Chatroom Corruption- Chapter 4.1 : Lilly’s First Chat

Princess Lilly enters the room
Ryan PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : hi
Cha(m)pagne & Cocaine PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Royalty, oh my… *Tips my imaginary hat and all*
ThickDarkMeatM43 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Welcome sweet little Lilly! And how’s your week been so far?
please don’t tempt (m)e PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : welcome Your Highness
Big Long Daddy Dick PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : hi cutie
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Welcome Princess Lilly, 42
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How are you princess.
Conservative Older Man leaves the room
ContractorDadHired leaves the room
Deb_41_bimom enters the room
The messages in the chatroom were flying past. Pornographic pictures and GIFs filled the screen making it very hard to know what was going on or who was talking to who. Screen names were coming and going so quickly that Lilly had no idea how anyone knew who they were chatting with. And now there were dozens of people trying to chat with her at once. She didn’t know what to do except say hi.
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Hi how are you
amy’s fantasies leaves the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BF’s Dad : I’m good
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : I’m good
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I’m great thx princess, how are you?
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How old sweetie. What are you looking for?
smelly lil girl leaves the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : IDK i just wanted to see what its like. I have never done this b4
Naughty step daddy enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Fine i am new here
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How old are you? What did you think it would be like?
Wander PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Hi Lilly how has your day been?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Wander : It’s ok
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Well, welcome, it can be a fun place 🙂
Hard Cock in my shorts leaves the room
DogLover enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : I was told not to tell people. IDK sex talking
Wander PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : -nods- what do you enjoy when you visit here?
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Haha you can tell me 😉
Tight Wet Rutting Heifer enters the room
horny older m leaves the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : No i cant
Dundee 53 M UK : Evening all
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You can tell dad!! Hat are you wearing right now
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Are you seeing the posts that people are sending Lilly
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Wander : This is my first time here
Dundee 53 M UK : Any UK?
Wander PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ahhh well should be fun
Mike 61 (phone) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Hello how are you today? Hope you are enjoying the chat room
mom/wife. home alone ….again ( r/p_) enters the room
daniel (45) enters the room
Wander PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : the pics are good…some good chat…what attracted you to here
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It’s crazy in here. Every1 wants to chat and ask my age and stuff
daniel (45) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : hello Princess.
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : Did you leave
Cha(m)pagne & Cocaine leaves the room
GoodDaddy enters the room
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : It can be, yes, just be careful, and if someone gets creepy there is the squelch button up top to silence them
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Wander : My friend goes to chat rooms and i wanted to see what they are like
Captain Merica PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How do you feel about family intimacy?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : That’s good to know
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Captain Merica : Um I guess its ok
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Wander : Do you have kids
Mr. Bareback leaves the room
Big Man enters the room
Wander PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : -s- how old are you?
Orrie 11Inch PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmm are u gonna be a good girl for daddy and bend over and let him use you?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Wander : I was told not to tell that in here
Wander PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : then you are too young
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : No I didn’t. I want to k is how young you are and what you are wearing!
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I’m a dad, 42, if you have any questions, I’m happy to help 🙂
Tight Wet Rutting Heifer leaves the room
Mr. Bareback enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : I have on a pink cami and panties and they have bunnies on them
Old School (M) leaves the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : There’s a lot going on here its hard to follow
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How small of panties)
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, if you want to be talking and seeing only one person hit the listen button, it blocks everything else
GoodDaddy PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Hi honey
Deb_41_bimom leaves the room
daniel (45) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : may i chat with you?
Ryan PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : hi there Lilly
daniel (45) leaves the room
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How tiny of panties?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Have fun sweet princess 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : They are girls small. Sorry I’m trying to get used to the pictures they keep making hard to see what people are saying
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Haha true. What under those panties ;)? Are they thongs?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ok thx
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Wander : Sorry the pictures make it hard to see
Naughty step daddy leaves the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : No they are bikini kind
clare @ home enters the room
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Gotcha. What’s under them ;)?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m): Don’t you want to chat
DogLover leaves the room
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, love to
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : My body
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Haha you can be naughtier than that sweetie
clare @ home leaves the room
Just Rough Daddy enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I like the pictures but its easier to see with them gone
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmm is it a smooth and bare pussy)
Bad Daddy PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How is your day going Princess?
Orrie 11Inch PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmm hi baby wanna fuck?
