Carrie’s Little Sister – Part 3

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Chapter 5….

Carrie took Kyler by the hand, and they went to the sliding glass doors that opened on to the pool patio behind the house. She looked at her young sister, and openly admired her young firm 11-year-old body. Her small titties were just beginning to bud from the former flatness of her chest, and her sparse pubic hair was a light thatch of silk that barely showed on her soft mound. Carrie noticed, too, how young Kyler brazenly looked her over. As they reached the pool, Carrie thought to herself, how wonderful having her sexy little sister, Kyler, living with them was going to be. But at the moment, she wasn’t sure what she would tell Doug, about her naughty sister… she would have to worry that later, she decided.

Slipping her hand away from Carrie’s, Kyler suddenly dashed for the pool. “Last one in is a rotten egg!” she shouted, plunging into the warm water. She came up for air after swimming a few strokes underwater.

Carrie admired how smoothly her young sister moved through the water. Her mouth became as wet as the pool itself, thinking about tasting her younger sister pussy. She would do that soon, she promised herself.

“You swim for a while, hon. I’m going to sunbathe for a bit and watch you.”

“Okee-dokee!” Kyler squealed, and swam across the water’s surface to the edge of the pool. She happened to stop right where the pool’s filtration system jetted water into the pool, underneath the water’s surface.

Carrie was quite familiar with that little pleasure as well. She had discovered that pools were great for masturbating when she was very young, even before she knew what masturbation was. She remembered being only about six or seven. She had chosen to relax in their own pool at just such a spot. Looking back on it now, her parents had to know what was going on. She recalled the look her mom would give her at those times. She recognized it now as one of questioning, wondering if what she was seeing was what it seemed to be. As she grew older, and showed that she liked that spot in the pool more than others, her mother must have certainly realized her young daughter was masturbating. She could even remember reaching an orgasm that way. She even did it at a public pool once or twice.

Now she noticed little Kyler had found the same spot. The fact that the child had made a beeline to the very spot that would masturbate her little pussy, told Carrie that she had done this before. Carrie watched Kyler as she positioned her nearly hairless pussy in front of the forceful jet of water. Water swelled up her belly and chest, making a rippling series of waves that billowed from her budding titties. The ecstatic look on Kyler’s face, told Carrie that her little sister was indeed getting the jet of water focused on just the right spot.

Carrie took one of the reclining deck chairs, and moved it to an area right next to where little Kyler was masturbating herself with the pool’s filtering system. As she sat, Kyler’s eyes fluttered open for a moment and look up at Carrie. Then the sensations must have become intensely satisfying, as Kyler`s eyes went back to half-mast. Her breathing was becoming irregular.

Kyler had known immediately where she was going when she jumped into the pool. She had known about the gushing jet of water since her early childhood. She keenly felt the jet of water as it made its contact with her naked pussy. Kyler had actually been skinny dipping several since living with the Thompson’s, she loved the thrill of it. There was no greater sense of freedom than darting through the water naked and shameless. She leaned up to the edge of the pool and put both arms onto the side edge to hold herself in place. She luxuriated in the feel of the water bubbling up from her tender pussy and spreading over her body in waves.

She directed the spray at her most tender spot, and held herself there. The water beat unceasingly against her mound, stimulating her clitoris and making her silently beg for more. She adjusted her body to bring her pussy closer to the water stream. Her pussy was beginning to quiver with wild pleasure.

She opened her eyes momentarily to see what Carrie was doing, and saw her sister sunning herself on a deck chair nearby. It was a reclining model, with a heavy cloth material stretched around the frame of the chair. Carrie was staring at her, her mouth partially open. In an almost surreal moment of what appeared to be slow motion, she watched as her sister’s tongue undulated slightly, unconsciously, behind her parted lips. For a moment, Kyler imagined that the water on her nearly hairless pussy was her sister’s tongue. The daydream was excruciatingly pleasurable to her swirling mind and aching mound.

She loved to have her little pussy eaten, with a sigh, she eyes closed part-way as she reminisced about her first time being licked down there… it had been her mother. It had happened one sunny Saturday morning when she was 9, she had just learned to masturbate the week before, while at a sleepover with friends. She was just beginning to feel really good when her mother had caught her. Her mom sat on the edge of her bed, and said she understood… every child did it eventually. Then her mother started to give her ‘The Talk,’ then at the end, with Kyler still naked, her mom started a tickle fight. Soon things got wild, and her mom was soon naked and licking between her spread thighs. Later that same day, they sat naked cuddled together on her mother’s bed, while her mom read to her from a naughty book.

