Fashion Model – 01

This happened long long back when we were living in Hyderabad. I came back from my delivery and the baby was about a year old. I did not put on a lot of weight during my first pregnancy, so in a year, I was back in good shape too. Also I became a bit more curvy too, with all of that breastfeeding and heavy milk generation, my tits were bigger than earlier.

We used to live in Madhapur where a lot of film and TV personalities used to live as well. Most Telegu film celebrities are just stone throw away in Jubilee hills and Banjara hills. Most of the support staff and all used to live in Krishna Nagar and around. Those who are like assistant directors, still photographers and supporting artists used to live in Madhapur and around. Our society had a fair share of many film fraternity too.

That day I went down for an evening walk with my baby and I saw some moving vans near our building. I guessed someone was moving that day. Later when I got home, I noticed it was flat beside ours where someone is moving in. I told my husband too that we are getting new neighbours.

Next day morning I heard our doorbell and opened the door to find a young man there. He introduced himself “Hi, I am Arvind. I moved in just yesterday. Sorry to trouble you early in the morning. Could you please share the number of milkmen and maids. When I asked the security guard, he suggested that I check with neighbours.”

Husband was sitting in the hall, so he invited him inside as a courtesy and asked me to make some tea. He refused initially but later accepted an invitation to come in and have some tea.

I went into the kitchen and was preparing tea, while my husband and he were getting to know each other.

Arvind said “I am working as a professional photographer and working with Femina magazine. They are going to organize Mrs India competition in Hyderabad and hence they asked me to move here for 6 months and work with local models.”

My husband said “Oh nice, so you get to work with pretty ladies all day every day. Nice way to earn money.”

I overheard it and said “Why don’t you go be his assistant. Maybe you will get to see a prettier woman than your office??” I snided.

“See, my wife is already jealous.” He told Arvind and then turned to me and said “I see you all day, no one can be prettier than you my dairy milk”.

Dairy milk is his nickname to me ever since I started lactating. He gave this name because I have too much milk. Nobody would have guessed it though.

“I used to work with models for Miss India, where models are pretty young. But not sure Mrs India contestants will be young. This is a competition for women who are married already.” Arvind said.

“See beauty competition for married women, something which you could try if you want to” my husband said, turning towards me.

I brought the tea in 3 cups and offered both and sat down with them. “You must be kidding. I don’t get enough time to take care of our baby and home alone and you are asking me to enter a competition. Not possible at all. Besides, who will like me and give me a medal?” I said.

“Not entirely true. I have seen many models in Delhi and Mumbai and you are prettier than 90% of them. To be frank when you opened the door I thought you were unmarried.” Arvind said.

“Now you are flirting with me in front of my husband.” I smiled at him and said.

“I am sorry, I did not mean that. Because I am in the fashion industry I know a lot about beautiful women. Please excuse me for my remarks. I am a bit embarrassed now,” said Arvind.

“We were just pulling your leg” I smiled at him. Husband too laughed along with me.

“But seriously if you want to consider, I could help you with your preparation. Before deciding about this, do visit my home and watch my portfolios. If you are confident in my credibility and work, then we can discuss again.” Arvind said.

We finished our tea and later Arvind left from there.

Husband asked me if I was really interested. I said “I don’t think I can do this.”

He asked me “If I could help you at home and kid, would you try? Maybe I can boast later that my wife entered Mrs India competition.”

“So you want me to be your trophy wife?” I asked.

“I did not mean that, but think of it in another way. It could be a gift to yourself, by taking care of yourself after tirelessly taking care of me and baby now. Maybe you deserve this. Think about it.” He said.

I did not give much thought about it, but later that weekend Arvind invited us to his flat. He ordered some pizzas for lunch and also showed his portfolio from his career’s best works.

Later that night my husband asked me again if I am interested, given he had such good portfolios to back up his credit.

I unwillingly said yes for this proposal, but did not know my husband was serious about it though.

After my husband left for work, I was completing my chores and the baby started crying. So I took him into my lap and started to feed while watching TV. Usually this is the time when my maid comes home, so I did not lock the door. Doorbell rang and I said come in assuming it is my maid. But it was Arvind.

I was in my night dress which has buttons to open when feeding. I did not have a towel handy either to cover up when he came in suddenly. He caught a good glimpse of my boobs. I expected he would at least go out after seeing me feeding the baby, but he was very casual about it and walked right in and sat opposite me.

I was embarrassed a lot and turned to the other side to cover and said “Do you mind? I am feeding my baby here.”

“Yes, I noticed. But in the fashion industry some nudity is normal. I am used to these sights. So don’t mind me. Morning I got a call from your husband that you wanted to participate. He wanted me to share the application form and rules for the competition.” He said.

“This may be common for you, but not for me. Could you please leave?” I asked him.

“I can come back later if you are worried. If you are not comfortable with your photographer who is your biggest help in this case, you won’t pass the beauty competition. There will be judgment on your physical and intellectual beauty. So you should start preparing yourself as early as possible.” He said and left an application form on the table before leaving from there.

Continued in next part…