First time gay

My first time turned into me being raped. Was only ment to experience my first bj.

My 1st time and only time, i was 15 at the time horny 24/7 as probably all guys were at that age, all I could think about was sex and girls.
After school I would go to the park near where I live l, walk around it taking pictures on my phone of different girls in the park then go to the public toilets and wank off looking at them. One day sitting there wanking I see written on the wall a message. , it said….
Cock wanted, will suck your cock then leave available 24/7 and a phone number. Now I never had any gay thoughts but was thinking if I message this person I could experience my first bj, I saved the number blew my load then went off home.
That evening in bed i got my phone out and sent a message. This is the messages.

Me: hi saw you number in the toilets today.

Him: ok what you after?

Me: I don’t know really not gay and not done anything before.

Him: thats fine, I can suck you,  you suck me, I fuck you or you fuck me.

Me: well like I said I’ve never done anything before but wanna know what its like to be sucked.

Him: I can do that how old are you.

Me: 15

Him: and your a virgin? Not done anything?

Me: yeah kissed a few girls but thats it.

Him: toilets tomorrow?

Me: I finnish school at 3 I’m normally there by 3:30

Him: see you there tomorrow then.

Didn’t sleep well that night really nervous but kinda excited at the same time.

School finnished and I got to the park, I hung around outside the toilets a little back where I couldn’t be seen and watched. There was a guy hanging around also, couldn’t be him as he looked kinda normal, dont know what I was expecting at that age. I text saying I’m here and that same guy pulled his phone out his pocket and said where, then i walked along the path to which he saw me coming.
We talk for a bit when he says he has a van parked up in the carpark if I wanna go there, he said seeing a full grown man walking into the toilet with a boy in school uniform could get him in trouble. Nervous as hell I don’t say much and follow to his van.
Inside he immediately tells me to take my trousers and pants off which I do. He asked if i wanna see his I said no thanks and he grabbed my dick and went straight to sucking it, it felt amazing nothing id ever experienced before and within seconds I was cumming and he swallowed the lot. As soon as id cum I felt sick and horrible and just wanted out of there. Sitting there he pulls his cock out and I looked at it and it was a lot longer and thicker then mine and he said wanna suck it, I said no im ok he then said wank me then, again I said no I just want to go home now. With that he said this stuff is a 2 way thing you got what you wanted so its my turn and grabbed me and turned me over and pushed me over the box in the back. I then felt him runbing his cock on my hole I asked him to stop and felt it get really slippery as he spat on it, then he pushed inside,  I felt like I couldnt breath and the pain was on another level it hurt so much I couldn’t say a word and he started fucking hard and fast, I went dizzy and was in a daze untill I felt him go stiff and his cock start pumping his cum into me. He puts him self away and says see you later as I leave. The walk home I could feel my butt getting wetter and wetter his cum slowly coming out of me. I get home sitting on my bed my ass still hurting thinking I’ve just been raped. That was my first and only gay experience.
I’m now that old guy who’s number is on the toilet wall looking for a little schoolie to fuck.

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