Fuckin the pooch

A couple of months ago we had some new neighbors move in two doors down from me. I had to walk down to the store to get a couple things. As I walked by the house with the moving van in front I asked the guy if he needed any help and he said no thanks I got two teenagers that are gonna help me unload this. I introduced myself and found out his name was Peter and he had two sons 12-year-old and a 15 year old his wife had left him. As we were talking out of the front door Came the two boys..They came over to us and Peter introduced them to me.Marshall was the oldest son starting high school and Hunter who was 12 but almost 13 he was quick to add.I welcomed them and said if they needed anything I live right there,pointing at my house.

The following weekend I heard a knock at the door and looked out to see a kid standing on the porch. I open the door and said “Hello”the kid said “Hi do you have any work you need done?”I thought for a minute and had him come in.”Do your parents know that you’re doing work?”,”My Dad knows my Mom left us 2 years ago”.Hunter hung his head when he said that and I replied”I’m sorry about that Hunter”.”I have to run some errands it’ll take a couple hours I would you like to clean my bathrooms while I’m gone?” “OK” he answered.I got him the cleaning supplies and a pair of gloves and showed him the bathrooms and I left.

My errands didn’t take as long as I thought so I came back after about an hour and walked in the door. I went to both bathrooms and did not see Hunter so I figured he finished and went home.Out in the back I heard Schultz crying. I went out the back door and the crying was coming from my garden shed.I opened up the shed and got the shock of my life.There was Shultz and there was Hunter completely naked ,on all fours with Shultz on top of him with his penis buried in Hunters ass.Hunter just hung his head as Shultz kept trying to pull out of Hunter,crying and yelping.I asked Hunter if he was alright and he nodded yes.”Shultz is knotted inside of you and he can,t pull out”I explained I went and got the hose and started running cold water over Shultz to cool him down and I was also soaking Hunter in the process.After several minutes Schultz was able to pull out of his rectum without any major damage.I threw a towel over Hunter and took him in the house.

Hunter was very quiet inside and hung his head in embarrassment.”What made you want to try that Hunter?”I asked. He didn’t answer.”Hey if your straight with me know one needs to know about this but us”.Hunter popped his head up and said “You won’t tell my Dad?”he asked.I held my hand out to shake and said”This will be are little secret OK” Hunter grabbed my hand and kissed it then he shook it and said”Deal”

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