Emma Zorn changes from a shy little girl to a horny young woman. Fiction, non-consensual, Blowjob, gb, Mg, Bi.

Emma Zorn Thompson was a small but cute redhead with tons of freckles. She was only 5 foot 2 inches tall. Her breasts were small but high, firm and perky. She kept her red hair long and in a ponytail. She dressed conservatively and was on the quiet, shy side. She was smart and getting good grades but a good word to describe her might have been naive.

Early in her freshman year of high school Emma lost her virginity to a boy in the senior class. He walked up to her at her locker and asked her if she would like to get a burger or something with him after school let out. Emma thought it was nice of him to ask and it sounded like fun. It was a big deal to be asked out by an upper classman. She had only dated a couple of time and those were movie dates with a group of friends. She said OK.

After final period Sam met her outside and walked her to his car. They drove to the local car-hop burger shack and ordered burgers. Sam paid for the burgers and then pulled out. Emma had thought they would eat there and visit with many of the other students that went there after school. Sam said he thought it would be fun to eat them out by the lake and he drove to a secluded spot.

When they parked, Sam reached into the back seat of his ’64 Ford galaxy and pulled out a thermos of lemonade. Sam poured them each a big glass. Emma had no idea that it was spiked. The amount of booze was small enough that it did not taste funny. They ate the burgers and talked. Emma had two glasses of the spiked lemonade and did not realize why she was feeling relaxed and funny.

Only a few minutes later they were kissing in the back seat of the car and Sam had his hand up under her blouse and bra. He kissed her hard and gave her tit a squeeze. Emma tried to push him away but she did not try very hard. Emma moaned, “Ohhh” and let her head fall back against the top of the back seat. She thought she should tell him to stop but it felt nice and she was not thinking straight.

After not much more time her blouse and bra were up above her tits and her panties were off. Emma felt groggy but his touch felt so good. He slid his hand between her legs and rubbed her privates while he licked and sucked on her nipples. Emma started to relax and enjoy the feeling. Suddenly she realized that he was between her legs. His pants were down around his ankles and his erect cock was in his hand.

Sam spit in the palm of his hand and rubbed the spit over his cock head. He pushed it thru her thick mat of red pubic hair until it parted her pussy lips and found the entrance to her fuck hole. He pushed the head into the first little bit of her hole. Emma pushed at him and begged him to stop. “I don’t want to do this. Please stop.” Sam did not listen. With one thrust he buried himself inside of her.

Emma screamed from the pain of having her hymen violently ripped apart. She tried unsuccessfully to push him away. Emma cried as Sam started pounding his manhood in and out of her. Sam was not one of these young boys that came in thirty seconds. He lasted a long time and eventually the pain eased off and being fucked started to feel pretty good to Emma. She stopped crying and just as she started to enjoy the feeling. Sam held himself deep in her and she felt his cock pulse as unloaded his juice in her. Emma felt her insides being flooded with his thick, hot, wet cum.

Sam held still, deep in Emma’s cunt for several seconds and then pulled out. He wiped his cock, messy with his cum and her virgin blood, on her skirt. Then he wiggled around, pulling his pants back up, got out and back into the driver’s seat. Emma lay in the back seat crying again. She could feel some of Sam’s baby seed leaking out of her defiled pussy and down her ass crack.

By the time he had driven to her home, she had pulled her panties up and her top down. He stopped in front of her house. She was still in the back seat. As she opened the door to get out Sam said, “Come to my car tomorrow after school.”


Emma ran to her house and carefully avoided her mother so she could get to her room without her seeing the mess she and her clothes were, and the smell of sex that was on her. She buried her clothes in the bottom of the hamper and got in the bath to wash away what had just happened to her.

That night she had trouble sleeping. That hour or so when she had lost her virginity kept replaying in her mind. She remembered the pain as the first cock split her barrier. Although Sam did not have an especially big cock she remembered it feeling like someone had shoved a baseball bat between her legs. But she also remembered that after a couple minutes the pain had stopped and that it actually started feeling good to have his prick pounding in and out of her pussy. She remembered feeling sad when he had unloaded his sperm in her and pulled out. She strongly thought that there was a chance, although small, that he might have gotten her pregnant.

