County Prostitutor

My dad ran an apartment complex, I helped out. So, it’s not like I lived at home, I had my own apartment, and a job.

Then this new couple moved in, and they were really kinda young. Their parents came to co-sign on the rental agreement, but when I say young, I mean the guy was 14. He had a work permit, and a fast food uniform on, but my dad gave me the keys and said “214.”

So, that was it, I said “This way,” and shrugged, but I thought the girl just looked younger.

“We’re married,” she showed me her ring proudly, and smiled with a sparkle of braces.

“Okay,” joked, ‘i thought the whole child bride thing was done away with.’ To myself, under my breath, but he got mad.

“She’s not a child, she’s my wife, and try to have a little respect.” I looked down at him, and straightened up, so he backed down, and put his arm around her shoulders. Which barely came up to his arm-pit. “It’s all legal.”

She nodded, and hugged his waist. “We had to wait for my birthday, but I had a crush on him since 4th grade.”

“Uh, huh.” I unlocked the door, and handed him the keys. I had no idea that marrying 12 year olds was still legal, but he told me. “I used to like older women, until I fell in love.” He shrugged, and let her go, when she ran it.

“It’s great!” She pulled open the cabinet doors in the kitchenette. “This is just great.”

“Well, I better pull the van around, but if you want to give me a hand with the furniture, there’s a few bucks in it for you.”

I was expecting a pedo van, or maybe his mom’s minivan, since she came off as one of those soccer moms, I guess. Looked just like him, but they took off in the minivan, while I was picking up garbage in the courtyard.

Well, it used to be a motel, until they got raided by the cops for all the drug dealing, gun running, and prostitution that used to go on here. So, my dad got it cheap, fixed it up, and got the pool filled in with dirt to make like this giant planter. My mom made it into a garden, but the building wrapped around it.

“You got a driver’s licence?” He looked like a freshman.

“No, learner’s permit, but you’re not going to call the cops on me for that.”

“Look, man.” Using the term loosely. “I’m sorry I got off on the wrong foot, but.”

“No, I get it. Honestly, I should write a FAQ or something.” He snorted like a nerd. He handled the truck like a pro though. I mean, it’s called a van, when really it’s a big 1 ton pickup, with a big box in the back, or a Box Van. He backed into the loading space, right by the stairs on one end, and cut the motor. Put it in park, and kicked the parking brake. “What with whatall used to go on here.”

“You heard about that?” It wasn’t a small town, but a slow news year, for local news anyway, and the mayor made a big deal about it, because of his Tough on Crime initiative. The Sheriff made a big speech about how it’s not just inner city crime, since he was black, and we’re facing new threats from around the county, like meth labs, and stuff. So yeah, he heard about it, but being so young, he must have been in elementary school himself, so he might not have remembered, or cared about the news back then.

I guess, but also back woods cousin fucking hicks cooking meth out in the sticks. He rolled the door open, and unlatched the cargo straps for the bed frame. Pushed up against the door, to keep everything else in place, “That’s why the cops are watching this place like a hawk.” He mentioned.

“Oh yeah?” I thought he was lying, or at least heard rumors.

“Yeah, my uncle’s a Sheriff’s deputy, and he says it wouldn’t look good if they cleaned it up, only to let it go back to the way it used to be. That’s why we picked here, that and the rent is so low. You want to run up to the landing?”

“Yeah, what for?”

“I’ll just hand these,” he stacked the slats, and the head board up against the bumper. “Up to you, so we don’t have to go around, and up the stairs.”

“All right,” so that’s what we did, and I took the first 2 pieces over to their apartment. With the door wide open, she said “Oh, you can drop them right there, and did you see the bolts?”

I shook my head, but she just squatted down, and started framing out the side rails. While I went back down to the landing.

“You got the bolts?”

“Yeah,” he picked up the headboard, and turned around. “They’re taped in a baggy.”

“Yeah, I see that.” So, he handed those up, and I took it back to the newlywed.

“Okay, now I need the foot.”

“Of course,” she spaced them wide apart, but I saw the box springs stood up in the end next. 2 of them, but when I went back, he had those down, and the mattress, it looked queen size, with 2 twin box springs for underneath.