For a few weeks, they would masturbate together, while her mother read from one of her nasty books about women and young girls licking and playing with each other’s pussies. Then one evening, her dad joined them, her mom had said it was time for her to learn more. That night, two years before the accident, she learned how to suck a hard cock.

Kyler slowly opened her stunning blue eyes and gazed at Carrie, admiring her naked beauty and utter sensuality with half-closed eyes, as she felt her tender young body quicken, her orgasm began to approach. She could hear her breath as it labored in and out of her lungs through her slightly open mouth, her small tongue licking at her dry lips. Suddenly, she could feel the tickle that signaled the oncoming orgasm surge from deep within her youthful pussy. It was this moment, this rushing, overwhelming, almost unbearable moment of hanging on the edge of orgasm that she loved most of all. She felt her young body tip to the precipice of the moment and dangle there, savoring the free-fall that was to come, and then… then… t…h…e…n… her orgasm washed over her in a blissful wave. Centered in her pussy, it pounded from deep within her young body, rushing outward in waves of pleasure, and wracking her petite child body with orgasmic convulsions of ecstasy. She gasped and whimpers of pure joy escaped her tender lips. The orgasm was one of the best she’d ever experienced. She thought for a moment that she was going to faint.

As the tremors passed, she opened her eyes once again to see Carrie looking at her, slack-jawed with lust. The desire in her eyes filled Kyler with love, and a previously unacknowledged passion for her older sister. She had desired her for so long, and looking into Carrie’s beautiful green eyes, she knew that these lustful feelings were mutual.

They were both glassy-eyed. Kyler from the force of her recent orgasmic display for her sister, and Carrie from the force of her utter longing for this young child, her sister. Whom she’d held as a baby, whose diaper she’d changed, whom she had cuddled and kissed and cooed over. Then she thought about all the times she had masturbated after bathing Kyler and putting her down for a nap. Now she recognized the early signs of her desire.

Carrie realized with a jolt, that she’d always longed for Kyler to grow up, so they could experience each other in ways that most of the world thought was taboo. This sudden knowledge brought tears to her eyes.

Kyler saw these tears and got out of the pool…

“What’s the matter?” Kyler softly asked, she was afraid Carrie was going to decide that this was wrong somehow. That it must stop immediately. She feared that her sudden joy at having the freedom to be who she was, an erotically charged child, was going to end. What happened, though, was more than she could have hoped for.

“I just Love you… t… that’s all,” Carrie’s voice caught in her throat as she gazed into her sister’s beautiful eyes. “I just never realized how much until right now.”

Kyler stepped closer to her, and Carrie reached for her naked young body. Pulling her in close, Carrie whispered, “Do you know what I am planning to do with you? Do you understand the longing I have for you… and how wrong it is?”

Kyler buried her face into her sister’s neck. “Yes… I want you to do all those things… and more. I’ve wanted it for a year, now… and I don’t care about it being wrong.”

Carrie gasped slightly, and held Kyler away from her body at arm’s length to look into her eyes. “You’ve wanted to do naughty things with me for a year?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Kyler nodded; her eyes cast down.

“Ever since last summer when mom got drunk, and passed out by the pool… I was under your bed when you and Doug had sex.”

Carrie’s eyes widened. “You were under the bed?” She remembered that day, it had been before Doug fired up the grill, and hours before their mom got drunk and made a pass at Doug. They had thought they were alone, of course. Now, she realized they had had company. “You heard everything we did and… aaahh, said?”

Kyler giggled and blushed, “You aren’t mad at me, are you? I didn’t mean to be in the room when you two came in. But you did, and I didn’t know where else to hide, so I got under the bed.

“No, honey. I’m not mad.” Carrie sighed, as her little sister continued her naughty tale.

You and Doug were talking about you… and a woman doing stuff together. It got me thinking about you like that… and Doug putting his dick inside you. I was so horny, that I started to masturbate with you both above me….”

“Wow… you were masturbating under the bed while Doug and I…?”

Kyler nodded, and giggled slyly, “You’re not gonna get mad… are you?”

“No… really, I’m not mad, sweetie. Not at all.” She pulled her little sister to her, and felt her naked body respond to the touch of Kyler’s nudity.