For the last couple of years she had been thinking about sex and how wonderful it would be when her husband, on their wedding night, took her in his arms and made true love to her. That afternoon was not how it was supposed to happen.

The next day was the first day ever that Emma had to tell her teachers that she had not done her homework.

The final bell rang. Emma did not understand why but in an almost zombie state she walked to Sam’s car. Sam was in the car and it was running. He reached across and opened the passenger’s side door from inside. Emma got in. She did not look at Sam. He drove away from school. There was no burger the second day and there was no spiked lemonade.

He drove straight to the same spot by the lake. Again there was no one else in the area. Sam parked his big Ford. Emma still had not looked at him or said a word. “You’ll see that it only hurts the first time. Get in the back seat and take your clothes off before you get in.”

“Please wear a condom. I don’t want to get pregnant.”

“Fuck no. I hate condoms. Now strip and get in back.”

Emma took a deep breath and got out. She removed her clothes and laid them neatly on the front seat before getting in the back. She saw Sam standing on the other side of the back as he stripped out of his clothes. She saw his hard cock for the first time. She had not gotten a look at it the first time.

The only other adult cock she had ever seen was one time about six months before when she had to pee so bad that she had begged to go into the bathroom while her father was in the shower. The shower door was clear glass and she saw his limp cock before he covered it with his hands. She remembered getting a funny tingly feeling between her legs. She looked longer than she meant to.

Sam’s cock was hard and pointing straight out. She stared at him and again felt that funny tingly feeling between her legs. This time she knew that the cock that she was looking at was about to be shoved inside of her and that he would pound it in and out of her until he filled her with his seed. She hoped that he was right and that it would not hurt this time. She prayed that she would not get pregnant but she did not try to stop him.

Sam positioned her, stretched out along the back seat and spread her legs. He climbed in on top of her. Quickly two fingers pushed up into her love tunnel and started rapidly pumping in and out. His mouth went to one tit and his other hand went to the other. He was sucking so hard that she was worried that he would leave hickies.

Sam switched positions, found her hole with his cock and pushed in. Emma was relieved and happy that the intense pain from the first time indeed did not happen this time. She felt tightly stretched and full but there was no pain. Sam started fucking in and out of her cunt. This time he was not pounding her as hard and fast as he had done the day before. Several minutes passed and Emma was enjoying sex this time. She started pushing back at him each time he pushed in. Emma started making happy moaning noises.

Emma thought back to the times when she listened at her parent’s door while they were making love. She remembered her father grunting over and over and her mother saying things like “Yes. Yes, yes. Harder, fuck me harder. I love you so much.”

Emma often played with herself in bed at night and it felt good but not as good as really having sex. Emma knew what an orgasm was. She was able to give herself nice little orgasms and now she could feel one building. She knew this was going to be bigger and better than any she had ever given herself. Just as she was about to explode, he did. Sam filled her again, stopped and pulled out. “Nooo, don’t stop yet. Fuck me more. Make me come.” Sam did not listen. He wiped his cum covered cock in her red pubic hair and got out of the car. Emma pushed her fingers in her cunt and pounded herself but could not get herself off.

Emma was disappointed that she was left hanging. They both dressed and Sam drove her home. As they pulled up to the house Sam said, “You should go to the school nurse and get the pill.” She was not as much of a mess this time but cum was running down the inside of her thighs. She went straight to the bathroom and took a shower and worked at cleaning out her insides as good as she could.

The next day as school finished for the day, Emma headed to Sam’s car only to see him opening the passenger’s side door for Joyce to get in. As Joyce got in Sam had his hand firmly on her ass. Joyce had about the biggest tits in school and she enjoyed wearing blouses that showed that she did. Sam got in and drove away. Emma stood there feeling crushed.

The following day Emma decided that she would go see the nurse. She entered her office and was asked what she needed. Emma hesitated a minute before she told the nurse that she wanted to get birth control pills. The nurse looked at her. “You think you are ready for sex now?”

“A boy did it to me a couple days ago.”

“OK, remove your panties and get up on the table. I need to examine you before I can write a prescription for them. Did he take your cherry? Are you experiencing anything unusual?”