“Hand me the other board next.” This went on for quite a while, but it turned out that the bolts had wing nuts, and the split box spring queen sized mattress ment they’d be sharing a bed. Sleeping together, married, and she even made a joke about, “The honeymoon suite,” when we got back with the dresser.

We had to carry that around, and up the stairs, because it wasn’t the kind of thing you just hand up to the landing, over the railing. “Huh, yeah.” I looked around. “You know, the way you’re setting it up, it’s almost like a hotel room.”

“I know,” she pointed, “You didn’t even change the carpet, so it’s faded all around the spot for the bed.”

“Well,” her newlywed husband pushed the dresser along the wall, across from it. “Your dresser doesn’t exactly cover up the dark spot, for the old one.” They’d be sharing a dresser too, with a mirror over it, and a TV on top. Just like a hotel room, really.

I tried not to think about it, but then I remembered something he said, and another couple that moved in, a couple years ago. “Huh,” they liked bird watching, they said. Nature photography, but if you didn’t know any better, you’d think they were tourists. Walking around with cameras, mostly wearing floral shirts, with neat mustaches, and haircuts.

I guess I got a couple years practice, not thinking about what goes on in there. Their apartment, after dark. Not like they walked around holding hands, hugging and kissing, they told everyone they were “Room mates.” Or referred to each other as “My room mate,” but we’re talking about hotel rooms, or apartments the size of hotel rooms, and they only had one bed.

You do the math, but it turned out to be the perfect cover story. The way they looked, was a little off. They weren’t gay acting, but around here, people just assumed, so did I. Even though they worked different shifts, another explanation was they slept in shifts. Instead of together, as a couple, and they avoided calling each other “My partner.” He was always “My room mate.”

Yeah, right, but another use for Partners was Cops. I felt pretty stupid, for listening to the rumors, and the scandalous whispers about having homosexuals here, when really they turned out to be cops. Free rent, payed by the Sheriff’s department to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity, and kind of the Neighborhood Watch.

I felt a little safer, now that I thought about it, like that. A little uneasy, at the idea of them being homos, and having homosex right there on the property, but after we got the mattress, and box springs up to the landing. The new guy ran around to the stairs, and I said, “I need to check on something, I’ll be right back.”

My dad knew, all along. About the cops, “Sheriff’s department, yeah. They’re undercover, so I couldn’t tell anyone, you understand.”

“Yeah, thanks.” That confirmed, I felt even better about them, which just left the newlyweds to worry about, but he got the box springs up himself. Which just left the mattress to carry up, bend through the door, and carry over to the bed.

The girl jumped on it, and rolled over. “Uh, I’ve waited long enough, come here.” She held her arms out, and her husband looked back at me.

“You mind?”

“Already gone.” I didn’t want to stay in here, even if he payed me.

“No, can you do me a favor?”

“What kind of favor?”

“Well, we don’t have blinds yet, to cover up the window by the door. So, you think you could keep an eye out, just in case someone walks bye? Thanks.” He just closed the door, and locked it.

So, I just stood there, like an idiot, and kept an eye on the van, too. The homos, I mean neighborhood watch were both out, and besides, they’re undercover. So, it’s not like having a black, and white. Out in the parking lot, and they’re probably not going to blow their cover for something as petty as robbing a Ryder truck, left wide open by the stairs.

“Huh,” that just distracted me, from thinking about, what might. No, I’m pretty sure, exactly what they’re doing in there. On the unmade bed, she said she waited long enough. 2 years to turn 12, and get married. So, somehow it’s legal for a teenager to marry a 12 year old, and have sex with her.

Also, it occurred to me that they had police protection, and. I had to smack my head, when I remembered him saying he had an uncle. A Sheriff’s deputy, with a mustache, a closet full of floral shirts, and a partner that stayed with him in room 101. All the way on the end, right by the office.

Looked just like him, or his sister? I didn’t get a good look at his mom. She just kissed him goodbye, hugged her daughter in law, got in the minivan, and drove off. “Donny?” I think, I didn’t really talk to them, that much. I’m not homophobic, or anything. I wouldn’t keep working here, if I had a problem with there being a homosexual couple, living here.


“Thanks man.” He unlocked the door, and cracked it enough to hold out a bill. “This be enough?”

“Yeah,” $50.00 bill, folded up, I turned it over, and stuck it in my pocket.

