Date with my niece

My wife’s brother started doing drugs and left his wife and kids so he could pursue that. I tried to fill in.

My niece was really sad that her dad had left her. She took it personally. She felt rejected. I tried to explain that it wasn’t her, it was just him being selfish and the drugs changed how he thought.
I told my wife I felt like I should take her on a date night. Treat her special. She agreed. I called my sister in law, and she was very much in agreement. She sais she would talk to Shelly. I said, No, I want to treat it like a real date. I want to have her experience her first “date” to be with her uncle, but I wanted it to be a real one. Not a pretend one. She said that was a wonderful idea. So I called Shelly on her cell phone and asked her:
Hey Shelly, it’s uncle Carl. Do you have any plans for Saturday night?
No. Nothing planned that I know of. I don’t know if mom has anything planned.
No, she doesn’t. I already asked her.
Oh, Ok. Why, what’s up?
I was wondering if you would go out with me?
What do you mean?
You know, go out on a date.
But, you’re my uncle. We can’t date.
Just go out on a date, not date like be my girlfriend. Just like any guy asking you to go out.
No guy has ever asked me out.
Good, then I’m first…assuming you say yes.
YES! I would love to go on a date with you.
Ok, I will pick you up at 5:30. We’ll go to dinner so wear something nice. I’ll be in a tie and jacket.
Saturday arrived snd and I showered, shaved and prepared for our date. My wife said, you sure are going all out.
I want it to be memorable. She sounded really excited.
Well, I’m taking the kids to a movie at 7:30 so we will be home about 10:30 or 11.
I arrived at Shelly’s at 5:30. My other niece, a couple years younger opened the door.
Oh hi Carl. Shelly is still getting ready. She’s been getting ready all day. I can’t wait until you ask me out on a date.
Me neither beautiful. Me neither.
I watched her skip off happily as I admired her cute 10 yo butt.
I sat on the couch with my nephew as I waited.
Soon, my sister-in-law came around the corner and said, We proudly present to you the beautiful Shelly! Shelly walked out and I think my mouth literally fell open. She was stunning. Her mom had taken her out and had her hair professionally done. She was wearing lipstick, eye shadow, and a sexy prom style dress with los of sequins that hugged her little 12 yo body.
You like it Carl?
Wow! I always knew that you are gorgeous, but wow! I never imagined you were this sexy.
My sister winked at me. She is sexy isn’t she?
Wow! I said.
Sis said, yeah you said that.
I’m at a loss for words.
Well behave yourself with my girl
I can’t guarantee that. She’s so beautiful.
Naughty boy, she whispered in my ear.
I pinned on the corsage I bought for Shelly and we headed out.
We got to the restaurant and, I walked her inside withmy arm around her waist, although with her height it was almost grabbing her flat chest. We gave our reservation information and were seated in a semi-private booth. I sat next to her leaving the other side empty.
We ordered and talked about all sorts of things. At one point I was just staring at her as she talked.
What? She asked
Oh nothing. I just haven’t ever been on such a nice date with such a beautiful woman.
She blushed and said, I’m not a woman.
Are you kidding? Did you look at yourself in the mirror? Did you see the server eyeing you? Every guy and most of the women in this place are wishing they were me right now. Thank you for going out with me. She looked at me with gratitude and admiration in her eyes. I leaned over and kissed her. Just a lip kiss, but let it linger for just a moment. I looked at her face when I pulled away to see how she would react. Her look seemd to have changed. Before I could figure out what she might be thinking, she reached up and pulled my head back to her and kissed me. A little more sexual this time. We kissed for about 20 seconds.
Wow! I said.
Yeah, you said that before, a few times.
We both laughed.
I was asking you out as the older wiser uncle, but I feel like a geeky boy out for a date with the hottest cheerleader in school. My hands are shaking and I’m sweating. I didn’t expect you to be so gorgeous and amazing.

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