’t make him any more popular. He was from a poor family and he had more brothers and sisters than he could count. Doug and Carrie just didn’t fit together.

Perhaps Carrie didn’t understand why she had first agreed to go out with him. But there was something about him that interested her. There was a hunger in his eyes that told her he would be a hard-working man. Carrie was world wise enough to realize the problems with her generation, she knew the importance of taking on responsibilities and a good work ethic. She didn’t know how she knew, but she knew they would be prosperous together. He wasn’t like the rest of the high school boys with their silly dreams and video games, he was a realist like her. Moreover, he’d turned her on. No other high school boy had ever made her feel so squirmy just by looking at her.

But the real reason Doug was apprehensive about Kyler living with them was very different from what Carrie thought. It wasn’t because he was averse to talking on a tough challenge, as were most Gen Zers… it was because he was scared of the little 11-year-old girl.

“Why can’t she stay with your Aunt Paula?” he asked again for the umpteenth time. “I’d just like to know why your Aunt Paula can’t take her in,” Doug complained. “She offered to raise her.”

“Because she’s in poor health… you know that, and she lives in California,” Carrie replied. “There is no one else, Doug. She has no other place to go, no one else to stay with.”

What about my sister, she has two girls, and lives across town?”

“What… Jane, she’s great, Okay. But think about it. My sister living with your sister… what if…” she started to say before being interrupted.

“What if… what?”

“Come on, Doug? Do I really have to say it?” Carrie asked, but as he just stared back at her, she realized he didn’t have a clue. “What if we Divorce? Wont that be a bit awkward?”

“Divorce… we’ve been married less than three years. Why are you…” he groaned.

“God Damn It, Doug! I have to think about all eventualities… she’s only eleven. I have to think about the Future, and all possibilities,” she yelled.

Doug knew she was right, but that didn’t help his problem. Actually, he liked his little sister-in-law. He had always liked her. But he was afraid if she lived with them, she would continue to try to seduce him….

It had all started a year ago… a few months before the accident that took their parents. Kyler had threatened to tell Carrie; what she had to tell would get him into trouble, maybe a Divorce at the least, at worst Jail. But Doug knew it hadn’t been his fault. He didn’t want to do it, but Kyler had seduced him… a 10-year-old.

Kyler was a very beautiful sweet little girl. Even for the age of 11, she was small and very slender. Willowy, would be a good word to describe her body type. With soft, fine strawberry blonde hair, more towards the reddish side. She liked it cut in the classic pageboy style, with the ends just brushing her shoulders, and bangs that just touched her slender eyebrows. She had a face of a classic faerie, with a heavy dusting of freckles across her high boned cheeks and the bridge of her slender square tipped nose. Her full lips were puffy and shaped like a perfect pout, with a delicate and pointed chin. She also had enormous, liquid looking eyes that were her most striking facial feature. They were a rich, deep, almost cobalt blue color. They dominated her cute face. When she grew up, they would still dominate her face, and be even more striking, if that’s possible.


Little Kyler had been staying the weekend with them, and Doug had been alone with her, because Carrie worked the night shift on the cardiac recovery floor. Kyler had gotten up from the couch where they had been sitting while watching “Toy Story-4,” and had boldly lifted her dress and dropped her panties, daring him to touch her little pussy. Doug had reluctantly stared at her, he fought for control, he knew he should tell her to put her pantie back on… but he only gawked in fascination at her bare adolescent crotch, gazing almost in awe at her puffy-pink pussy-slit. His cock had become very hard, and Kyler wanted him to take it out so she could see it, but he knew that would be going way too far. He had slapped her hand away when she tried to un-zip the fly of his blue jeans, and that was when she threatened him. If he didn’t do what she wanted, she would tell her sister that he had forced her. Whereas actually it had been the other way around.

Doug didn’t want Carrie to know anything about what was taking place, it would shatter her illusion of her sweetly-innocent little sister, so he had taken his cock out, keeping his eyes closed as if that would hide his embarrassment. Kyler had touched his cock, making him jump, but he squeezed his eyes tighter shut than ever. Then she had tried to get him to touch her pussy, but Doug had refused, frozen with his fists pressing at his hips, his body shaking, part in fear, and part in excitement. He knew what he was allowing his adolescent sister-in-law to do was wicked, but he was powerless to prevent it… but God Damn, it sure did feel good. In fact, it felt so good he didn’t try to stop her when Kyler squeezed his throbbing cock, and then she started to jack on it.

