Cult Of the Rahum END

The end to our amazing journey of slut raping.

***Chapter 10***

(Nine months later)

Over the months, the girls have shown exemplarary progress. First of all, Enez now begs to be used as Bruttithus toilet, and loves to drink his urine straight from the source. Emily, can now gargle up and suck something nasty on command, and all the others have learned to love and eat cumuke on a daily basis. Some even prefer it over sweet cakes and fried meat. Rebecca, Enez, and all the girls also now have nice wide tummies, full of their masters children. It gives them a heavy sense of pride to carry their Lords spawn, and they plan to have their children used by the cult as soon as possible, hopefully within a few months of birth. Even now though, even as their slaves are pregnant, the cult still rapes them and uses them for pleasure constantly.


“GAAGAHHHH!!! IT HUUUURTS!!!!” Bruttithus smiled, and kept working on getting the baby out. His wasn’t happy that Enezs’ pussy would be soggy and gaped after this pregnancy, but he was happy that within a few months he would have a whole new pussy and ass to abuse. During the final week of her pregnancy, Enez was kept on a strict piss and cum only diet, to train the baby to love the taste of her master, so she’d be ready soon after birth. They chose to name the girl Zerui, meaning one for use. They thought it would perfectly describe her in about a month, and Enez said it was “Pretty”. Rebecca, also thought her babys name was pretty. Rebeccas pregnancy was just a few weeks before Enezs’, and it went way less smooth. Rajah was extremely horny that day for some reason, so he was brutally using her ass while she was popping out a baby. Then, the second Unikia was born, he hopped ontop of Rebecca and began smashing her gaped pussy, even as she cried out in pain. He even penetrated her cervix, while it was still dilated from Unikias’ birth. They plan to call their son Uruniki when he is born. But in the mean time, Zerui needs to be born. As Enez pushed the baby out, Bruttithus was slowly pushing his way in, not wasting a second to get his pleasure. It hurt even more for Enez as she forced a living being out of her, but Bruttithus didn’t care as he leaned down her kissed her. Slowly, her screams of pain mixed into moans, and she dug her nails into his back to force him in further. He granted her wish and increased his speed, even as small head appeared from her vagina. He disregarded it and continued, pressure coming from all directions on his dick causing the abesolute best stimulation he had ever had. It was like a slimy, smooth vice grip. And to Enez, it was like her pussy was so full it could burst. Her little girl cunt was being stretched wide, and all she wanted was for it to never stop. But all great things had to come to a end, as Rajah pulled little Zerui all the way out, and chopped the
umbilical cord with a sharp stone. Bruttithus didn’t stop though, he kept going further, pounding her deeper without the resistance of a little girl. “Bru-ah-tey… da-dd-” He leaned down and kisses her again, before cum deeping inside of her womb, knocking her up once more. She smiles a little, but her face is still contorted with pain as he pulls out and rubs his cock her swollen red flaps. Her pregnancy was hard, but not as hard as Emilys, who couldn’t even get the baby out for hours. After little Gana was born, Emily was thoroughly punished for making her lord wait hours to have sex with her. She still has the scars and bruises from that night.

(Three days ago, Aka, that night)

“Will you just get the motherfucking baby out?!”, Screamed Juqum at Emily. It had been seven hours since she went into labor, and this entire time, Hauzo and Juqum just wanted that baby out so they could have some more of their little ebony bitch. She had the finest ass of them all, and they enjoyed it to its fullest potential. They just had gotten impatient during the first few hours, but now they where pissed, smacking her face and fucking her pink little cunt brutally to see if they could feel Gana yet. It was when Juqum flipped her over and began pounding her ass that she started pushing hard to get that damn baby out. She screamed as it edged out, Ganas tiny little head stretching her cervix painfully. Emilys walls where still underdeveloped and weak, allowing them to break easily. As Gana slid out, followed by a load of thick fluid, her walls widened, and her screams became louder, reaching to the boundries of her voice breaking. It was at this point that Hauzo just wanted her to shut up, so he began smashing his cock deep into her throat. Emily was trained on the vital ability to have an extremly short range before having a gag reflex, so the second he entered her mouth, her lunch launched from her throat into her mouth, coating his cock in a white, slimy fluid. He moaned slightly and began reaching far into her, pushing her limits even as more of Gana came out. Once again Rajah was the delivery man, pulling on the babys head as their fathers raped their mothers. He stuck his hand deeper and grabbed Gana from behind, then pulled her out. He once again slashed the cord with the stone, then began washing her. Once the baby was out, Juqum got the whip that had thorns entangled in it and began whipping and striking her pussy, stabbing into her clit and cutting into her tender flesh. Hauzo continued pushing into her mouth, even as she slammed on his leg, and as her own vomit began dripping, then pouring from her nose into his shruubbery.