Lonelydad leaves the room
Owen enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : Um yes. You are asking if i have hair there right? No I don’t have any yet
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : There is a way to stop the pictures, I’m looking
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmm and are you a virgin)
Jeanette leaves the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : Yes i am… well sort of my friend Ava took it last night with her finger
Matt enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Do you have kids
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I have a daughter , yes, she’s 17
Alicia21yo leaves the room
Married Matt 45 RP enters the room
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ohh…. Tell dad what happened cutie!
Orrie 11Inch leaves the room
APerv enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : She was spending the night and we watched movies and then. Um i don’t know if i should its personal
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Cum sit on dads lap and tell me ;)!
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Oh cool
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : What about you Lilly, ?
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmm of course you should. That’s why you’re here ;)!
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Do I have kids… lol no
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Lol, no, I should have asked if your around her age ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : Um well… I saw her kiss this girl at school and I was jealous
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Oh um. I’m not suppose to say my age.
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Aww I bet. What grade are you both in?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : That’s ok, you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I’m sorry you are nice and this is fun chatting i don’t want you to stop
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I’m still here, not leaving, your very nice to Lilly,
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : I cant tell you. You will know my age duh. I’m not dumb
Sa(m) leaves the room
Erika enters the room
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Dad wants to know. Will be a secret 😉
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : You will not chat anymore
HighHeelSara leaves the room
kelli4pregRP enters the room
Erika : Hi everybody!
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I will I promise!
Father Figure PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You must be busy, sorry to bother
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : Promise.
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Father Figure : Hi
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : You will not chat anymore
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : What if i was like 10
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Haha well that may be a bit young. Hoping your not 10
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : Hahahaha… good thing I’m not ;(
HighHeelSara leaves the room
kelli4pregRP enters the room
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yup
Father Figure PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Hows your day going?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Father Figure : It’s good. This place is nuts
Father Figure PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : In what way?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Father Figure I’ve never seen anything like it. And it moves so fast
Matt leaves the room
Sa(m) enters the room
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : So tell dad
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to BadDad : Nope
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Lilly, I’m so sorry, my power went out briefly
BadDad PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ok. Well good luck then sweetie
Daddy shares RP(M) leaves the room
marisol enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Weird as soon as you said you weren’t going to leave you did
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Father Figure : Yeah
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I know, I felt bad , timing was terrible. How did you hear about this place Lilly?
Erika : What kinds of pictures do people like?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : my friend goes to chat rooms so I wanted to see
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ahh, curiosity, does she come to this one a lot ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : No I don’t think so. I found this searching on my sister’s computer and this was the first room it let me in.
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I see, this is the easiest to get into without having to sign in with addresses.
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yea it was easy to figure out
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Does your sister know you are here?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : No she is not home
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Did you manage to stop all the pictures ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : No cause i wanted to see them. They are hot
Marcus leaves the room
Just Another Horny Fucker (M for F) enters the room
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Well, I agree some of the posts are very arousing 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yeah they are!!!!
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Do you like looking at naughty images and videos a lot ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yes
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Can I ask Lilly, have you done that before?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : You mean suck one. No
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ok, I’m sorry, I don’t want to sound rude,
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It’s ok. I haven’t done anything expect last night
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Can I ask what happened last night, if that’s ok?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ummm yeah
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : If your nervous, you don’t have to say, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : But I’m guessing it was very special 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Me and Ava was watching movies and then we playing Fuck Marry Kill and we got laughing and stuff. Then I told her I saw her kiss this girl we know at school.
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Did seeing her kiss another girl make you feel something, curiosity, arousal ?
Big Man leaves the room
local Priest enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : No I was jealous I wanted to be her first kiss
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Awww, I’m sorry, that must have hurt you ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I was sad. But they didn’t use tongues so i guess it wasnt that bad
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Did you tell Ava how you felt last night?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yeah. She said she was sorry
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : And I hope you two made up last night and shared a real deep kiss
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG it was the best kiss ever. It like made me feel like lightning in my body
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Awwww, that’s so beautiful Lilly, I’m so happy that you were with Ava,
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I hope you had more than just one kiss ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : We did we kissed a lot last night
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It’s so fun. Can I tell you a secret
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You can tell or say anything to me Lilly:)
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ava fingered me and she… you know
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Did you have an orgasm Lilly ?
