Dating Advice: The Third Date

Helen has more questions for her big brother. Is the “3rd date rule” really a rule?

My sister popped into my room when she got home from the dancehall.

“Before you ask, I had a lovely time. Thanks for your help,” she kissed me. “We’re going to get together again on Thursday. I can’t wait!, she whispered.

And she was gone.
Whatever had happened between Helen and Jason on their second date; it was clearly “none of my business”.
I was glad she was enjoying herself though, at 14 years of age, it was time she had some fun.


When she came to my room a couple of days later though, she looked far from happy.

“What’s up, love?”

“Nothing,” she shrugged.

“Don’t be silly. Come here and tell your big brother all about it.”

She climbed up next to me on my bed.

“It’s about Thursday.”

“Why, what’s going to happen on Thursday?”

“My date with Jason…
Well, it will be our third date won’t it?”

“I suppose it will.”

“Well the girls keep talking about the “3rd date rule”. They say I have to… you know…,” she whispered, “sex.”

I hugged her close.

“And you don’t want to?”

She sighed.

“It’s okay, love, you can talk to me. I’m not going to tell anyone.”

“Well, I think I want to do it, but I’m not sure that I want to do it yet. We only been going out for a few weeks. I didn’t think we’d be doing it so soon.” Sniff.

“Look, it’s not a rule, whatever the girls say. If you decide to do it then it has to be because you want to, not because your friends think you should.
And don’t do it because you’re afraid the girls will laugh at you, if you don’t. Your real friends won’t think any less of you. Okay?”

“What about Jason, though? Won’t he be expecting it?”

“Maybe. Where’s your date?”

“Erm, we’re going to his house after school. He says we can do our homework together and listen to some music in his room.”

“Well, yes I’d say it sounds like he’s hoping it’s going to happen, but like I say it doesn’t matter…”

Helen cut me off, “Yes I know it doesn’t matter what he wants or expects. It up to me. It’s always up to me!
I have to decide whether he can kiss me, touch me, see my tits, suck on them, screw me or whatever! Why is always down to me and not him? Why is it always going to be my fault if things go wrong!”

My little sister was upset, she was crying and I held her close.

“I wish I could make it better, love.
It must be harder for girls – I guess it’s all part of growing up.
Maybe it’s best not to rush into things.”

“She looked into my eyes,” as if she’d had an idea. “What about your girlfriends?
You must have taken girls out on on third dates. What did they do”

“Oh, sorry.
I shouldn’t have asked that.
You don’t have to answer.”

“I don’t mind telling you, if its going to help. A few girls let me take them to bed on the third date but most wanted to wait a bit longer.”

“Oh, but… didn’t you get blue balls? The girls say that Jason them if I don’t do it, so I’ll have to sleep with him.”

I chuckled, “Don’t listen to all that rubbish about “blue balls”. It’s just a load of bullshit invented by male chauvinist pigs to pressure girls into giving them a shag.
I promise you, Jason’s balls won’t change colour, nothing will drop off and he’ll be absolutely fine. The worst that can happen, is that you’ll leave him with a massive hard on and he can easily sort that out for himself, with just a packet of tissues.”

She laughed with me, “Okay, I guess you’d know.
But, I do like Jason and I want him to keep on being my boyfriend, even if I’m not ready to sleep with him.
How do I stop him from dumping me?
You didn’t dump your girlfriends when made you wait, did you?”

“No l don’t think I did.
Look, I know I shouldn’t be saying this to my sister, but if you’re not ready to go all the way with Jason, but you still want to give him something, well… you could always suck him off, couldn’t you?
Only if you want to!
I know some girls don’t like it!”

“Rob, I don’t want to sound silly, but you know I’ve never had a boyfriend before.
I’m not sure what sucking off means.
Is the same as a blow job?
It sounds like the opposite.”

“Yeah, don’t ask me why, but they’re the same thing, yes.”

“Okay, so l know the girl puts the boy’s thing in her mouth, but I don’t know what happens next. Sucking? Blowing? Both? What?”

“Okay, I’ll tell you.
Licking feels nice to start with, but it’s mostly sucking.
You don’t need to take all of thing into your mouth but you should take as much as you can. Then nod your head back and forth, or let him push it in and out of your mouth.
Oh, yeah! It’s really important not to bite. I mean, like, really important!”