“Yes he did and it hurt a lot. I am not having any problems that I know of. He did not use a condom and he came in me.” Emma pulled off her panties and hopped up on the nurse’s medical table.

“Do you want a pill that will make sure you are not pregnant?”

“No, based on when I had my period I am pretty sure it is OK.”

“Spread your legs wide for me Honey.”

Emma did as she was told. Her skirt was up around her waist and her naked pussy was fully exposed for the nurse to examine. The nurse leaned forward and used her hands to spread Emma’s outer pussy lips. “I need to check inside. Don’t worry.” With that the nurse slipped two fingers inside of Emma and started feeling around. Emma jumped a little but allowed the nurse to check her.

“Did you enjoy it when the boy fucked you?”

Emma did not think the nurse should be asking that so she didn’t answer. Emma did not even really notice when the nurse started working her fingers in and out of Emma’s hole but when the nurse leaned further forward and her lips latched onto Emma’s clit. Then her tongue started licking her bud. Emma jumped and moaned but tried to push the nurse’s shoulders to get her away.

The school nurse kept finger fucking her and licking her clit. Emma stopped struggling. It felt really good. Emma came and came hard. It was by far the hardest orgasm she had even had and the first given to her by another person. “Yessss!” Emma was breathing hard and squeezing her own tits when the nurse finally stopped.

“That’s a good reaction and you get nice and wet. I don’t think you have any problems. I will write you that prescription now. If you want to come back for another exam any time I will be happy to check you out again. The pills are not fully effective for about four weeks and are not 100% effective ever.”

Emma was still weak kneed when she got off the table but she straightened herself out and went back to her classes.

Sam was not good at keeping secrets. He told a couple of his buddies how he had busted Emma’s cherry and fucked her till he filled her cunt with his cum until it could not hold any more. Well his buddies told a couple of their friends and so on.

After the last class she was approached by Jeff who was one of Sam’s close friends. He walked up and took her by the hand and started for his car. She tried to pull away but he held her tight. ‘Sam told me that you are a good fuck and have a really nice tight cunt. I’m going to give you a better fuck than Sam ever could.” He almost threw her in the car and drove off. He fucked her twice and did give her a pretty good orgasm but he was even less considerate of her than Sam had been. He drove her back to town and pushed her out of the car.

After school ended the following day, Rick came up to her and asked her if she would go out with him. He was a boy from her class and not old enough to drive yet so they rode their bikes to the park. They swung on the swings and used the teeter-totter and talked. There was a wooded area behind the park and Rick got her to go for a walk in the woods with him. They locked their bikes in the bike rack and walked into the woods.

They came to a clearing. Rick looked at her. “It is around school that you put out. I’m a virgin. Will you please let me have sex with you?”

Emma looked at him and then pulled her top up till her boobs popped out. “Suck on my titties.” Things progressed from there and soon Rick was no longer a virgin. It was less than a minute before he shot his load in her. He apologized for being so quick but he stayed hard. Emma pulled him to her and they kissed. Soon he was back inside of her. This time he lasted several minutes before adding a second load to the first and it made Emma feel good about how gentle he was and how much he appreciated what she was allowing him to do. He asked her if she would be his girlfriend. She said no but that maybe she would be with him another time.

The school Emma went to was a medium size with about a hundred kids in each class so there was no shortage of guys that heard about Emma’s new reputation for being a sure thing and asked her out. Emma felt that the only reason a boy went out with a girl was to fuck her and she started to accept this as fact. If she agreed to go out with a guy he was about 99% sure he was going to get laid before the day ended. A couple guys asked her to go steady after they had fucked her but she knew that all they wanted was a guaranteed piece of ass any time they wanted it. She thanked them but said that a lot of guys liked her and she enjoyed dating many different boys.

People started calling her Easy but she thought they were calling her by her initials, E.Z. She was still a little on the naïve side. About three months went by and Emma lost count for the number of guys she had sex with. It was happening at least a couple times a week and now Emma was enjoying it as much as the guys but she wished more of them would put in an effort to make her have a satisfying ending.

One day Mr. Jones, her 40 year old English teacher overheard a couple boys talking about how each of them had fucked her and how all they had to do was ask her for a date and they were sure to be able to fuck her till they were satisfied and she was full of their cream.

