Fuckin’g dirty don behind his wife’s back

Here i was thinking and dreaming about our neighbor dirty don like i always do.we already have it planned for me to go over their after his wife leaves for work.i just love how dirty don loves to fuck me his lilly minx behind his wife’s back.dirty don tells me i am a way better fuck than her.he loves my very tight juicy pussy he tells me.he just loves fuckin’g his little lilly.the next morning came and i was starting to get ready, my pussy was so wet for dirty don i swear, i could not wait to feel his dick going in and out of my slit.i put red lip gloss on and put on my orange and black leopard skin bikini panties and matching bra.i looked at my own ass in the mirror, not even a wrinkle they fit so tight on my ass, my tan cheeks were even showing at the bottom.i so love to look sexy as hell for dirty don.the better i look and turn him on the better fuck he throws me.i also love how he would rather fuck me than his wife, that gets my slit hole so wet.just knowing i can get dirty don in the sheets is so awesome.i then put on my tight bright pink booty shorts.i had my hair up in a pink bow as well.i was watching dirty dons wife backing out the driveway and i had the biggest smirk on my face just thinking your husbands dick is going to be inside me in just minutes.i left out the back door and crossed the yard over to dirty dons.he was already their waiting for me.”oh my little lilly minx you look so dam fine he said”.why don’t you go have a seat dirty don ill put you on a little show.let me grab a beer real quick lilly for this.dirty don then sat in the recliner and i started swaying my ass back and forth looking at dirty dons face,”you like lilly’s ass don, you like how my shorts are fitting on it don” oh fuck yes lilly, i love it he said as he was stroking his dick, oh god lilly i am so hard for you, so turned on by you lilly.show dirty don what you have on underneath you hot minx.i then slowly moved my shorts down to show him my leopard panty ass.” Oh god lilly i love it, oh lilly what a ass, oh god i am so horny for you girl, back that perfect ass up into dirty dons face.i did just that to.don smashed his whole face into my ass and was licking my slit through my panties, oh god dirty don get it, lick away on lilly’s slit, oh girl you turn me so fuckin’g on.dirty don was even taking big sniffs and whiffs back their as he kept licking me.oh baby girl i love how you taste he said.i so love how you make me feel dirty don, only you get this baby, have me, take me.fuck the shit out of me dirty don on the bed you and your wife share.”fuck your lilly on it dirty don”.you want to get fucked on it princess he said as he got up and scooped me up into his strong arms and carried me right to his own bed that he and his wife sleep in.dirty don yanked my shorts and thong right off and threw them on the side of the bed.you want don to lick your slit princess while my wife is at work, go for it don have at it baby i said.dirty don licked all around my slit and even into my hole.i was so in heaven, oh god don, oh god dont stop its so good.right their on the bed he shared with his wife, he was eating out his 14 year old neighbor lilly and she enjoyed the lusty dirty moment as much as dirty don was.after making his lilly minx explode dirty don buried his whole length right up lilly’s slit hole.” I spread my legs wide so dirty don could just ravage my hole, we stared into each others eyes and the bed was creaking away.”oh lilly i love it princess, your hole feels so good lilly on my dick”.you like fuckin’g me while your wife is at work i said, you like fuckin’g your lilly on the bed your wife sleeps in”.oh fuck yes i do he said as he went so deep up my hole, the bed was shaking and creaking as dirty don fucked me into heaven”.all i think about is you lilly he said as he just kept on plowing me.the best pussy by far lilly, the best.so many guys want to fuck me to dirty don but i don’t want to, im all yours and only yours.oh god lilly he said as he pumped me full of spunk, jet after jet of his hot cum flooded my hole.dirty dons legs even shook when he filled me up.”oh god lilly way better than my wife he said, way better as he kissed me on my lips, our tongues were even dancing together.by for now.xoxoxo