He sat with his eyes tightly shut, gasping, while the little girl jacked his cock with her tiny fist. He listened to Kyler’s soft, excited squeals as her fist pounded on his cock, his balls very tight. The feeling grew better… and better. He had cried out when his cock began to squirt his cum on his stomach. His hot semen spurted over his Kyler’s little hand and wrist. At first, he was mortified by what he’d allowed her to do… but the feeling soon past, he was ashamed that he’d enjoyed her nasty act. Kyler had clung to his cock with her hot little fist and watched him come, her eyes enormous with delight. That was the first time Doug came with Kyler jacking him off.

Then, late that same night, Kyler had come into his master bedroom and slipped into the bed without waking him. He woke with her jacking him off again. Once again, she had threatened to say he made her do it, if he refused to let her play with his cock. Since then, he has wondered how she knew how to do such an adult thing.


And now, Carrie was telling him Kyler was going to be living with them for now on. Doug knew if the little girl was living with them in the same house, she would be after him, after his cock. It wouldn’t be so bad, he thought, if she wouldn’t always make those threats.

He feared Carrie would eventually find out, and when it happened, he would be in a world of trouble, because she would believe what Kyler said… how could she not?

Everyone believed Kyler… she could never tell a lie; she was so sweet, innocent, and pure. At least, that was what Carrie (and their parents) thought of her. She could get away with anything, all she needed to do was roll her big innocent eyes, and blame it on another kid, then right away the other child was in trouble. She was that type of girl.

Or maybe he could get a video camera and record when Kyler threatened him… but of course, in a Court of Law it wouldn’t make a difference, but it might if the incidence just stayed with them. Doug walked back into the bathroom still muttering to himself. Carrie could sense that Doug was really allowing himself to get worked up over Kyler. She could sense that he was deeply troubled. But Carrie just couldn’t stay concerned, because she kept thinking about Doug’s cock and getting fucked.

There was certainly no reason why Doug shouldn’t fuck her. Carrie stood up and carefully studied herself in the full-length bedroom mirror. She didn’t think herself vain when she admired herself. It was a simple fact that she was a more beautiful woman, than the high school girl Doug had first met so many years ago. Now she wore her wavy red hair shoulder length, this made her green eyes seem brighter. Her alabaster skin was soft and lightly freckled, and her features made her look classic. Her face was beautiful, but her face wasn’t the first place that most men looked.

She exercised to keep her belly firm and flat, so that her small firm teardrop shaped tits, and her tight little bottom seemed even more emphasized. She also knew she had developed something in her personality that made men look at her twice. It hadn’t been her intention, but somehow, she had gotten a sultry manner that was both an invitation and an open challenge. She had never been unfaithful to Doug, but her manner told some men she might consider the idea.

She asked herself if she could really consider the idea. Being unfaithful was something that good married women didn’t do. It would be a black mark of shame if she ever made that kind of mistake. She flirted, but then all of her friends did that. A little flirtation was harmless. She thought to herself, that she really couldn’t be unfaithful, not to Doug. Probably she was just getting silly notions that she would eventually be shocked over having.

She whirled around with a sort of low laugh. She liked the way her black stretch yoga pants hugged her ass and legs, and the way her braless tits pushed pointedly at the tight black t-shirt she wore. There was no sag to her body. She was better looking and sexier than a teenage girl.

Doug must have heard her laugh, because he came storming out of the bathroom again. This time he had discarded his towel for a pair of jockey shorts that did nothing to conceal the outline of his big limp cock.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Doug asked her. “You act like it’s some kind of joke that we’re arguing about taking care of your kid sister!”

“I don’t think it’s a joke, Doug,” she replied. “But I don’t think it’s the end of the world either. Have a little patience. Everything will work out…. my parents even left us a tidy bit of money.”

Doug clenched and unclenched his big fists, and she knew she’d sounded a little more flippant than she had intended. She quickly crossed the room and put her arms around his neck. She nuzzled his ear for a moment. “Don’t fight with me anymore, Doug,” she softly said. “I don’t like to fight with you.”