Candi leaves the room
Daddy enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yeah like a lot. But not that. she, lol I cant say its sounds to weird
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : It’s ok, you can tell me
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Can I ask you weirder question
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, anything ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Are you naked
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Just pj’s on, would you like if I was naked 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I think so. Do you have a boner
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, I’m erect 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG you are why
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mostly from listening to you and your kiss, and how much you want Ava
Daddy PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Like being daddy’s special little girl? *s*
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Oh cool. I never told her but I really love her more than friends
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I kind of had a feeling that you might love her to 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Lol we did a lot. 2gether
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : That’s beautiful Lilly, I’m so happy for you both, did you give Ava an orgasm to?
Daddy for good girl enters the room
(M)arried but Temptable leaves the room
Daddy for good girl PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : hi
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : yea but I didn’t pop her you know. She already did that with a hairbrush
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Lol, is your cherry still in place, lol
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Daddy for good girl : Hi
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : no Ava broke it fingering me
Daddy for good girl PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : how are you, Princess.. age?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmmm, you two had a great night didn’t you:)
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Daddy for good girl : I’m good its my first time hear
Daddy for good girl PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : welcome 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yes we did another thing too
a(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Did you masturbate much before last night ?
Daddy for good girl PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : you don’t like to say your age?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Daddy for good girl : I’m was told not to say it
Daddy for good girl PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : because you’re under 18?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Where’d you go
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Sorry, had to pee, not easy with a boner, lol
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Lol that would funny 2c
Annie18 & shy leaves the room
KY Dave leaves the room
Lia enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Daddy for good girl : Not telling
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ohhh, you would like to see my boner pee would you, lol
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Um maybe it would be fun 2cu pee with a boner
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Careful Lilly, I might ask you to hold it as I pee , lol
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Lol ur funny
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Your very sweet Lilly, and kinda naughty, I love that, hugs 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : You think I’m naughty? Really?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, at least being playfully fun, but I really like you
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I like you.
Lia leaves the room
Daddy M enters the room
Daddy M PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Hi there, how are you today?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I really loved hearing about you and Ava, that’s so beautiful and very arousing to me,
Daddy M PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : How old are you and what do you look like?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG I can’t believe I am telling my secrets to a stranger. I really shouldn’t tell you this.
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, I agree, it’s a secret, but still not, because of this nice stranger your chatting with. It’s ok to tell me 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG yea I guess. When we was fingering Ava rolled over me and put my puss in her mouth. OMG it felt so good
karebare leaves the room
BigDaddy leaves the room
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmmm you lucky girl Lilly , that’s so beautiful. Did you return the gesture and taste her puss?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yea i did. She tasted so good. Better than my finger when I tasted mine
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : IDK if i should tell u this but my pantys are so wet from us chatting
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I think that’s beautiful Lilly, you should be nice and wet thinking of Ava last night, and us chatting 🙂
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You know if they are wet maybe you should take them off. You don’t want to sit in wet panties.
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : That makes sense. Ok I’m taking them off.
Cum4Me leaves the room
MWM in a diaper enters the room
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Are you naked now?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yes I took my top off too. Can I ask what do you look like?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I’m 6’2”,200 blonde blue Lilly , much bigger than you I’m guessing
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : yea your like a giant. I’m 4’7
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Lol, your so sweet and petite,
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Thank? Can I ask you what it feels like 2have sex
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You’ve already felt it Lilly, when your body was feeling electric, like every nerve is on fire in a great beauty way
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : No I mean when the boner is in the puss. Does it hurt and stuff
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ohhh, well, yes, it might hurt, depending on the size of it, and how gentle or rough the guy
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Oh : (
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Was that not what you wanted to hear, it does get so much better though, till it’s just as electric as your kiss
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Well I want to tell you sumthing but IDK is I should
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Up to you, but I think you should tell me
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ava is maybe having it now. I’m not mad. I a little scared a lot more after what you just said
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Do you know who it is Lilly ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : No and she doesn’t either. I just don’t want the sex to hurt her
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Your such a beautiful friend Lilly, you care so much for her, I just hope he’s a good guy and is gentle with her
Prefers (legal) age gaps/inexperience (M, no rp) : great images everyone
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Me to. Cause she told me she wants us to be sluts lol. But i don’t want to if it hurts
Fit Female leaves the room
23SingleMomNV enters the room
refers (legal) age gaps/inexperience (M, no rp) : an open minded mom can make things so much easier
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Be careful what you wish for in wanting to be sluts, just be very careful
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : What do you mean
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Once you have that label, “slut”, people will take advantage of you, use you
sweet girl 4 rp enters the room
greg leaves the room
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I don’t mean to scare you, just be careful
jessica enters the room
asian34DD(f)orwhitedaddy leaves the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : You didn’t scare me. I know what happens when people know ur a slut. The girl Ava kissed her name is Julie and every1 says she’s a slut. She supposedly tried to have sex with a teacher at her old school
DenverDaddy leaves the room
BigDaddy enters the room
jessica PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : do you wan to be spoiled rotten in real life?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : She goes on the chatroom Ava does
BigDaddy PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Sexy name lil one
Sweet Loving Divorced Daddy (58/RP) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Hi princess.
