Fuckmeat Teacher – 2

How Miss Amanda became the property of pubescent teenagers.

”Students and assembled teachers” Principal Harvey began “ we called this very special assembly to celebrate one of our own” He continued “who has achieved a district award for outstanding professionalism and character”

“This is such bullshit” Donnie grumbled to his rotund henchman “who gives a shit about the fake ass accolades these stuck up cunts give each other!”

“Quiet boys!” Miss Amanda hissed. She pointed at the speaker to indicate where their attention should be.

“Miss cunty tits” as they liked to call their teacher could often get the boys attention, but only in one way. Her 42EE chest on her 5’9, 160 lbs body often drew their stares and mumbled comments even as she, unaware, occasionally indulged in the conceit that such occasions of seeming diligence meant she had made some kind of breakthrough with the two bullies.

Donnie and Chester gave her tits the thumbs up as the principal continued on about the value of character.

“You got it cunty tits” Chester breathed “fuck school.”

“And so it is with great pleasure that I hand this years district award for professionalism and character to the newest member of our staff, Miss Amanda Baker!”

Of course she won. She deserved that sash and certificate. She had single-handedly spearheaded PTA fundraising initiatives this term to increase boys literacy and ran several girls clubs aimed at mentoring 12-14 year old girls as they transitioned to highschool and womanhood. She wanted to be a solid role model for young girls above all. They would look up to her with even more respect as a role model.

“Thank you, Miss Amanda, soon to be Mrs. Miller, for all of your leadership, dedication and hard work” Principal Harvey added as Amanda reached the podium.

As the applause waned and she was about to speak, however, a loud fart noise ripped across the auditorium.

“Donnie, Chester, IN MY OFFICE NOW!” The principal screamed.

And that’s how Donnie found himself at home jerking off, watching porn and playing video games today.

“A two-day suspension for being hilarious!? Such fucking bullshit, C” he texted his slug accomplice. As he scrolled for the next porn clip.

Donnie and Chester had recently hit puberty and though they never shared this with each other they both welcomed any opportunity to have free time and and about six pairs of old gym socks. This suspension would do nicely to sate their constant desires for carnal release.

Midnight Prowl was Chester’s current favourite. Anything involving the degradation of a grown woman hit all the sweet spots for Chester. Donnie was drifting through a Japanese “gokkun” phase where submissive women swallow large quantities of semen.

As Donnie called up the next “Tisshu ni narimasu “ clip, he received a new text from an unknown number.

“Hi, Donnie.” the text read “That was some hilarious stuff at school yesterday, buddy. Sorry to hear about your expulsion”.

“It’s a suspension, I go back in two days.” Donnie replied “this a new number Chesterfield?”


Angel: this isn’t Chester.

Donnie: who the fuck are you then?

Angle: think of me as a guardian angel. I’m here to help.

Donnie: oh, I get it. You’re some perv. Do you know who my father is? You are fucked dickhead.

Angel: watch this video. Then you’ll understand.

Donnie couldn’t help his curiosity and pressed play. What he saw boggled his mind. Miss Amanda, HIS TEACHER’s head bobbing furiously on a big cock! As the video played, a voice behind the camera, and the cock, spoke down to her.

“That’s it Amanda. This is going far toward the debt you owe me. As long as you do your job, no one will see the video or know anything about what you did.”

Donnie’s little pecker got hard instantly, as Miss Amanda moved up on the mysterious man’s cock and wrapped her massive tits around it. Spitting on the now encapsulated cock to lube it. She looked up and pledged to “do anything” the stranger asked.

To Donnie’s chagrin the video ended there.

Angel: do you want what I’m offering?

Donnie: Jesus Christ. This is all fucked up. Just what is it you are offering me? Why me?

Angel: simply put: a chance to get revenge on the hypocrites in the system that keep people like you and I down.

Donnie could believe his eyes. A walking wet dream, his nemesis teacher sucking off and titfucking on camera!

Angel continues “I was just like you in my youth, stepped on by “educated betters” for being born with noble genes. I was called lazy, a sloth, and was always in the principals office just for beating on kids who deserved to be beaten down and ruled by their betters.”

“I think you understand all too well” he continued “that bitches like Amanda here, or shit for brains principals should be ruled by people like you.”

Donnie replied “they should call me sir and pay me tribute. I certainly don’t need to go to any school and learn about stupid shit like character and empathy”

Character and empathy were for lesser people. Donnie saw himself as nobility; as part of the wealthiest family in town he felt his station merited respect on its own.

“Pay attention to this next clip, Donnie.” He clicked play as soon as it came through.

The video showed the gooey aftermath of Amanda’s face fucking. Still looking up submissively, as if to her master, seemingly waiting to be commanded.

“Fuckmeat” the voice said “that’s the code word I will use to transfer my dominance of you to other men.”

“Whoever utters this word to you, owns you” the master said as a small glob of cum fell from Amanda’s brow “you will do whatever they say without question, no matter who asks or what they ask you to do”.

“As long as she obeys this rule for the amount of time I’ve determined, Miss snooty big tits Amanda gets to keep the nice life to which she has become accustomed.“ Donnie’s angel typed.

“I am giving her to you now, Donnie. I want you to get the satisfaction I never had. Take her and the system down a few pegs, show her who her master really is and what really makes the world go round.”

Donnie shook as he typed his reply, “thank you, Angel.” Even the cock-sucking titty-fuck video alone was enough to destroy Amanda, but the command word conjured so many depraved fantasies in Donnie perverse brain.

“Enjoy your last day of suspension tomorrow
School’s back in session Wednesday. Go get what’s yours.” Angel ended.

After jerking off one last time, to the ultimate video, Donnie texted Chester, “I’ve got great news fucker. This I gotta tell you in person!”

Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough.

A few blocks away, in a lesser part of town, Amanda and her beau, Martin, were putting the final touches on their wedding ceremony.

“I love you Martin. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you” she kissed him. She could not possibly comprehend the depravity of the coming days.

Author note: how was this? Next part is the lead up to Amanda’s “big day”. What depravity can the readers of this website suggest?

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