He didn’t relax as he usually did when she rubbed her small tits against his chest. At one time he would have been tearing at her clothes. He would have already had her on the floor and fucking the shit out of her. He may not have been that excitable teenager anymore, but it worried her that she couldn’t make him less tense.

She suddenly needed him badly. Her cunt was an aching empty hole that needed to be filled. She rubbed herself against him harder while she nuzzled at his ear. She spread her legs and caught his naked knee between them. She half sat on his knee so that she could feel that hot pressure. “My poor baby,” she said. “You’re so tense. Let me rub your shoulders.” But it wasn’t his shoulders that she wanted to rub, gripped his shoulders to begin her seduction.

She began kneading his tight muscles, but there wasn’t any change in him. Still, she couldn’t seem to make him relax. She grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the bed. He was hesitant, but he finally allowed himself to be pulled across the room. She pushed him down and she kneeled next to him. She began to rub his shoulders again.

A warning bell kept ringing at the back of her head, telling her that he was a lost cause, but she just couldn’t give up. She pushed him over on his back and she stretched out on top of him. Her hot open mouth clung to his in a desperate attempt to get a response. Instead, she felt his hands pushing her away. She couldn’t believe it. This had never happened before. Sure, there had been times when it had taken him a little longer to get aroused, but she had always managed to find the animal in him.

This time shouldn’t have been different, but she found that he wasn’t getting hot. He pushed her off him and he sat up. His face was red, but that was the only sign of her labor. She put her hand between his legs and she clutched his limp cock. She made one last futile attempt to get him interested. She lowered her face into his lap and began kissing his cock through his jockey shorts. Kissing his cock was one thing that she had never really enjoyed doing, but now she was desperate to get him hard.

Kissing his limp cock was also the one thing that was always sure to get him hot. Again, it didn’t work. He pulled her head away from him and he stood up. She climbed to her knees on the bed, and tried to pull him back down.

She didn’t like to beg, but she would have begged him, if he had asked. She was so hot that she would have done anything. Even taken his cock into her mouth, or kiss his ass, or anything that he wanted. But he didn’t want anything from her. He seemed immune to her luscious, wiggling body just inches from him. He stared at her as if she didn’t interest him at all. “Please,” she said. “What’s the matter?”

“You beat everything,” he answered her. “I’m worried about being a father figure for your little sister… and all you want is to get laid. You just beat everything.”

Carrie stared at him with her luscious lips wide open in astonishment… the average Gen Z men were such wimps, always talking about their feelings, it got old quick. Incredibly, her usually oversexed husband was still talking about Kyler, even after she started coming on so strong with him. It was obvious that she was hot and ready. What was the matter with him? Perhaps she had lost some of her appeal.

Doug turned his back to her and started out of the bedroom. “I need a beer,” he grumbled.

She watched his broad shoulders disappear. She couldn’t believe that this had finally happened to her. She’d heard other wives tell of how their husbands had started getting too tired, or worried, or had given some other reason for not wanting sex. But she’d never dreamed that any man could turn her sultry body down.

It was a shattering blow to her ego, but what was worse than that, was the burning itch he had left between her thighs. She couldn’t remember having felt so horny. Certainly not since she’d been a young teenager. Doug had always taken care of her needs until now… she had to have some relief; she touched her tits and found them swollen and tender. She pulled up her tight t-shirt and tenderly caressed her aching pinkish-brown nipples. “I need a cock,” she groaned. “I need a cock so bad!”

But there would be no cock for her today, she knew she was going to have to take care of herself. She wiggled out of her yoga pants and sheer yellow panties, though she knew that Doug would raise hell if he walked back in and found her like that. She parted her legs and touched her fingers to her wet pussy-hole. She gasped, as a shiver went through her. She pushed two fingers up into her tight hot hole. She wiggled her ass deliciously as she felt the hot interior of her cunt trying to grip her fingers as she thrust in deeper.

It wasn’t going to be as nice as having a thick cock thrusting into her pussy, but she knew she could ease some of her pent-up need. She began working her fingers in her cunt until her pussy was gushing with juice. She raised her head slightly so that she could look into the bedroom wall minor. She could see her hand buried between her legs, spreading her neatly trimmed red pubes. She could even see the steady working of her fingers jabbing between her plump pussy-lips. “Aaaaahh,” she softly groaned.