***Chapter 11***

Only one girl, Priya, had died so far, but Emily came very close to being the second that day. From that day on though, she did her best to listen to her masters commands, whether that was washing the baby’s clothes, or covering their cocks with a load of thick upchuck, she did it within seconds of it being commanded. Eventually she began perfect for and loved Juqums and Hauzos commands. After Emily and Enez fell in love with their masters, they set the perfect example for the other girls, such as being ready for use at any given time, and to take punishment and brutality without screaming or resistance. The girls, reluctantly at first, began to follow the examples of their peers, even allowing themselves to enjoy their time with the cult. Except for on sundays, that is. Every sunday, the cult would take all the girls to the gallows and whip and strike them, to reinstill their training, and to delete any thoughts of escape. The girls dreaded this, but they knew it was necasarry to keep their place as sluts and toilets fresh in mind.

(Last sunday, before all the girls except Rebecca had birth.)

Yulia screamed bloody murder, as the thorned whip once again slammed down on her pregnant stomach. It dug in as Orlun brought it down, then splashed red as he pulled it put. Dezillin chuckled and swung his leather whip through the air, slapping it right into her clenched ass. Tears flowed down her face as each device of torture hit, and she could feel little Kinja kicking inside of her. They where hurting the baby, but they didn’t care as the continually planted in her mind thoughts of worthlessness. Each hit pushed her situation and her use only for pleasure farther and farther into her mind, and her eyes dazed as she realized that’s what she was. A slut, a dumpster made to cum into when someone was feeling a bit horny, a toy to be marked by bruises and to be covered in jizz. She was a thing, no more, no less. Made for dick to be inserted in ever one of her shrunken holes. She knew even when she got older, she wasn’t going to change. She didn’t want to change. She liked this life, this humilation, this abuse and the men that did it to her. Now, every bruise, every cut on her stomach and chest, she touches them and smiled, and waits in anticipation for it to happen again so they wouldn’t be so lonely.

(Present day)

Today was the day that they moved from the forest to the promised land. It was only about thiry points north from the mointain they camped in for the winter, and they had stocked up on supplies so they wouldn’t have to make any stops on the way. All the girls carried their children in
sewn carriers, and the men pulled sleds full of supplies. When they got to the ridge overlooking the promised land of the Gods, Rajah fell to his knees and began to cry. “Ezdi, Rahuum yuka emmoraqui!! Ezdi, Rahuum!” (Thank, Rahum for we have lived to bring our children to the land!! Thank Rahum!) All the members also fell to their knees and started crying, just the sight of the land arising feelings of pride and happiness.
It was a large area, with eight connected pyramids and thousands of homes in their shadows. Each member had their own tribe and each tribe had its own pyramid. Inside each pyramid was seven hundred rooms. Some for slaves, some for preparing food and some for eating, and at the very top, the room that the leader of each tribe would live in. It had large holes in the wall to let sunlight in, and it shined on a alter right in the middle of the room. Each leader room had an alter, a perfectly preserved bed, two large windows, and stairs leading right from their room down to the ground. The promised land was hidden from air view by power of Rahums spirit, and for that, was only another for the cult to be grateful.
Rajah stood and offered another prayer, then began his descent to his new land, his new home. With a few sex slaves with him.


If the demand is high enough, I’ll post another story when they train them from a few months after birth to teeange years via email.

Would you guys want that?
Lmk at 👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