First cum, best cum

My first time jacking off with the help of a friend lead me to being addicted to masturbation.

As far back as I can remember, I loved to play with my dick. It all started when I was probably 10 or 11 when I went next door to David’s house. He was 13, a little pudgy and almost a foot taller than me.His mother told me he was around back in the tool shed. Sure enough, when I opened the door of the little building he was standing there with his shorts around his ankles jerking himself off. I think I was as shocked as he was. He quickly tried to hide his dick by pulling his shirt down. I stood there, eyes wide open, he had a fairly large, uncircumcised dick which I had never seen before, he grunted, “shut the door, shut the door”, as he pulled his underwear up.
In those days, I had only seen glimpses of my dad’s Playboy books, never another guy’s penis. “What were you doing”, I asked. He begged me not to tell anyone. He then explained to me about jacking off, well I wanted to try it, I had started waking up with a hard dick for a few months now, but didn’t know why, it just made it hard to pee in the mornings. I promised David not to tell on him.
He was still embarrassed about the situation. He said we needed to find somewhere private and he would show me how to masturbate. We decided to wait until the next day when his mom and dad would be at work, the rest of the afternoon, we just rode our bikes around town until we passed by a house that someone had recently moved out of, there was a nice size treehouse out back. We rode around to the alley and jumped the fence. David went up the ladder first and helped me up into the fort. David looked at me and said, “perfect”. He dropped his shorts to reveal his chunk of meat that flopped out and pointed at the floor. I followed his lead, my dick was about half the size of his, but as he began to stroke his, it started to slowly swell in his hand. I grabbed mine and slid my fingers back and forth, it too started growing until it stuck straight out without holding it. We sat down facing each other as I tried to duplicate what he was doing. His hand moved faster and faster on his cock, the head disappearing into the folds of the skin, I was holding my breath as I pumped on my dick, all of a sudden, David’s breathing was getting faster and louder until he let out a long sigh as I watched white milky juice squirt out of the little slit in the end into his other hand, he continued to jacked it for another minute until he squeezed it all out. I was amazed, still working hard on my bone, David scooted closer to me and said, “let me help you bud”. His soft hand wrapped around my shaft, it felt so good. He masterfully made me cum in about 2 minutes and to my surprise, he sucked the last few drops out.
We sat there with our limp dicks in our hands for a while. “What you thinking”, he asked me. I smiled and said, “I like it and cant wait to do it again tomorrow”. He chuckled and told me that you can Jack off more than once a day. Well, he shouldn’t have told me that, I started masturbating every chance I got, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day. Thanks David

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