She dropped her head back. Her mouth opened slightly and she touched the pink tip of her tongue against her feverish lips. She brushed her finger against her hot clit, and she cried out in savage joy. She began rubbing the tiny bud briskly, and she felt it become taut with excitement. More pussy juice gushed over her fingers. “Uuuummoooohh,” she moaned as she came. “UUUUUMM!”

Her body shivered with her hot climax, but it only eased the pressure a little. What she really needed was a fat cock. A big stiffy to fill her aching pussy, and she needed it damn fast. She suddenly wondered, what if Doug kept up this mood? What if he didn’t give it to her for days, or weeks or…. God help her, even a month or so? If that happened, she knew she would have to look elsewhere.

Chapter 2….

Everything went very much as Carrie had been afraid that things would go. Two weeks went by without Doug touching her. They were two of the most miserable weeks Carrie had ever spent. Her body ached with need and Doug wouldn’t do anything for her. His belligerent moods grew worse and more frequent as the time of Kyler’s arrival drew near. He spent most of his spare time working out in their home gym. He hardly talked to her. He treated her like a stranger in her own home.

Any other time, and Carrie would have let things work themselves out. She would have waited until the opportunity to tease Doug out of his mood, with a new nightgown, a little perfume, and Doug would have been fucking her like a crazy man. But this was a very bad time in Carrie’s life. She was a very young, beautiful woman. She needed to be looked at like he had once looked at her, instead of that dull empty look he had for her now.

Carrie began to have vivid fantasies about lab techs and doctors she worked with. She couldn’t seem to help the nasty thoughts that flashed through her mind, whenever she needed to talk with one of good-looking men she worked with. She had mentally undressed them before, but it had only been a game with her, work relationships can be very dangerous. She’d never actually taken a man to bed before even in her mind. But over the last few days her fantasies got wilder and wilder.

A call-button rang a few minutes after mid-night, she was one of two nurses on duty that night, because there were only a few patients on the floor that night. It had been a very stressful day already for Carrie. Doug was in a really foul mood, and he hardly touched the supper she had fixed for them before she left for work. She tried to talk to him but Doug wanted nothing to do with her. He was growing more and more distant. It hurt Carrie, and it angered her. She was getting just a little tired of his prissy attitude.

The man who rang the call-button was a handsome mid-fiftyish man, Alan Jenkins. It was a very simple request… he had awakened and wanted to do some net surfing on his phone, but it was dead and he’d dropped his charging cord on the floor. He couldn’t reach it, because of his IV drip, and other things attached to him. Once she had retrieved it, and asked if he need anything else, she started to leave but something stopped her.

She took a good look at him. Here was a fantasy come true. He was tall, and handsome. He showed a lot of his white teeth when he smiled. He was also completely opposite from Doug. He had the slender build of an older man rather than Doug’s rugged weightlifter body, but she didn’t care about that. He had wavy blond hair and very blue eyes. He wore glasses, which gave him a look of intelligence. Carrie liked that. He had a practiced charm, which was a welcome relief from Doug’s surly Gen Z attitude.

“Would you like to see a kitten video I found on YouTube earlier… I know how girls your age love them, mine do,” Alan joked.

“Oh, I guess it would be all right… but just one,” she said. “I still have sooo much paper-work to do.” She saw the gleam in his eyes to be flirting with such a pretty red head… they were everyone’s Kryptonite. She looked down at his ring finger and saw the faded mark of a wedding ring long gone… not that it really mattered. She felt good from the guilty look of interest in his eyes. At least he took notice of all the trouble with make-up she had gone to that evening. Just for an unappreciative Doug. She had perfumed and powdered herself. She had brushed her long red hair until it was shining. Then she had served his supper while wearing a skimpy robe and lingerie…. but no interest from her surly husband.

Of course, Alan couldn’t appreciate her lingerie because she wore it under her scrubs now. She had on dark stockings that clung tightly to her long, slender legs. She wore a black garter belt and flimsy black panties. Her black lacy bra barely covered her small luscious tits. She wondered what Alan would say or do, if she suddenly pulled up her baggy scrub top. She didn’t think he’d be as cold to her as Doug had been.

