Father Daughter unexpected lesson

An unexpected comment turns into a lesson in love between a father and his daughter

This story involves my daughter 12 and myself M42

I was laying on my bed I had had a hard day and work and had just got undressed now wearing just a T-shirt and boxers and was just genuinely decompressing from my day.

At this point my daughter who had as of recently been very moody as a typical pre teen girl can be most of the time appeared at the door. She had that look that she was spoiling for an argument probably another bad day at school. After a brief chat about her day and how she was feeling angry and frustrated all the time I jokingly said go and masterbate like everyone else does.

She paused and I thought I was about to get an ear full but she said I don’t know how. I replied to her you just do what feels good, you’ve done sex ed at school you know how your body works. This would normally be a conversation to pass to a mother but sadly hers had died during the birth of our daughter and I was left alone to raise her. I suggested watching some instructional videos of the internet I knew there must be plenty available but to my utter surprise she persisted that I help her.
I told that did not seem the right thing for us to do but again she insisted so I told her to go get undressed and then put a hoody on and come back.

When she returned she was as instructed wearing a hoody and I told her to come and get on the bed As she walked round the bed from the door her toned butt cheeks peeked from the bottom of her hoody. I told her to lay down but not fully and I placed a pillow behind her so she would be sitting up slightly and could see what she was doing as I had no intention of touching her.

She did as requested and embarrassed covered herself with the bottom part of the hoody. I then said two her as you know there are two types of masterbation penetration and stimulation. If you are a virgin and want to stay that way your only option is stimulation otherwise you may break your Hymen during pleasuring yourself. She said I am and I want to stay that way until I find someone I love to take it.

I instructed her to pull up her hoody so she could see what she was doing as she did I was introduced to the most perfect looking pussy I had ever seen it looked so beautiful the flaps so smooth and plump, I was a little taken aback by the feelings I was beginning to feel but I snapped myself back into the teacher mode. I told her to keep her feet together and slowly bring the towards her butt to spread her legs fully I said if that feels weird just move your feet apart until you feel comfortable. She did this and spread her legs so wide I was now in the way. I moved off the bed trying to hide my modesty but more the growing bulge in my boxers and climbed on the bottom of the bed between her legs but far enough away to make her feel comfortable.

I told her with one hand to gently part her flaps to expose her clitorus and with the other to slowly and very gently rub it. I said before you do you will want to add some lubricant otherwise it would not feel nice suck your finger before you do this will help. She dutifully did this then began to rub herself in front of my eyes. I was getting so arroused I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t help the feelings I moved myself so I was not pinning my growing errection angst the mattress any longer as my slight bulge had become a fully hard.

She began to rub herself and asked is this correct and I wanted to yes it’s fine but what came out of my mouth was “fuck it’s absolutely perfect” she stopped as she processed what I had said and I stayed quiet in the hopes of it just passing by and it did she started to rub again and her breathing got heavy and she begun to moan. This time i forced the words out correctly that’s it you’re doing it correctly I will leave you alone. I started to move to get up and she stopped dead looked straight at me, it just does not feel right. I said I know I you warned you it would be weird I will leave you alone to finish and she barked NO that’s not the problem it does not feel right me doing it can you show me how.

I took a deep breath and had to be the sensible adult as much as my brain said do it, I said I can’t do that that’s a line a parent cant cross.

Why not she snapped

Because it’s err not right I mumbled

I want you to and I need your help don’t you love me enough to

Of course I do your my little girl that’s the problem.

In actual fact she was with every day turning more and more into her mother the woman I had loved so much

Well then just show me

I reluctantly said okay I will show you and guide you this once then you’re on your own you will have to figure it out as you go along.

I moved closer and adjusted my position to fully lay on my front and moved up a little so I was closer.

I said make your you can see what I’m doing and then I placed my left hand on her flaps a spread them apart with my finders to reveal her little pink clit. I licked my thumb on my other had to lubricate it and the the rubbed over her clit from below to above. Her body tensed then relaxed and I then rubbed from side to side and around her clit and alternating between. It was working I feel her warmth building and I could see her juices beginning to flow from her vagina.

Once you are arroused I said you can use your own juices as lubricant make it feel better and I tentatively rubbed around the entrance to her hole to collect some juice and return to her clit.

She was enjoying it I could tell her body moved and she moaned with my touch she was fully arroused then she suddenly tensed look down and me and said I’ve changed my mind I want penitration.

I stopped looking at her and said I would take her shopping at the weekend and she can buy a vibrator thinking that would bring this to and end but she barked again this time more commandingly

NO I want to know what it feels like.

I thought for a second and said you could use your hairbrush handle but she said

why won’t you use your fingers like before.

I told her I did not penetrate before just moved around your hole with my finger to this she snapped

Do it again.

To my shock I just did I took a finger and so slowly and gently pressed her entrance. She squirmed at my touch this time, I moved my finger forwards and backwards gently slightly further each time. As her vagina grabbed hold as she relaxed and it became easier I occasionally just teased another finger until her hole excepted them both. I used both fingers and continued until I could not go further without fear of damaging her hymen and this point I said thats it I cant do anymore without a vibrater.