“But honey, why didn’t you just say, `Excuse me’ and leave when we came in. Why go to the trouble of hiding from us?”

Kyler looked at down at Carrie, and softly replied, “Do you promise not to get mad?”

“Yes… yes, I promise not to get mad. Why didn’t you just leave when we came in?”

“I was snooping through your closet… to see if there were any naughty things to read or look at. Mom and dad… you know… had some stuff, so I thought maybe you and Doug would have some stuff. You know, something new for me to read… or something.”

Carrie was shocked… Kyler knew about their mother’s collection of erotic romance novels; she was going to have to talk to her about that later. Right now, there were other things on her mind. She remembered doing the same kinds of things… snooping through the drawers of the families she babysat for. Or rummaging through closets at friends` houses, always careful to make it look undisturbed.

“Are you sure you’re not mad?” Kyler asked, with her eyes shyly cast downward.

“Yes, I am sure I won’t get mad. I used to do that stuff like that too, you know… Snooping.”

Here was the second revelation that day, that had surprised Kyler. The first was Carrie’s open invitation to let her masturbate whenever she wanted, and now this one, that she’d snooped through other people’s stuff. “I get the feeling we’re a lot alike,” Kyler giggled, as Carrie hugged her naked body tightly to her own. The feeling of Carrie’s silky skin as it touched her own was mind blowing… she noticed the stiffness of her sister’s nipples as they pressed at her belly. Kyler returned the hug enthusiastically, and scooted her body onto Carrie’s lap. Carrie excitedly accepted her sister’s overture of almost childish intimacy.

They held and caressed each other like that for few moments. Then Carrie was kissing Kyler`s soft neck and shoulders, savoring her sister’s taut silky skin. Tasting the pool water only to find that it increased her thirst, rather than quenched it. Carrie knew the only thing that would quench that thirst. Her hand began to massage Kyler’s ribcage, moving delicately over her small budding tits, tweaking the hard nipples, then rubbing her muscular abdomen.

After several minutes of these touches, her fingers began to move toward their final target. Finally, they reached her tender pussy lips. The index and middle fingers of her right hand parted the delicate folds of her little pussy, grazing the tender clitoris on their way into the soft inner lips. As far as Carrie knew at that moment, hers became the first fingers, other than Kyler’s, to explore her most tender regions (soon she would learn the truth… Kyler was no virgin). Immediately, Carrie’s fingers were drenched in Kyler’s fluids. The unusually sticky lubricant flowed from her vagina and coated Carrie’s hand. The milky substance was warm to the touch, and its lustful scent was as stimulating as an expensive perfume. Carrie’s fingers moved expertly around the seeping pussy, bringing intense pleasure to the girl, who only moments ago had experienced one of her young life’s most forceful orgasms. Gently, she pushed deeper into the secret folds of Kyler’s velvet soft pussy, until her finger found the entrance to the fountain that was releasing all these juices. Pushing slightly, her finger disappeared into the fleshy hole of her little sister’s vagina.

Kyler sucked her breath in as her sister’s finger entered her. She loved to be finger-fucked, she would spend hours on her mother’s lap as she read to her. During the last two years she had learned so much from her parents, she loved to give pleasure as much as receive it. But for the last few months her grief had been so close to the surface, the Thompson’s and their lovely daughter, Anya, did all they could to comfort her, giving her pleasure whenever she needed it. Now her sister’s experienced digit was moving in and out of her pussy, delving deeper into the center of her being. Her clit was already beginning to throb.

Carrie was surprised to find out Kyler didn’t have a hymen anymore. “Oooohh My God… you’re not a virgin. You gotta tell me about the boy, Kyler. I’m your… Mom, now,” Carrie squealed like a teenager.

“Oooohh Momsi… I… I’ll tell you later. Just keep finger-fucking me,” Kyler moaned, at that moment she didn’t want to tell her sister that their father had taken to virginity almost two years ago. She was more interested with getting off… sharing her sexual exploits with her sister could wait till later.

“Momsi… what?” Carrie asked with a groan.

“Momsi… Momsi… Momsi… I love you, Momsi” Kyler squealed, as she squirmed in her sister’s naked lap, and flung her arms about her, doing a cute little lap dance. She knew instinctually she was annoying Carrie with her new word. “You’re my Momsi now… you know, Mom & sister. Momsis didn’t sound good to me, so I came up with… Momsi!”