Alan opened YouTube and the first of several cat videos…. there like Lays potato chip, you can never have just one. Carrie watched them, while she half listening to flirting banter, she had simply wanted some company, that’s why she had stayed so long in his room.

She cleared her throat. “That was a good one… but now I should really get back to my station.” She noticed his crestfallen look as he realized she was about to leave his room. She felt a little sorry for him. It wasn’t his fault if she was lonely, and had just extra time with him, because she was eager for his company. She saw him looking at her again. She was pleased by the interest in his eyes. She felt a warm glow go through her body. She leaned over him to fill his water glass and the V-neck of her baggy scrub top showed him a view of her black lacy bra covered tits. She stayed bent over him far longer than necessary.

He pulled away quickly and she saw the hot red flush cover his face. He was almost like a teenage boy. She was sure that the only experience he’d had with a sexy nurse would have been the awkward fumblings of a sponge bath.

She found herself starting to grow excited. There was something appealing about Alan. Perhaps it was only that she wanted to see a man admiring her again after Doug had shunned her for the past few weeks. Perhaps it was that she had always had a desire for wavy blond hair men with blue eyes. Whatever it was, she knew that he was turning her on.

Even though she could have looked at his chart, she asked “How old are you, Alan?”

“Fifty-one years young,” he answered.

She pressed her leg against his hand one the bed. Her heart was pounding. He didn’t pull away as he did when she gave him a look down her top. But she knew he was getting nervous by the way he reached for his water cup with his other hand and took a long gulp.

“Have you been divorced long?” she asked casually.

“Just a few years,” he answered.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Carrie asked. She could tell that what she had asked surprised him. That made her warmer toward him. She suddenly knew that she was going to seduce the handsome man. Seduce, hell. That was a corny word. What she was going to do was fuck his brains out. She was going to fuck him until he couldn’t stand up. She was going to get some of his cum for her hungry cunt. Only she wondered how she was going to do it… she didn’t have that much experience seducing men in hospital beds hooked up to machines and stuff.

She was still wondering when Alan looked down at his water cup and softly said, “Aaaaahh… Jane, but we aren’t like….”

“What do you mean?” Carrie asked. He made an expression of distaste.

“She doesn’t like the bed part. She tolerates me. That’s all,” he replied.

Carrie blinked in astonishment. She hadn’t thought there could be a woman that foolish around anymore. Didn’t the woman know that if he didn’t find what he wanted at home, then he would surely look elsewhere? No wonder Alan had flirted with her like he had. He was eager for pretty girl to give him some needed attention.

“You poor darling,” Carrie huskily said. “Maybe she’ll change.”

“I doubt it,” Alan said bitterly.

“Sure, she will,” Carrie said. She started pressing her leg harder at his hand. He blushed furiously, but he made no attempt to move his hand away.

“A nice-looking man like you,” Carrie said. “No good woman could resist you long.” She grew bolder, she knew he wouldn’t make the first move. She leaned over the bed table arm, with her chin cupped in one hand, while she dropped her other hand below the table top. She felt him flinch when her fingertips touched his knee under the blanket.

“Yes,” Carrie said. “You are a good-looking man. Your girlfriend just needs a little time. She’ll be crawling all over you before you know it.” She grinned at him as her hand slowly moved up his leg to his inner thighs. His mouth dropped open.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. Her fingertips kept brushing at his thigh. “You’re not afraid of me, are you? There’s no reason to be afraid.”

“Of course not,” he replied.

“That’s good,” Carrie purred. “I wouldn’t want you to be afraid of me.” He was trying not to look at where her leg was pressed at his hand… but he couldn’t help himself. He seemed fascinated by the feel of her leg. Carrie leaned down a little more over the table top, her baggy scrub top showing Alen a little more of her tits encased in the filmy black bra. His eyes nearly popped out. He was frozen still in his bed while tiny beads of sweat popped out on his forehead.

“My God,” he groaned.

Carrie gave a low laugh, as her fingertips finally reached the tip of his erect cock. Even through the hospital gown she could feel the throbbing warmth. She saw him shaking as her fingers gently brushed over the length of his cock.

“I like you, Alan,” she said. “I like you a lot. I think you’re very nice. Do you think I’m nice, Alan?”