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Julie showed her the room and it was supposed to be her going to meet the man 2day but Ava begged her 2let her go
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I’m thinking Ava is maybe getting the wrong idea from Julie. Did Ava tell you this?
jessica PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : i am more the selfless giving type. would you ever want to have a dedicated servant girl who would put you’d first and only you matter?
23SingleMomNV leaves the room
karebare enters the room
BigDaddy leaves the room
Ali enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : They didn’t know i could hear them talking.
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You think it’s a teacher then that’s she’s meeting ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : IDK I think its sum1 from the chatroom. They are supposed to wear masks or sumthing so they don’t know who they are. I think it was hard to hear it all
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I really hope Ava is ok, I’m sure she will call you when it’s over
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I’m sure she is. I wish I was with her
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I think maybe you should practice with a hair brush a little first that way it won’t hurt when you have sex, in fact if your nice and wet, maybe now is a good time to try
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Really? OMG that would work?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, it would be a good way for you to feel what’s good and what isn’t , you should as we chat
Father Figure leaves the room
Fat Gut – Fatter Cock enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ummm is it wrong I kinda want 2try I mean this is weird to do here but IDK
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : It’s not wrong, it’s learning about your body, it’s beautiful
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I know but IDK u
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : It’s ok if your nervous, but I can’t see a think, really you are home alone :), right
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yea my dad went to the store
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : It’s up to you, but I think you should
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ok hang on i g2g pee and get my brush… OMG, I can’t believe I’m doing this.
Old Man, Love Smooth leaves the room
Lilly gets up and runs to her door, carefully she peeks her head to make sure no one is there. She runs to the bathroom naked and sits down to pee. She is shaking with excitement, this was so not like her. She was a good girl, always doing what her parents told her, and what her teachers asked, but this… was something Zoe and Paige wouldn’t think twice about doing, even Ava was more like this. But there was something about this, whether it was forbidden, something new, or even something that was awakened when she and Ava made love last night. Whatever it was Lilly was excited and was going to masturbate with a hairbrush for a strange man online. Somehow the part of it being online made it easier, almost like not as real.
Lilly finished peeing and wiped herself. She grabbed her hairbrush, washing it off. She looked in the mirror at her naked body and smiled. There were men, real men, who wanted her to do sexual things and she wanted to do that, for her. “Maybe being a slut isn’t a bad thing,” she whispered to her reflection, then hurried back to her room.
forbidden (f)ruit 😉 enters the room
forbidden (f)ruit 😉 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Ooo there’s my lil Lilly 🙂
forbidden (f)ruit 😉 PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I’m good…and how’s the Princess? 🙂
Older_Man_CA : Good afternoon all.
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I’m waiting 🙂
Darren UK leaves the room
Older_Man_CA enters the room
Older_Man_CA leaves the room
Older_Man_CA enters the room
BF’s Dad leaves the room
maisy 32a enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I got it
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Good girl, at your pace, don’t force it, take your time, it should feel beautifully arousing
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It’s hurting. It’s bigger than Ava’s fingers
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Go slowly, keep it nice and wet, even spit on it to wet it if you need, the wetter the better
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I g2 stop a minute its like half in
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : That’s ok, no rush , how does it feel when you stop ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It stopped hurting. I pushing more up in my pussy
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Good girl, move it in and out a bit, slowly
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It’s mostly up me now
22LovingBfofaTraumatizedDamagedGoodsGf leaves the room
Vegas Guy leaves the room
University ad(m)inistrator enters the room
22LovingBfofaTraumatizedDamagedGoodsGf enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG I got it all in
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Good girl, how much, 6” or so ?