“Uuunngghhaa… No… No… call me Mom or sis… or better yet, just call me Carrie,” she groaned, she had almost forgotten how annoying her little sister could be.

“No… you’re my, Momsi… Momsi… Momsi,” Kyler squealed, as she continued her cute lap dance, while being careful not to break the contact with her sister’s finger deep in her pussy, Kyler scooted down to where she could begin to kiss, suck, and nibble at Carrie’s wonderfully small titties. The supple globes were firm and silky smooth with a light dusting of freckles. Kyler was in heaven, her delicate fingertips made love to Carrie’s breasts while Carrie continued to finger her fiery pussy.

After a moment, Kyler began to feel the beginnings of another orgasm approaching. That was the way with her, and she wondered if Carrie was the same way. Once she had achieved an orgasm, if she was kept aroused, she could have several more in quick succession. In her mother’s naughty books the heroines were almost always multi-orgasmic. As the next wave of orgasm surged through her, and her orgasm crested, she cried out, “Oooohh Yes… Momsi.” With her panting breath, she calmed momentarily, and built immediately back to a quivering crescendo of another orgasm. She squirmed and squealed in delight as she rode a roller coaster of orgasms. Each one was more powerful than the last. It was as if she were going up higher and stepper hills, cresting anew before plunging down and starting the journey up the next loftier and steeper hill. The journeys were pure joy, and she wanted them to last forever. With each new cresting wave, she would moan and squeal louder and louder. Her hips would buck involuntarily, squirming her little pussy onto Carrie’s hand, impaling herself on her sister’s finger.

Meanwhile, Carrie was nearly coming without even being touched, beyond the attention Kyler was paying to her breasts. She’d always had very sensitive tits, and her nipples seemed to have a direct line to her clit. But she’d never gotten this excited just from having them sucked. She was bucking her own hips in a counter-rhythm to Kyler’s movements. The only contact with that area, though, was Kyler’s shapely little ass, which she was grinding into her sister’s lap, while her sister’s fingers managed to bring her to torrential orgasms. Carrie’s pussy was a burning pit. Kyler’s mouth was glued to her right breast, licking and sucking it eagerly. Carrie remembered when Kyler was a baby, she would do her best helping her mother caring for her baby sister, when she was only thirteen. She had wondered then what it felt like to have a baby suckle at her breast. She had offered Kyler her own breasts one day to see how it felt. She’d been surprised at how arousing it was. She had no milk to give, of course, but Kyler seemed to enjoy sucking her tiny boobs anyway. It hadn’t been like this, of course, but the memory flooded back, giving her an unusual sense of déjà vu.

Suddenly, her own orgasm was quickening with surprising speed. It came upon her almost without warning. One second, she was at a pinnacle of sexual ecstasy; the next she was crashing over the edge into a most powerful orgasm.

They each rode their climax to its conclusion. But to Carrie’s pleasant surprise, Kyler didn’t seem to be through quite yet. Carrie knew what to do about that…

“Move for a second, hon,” she told her young sister. Kyler shifted as asked, and Carrie stood up on wobbly legs. “Get on the chair, and dangle your feet on each side of it.” She looked down at the result. Kyler’s slim legs were spread out for her, ready for whatever came next. Kyler reached down and continued to massage her little clit, refusing to give up her roller coaster ride just yet. She crested again, and Carrie was on her knees in front of the child, bending herself over the prone little girl, she dove in, placing her mouth at her sister’s succulent little pussy. She swirled her tongue on Kyler’s tiny clit, and brought her to an almost instant orgasmic crest.

Kyler tasted wonderful… her pussy cream was better than anything Carrie had ever tasted before. Kyler’s clit was positively vibrating with the intensity of her orgasms. Her vaginal muscles were pulsing rhythmically, contracting with the waves that overtook her young, preteen body. Had she been able to think clearly enough to form a thought, she would have gladly accepted her sister as her Lover forever right then.

Suddenly, Kyler could feel a sudden shifting in her body’s orgasmic rhythm. Instead of a short surging climb to the next cresting hill of climax, her body began a slow, methodic ascent instead. She was vaguely aware of this, and waited with anticipation for what came next, although she wasn’t sure what that was. All she knew was that she would enjoy it… Immensely.