Ron Jones started looking at her differently in class and started getting hard when he thought about her.

Emma was smart in many ways and intended to get into a good college when she graduated. She was close to being a straight A student. She was proud that she had never gotten anything under a B. One day Mr. Jones told her to see him after class.

When she came to him he told her that although her exams and homework deserver a strong B, he thought she could put in more effort and get an A in his class. He said that because she was not working hard enough, he was going to give her a C for the year. Emma almost panicked. “You can’t do that. You have to give me the grade I earned. It will hurt my chances to get into a good college.”

“Well there might be a way that I could see to not only give you the B that you are earning but I might actually be able to see that you get an A.”

Emma thought for a minute. Then it struck her. From the tone of his voice and the look on his face she knew what he was driving at. “You want to fuck me, don’t you?” Emma stood up and started to pull down her panties.

“Not here. Not now. Tell your parents that some of your other students are going to work on a project this Saturday for extra credit and that you will be home in time for supper.”

Saturday Ron picked Emma up about a block from her house. When she got in his car he kissed her and cupped one of her breasts. She returned the kiss. He drove them to a cabin he owned on the lake. Latching the door behind them he told her that she would not need any clothes while she was there and he started removing his clothes. Emma got the idea and quickly stripped. “My, Emma you have a wonderful body and that you are a natural red head. I can see that your cunt is as red as your head.” He took her in his arms and kissed her as he pressed her body tightly against his.

“We shouldn’t lie to your parents. That’s not proper. So we will have an English lesson for extra credit to raise your grade.” Ron put a professional DVD in the player and sat on the couch. He patted the couch to indicate that Emma should sit next to him. She was a little confused but followed his lead. He put an arm around her, pulled her to him and squeezed one of her tits.

Ron pushed play and the screen lit up. The title showed on the screen. SYNONYMS. Then the screen showed a teacher in front of a blackboard. “Students, today’s lesson is about synonyms which are other ways to say the same word.” He turned to the board. As he wrote it on the board he said, “Today’s word is FELLATIO. Can any of you give me another way to say this word?”

The camera turned around showing six very attractive girls in their late teens sitting in student chairs. They were all dressed in school uniforms and all had their hands raised to show that they wanted to answer the question?

“OK, one at a time I want each of you to come up and write another way to say fellatio on the board. Fran, you’re first.”

The first girl went to the board and wrote, Blowjob. The next girl wrote Giving Head. Then it was Sucking Cock, Throat Fucking, Cum Guzzling and finally What We Want To Do To You. All the girls laughed at that one.

“Here is what we will do. You will each get 30 seconds to try to get me off. At the end of the 30 seconds I will say switch and the next girl will take over. This will continue till I can’t hold out any more. Whichever girl gets me to fill her stomach with my cum will get an A for this semester. OK, come see who is going to get the A.”

The teacher unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor. His still limp but obviously huge cock hung in front of him. All six girls got up from their seats and stripped naked. They were all professional video porn stars so it was no surprise that they were all beautiful with fantastic bodies. They gathered around the teacher on their knees. “Fran, you’re first. Give it your best.”

Fran reached out and lifted the teacher’s prick to her lips. First she licked around the head and licked up the drop of pre-cum that was on the tip. Her lips slid down over the hardening shaft and started rapidly going up and down most of the shaft. You could see from her cheeks being pulled in that she was sucking hard.

“30 seconds, switch.”

As Fran pulled off you could see that the teacher had reached his full eight inches of length and his full thickness and hardness. Rhonda quickly took her place. The teacher said, “Don’t worry Fran. You’ll probably get a second chance.” The third girl took him all the way in her throat. The camera zoomed in to show the lump caused by his cock moving up and down in her throat. You could tell that he was having to concentrate to keep from blowing his load too soon.

It was in the middle of the fifth 30 second round that the teacher finally reached his breaking point. Debbie was sucking hard and deep when he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her tightly to him and blew a big load down her throat. “Arghhhh, Yes. Fuck yes. I’m there. Drink my cum.”

“Debbie gets the guaranteed A this semester.” The scene ended with the teacher pulling his pants back up.