As I removed my fingers they were wet glistening with her juice at this point I don’t know what came over me but brought my finger to my nose and inhaled deeply enjoying the sweet smell then I just sucked her juice from my fingers. I then snapped back to reality and saw she was staring straight at me with a look of I was not sure what I had never seen it before.

Did you just taste me?



I don’t know


I’m so sorry it just looks so good I just had too


I could not help it I just wanted to taste it

WHY Don’t you then!


Taste me…… Eat my pussy

I needed no more encouragement I had had a taste and wanted more of that sweetness. I moved my head between her legs and started to run my tongue around her clit then down to her hole to really get a good taste this continued until she suddenly stopped her thighs gripping my head and I felt the feeling I had many times before from her mother as she tensed quivers and relaxed she had just had an orgasm and cum. As she relaxed I made sure to get as much of her sweat juice as I could.

As I did she said something that shocked me

I don’t want to be a virgin anymore,I want to be a woman.

I said we have already done to much and that she would need to wait until she was ready and found someone she loved. She replied

I already have i trust you I love you who better than you.

I thought about it and it some weird way it made sense I would be more gentle than any other first lover she is my little girl I would never hurt her or betray her.

Then she said it’s not like you don’t want too.

Sorry what did you say I replied

I saw you grinding on the mattress you can hide something like that I’ve seen your erection from your boxers.

I know sorry it’s just I was so arroused by you.

Well then be my first

I can’t

Why not

It’s not right

It feels right to me, it feels so good

Are you sure

Yes I want you too

I knelt up on the bed removed my T-shirt and slowly pulled my boxers down removing one knee and leg at a time. I was fully naked with an erection right above her between her legs as I looked down at her and I wondered if I would even be able to fit inside her she looked so small underneath me. I by no means have a huge penis but I’m a good 8 inches and I was as hard as I had ever been in my life before.

She removed her hoody over her head exposing her small B cups they looked so perfect not a blemish on them with small but erect nipples. She threw the top to one side and slid down the mattress towards me.

I lent forward and hovered above her body rested on my elbows either Side and her breasts just brush my chest.

She then lifted her head and kissed me just a quick peck first time then slightly longer the next until the the third time our lips locked in a pationte kiss.

Whith lips still locked together I moved my hand between her legs and rubbed down to her vagina entrance to see if she was ready. I took my penis and moved it to her hole and rubbed it over the entrance to get the top lubricanted. I am incurcumssed so the hood of my penis was wet with her juices pressing against her hole waiting for permission to enter. She moved her hips slightly and this was the go ahead I needed. I pushed gently against her and my forskin began to roll back as I it entered. I pulled back and repeated this motion a tiny bit further each time until the now exposed head of my penis had reached the stopping point her hymen. Her vagina was so tight gripping onto my cock i had never felt something like this before the feeling of her vagina gripping so tight was unreal. With the head pressed gently up against her hymen I paused kissing she took a breath and I said. This will hurt but I will try to be gentle you push and your pase.
I push the tip hard against her hymen and she pushed back and it broke she winst and inhaled as I paused daring not to move then she relaxed and I began to move backwards then forwards again a little at a time until i was almost fully inside. Her pussy gripped and squized so tightly with each stoke deeper until my balls bounced against her ass checks. With every thrust she moaned while still passionately kissing me until I felt her whole body tense her pussy gripped so tightly around my penis and then she paused kissing and suddenly relaxed almost going limp underneath me. I looked deep in her eyes slowly began to pull out from her just as the tip of my penis was about to exit from her she looked lovingly at me and said it’s only fair that you get to finish.

I paused for a moment and then in one movement pushed the full length of my shaft into her. She moaned and began to move more this time grinding her hips as I thrust into her with every stoke I could feel her building up as was I. I had reached the point where I could not take anymore I told her I was about to cum and needed to pull out but she in the most forceful voice

Keep going I want to feel your love

I can’t cum inside you I said that’s a line we can’t cross

I want you to finish as I did she said

At this point i could not have stopped even if i wanted too with a few more firm deep thrusts I’m shot a hard spurt of cum as I did she gripped me with her legs and squeezed her pussy so tight around my cock with every stoke another shot of cum until some 8 or 9 thrusts later my balls felt empty and my cock stopped pulsing.

As I slowly pulled my cock from inside her she said that was amazing and everything she had ever wanted and hoped she had not been a disappointment. I reassured her it was as good for me as I have ever had and that was the truth.

As my penis pulled from her cum began to ooze from her vagina and to my surprise she reached down with her fingers began to massage it back to herself

I don’t want to lose any that feeling of being filled up from the inside was like nothing I have ever felt she proceeded to lick the cum from her fingers.

Yum she said I like that taste maybe I can have some more sometime.

Maybe I said Maybe

I kissed her again but this time she forced her tongue between our lips and we fell into a passionate French kiss something I had not done with any other woman except her late mother. At that moment it was almost as if she was here again with me. I never wanted that kiss to end but as we broke for air she passed and said.

I Love you so much daddy.

This kind of brought me back to the real world and I sat up and stood up from the bed and told her I was going for a shower. She also stood up and walked away back to her room looking back over her shoulder at me with eyes that said that was not the last time but the first of many.

As I stood in the shower water falling on me All I could think about what’s how much I had cum but how little had come back out of her.

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