As the next cresting climax built, Kyler let herself go entirely. Her petite body spasmed in her sister’s strong grip on her hips. “Oooohh… Carrie, I Love You!” she whimpered, a torrent of physical and mental bliss washed over her like a plunge into a warm ocean. It seemed like every cell of her body was acutely aware of every sensation that flowed over her. Her body and mind erupted into such a massive orgasm, that she nearly passed out. In fact, she may have momentarily lost her senses. She wasn’t sure. Her hips bucked so much that Carrie had difficulty staying with her. She cried out so loud, Carrie was afraid the neighbors would hear and investigate, but she knew with their high privacy fence, they wouldn’t see anything. Carrie came as she’d never come before.

Kyler didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘Nirvana’, but if it had been explained to her, she’d have understood it perfectly.

Finally, after her climatic volcano had settled into an afterglow, Kyler opened her eyes a little, and looked at Carrie with awe. She was sitting next to the chair, on the patio that went around the pool. She opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was, “Wow.”

“I think I’m going to go for a little swim to bring my senses back to normal,” Carrie sighed. “You wanna join me or just relax in the chair?”

Kyler looked deep into her eyes. “I Love You,” was all she said and fell instantly asleep.

Carrie gently kissed her little sister. “I love you, too, honey-bunch… I love you, too.” Then she moved the large deck-table umbrella to shade her, the south Texas sun was intense. After she took a final look over her sister’s sexy little body, she slipped into the pool to replenish herself.

Chapter 6….

Carrie was acutely aware of how much energy multiple orgasms took from a grown woman; she was surprised of her sister’s stamina… the young always seemed to have a reserve of energy, but in the end, she needed to revitalize herself. Carrie could wait after all, there was no need to rush the joy of having her little 11-year-old sister make love to her.

Carrie swam over to the nearest filter jet, and moved her own pussy over the surging water. She remained there, seeking her own orgasm for several minutes. She pressed her pussy to the jet, delighting in the feel and looking at the prone body of her erotic little sister, staring at Kyler’s delicate pussy lips that were slightly parted, oozing her creamy juice, allowing fresh air to revive her, Carrie hoped.

After a few brief minutes, actually a bit longer than she thought it would take, when she’d entered the pool for this purpose, her orgasm had built and exploded into a body-convulsing climax. But even as the orgasm wracked her body with spasms of joy, she had known it would be nothing compared to what was surely waiting for her at the hands, fingers, lips, tongue…. Hell, toes even, of her now sleeping 11-year-old sister.


A little over an hour later, they were sitting in the family room eating cold-cut sandwiches, both wearing t-shirts and shorts, watching a Blu-ray of the first Harry Potter movie. Carrie recognized the lust she felt for the character of Hermione, or at least the pretty then 9-year-old actress, Emma Watson, who played her. As she thought about this, Kyler spoke up as if reading her mind.

“Wouldn’t you love to play with Hermione?”

Carrie’s head snapped around to look at Kyler. “You were reading my mind, I think.” she giggled.

“I’ve wanted to do things to her ever since I first time I saw this movie. She’s a favorite masturbation fantasy of mine,” giggled Kyler.

“Wow… now, she’ll be mine, too,” Carrie laughed, as she hugged her little sister. This brought up the question that Carrie had wondered about. “Kyler, honey, how long have you known you liked other girls?”

“Well, remember Tammy, that girl who lives down the street from… well, from our old home?” Kyler said, with a slight tremor to her soft voice.

“Oooohh Honey… I know you’re sad and miss mom and dad, but we still have us, and the beginning of a new family,” Carrie said, as she hugged her little sister tightly, both holding their tears at bay.

Then she went back to thinking about Tammy, how could she forget her, she was a gorgeous young blond with a sunny smile and a sweet disposition to match. She was about a year older than Kyler, and the two girls would spend lots of time together. She lived alone with her mother, Cheryl, who was divorced from Tammy’s father, a prominent doctor in Hollywood Park, and her little sister Emily, who was maybe eight now. There had been times that Carrie had wild thoughts about Cheryl, much like the thoughts she was now having about Kyler.

“Have you done things with Tammy before?”

“Well, not that much really,” Kyler lied, she wasn’t sure how much she should tell her sister just yet. “We’ve touched each other’s boobies and practiced kissing, and we played doctor before when we were little, almost every time we could be alone.”