“My God,” Alan softly replied.

Carrie grew tired of playing around. Her pussy was wet and quivering painfully. She was ready to get down to the business of some serious fucking.

“I want to show you something.” Carrie softly said. Her pussy was wet and throbbing, and her clit felt as hard as a man’s cock. She faced Alan with a soft smile on her lips, as she took the hem of her scrub top in the hands. She could see him nervously clenching his hands as she slowly, teasingly drew the top off letting it fall to the floor. She got the response she wanted. He gasped as he looked at her filmy, lacy sexy black bra. If only Doug had looked at her that way before she left for work… there had been time for a quicky.

Alen was looking at her with the same happy hunger of a child in a candy shop.

“Do you like me?” Carrie softly asked, as she slid her scrub pants down her legs. Her looked over her sexy lingerie, appreciating her black garter belt and flimsy black panties. Her black lacy bra barely covered her small luscious tits.

“Oh, fuck yes,” he answered.

“Okay… why don’t you show me how much you like me,” Carrie said.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and Carrie took his hand and placed it between her legs. She knew he could feel the hot warmth of her wet pussy. She was so hungry for a good fucking. Her pussy juice had already soaked her panties and now the sensitive lips of her slit seemed to suck hungrily at his fingers.

“I’m so hot,” she moaned. “I’m so hot for fucking!”

“What about your husband… or if someone comes in…?” Alan asked.

“Don’t worry about that,” Carrie assured Alan. “No one is going to come in either.” A choking sob escaped her throat as Alan began to rub between her legs. Her juice-soaked panties eased up into her slit and the sensation was delicious.

“Oh yes,” she sobbed. “Rub my pussy like that! That feels so good!” She pulled the down the blanket thar covered him, and reached under his gown, then grabbed him between his legs. This time, she didn’t tease him with her fingertips, but instead clutched his cock as hard as she could. She was overwhelmed by an intense desire to see his hard dick. She wondered how different his cock would look from Doug’s. She climbed up on the bed, and kneeling at his hips, she pulled his gown. His naked throbbing dick made her tremble with excitement.

His arms encircled her back, and his fingers barely touched her bra hooks. She let him fumble for a moment before she helped him. “Is this what, you want?” she asked, as she unhooked her bra and let the cups fall away from her luscious twin peaks. “Are these what you want to see?”

“God yes,” he answered. He stared at the rise and fall of her small, creamy pale breasts as if he’d never seen such a pair before. Just the, look in his eyes made her nipples harden into two pinkish-brown points.

“Do you like them?” she asked.

“Christ yes,” he groaned.

“Why don’t you taste them?” she asked him as she leaned over him. “They taste sweet like candy. Why don’t you suck on them?”

Alan gave a low groan, and buried his face between her luscious tits. He licked at her creamy flesh, sucking the sweety-sweet taste of her into his hot mouth. His lips moved to one of her hard nipples.

“Aaaaaahh,” she groaned. “Oh, I like that! Suck me like that! Suck my titty!”

His mouth sucked at her tit, his tongue licking the creamy flesh, and flicking the rock-hard nipple with the tip of his tongue until she was squirming wildly. Her dainty hot hand clutched at his dick again, and she could feel it growing even larger at the touch of her fingers. She moved her thumb over the sensitive head, and felt his seeping pre-cum on her fingertips.

Her fingers tightened around his swelling cock, her breath coming in short little gasps, as she jacked his rock-hard shaft.

“You’re so big,” she groaned. “So big. I like your big cock! I like it!”

“Gaaa,” he groaned. “You’re going to have to stop that… or I’m going to come in your hand.”

She reluctantly released his throbbing cock, but not before she took a good look at it. Her eyes feasted on the stiff length of his blood swollen pole with the tiny slit, with a few drops of thick clean pre-cum seeping out.

“Uuuuummoooohh,” she sighed. “You’re beautiful. Your big cock is so beautiful!” She was tempted to do something she seldom did with her husband. She was tempted to kiss his purple head, to run her tongue around the sensitive edge, to taste his thick creamy cum in her mouth. She was ready to do that, but then his fingers went back between her legs. This time his hand slipped beneath her flimsy panties, and his fingers rubbed the swollen lips of her slit. She nearly went out of her mind as he made her body tremble with nervousness and desire.