“Okay, I’ll try to remember not to bite his cock off.”

“Good, I know its called “sucking off” but that’s not what it means.
Anyway, you keep sucking and sliding up and down until he ejaculates.”


“Cums, spunks up, shoots his load, whatever you call it.
Into your mouth.”

“Euck. And boys like that?”

“We love it and we love the girls that do it.”

“Do you think Jason would like it?”

“I’ve never met a boy that doesn’t.”

“Then maybe I’ll do that instead of letting him shag me.
It sounds complicated though and I’m not sure I want his dirty cock in my mouth. It all sounds a bit scary to me.
And, what if we start I don’t like it. I won’t be able to change my mind and get away, when we’re in his bedroom, will I?”

I could see the cogs turning in her head. I knew where she was going with this.

I know I keep asking you to help me.
And I know it’s not what brothers and sisters usually do, but I really don’t know what I want to do with Jason, next time I see him.
And I’ve never had a boyfriend before.
And I’m kinda frightened.
And I won’t ever ask you to do anything like this again.
But will you let me try it?
Just to see if I like it.
It’s the last time, honest..”

Well, I knew Helen was my darling little sister, who I would love and protect until my dying day, but she was also a pretty teenage girl who wanted to suck my cock.
It was the easiest choice I ever had to make.

“Okay, just this once.”

“Thank you.
You’re the best.
Where should we do it?”

“You want to do it right now?”

“Yes, everybody’s out and I don’t want to give you time to change your mind.”

“Alright, just give me moment to get a wash – down there.”

I didn’t keep her waiting for long. When I returned she was kneeling on my bed. Excited.

I started to take my trousers off.
Helen stared at me intently.
Of course. She’d never seen a cock before. I slowed down to give her a show, removing my trousers and my underpants.
My semi erect cock hung before me pointing towards my sister.

“It’s best of you take your top off. It might get dirty.”

“Okay,” she giggled like the excited, sexy, little schoolgirl that she was. She had no hesitation in stripping off her top and bra and jiggling her boobs at me.

“Oh look it’s growing,” she was pointing at my cock. “Did I make it do that?”

“Yes, and you’re going to make it do much much more.”

“Now then, come and kneel down in front of me.”

“In front of your dick?” she was giggling again.

“Yes in front of my dick.
Have a good look.
You can touch it if you like.”

“Oooh yes.”

Her touch was tentative and inexperienced but it still felt wonderful. I was the centre of her world and my male ego swelled.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, very much. It feels funny though.
Do you think I’ll be able to get all of it into my mouth?”

“Probably not, it is big one,” (that was a boast and a lie), “but don’t worry, the first couple of inches are the most sensitive. If you can get past that thick ridge then that will be enough to give me what I need.”

Should I try now?”

“Yes, give it a little lick.
Mmm that’s very nice.
Now then, open your mouth wide and move forward.
Keep going.
Just let it slip into your mouth.
Try to breathe through your nose and remember no teeth!”

Helen didn’t reply.
Her mouth was full.
She pushed her head forward taking the tip of my manhood inside her for the first time.
She eased back to take a breath, then slid forward slowly, deliciously to take me beyond the ridge and more.
She held me there and started to bob her head in the traditional manner. I put my hands on her head to help her get the rhythm I wanted.

“Oh yes that’s good.
Just look up at me while you do it.
Right into my eyes.
That’s it. It’s really sexy when a girl does that.”

She stuck to her task, looking into my eyes, breathing through her nose, teasing me with her tongue, sucking so keenly that her cheeks hollowed, she even remembered to keep her incisors to herself.

“Okay, huh huh huh, that’s really, huh, good. I’m going to, huh, cum in a minute. When, huh, when I do, move your head back a bit and try to, huh huh, take as much of it as you, huh huuuuh, can into your mouth.”
“Huh huh huhuhu. Now! Aaaah! Ho ho ho…”

I had no idea how many spurts Helen drew out of me. I know took all she could in her mouth, but she coughed and gagged and most went on to her chest and her tits.

“Wat woo I woo wi wis” she mumbled pointing at her spunk filled mouth.

“Try to swallow as much as you can.
Don’t worry if you can’t get it all, I know it’s your first time.”

She did she was told, grimacing a little.
“Tastes strange.
Not bad though, but it felt weird sliding down my throat.
What do I do with the rest of it. There’s loads.”