Carrie was speechless. The erotic thoughts that were starting to run through her mind seemed to numb every part of her body, except for one, that is. Her clit began to tingle, and she could feel the wetness begin to moisten her puffy inner lips. A blush crept up her chest and warmed her throat and cheeks.

“What did you do the last time you and her were alone?” Carrie softly asked. Her mind was beginning to spin with the possibilities.

“We just lay in bed and touched each other’s boobies… after that we watched each other masturbate. We ended up rubbing ourselves off that way. It was sort of a game to see who could get there first. Actually, we have never touched each other’s pussies at all… except for when we played doctor, and we haven’t done that since we were like nine. I know that sounds strange, but it’s true.”

Carrie licked her lips unconsciously. It was suddenly very warm in the room.

“Do you think Tammy is… sexy?” Kyler asked, grinning slyly.

“Would that shock you?”

“No, of course not. After today, I am realizing everything she and I didn’t do.”

“Then, yes. I definitely think she’s very sexy.” she replied, as a wild thought came to her. “Are you willing to help me out a little, hon?”

Kyler playfully grinned, guessing what was on Carrie’s mind. “Sure…”

“What do you think would happen… if she spent the night and you two were ‘Caught’ together?”

It was an evil plan, one that would initially frighten the young 12-year-old, but the results wouldn’t be frightening at all. They would be quite stimulating in fact.

“I think it’s a great idea,” admitted Kyler. Suddenly, a threesome with Tammy and her sister was beginning to sear her mind with erotic images.

“Would you like her to join us for dinner Friday, and stay overnight?” Carrie asked, knowing the answer. “I have the night off from work, and I’ll get Doug out of the house somehow.”

“Yeah… I think that would be great!” Kyler playfully giggled.

Carrie got up, and asked Kyler for Tammy’s number, then dialed the phone. When Cheryl, Tammy’s mother answered, she identified herself, and explained that Kyler was missing her friends and wanted to know if Tammy could have dinner with them Friday, and maybe spend the night.

“Yes… of course, Tammy will love that. And I’m sorry for your loss, your mom was a good friend.” Cheryl replied.

“Oh, thank you. It’s still a day-by-day thing, you know. And now, I have Kyler living with me and my husband, Doug. I’m glad we still live by close, so the girls will be going to the same school,” Carrie said. Kyler giggled lightly, and Carrie held her finger to her lips in a shushing gesture. “It’ll be a pleasure to have Tammy visit.”

“Well, then, I guess that’s settled,” Cheryl said.

“Great… I’ll see you Friday. Bye now” Carrie said, and hung the phone up, and looked over at Kyler. “Well… I have to work tonight so; I need to lie down for a nap. I’d like to call off, but…”

At that moment, Doug came in the kitchen from the garage door, and startled them. “I’m home, honey…” Doug started to say when he came in the family room, and saw them sitting on the couch. “Oooohh Yeah, today was the day to pick-up your sister… great,” he mumbled, as Kyler jumped off the couch and ran over to give him a hug.

“I’m so glad you let me stay, Doug,” Kyler eagerly said.

He disengaged himself from Kyler’s hug as soon as he could, and said, “Yeah… yeah… that’s great. Then he headed for the hallway and the master bedroom to change. “I’m gonna change and go workout in my gym.” Carrie jumped off the couch and followed him, once their bedroom door was closed, Kyler heard her sister loudly say, “That was rude….”

Kyler turned and headed back to the couch and laid down in a fetal position, then she covered her ears, she didn’t want to hear them fighting, and started to cry….


A few minutes later, Carrie walked back in the family room and found Kyler sleeping curled up on the couch. Carrie studied her sister’s face. She had changed a great deal since their parent’s funeral, she thought. Then her pussy began to quiver and her mind drifted, Kyler still looked so innocent, but Carrie was beginning to realize that was just a facade, her little sister was a very erotically charged child.

Kyler was a very beautiful little girl, for her age of 11, her strawberry blonde hair seemed to shine a little brighter. Carrie had always been a little jealous of her sister’s thick head of hair. She was so small and very slender, and just so damn cute with her heavy dusting of freckles across her cheeks and nose. Carrie’s heart fluttered as she looked at her pouty full lips, wishing she could kiss her at that moment, and do naughty things with her, but Doug was just down the hall in their bedroom.

She steadied her desires the best she could, as she sat beside her sister, who woke and asked, “Why did Doug treat me like that… he totally ignored me?”