“Your fingers are making me hot!” she groaned.

He removed his hand but only for a second. He pulled at her panties and she helped by raising her ass. He slipped her panties down her long, slim legs and she kicked them away. She was dressed in only her garter belt and stockings now. He liked the picture she made for him. His cock jumped like it was a living thing and more of his clear pre-cum bubbled out of the end. She touched her fingers to the tip of his cock, and smeared her fingertips with it. She brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked on them. She loved the little taste of his salty flavored seminal fluid.

“Holy Christ!” he moaned, as he fingered her hot pussy-slit again. This time his hand cupped her mound while two of his fingers stabbed into her little hole…. she was so tight, wet, and hot.

Carrie softly groaned when she felt his fingers stabbing into her pussy. “Aaaaahhuuuumm… Alan,” she moaned. Now she was really hot, as hot as she could remember being with Doug in their teenage years. She spread apart the pink lips of her cunt obscenely, as another of his fingers probed into her hot slit.

“I need a fuck!” she whimpered. “I need a fuck so bad! I’m so hot all over!”

His fingers worked in her for a few minutes more, until she felt slippery, and her neatly-trimmed pubic hair was drenched with her juices. He rubbed one finger across her tiny joy bud, and she groaned, “Fuck meeeeee!”

“Sure, baby,” he said. “I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked. But first I’m going to taste some of your sweet pussy!”

Doug had never done that before. Probably because he thought the women, he’d been with wouldn’t like it. He pulled her up closer to his chest. She was so excited, when Alan began kissing her flat, quivering belly and then trailing his wet tongue down to the juncture between her thighs.

She shivered when his lips touched her plump slit. Christ, it felt so good! It made her so hot that she was almost hurting in her belly. His face was pressed hotly between her soft thighs, as his tongue stabbed at her. This was so wild! A wonderful sensation surged through her petite body, as she felt his tongue licking the interior of her inner slit.

“Oh, you sweet bastard!” she softly cried. “You sweet fucking bastard! Oh, eat my pussy! Suck it!”

His tongue started stabbing in and out of her cunt, but he wasn’t satisfied with just that. He sucked her clit between his teeth, and began chewing on it. Her quivering clit felt so big and hard, her hips were squirming wildly in his hands as he did his best to bring her pleasure.

“Oooohh Fuck,” she moaned. “That feels so good! I’m coming! I’m coming! AaaaagggGGHHHHHHH!”

Her tangy tasting pussy juices drenched his mouth, and he began to suck and swallow. He pulled her closer, and she ground her pussy violently against his stabbing tongue. He finally raised his head from between her thighs.

“Uuuummoooohh,” she softly sighed. “That was fantastic… but it wasn’t a fuck… I need a Fuck!”

“You’re going to get what you need… you horny, bitch,” he groaned. He had changed from a nice older man, into a sex machine. She didn’t mind, she wanted to be treated like a Slut, she didn’t need him to treat her with respect. She wanted to be Fucked, and Fucked good. She rolled against him, mashing her small, firm tits against his hard chest. His rigid cock rested against her flat belly, and she could feel the wetness of his seeping pre-cum against her skin.

They kissed hungrily, her tongue probing his lips. His broad hands stroked her back, and then cupped her firm ass-cheeks. His fingertips caressed the silky skin of her ass, and then slipped into the crack of her ass to gently probe her tight anus.

“Uuuummoooohh,” she moaned softly.

He pulled her crotch up to his mouth again, he kissed her trimmed red pussy, but this time he didn’t leave his lips there. She sensed how horny he was. He held her hips above his crotch so that the plump pink lips of her cunt were exposed to his hungry gaze. She was growing hot again. He pushed apart the lips of her cunt with his fingers, probing deep inside her slit with the edges of his fingers. She could feel the throbbing warmth growing in her pussy. He began to jab his fingers in and out of her juice slickened cunt until she couldn’t stand it.

“Ooooohh Fuck!” she groaned. “Fuck Me! Put your fucking cock in me! Hurry up, Damn It. I need your cock!” God, how she needed it. She wanted to feel the hot fullness of his cock deep inside her pussy, stretching her cunt interior, and squirting his cum into her belly. She couldn’t remember being as hot as she was at that moment. She needed a good, hard fucking.