“There isn’t usually that much.
The girl usually tries to swallow it while it’s shooting into her mouth, but it was your first time so I couldn’t expect you to do that.
Most boys like you to swallow it all for them but some prefer to squirt it straight onto your tits.”
(I decided not to tell her about facials – that might just scare her off!).
“You can use your fingers to scoop it into your mouth if you like, or just clean it off with these wipes.” I passed her a box.
“Don’t take too long, though, it’s best to do it before it dries up.”

She cautiously licked a little more from her fingers and then cleaned herself up.

“That was fun, I liked it, thanks,” she kissed me with sticky cheeks and lips that tasted of spunk.
“I felt so, erm powerful. Making you do all that with just my mouth. Watching your face while you did it. It felt like I was completely in control of you.
And it made me feel really nice inside, you know…. down there.
Oh but, did I do it right?
I hope I did it right.”

“Oh yes, you were excellent.
Gold star!
That’s why there was so much cum.
You were very, very good for your first time.
Jason will love it if you do it for him.”

“I think I will.
I don’t think I want him to go all the way yet, but I’d be okay with that.

“Well if you’re lucky he might even return the favour.”

“What? How?
I don’t know what you mean
You’ll have to explain that to me.”

“I’ll do better than that, I’ll show you.
Do you know what it means when a boy “goes down on you”?
“Eats you out”?
It means he puts his mouth on your pussy and uses it to please you like you just did with my cock.
Would you like me to do that to you?”

“Erm, what? Yes. I suppose so.”

” Don’t worry.
You’ll like it.
I promise.”

I didn’t care whether she was my sister or not now. She had put her heart and soul into giving one of the best blow jobs of my life and she deserved to get the very best treatment my mouth could provide.

“Lie back on the bed, I’m going take your knickers off.”

“No, no, I’ll do that,” she was being unusually shy.

“No, I need to do it for you. It’s something that boyfriends do.”

“Yes, but, well, it’s embarrassing, it’s, erm, my knickers. ”

“Are they saggy old grandma knickers?”

“No, it’s not that it’s.. ”

“Is it just a tiny thong, like strippers wear?”

“No! Of course not.”

I wondered why she was so shy. Then the penny dropped.
“Helen, are you embarrassed because your panties are wet and you’re afraid I might think you’ve peed yourself.”

She bit her lip and nodded.

“Please don’t be embarrassed.
That’s absolutely normal.
It’s what happens when a girl, no, when a woman, has lots of sexy fun and gets really turned on.
Most men actually like the smell, it turns us on.”

So I slid her damp knickers off, pulling them all the way down to her toes. Then I ran my fingers back up her legs. All the way, going past her calves and her knees onto her thighs, stroking inside them and easing them apart.
I gazed upon her pussy for the first time.
I was surprised to find that it was neatly trimmed, as if ready for male inspection.

I lay my tongue flat on her slit and licked all the way up, giving her a taste of what was to come. Then I gave her another taste and another and another…

She wriggled, “Oh, that’s nice. No one’s ever done that to me before.”

I switched my attention to her labia. Lapping them and sucking on them.

“Oh my god,” she moaned.

I moved back to her slit – putting my tongue into her virgin crevice, probing her, flicking her walls and stimulating her into louder moans.

At last it was time to home-in on my ultimate target. Her clit.

I worked on the hood first, but the nub was already standing proud, waiting my attention. And it got it!

I tongue teased it mercilessly before moving in and sucking it to climax.

Helen’s breathing grew more and ragged until it stopped.
“Aaaaaaaaaah” she held her breath, arched her back and froze for a moment before collapsing down – spent, like a rag doll.

It was a while before she spoke.
“Bloody hell. That was amazing. How come I never knew about that?”

“Well you’d never even kissed a boy this time last month, so can’t expect to know everything.”

“I never knew it could feel that good. I kind of thought sex was something that only boys could really enjoy.”

“Yeah, some boys think that too. Don’t be surprised if Jason doesn’t do it.
I’m sorry but some boys don’t know what to do and some just don’t like the idea of it?”

“The selfish sods!
Well I’m glad you’re not like that. I’m very lucky to have such a special brother.”

She kissed me.

“You’re welcome”, I told her, licking my lips.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