Carrie had been dreading that question. Doug had acted like as asshole when he saw Kyler. He had stomped of to their bedroom without even saying “Hi” to her little sister. Kyler had looked so hurt and Carrie didn’t blame her.

“It’s kind of hard to explain,” Carrie said.

“He’s never been like this before,” Kyler said, “So, maybe he’s resenting my coming here to stay.”

“Maybe a little, but he’s also a little apprehensive about the situation,” Carrie said honestly. “Doug is worried about being a “Father Figure” for you… he scared of taking on that responsibility, at least that’s what I think.”

“But I’m not a little kid, I can take care of myself… mostly,” Kyler protested.

“I know that,” Carrie replied. “I know that young kids grow up pretty quickly nowadays, with the internet and all, but I’m sad to say… I think he’s a little insecure. He still thinks that a girl your age is going to be a huge responsibility.”

Kyler sighed; she had been so looking forward to coming to living with them, but she hadn’t known that Doug would feel that way about her. Or maybe that wasn’t the real problem, she suddenly realized. Could it be he was concerned she would try to seduce him again? Well, just wait until he found out what her and Carrie had been doing earlier. She would just have to bring them all together, that was the only solution she could think of. She was going to change their drab life for the better.

“He’s not such a wimp,” Carrie said, as if she could read her sister’s thoughts. “He’s a lot of fun most of the time. Lately he’s been over thinking things.”

“Goddamn It,” Kyler said angrily, and noticed that there was a flicker of surprise on her sister’s face at her use of profanity. Kyler didn’t care, she didn’t want her sister thinking of her as a child also. “I don’t want to saddle… myself on anybody. But I’ve got… no place else to go.” She felt like cursing again because her voice had broken. She didn’t want to break down and cry in front of her sister. But she had been looking forward to this for so long. It hurt to find out that she might not be wanted.

“Listen…,” Carrie said. “You’re my little sister and I want you here. It doesn’t matter what Doug’s opinion is on that. Maybe he’ll get over it in a little while. I don’t know… or really care. I only know that you’re staying here.”

Kyler felt a little better at her sister’s words.

“Well, I’ve got to lay down, I’m working tonight,” Carrie said, as she hugged her little sister close. “We’ll talk more when I get home tomorrow morning. The 12-hour shifts are brutal, but I get my 40 in just three or four days, with the opportunity of getting 8 or more hours overtime, that’s not bad.” She got off the couch and started for the hallway, and paused, “Oh, and Doug went out to his gym over the garage.”

“All tight,” Kyler replied. “I’ll just go to my room, I’ve a little more straitening up to do.”


For almost the next hour, Kyler finished unpacking her clothes and carefully put them away. She was tired, and knew a shower would help to revive her. She picked out a skirt and blouse to wear and took them with her to the hall bathroom, and stripped out of her sticky clothes and got into the shower. She stayed under the hot water a long time. She felt a lot better when she climbed out, she quickly got dressed, and went out the door.

She paused as she crossed over to her room, and walked up to the master bed room. She opened the door as quietly as she could, and peeked in through the crack. Her sister was stretched out on the bed sound asleep. There was a radio alarm clock on the bedside table tuned to a rock station. Kyler didn’t disturb her in the least.

This would be a good time for her to talk with Doug, she thought. He needed to understand that it wasn’t her idea to come live with them, and that she wouldn’t get in the way. But she was going to bring them together closer as a family.

She knew that she would find him in the garage, and she walked across the cool tiled kitchen floor barefoot. She knocked on the door going out to the garage, but there was no answer. She opened the door and peered out into the garage, but didn’t see him.

“Doug,” she said softly.

She knew they had turned the attic space above the garage into a home gym, and the leftover space was used to store stuff. She heard grunts coming from the attic. She walked around the lawn mower, and up the folding stairs near the back wall. She paused with only her eyes above the carpeted floor.

She gasped when she saw Doug. He was naked except for a pair of gym shorts that barely covered his crotch. His body was a mass of rippling muscles covered with sweat; his grunts of exertion covered her approach. She saw him lift some heavy weights over his head, and then lower them again.

She had never seen a man built like Doug up close. He was fantastic looking; she hadn’t realized how big he was. Just one squeeze of his big hands could make a person a cripple, she thought. She knew that it wasn’t right for her to watch him from hiding, but she was a naughty girl after all… she couldn’t tear herself away. She listened to his grunts and groans; it was almost like music. With his back to her, she could see his back and leg muscles flexing each time he strained to lift his weights.