“Put it in me!” she groaned again. “Fuck my pussy! Fuck the shit out of me! Nowwwww!”

He moved between her legs, and she humped down to meet the hard thrust of his cock-head. His dick nudged between her lips, and then stabbed through the tight wetness of her cunt-hole until he had pressed as far as he could go.

It was fantastic. “Oooohh… don’t move,” she groaned, as she savored the glorious feeling of having her pussy so filled by his thick, throbbing meat. In her position above him, he was in so wonderfully deep, she could feel each lovely inch of his thick cock stretching her pussy. It felt like the head was in her belly. How stupid his girlfriend was… the little bitch didn’t know what a goldmine she had. Hell, Carrie would have never let such a man leave the house with any strength for fucking anyone else.

“Now fuck me,” Carrie whimpered. “Fuck me good. It’s been so long. Really give it to me!”

He started to give her the brutal fucking that she’d needed for so long. She didn’t feel guilty about what she was doing. Maybe later she would, but now she could only make little squeals of pure pleasure at what was happening. There was no time for guilt. He fucked her as wildly as a stud horse mounting a pretty filly in the pasture. He drove his cock in and out of her hot cunt with lusty thrusts. She realized that, he needed this fuck as badly as she did.

“That’s right,” she moaned. “Fuck me hard, you sweet bastard! Fuck me good and hard!” She fucked him back with a wild humping movement, her tight wet pussy lips making a soft wet noise each time he plunged his dick into her. She knew she was getting one of the finest fucks that she’d ever gotten. She hoped his balls were heavy with cum, she got ready for the exploding of squirt of it into her hungry pussy. She could feel a hot knot in her belly, starting to grow and make her shiver.

“Aaaagggghhooo,” she moaned. “Aaaaggghhh… Yes. That’s the way to fuck me! Now a little harder! Really hard! Really give it to me! Aaaahh, yes, I’m coming! You’re making me come with your big hot dick! AHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEE!”

Her juices soaked his thrusting dick, and he began fucking into her faster, harder. He was making heavy breathing sounds as he really began to slam his big dick into her.

“Come,” she sighed. “Come in my pussy. Fill my fucking pussy up with your cum!” At that moment she wanted his thick cum more than she’d ever wanted anything. She only had to hump up once more before she felt the swelling of his dick-head, and she felt the first squirt of his hot cum deep inside.

“Yes… Yes… Yes!” she cried. “Come in my pussy! Fill up my hot cunt!”

He came with several squirts of hot cum, his spent cum leaking out of the sides of her pussy, and dripping on his hairy ball sack, and down his ass crack in thick rivers of white. He loved the feel of his cum against his crotch.

She somehow reached between them, and she found his balls. She began to squeeze them gently as she drained his cock dry.

“Fuck,” he savagely groaned.

“Oh baby,” she moaned. “Ooohh my sweet baby!”

After she had savored the fading of her climax for a few minutes, she carefully climbed of the bed, then she quickly dressed and left his room. Carrie felt strange… she wasn’t feeling guilty; just kind of odd. It was like what had happened, had happened to some other woman, and not to her. She just couldn’t believe she could have gone after the old man with such obscene hunger. But it was true….

Once in the hallway, she had slipped into a restroom. She took off her scrubs so she could wash her soiled crotch. She could see the wet tracks of his spend cum on her inner-thighs. She had really done it. There could be no doubt of that… and she had enjoyed it, she couldn’t lie to herself about that.

The sight, smell, and feel of his strong, lean body had really gotten her turned on. For the first time in weeks, she felt completely satisfied, and at ease with herself. She stood and stared at her lush petite body in the mirror. She couldn’t feel guilty, because she had enjoyed it so much, that she knew it was going to happen again.

She admitted it finally. It wasn’t a onetime thing. It was going to happen again. Every time she felt that hot urgency, and Doug wouldn’t do nothing about it.

“It’s Doug fault,” she proudly said out loud. “He has nobody to blame but himself.” She had made her decision to cheat on her husband, and now she found herself thinking about men in a new and different way. She was no longer having fantasies about them. She started thinking about how she could actually get them to fuck her.

Part 2…. Coming if you would like to see more.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