“I think I can take it from here.” I forgot all about the money. I was so distracted by everything else, but as soon as Donny pulled up in his late model brown sedan. God, I must be stupid, even their car screamed undercover cop, but I came out of the office.

“Hey, Donny right?”

“That’s right, you must be.” Firm handshake, “Phil Jr.”

“Actually, it’s Philip the third, so you can call me Trey.”

“What can I do for you, Trey?”

“Well,” I looked around, and the courtyard was empty, but still. “Maybe we better go inside, and talk.” He let me in, and threw his keys in an ash tray. I noticed the TV, and computer monitor next to it, on a folding table by the bed.

“Look, I’m flattered, but.”

I laughed it off, “I’m not gay, neither. I just met your nephew, and his newlywed bride.”

“Well,” he sat down on the bed. “We are.” He took a deep breath, and looked up. “Just so you know, we are a couple.” Over at a picture on the night stand of the 2 of them on the beach, arm in arm, and speedos.

“I thought that was just a cover story. You know, keeping an eye on the apartments, for suspicious activity.”

“No, is that what your father told you?”

“No, well.” Honestly, he didn’t tell me anything. “Okay, but you’re still a Sheriff’s deputy, right?”

“Right, so what?”

“So, maybe you can explain the legality of a teenager marrying a 12 year old girl.”

“She’s not 12, she’s thirteen.”

“Oh.” She just looked younger, and I guess. I thought she was petite until she turned around. “So, it’s only a couple years difference, and honestly. She followed him around for years. He wasn’t interested in her, until he finally gave her a chance, but.”

“Okay.” He pulled his shirt off, unbuttoning it the whole time, I wasn’t paying attention, but this time it wasn’t one of the usual tropical print, or paisleys like some wall paper. It was salmon pink. “Well, it’s been a long day, so if there isn’t anything else. I’ve got about 4 hours to catch some sleep before my shift starts.”

He works nights, or sometimes split shifts, and I felt like a heel for keeping him up. Also, suspecting that he took his shirt off in an attempt to seduce me, and of course they got gay cops, right? They can even get married now, from what I hear, but 2 guys getting married is one thing.

A teenager marrying a little girl. So what if she just turned thirteen, she’s still so tiny, it’s hard to imagine. “Damnit, Trey.”

That’s what I was afraid of. It’s actually easy to imagine her, hopping up on the bed, pulling off her tights, and panties to spread her legs for her husband. Honestly, the whole time I was playing lookout, and watching the truck, which was perfectly safe there, let’s be honest.

I knew that all I had to do was turn around. Peek through the window, and I could have watched her losing her virginity. Like she was so obviously itching to get rid of, “I waited so long all ready.”

“Hhuh! HhuhHhuhuh! Awe, fuck.”

Thank god, nobody came out, or walked up, to catch me with my hand down my pants. In the corner, right outside the office, and room 101. Where the gay couple stayed, and everyone knew it.

“Huh!” At least they’d no doubt get the wrong idea. Especially with him taking his shirt off on the bed, and even through the tank top underneath. His undershirt, I could see the hair on his chest, and the muscles, on his arms too, and “Huh!”

I don’t know a whole lot about homosexuals, but I do know this: Some like them well. There’s no other word for it, but faggy, or camp? I know, it’s not all right for me, a straight guy to even think about them as faggy, but it’s not really girly neither, because if a guy likes that, then why doesn’t he just get a girly girl, like a normal guy?

I got in, and changed my underwear. Wadded up the evidence, and stuffed it down in the corner of the laundry basket, for no reason. I live alone, nobody’s going through my underwear, and not even my mom washes it for me, but still.

I’ve got all this fucked up stuff in my head now, thanks to them, and I’d kinda rather be turned on by his uncle Donny. And his live-in boyfriend, who’s just like him, but they’re both so manly, it’s kinda hard to believe, really. At least they’re adults, consenting adults, and what they do between shifts is none of my business, but I just went, and got a little too close to.

Forbidden fruits? God, that’s offal! What’s wrong with you, Trey? Still, it’s something to think about, besides.

“Huh?” Somebody knocked, “Just a minute.” I pulled my pants up, and checked through the blinds. “Shit.”