She began to feel her heart quicken and her little pussy tingle, she couldn’t help having a fantasy about him. Just watching him lift those weights made her quiver between her legs. She damn well couldn’t help it.

“Aaaggghhhh,” Doug groaned, as she watched him lift those weights over his head again.

She felt her nipples getting hard, and she had to brush her hands across her swollen tit buds. She felt them start to tingle against her t-shirt. She felt weak in her knees, and she had to lean her head against the trapdoor frame.

Her little pussy was getting so wet, she could feel the material clinging to her slit. God, nothing had ever made her so excited. Not even her parents who had taught her all about sex. She thought Carrie was lucky to have him. No wonder Carrie put up with him. For a body like his, she would have put up with the devil. She understood that Doug was working off his anger of being stuck with her, but that didn’t make any difference. She was suddenly seeing herself being crushed under Doug’s powerful body. She could feel his strong hands on her budding tits and then his cock—his big cock thrusting into her and making her moan.

“Ooohh God” Kyler said softly, as she was rubbing at her tits through her t-shirt. Then she slid her hand up underneath her t-shirt and rubbed at her naked budding tit flesh. She didn’t know what she’d do if he turned around. She’d be in real trouble then. But she couldn’t help the hot feelings going through her petite body. She slipped her other hand up underneath her skirt. Her pussy was puffy and swollen. She touched it and a fiery shiver went through her.

What if he turned around, and he liked what he saw? He was a man, wasn’t he? She was a cute kid… maybe she could make a sound that would make him turn around. She began to imagine Doug seeing her there at the trapdoor. He would smile at her, and show her his hard cock. He would come over and pull her up the stairs, then he would lay her down on the carpet and fuck her… fuck her harder than her father ever had fucked her. He would make her do things for him, things she had never done for her parents, or the Thompson’s. He would come in her face and in her hair, then he would make her lick his big cock clean.

She kept staring at his wonderful body, getting hotter by the moment. She couldn’t take her eyes away from his rippling muscles. He looked like a proud jungle animal. A lion ready to pounce. God, how she wished he would pounce on her. She needed him; she wanted him desperately. It didn’t matter if he was her sister’s husband. She wanted the thickness of his big cock between her hot thighs. “This is crazy,” she moaned.

It was crazy, but she couldn’t seem to control herself. Her skin was burning, and her pussy had started to seep hot juice that soaked her panties. She kept rubbing at her wet slit, feeling her clit grow to hardness. Her fingers pinched her taut nipples and she felt wild shivers go through her. She felt her clit quiver like crazy.

Her finger slipped higher until she found the edge of her panties. She slipped one finger underneath her panties to touch her naked pussy flesh, and slipped it into her hot hole. She softly gasped, as she began finger-fucking herself. She wanted him to turn, around. She wanted him to grab hold of her budding tits and her pussy, while he thrust his cock deep into her. She wanted it; she wanted to fuck him. She wanted his big hands on her body, and his mouth sucking her nipples, she would do anything for him. Anything he asked. She had never seen such a wonderful man. She would do absolutely anything.

God, she needed his big dick! “Uuuumm,” she softly moaned, she knew she had to stop; she had to control herself, but she was too close.

“Oh God, I’m going to finish myself…. uuumm,” she softly moaned. Her fingers worked faster and faster, until she felt the first surge of her orgasm spread over her body. She caught the startled gasp before it left her throat. She clamped one hand over her mouth as the good feelings went through her in waves. She almost dropped to the stairs as her body was again rocked by a powerful orgasm. Her pussy-lips quivered with excitement. She had never felt this way about a man before, any man.

Finally, it was done, she stood on the stairs shaking. “Oh my god,” she murmured, as she realized what she’d been doing. There would be hell to pay if Doug did turn around… what would he think of her if he did turn around? Perhaps he would be a real prude and he would never consent to her living with them. She would have to leave, but she had no other place to go.

Quickly she went back down the stairs, being careful not to make any sound. What was I thinking? she thought. She had to control herself until she could seduce him without the fear of being caught by Carrie. Regardless of what had happened that morning, she might not accept her fooling around with her husband. She knew, to make this all work out, she would have to get Carrie to invite her into their bedroom.

Part 4…. Coming soon
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