Ron looked at Emma, “Are you ready to earn some extra credit and get your A?”

“I’ve never given a blowjob before. All they boys want to get right to fucking my cunt.”

“I’m sure you will be very good at it. Show me what you learned from the video lesson.” He took Emma’s head and pulled it to his prick. It was already rock hard. His cock was not huge like the one on the guy in the video but it was the biggest one she had ever seen for real. Emma opened her mouth and slid it over her teacher’s head and down his shaft. She went too far for the first try and gagged. She pulled up quickly and almost lost her breakfast but she kept it down.

“Don’t worry Emma. It takes practice. Just do the best you can and keep trying to do it better. Keep your lips tight and suck hard. Don’t let your teeth scrape me.”

Emma bent over on the couch till she started bobbing her head up and down, taking about half of him in her mouth. After about ten minutes her jaw was getting sore but she kept working his cock. Finally he grabbed her head and held her while he emptied his dick milk into her mouth. It was thick and slimy with a little bit bitter and salty taste but it was not as bad as she had feared. “Show it to me before you swallow it.” Emma was not sure she wanted to swallow his jizz but she did as she was told. After he pulled away she opened her mouth. Her mouth could not have held much more cum. “OK swallow.” Emma swallowed.

Her teacher was far from done. Now he was going to show her how much pleasure a man could give a woman during sex. He picked her up and carried her to the bed and laid her on her back. Ron started nursing on her breasts while rubbing her clit with a couple fingers but soon worked his way down across her stomach and to her muff.

Ron worked his tongue between her lips and tasted her sweet, wet honey pot. “You’re soaking wet and you taste delicious.” Emma moaned and pushed her mound towards his face. The school nurse was the only other person to have eaten her snatch and she wanted that wonderful feeling again. She wanted to come hard, to scream out in pleasure. Ron was going to make it happen.

He indeed did an A-number one great job eating Emma’s pussy till she was weak from orgasming. He had her moaning and grabbing the sheets and rolling her head from side to side as she progressed thru multiple orgasms, one right after another. His face and the sheets were soaking wet from her pussy juice. Finally she almost passed out and just collapsed and stopped reacting. Ron moved up and cuddled her to him and kissed her over and over.

Then he repositioned himself to slide his cock thru her opening and deep into her vagina till he pressed against her cervix. He used his arms to lift her legs almost up next to her head. He easily slid in, slowly and gently. Emma felt herself being stretched wide to accept him. Long, slow, deep strokes felt great to both of them. Gradually Ron picked up the pace and hardness of his strokes till he was pounding her hard and fast and his pelvic bone was crashing against her tender clit and his balls were bouncing off her ass.

Soon Emma enjoyed another orgasm. She was still too worn out to react strongly but she moaned loudly and pushed back at Ron’s pounding cock as she came.

Ron felt himself getting close and just before he could not hold back any longer he pulled out. He quickly moved up to Emma’s head and put his cock head to her lips. Emma opened her mouth and Ron slipped just the head between her lips. He stroked his shaft with his fist for just a couple seconds before he started feeding Emma his load of love juice. Four streams filled her mouth and each time she quickly swallowed. When he stopped coming she gave the tip of his wonderful manhood a hard suck and heard a pop sound as she pulled off.

Her English teacher slid down and gave her open, wet pussy one last loving kiss which made her twitch and moan. The sex had lasted almost an hour. The longest any of the boys she had fucked lasted about ten minutes and several has been less than two. Emma would have been happy if he could have kept lovingly fucking her for hours more. The feeling of his big cock sliding in and out of her was absolutely amazing. Now she knew what great sex could really be like.

Mr. Jones got up and got dressed but Emma did not have the energy to get up yet. She just lay there on her back with her legs spread wide and enjoyed what had just happened between her and her English teacher. “Time to get up Emma. I have to get you home. By the way, you definitely have you’re A but you may have to do some extra credit work again some tome to keep it. I will be your English teacher for three more years.” Emma laughed.

When Emma entered her house her mother asked how the extra credit class went. Emma said, “It was a lot of work but I really enjoyed it.”