“Hey, man.” He saw me, so it was too late. “I was wondering if you can help me take the Ryder truck back to the office.”

“Yeah,” I opened up my door, “Let me just put my boots back on.” It’s just awkward, seeing him pretty much right after I jerked off in my pants, thinking about him popping his wife on their wedding bed.

“I can’t wait to get my learner’s permit, but if you don’t mind me asking.” He looked over at the fridge. “Are you 21?”

“You want a beer?” I went, and got a couple. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell your uncle Donny downstairs.” Up in 201, right over their apartment, but the whole building is solid concrete. That includes the walls, the floors, and the ceilings, so i don’t have to worry about listening to them, doing homosex downstairs.

“Well, it does make it a little inappropriate, since he came home, if I move the truck. He’s not going to write me a ticket for driving without a license.” I finished tying my boots, and pulled my pantlegs down. “But still, that’s at least nepotism.” He downed the beer, and looked around for someplace to put it. I didn’t even touch mine yet. “You gonna drink that?”

“No, you want it?” I just realized, “I have to drive.”

He twisted the cap off, “Well, technically, it’s illegal to Sell beer to minors, but you can give it to me, as long as you don’t charge me for it.”

“Good to know.” He downed it too. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah,” he gave me his keys, and I locked up. “So, how’d you 2 meet?”

“Well, honestly, it was a sting operation.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, after the Courtyard Hotel closed down, they moved their operations around, and it took a few years for them to set up a permanent place for their criminal activity.”

“Sounds like you’re going to be a cop when you grow up.”

“It runs in my family, but that really depends on how my juvie record turns out, after I turn 16.”

“Oh, well. Which Ryder place is it?”

“Just take the loop around.”

“So the other one, clear across town?”

“Yeah.” Of course, you can turn them in at either office, just like U-hauls, but I gave him a choice, whether this was going to be a ride around the block, or all the way around the loop, so we could talk.

“So, what kind of record we talking about here?”

“Underage prostitution.”

“Oh.” That didn’t help the uncomfortable silence, it just led to another, even longer one.

“I’m not gay, I’m straight, but when I was younger, I decided that if the money was good enough. Well, let’s just say that I got an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

“How,” young? “Much. Money we talking about, here?”

“A couple thousand bucks.” Explains how he could pay $50.00 just to help him move a bed, and a dresser. Maybe a little extra for my discretion, making sure nobody walked bye, and saw him banging his wife.

“Huh,” I tried to laugh it off, “I’m not one to judge, but. What do you have to do to make a couple thousand bucks for one night?”

“Well, it wasn’t one night, but it’s sort of a long story…”


“Buck” (Alias)

“Well, I guess it all started when these guys came bye, and I thought they might be in a band, or something. They saw me standing there in the yard, and asked me if wanted to help them unload the van, but they didn’t have no guitars, or nothing. Same kinds of crates, though.

It turns out they had a bunch of lights, and recording equipment. Boom mics, and cameras. They asked me if I ever thought of doing any acting, but I suspected right away, what kinds of movies they were talking about, I guess.”

“X-rated?” He asked.

“Unrated more like it.”

“Well, being underage, and all.”

“Yeah, well a long story short, they got busted with it, and the movie was taken in as evidence, which is where my uncle Donny?”

“Yeah, we met.”

“Yeah, he saw it, and he recognized me. So, he came over, and asked me about it. I wasn’t in any trouble, I mean the county prosecutor agreed to drop the charges if I testified, but then. I guess I had so much fun that first time, I kept on doing it, for a couple years until I got married.”

“You said you met her on a sting operation?”

“Yeah, well she’d seen my movie too, and she said she was a big fan, but. Yeah, she was playing a child prostitute.”

“She wasn’t. She was just playing, a prostitute.”

“Well, she was. There’s a fine line between prostitution, and child porn, but I guess the difference was, she didn’t do it for money.”

“What did she do it for?”

“Attention? Self esteem, I don’t know you’d probably have to ask her about it, but. I can’t look at those pictures. Even before they were destroyed, but after they were used in evidence against the childporn ring, but. She was so young, too young, and I just can’t stand to see her like that.”

“Yeah, I can’t imagine, but. If you don’t mind me changing the subject.”