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yeah sumthing like that. I’m moving it. It’s making my legs and tummy shiver
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmmmmm good girl, it feels amazing doesn’t it
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG I never felt anything like this. It’s so far in my pussy
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmmm good girl Lilly, you should know that my cock is very very hard thinking of you there
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It is. I’m pretending it ur boner in me. ru masturbating
kimmy leaves the room
Mr Davies enters the room
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmmm yes, in your tight young pussy, feeling you squeeze as I move in and out
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yes it makes me feel filled up
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Is this what sex feels like
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, I hope it feels good, sending shivers thru your body
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Yeah I’m oh its hard to type I’m OMG
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Omgggg, tell me if you orgasm, I’ll cum for you Lilly
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : It’s happening right nOooowwww
Lilly’s pussy exploded, stars filled her eyes and her legs quivered. The little girl could barely hold on to the hairbrush as wave after wave of her orgasm crashed over her body. If the hairbrush handle was anything like a real cock she needed more. “Oh my god is this what it’s like,” Lilly breathlessly moaned as she saw Sa(m)s next message.
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Omgggg yesss Lilly, so beautiful, cummminggggggg
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG my legs wont stop shaking
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Mmmmm beautiful
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Wait I made you cum for real?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Omgggg Lilly, omggg, yessss, for real
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : That was the best cum I ever done. I like couldn’t breath and my puss is tingling
PornDirector leaves the room
OlderDWM enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : For real I made a man cum. Like a lot?
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Lilly, omgggg, that was so beautiful and yess , a lot, just for you 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Now I wish i could see 🙁
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I wish I could see you to 🙂
Natalie UK leaves the room
James45 enters the room
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Me too but you probably wouldn’t like me. I’m just a kid. I don’t have boobs or nuthin like the girls in the pics here
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I think your beautiful Lilly 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Your nice. But only cause you don’t know me
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I know your a sweet caring young girl, that’s means a lot to me
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : OMG it feels so weird inside with out the brush in me
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You should practice like that, get use to the brush, enjoy your orgasms and what ever makes you feel amazing
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I will. Now I really want to have sex like Ava
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : I wish it was with me for your first, that would be perfect
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Can I ask you another question
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Yes, please do
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : How old do you think I am
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Maybe 11, 12, unless it’s all an act , lol
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Wow you got close. And it’s not a act
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Lol I’m leaking down my leg. It feels weird
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Pretty good hey, kisses you softly 🙂
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ur like the nicest person in her
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Awww, your very sweet Lilly, I’m really glad we met and get along so well
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Me2 I want to put it back up my puss it felt so good there
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : You can, I can’t stop you:)
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : I know but its hard to type when i push it in and out
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly : Lol, I can be patient, enjoy it, take another orgasm, it’s so good for you:)
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Ok ill try 2b fast
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly: It’s ok, don’t rush it:)
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m): Oh crap I hear my dad g2g
Princess Lilly PRIVATELY whispers to Sa(m) : Thx u luv u
Sa(m) PRIVATELY whispers to Princess Lilly: Kisses
Without warning the bedroom door opens. Standing in is Lilly’s older sister Caitlin. Caitlin is two years older than Lilly, and despite being a couple years older the two looked to be the same age because she was so petite and still was as flat as Lilly. Caitlin had long brown hair, that she mostly wore in a pony tale, because some men once told her she looked hot that way. She had brown eyes and was pretty scrawny and shy. Despite only having a few pubic hairs Caitlin began removing them as soon as they sprouted. Unlike Lilly who loved to wear dresses and show as much skin as her friends, Caitlin preferred jeans or sweatpants and a t-shirt. She was a straight-A student, always reading, and didn’t have a ton of friends which is why unbeknownst to Lilly, Caitlin loved the chatrooms, but that is another story. (Ok maybe a few stories)
Lilly was so startled by her sister’s intrusion she still had the hairbrush in her pussy as she stood up. Caitlin’s eyes go wide. Behind Lilly, Caitlin can see the list of chatroom names her sister had been trying to visit. There is a look of horror on Lilly’s face as the brush slips from her very wet pussy and falls on the floor.
Caitlin smiles. “Whatcha doin’ perv?”
Just then Lilly’s phone alerted her she had a text message from Ava.
Ava- I am fine. SEX IS AMAZING got a lot to tell ya Luv Ya
Lilly- …


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