The next day in English class, Emma spent the whole class just staring into her teacher’s eyes. She sat in the front row with her legs spread wide and her panties in her purse. At one point she reached down and rubbed herself between the legs. Several times she noticed him looking up her skirt.

The next week was a vacation week from school. Several boys had asked her for a date during that time but her parents had planned a family trip so she had to say no to all of them. Her mom, dad and she were going to take a trip to one of the Caribbean islands. Her dad had rented a nice oceanfront timeshare condo.

Most of the week Emma was with her mom and dad doing family vacation things so she could not find any chances to hook up with anyone. She was allowed to go to the beach by the resort when they were not off doing things. Emma overheard an older couple who might have been in their sixties talking about a nude beach on the island. She turned to them and asked where it was. They told her that it was about five miles away which was disappointing until they said that they were going to it the next day and would give her a ride if she wanted to go. Emma agreed to meet them at ten the next morning. Emma told her parents that she just wanted to hang around the next day and they said OK and that they would find something to do by themselves.

About 9:30 Emma put on her swim suit and told her folks she was going to the beach. She did not say which beach. She was told to be home by five as they were going to a beach party dinner that night. They gave her a key so she could come back into the unit any time she wanted. Emma went down to the beach.

A little while later the older couple showed up. “Hi there young lady, did you decide if you wanted a ride to the nude beach?”

“Yes please. I would like that.”

They were very nice and did not make any kind of suggestive moves or comments during the ride. When they parked the woman said, “We are going back at two. If you want a ride back, be here at the car.” Emma thanked them and told them not to wait for her if she was not there.

They got out of the can and the man and woman started removing their clothes. Emma laughed to herself thinking how old the couple really looked. Emma stripped also and put her towel and suit in the beach bag that she brought. The last thing the man said as they started to go different ways was, “You’re a very attractive young lady. You look a lot like my wife did when she was young. Have a nice day and remember two this afternoon if you want a ride.” She thanked him and said she would remember.

The beach was pretty crowded with naked and partly naked people. There were children, teens, old people and families. There were short and tall, skinny and fat people and people of many races. There was no sex happening, just the things you would see at any other beach except without clothes. She was enjoying looking at all the naked people. She went in the water and splashed around with some kids about her age. There would be no place to be alone with anyone to do anything sexual.

One guy who looked like he was in his mid-twenties did approach her and ask her if she would like to leave the beach and go with him. He was chubby and had a small dick so Emma said thanks but no and just walked on. A little before noon, Emma was walking along when she got a shock. Walking along the beach she saw her mother and father. Her mom was topless but still had on her bottom. Her dad was totally nude. She never realized what a good body he had and also what a big dick. It looked very much like her teacher’s. Emma’s mother did not see her but her father did. His mouth dropped open. It looked like he was going to say something but he turned his head and picked up the speed that he and her mother were walking away. Emma started thinking about her dad. She started wondering what it would be like to have sex with her own father.

At two she walked back to where the older couple’s car was and they were there. They gave her a ride back to the resort. Along the way he asked if Emma had ever been to a nude beach before. He said that he and his wife often went and that they enjoyed the feeling of being nude outdoors and also looking at all the people of different shapes and sizes. Emma said that it was her first time and that she also enjoyed the ‘people watching’.

When Emma went into the unit, her parents were already there. Her mom asked if she had a fun day and she replied that she had enjoyed being at the beach and seeing all the people. Again she did not say which beach. Emma thought that her dad was looking at her differently and she noticed that the bulge in his shorts grew a little.

When they got home, Emma had gone ten days without anyone fucking her and she was really horny. She looked forward to getting back to school and hooking up with someone after school got out for the day. As she walked out of the building and looked around to see who was there, Sam walked up to her. She was still mad at him for taking the other girl after school when they had first gotten together but she was wanting a cock between her legs and Sam had a pretty good one.

“Come with me Emma.”


When they got to the parking lot Emma did not see his car. Sam explained that his car was in the repair shop and that he had borrowed his friend’s van. As she got in, he had rushed around and jumped in and started the van and was pulling away before she looked in the back. On the floor was a mattress and sitting on the mattress were two of Sam’s buddies. Emma realized that she was going to have a new and different experience that afternoon.


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