“Oh no. In fact, I’d appreciate it.”

“You brought it up.”

“Well, I couldn’t help noticing, and my uncle called me, right after you left.”

“Nothing happened.”

“Of course not, but he told me that you questioned him, and since your father runs the whole complex, I thought it might be a good idea, if I cleared the air a little.”

“Yeah, I appreciate it, but you mind if I ask you a personal question?”


“What’s it like, having gay sex, for money?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Sorry, I didn’t mean. When I said I’m not gay, it’s just because most guys assume that when you do prostitution, it’s with men.”

“So, you did it for a woman?”

“No, I did it for a man, but he wanted his daughter to babysit me. While he taped it, he didn’t want to fuck me or anything. He just wanted to watch his daughter molest me. He didn’t even jerk off or nothing. Until later, I guess. You don’t pay that kinda money to make a porno movie, and direct it yourself, unless you want to beat off watching it, but he kept his pants on the whole time.”

“Well, I guess I’d never done nothing like that, but you mind if I make a little confession too?”


“Huh, well I don’t guess I ever really had anybody to tell all this, but you remember when the Courtyard Suites used to be the Courtyard Motel.”

“Yeah,” I didn’t just hear about that, “Of course.”



Trey (Man2Man Talk. Irrespective of ages, after what the 15 year old has been through, not to mention getting married, he’s at least a Man now.)

“I didn’t know what all was going on, but my old man. Well, my momma left when she found out, she got a divorce, and left.” Killed herself a couple years later. Thank god I didn’t see the body, but I had no where else to go. So, I came back home, and got my own apartment. All that’s left is the Garden she planted in the swimming pool, after she had it filled up with sand, gravel, and potting soil.

“My old man, he got this boat. He called it a yacht, but it was really a party boat. He used to take it out to have parties. Parties I was too young to go on, but the kinds of parties where you have to drive out to international waters.”

“Yeah,” he took a deep breath, “Well, it turns out that’s what the camera crew was doing there in my neighborhood. Well, they’re using the empty house as a favor for the realtor, but they were in town to film a party on the boat later. They never recorded it before, which was their undoing.”

He kept records, of all the money that passed through that motel. When they found out ,he cashed in all his favors. All his contacts for immunity, and that’s when they closed down the motel. He was just the manager there at the time, but then he saved up some money, and waited for it to come back on the market. Cheap, because nobody else wanted to buy a place with that kind of history, but he got it for $30 grand, from the police auction.

“I’m assuming that you mean the party boat was used for some illegal activity.” He broke the silence.

“Sex parties, orgies really, with prostitutes, and some of them. Well, let’s just say that they didn’t check their IDs. Some of them weren’t old enough to drive, let alone appear in an amateur porno movie.”

“Yeah, I heard about it. The party boat I mean. I never got invited, but I knew some of the girls, you’re talking about.”

“Small town.”

“Even smaller business.”

“Yeah, it’s a wonder we never met, yet.”

“Well, you never got invited to the party boat neither. The only times I was ever at the motel was on business, so I never hung out, and socialized, but I saw you there, of course. They didn’t want me for those parties, but my. Girlfriend at the time. I liked her, and I thought I was in love with her, which is why I kept going back. She broke my heart, just as soon as I started getting pubic hairs. She made me shave them for a little while, but I know that her father put her up to it.”

“Oh,” I got it, “The babysitter.”

“Not really. She wasn’t really a babysitter, she was a prostitute. A teenage one, but her daddy put her up to it. All of it, and she didn’t cry. I guess she learned to be a pretty good actress before I got involved, but I knew deep down that it was all an act. Well,” about time he changed the subject again, “In case you’re wondering, that’s what my uncle, and his boyfriend are doing there.”


“Yeah, your dad, he made a deal, but he didn’t want to move, and get his name changed, in witness protection.”

“Huh!” It all made sense now. “They’re there to keep an eye on him.” Right next door to his office, and his apartment.

“Yeah, to make sure he stays legit, and doesn’t go back to his old tricks.”

He didn’t just know about it, the guns, drugs, and prostitutes. He had guns, legally, and he didn’t do drugs, but the prostitutes. Even the teenage prostitutes, like his ex babysitter porn star molester. Well, let’s just say he couldn’t say no to them.


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