Gang Bangers

When I saw one in a black Adidas track suit, I didn’t think anything except it looked 90s.

He stopped at the end of an alley across the street, and looked around suspiciously. Then, he chucked his head down the sidewalk, and another one had just come around the corner. He walked down to the alley, and turned to disappear.

I thought it might be some gang activity, because they were dressed identically. Black windbreakers with the hoods tied tight under their masks, stripes down the arms, and legs, Adidas logos on the front, sleeves, and one side of the legs.

So, I finished my coffee, it was getting cold anyway, and I’d payed for it at the counter, so I tucked a couple singles under the cup, and put on my jacket. Grabbed my purse, and held onto my pepper spray, in case I needed it.

If they were drug dealers, and they had guns under their jackets, hopefully I could blind them, and they’d miss. I don’t want to sound like a racist Karen, but I didn’t want drugs in my neighborhood, and they were white. I’m sure the Crips would allow white boys to join, so long as they don’t mind wearing all black.

I didn’t see any Raiders logos on their ballcaps, but I wouldn’t with the hood tied tight over the bills. They weren’t wearing any sunglasses, but I hoped I could get the spray under their hats. Pointed forward, not even tilted to one side or the other, but what do I know about gangsters? I couldn’t tell you whether they turned them to the right or the left, all I knew was I didn’t want crime ruining my neighborhood.

“There you are,” I heard a woman’s voice, “About time you showed up.”

“Sorry I’m late.” I let my thumb slip out of the cap, and winced at it snapping shut, but if anyone heard it, they didn’t turn to look.

The newcomer pulled his top up, and held it zipped over his arms, but he looked away from the other man. Already holding his inside out, covering his face with his pants down. Completely naked underneath, except for a rubber, and a thin black strap tight around his cock, and balls.

I shook my head, realizing this was something weird. Sexual, but unlike anything I’d ever heard of. The woman was dressed similarly, except for a tight skirt stretched around her legs, almost to her knees, and high heeled boots which tapped on the concrete alley floor.

She pulled his pants down, to check the tight black rubber tubing, and a bead cinching the ends together. She pressed a button, and pulled it tighter, but he was flaccid. Uncircumcised.

“Uh, excuse me.” Another one came around from behind me, and the woman turned.

She saw me, but just said, “You’re late.”

“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting traffic,” but the thin plastic fabric rustled as he pulled it up, backing into the third corner.

I looked back at the street, but it was quiet. I didn’t even hear traffic sounds on nearbye streets, but somebody could just walk bye, and look down the alley.

“She with you?” The woman pulled her pants down, but he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Not even a cock ring, which I’d only ever heard of. I’d thought that it just went around the penis, and if anything they wore it higher up. Around the head, to hold the foreskin back, and slide up and down inside me.

I blinked back that image, and shook my head. “No, she must be some passer bye.”

“Well, you going to mace us, and call the cops?”

“Oh,” I tucked the can back in my purse, and got out my phone. “No, but how do you get men to. Do that?” I just pointed.

“Oh, they’re not men, they’re just boys. Isn’t that right, boys?”

“Yeah,” I could almost see them nodding? It’s hard to tell with their jackets held up, but I think they rested their arms on their heads. “This is just a game we like to play.”

“Well,” I was doubtful, especially since these were not only obviously men, but also athletic? They could have been a sports team, or part of one, but she wasn’t dressed like a cheerleader. “Uh, what was I saying?”

“Well.” She shook her head. “My hands are a little full, as you could see, so maybe you’d like to help out?”

“Lend a hand?” She had to reach out, both sides to slowly stroke one, and fondle the smooth hairless scrotum of the one with the surgical elastic tournequet cinched tight underneath. His bloated member rising, and the foreskin peeling back to expose the tip, but the head flared out through the tight skin.

I looked over at the other one, just standing in the corner. Waiting, shriveled up, and wrinkled in rings around his completely flaccid penis. “Huh, you mind if I take a picture?”

“No,” they shook their heads, “Go right ahead.” Now hard cocks swinging in the air, and she let go of her handfull of balls to grip him. Slowly stroking it, so the foreskin finally snapped down exposing the head completely.

[Hey, uh.] I texted my boyfriend. [Something’s come up.] I snapped a picture in the corner.

[Who’s he?]

[I have no idea, a total stranger, but he’s obviously interested in some sort of exhibitionistic kink.]

[Well, we haven’t talked about seeing other people, but when you said something’s cum up? ;)]

[Not yet. I have to ask you, if you’re okay with this?]

[Yeah, go ahead, and knock yourself out, but you better still be horny when I get off work.]

I just put my phone away. “Hey, miss? Sorry, I don’t know any of your names, but you wouldn’t happen to have a condom I could borrow?”

“Just give it back when you’re done,” she winked, and I couldn’t help a nervous laugh. The one in the corner, exposed to the street where anyone could see him standing there, practically naked shook his hips. So, his little acorn swung on the end of the wrinkled shaft.

“You’re going to have to make it hard first.”

“Huh, okay. I honestly prefer older men, with larger uncut cocks. My hands cold?”

“Huh, you want to talk, the whole time?” I bit my lip, and shook my head, but I think it was starting to inflate.

“Sorry, I’ve never done. Anything kinky before, but this isn’t a humiliation thing?”

He shrugged. “Beats jerking off alone.”

“Good, because I don’t have any idea how to humilate a man. You are a man, not a little boy.”

“Huh, yeah.” He was starting to get into it, and I could let go to switch grip. Feel his balls shrink back from my cold fingertips, but I was starting to warm up.

“A grower,” I rubbed the little crease down the middle of his head, “Not a shower huh?”

“Yeah, you want to fuck, or suck it?”

“Oh.” I remembered the condom I had in my other hand. “Hang on a sec.” I didn’t want to pull my coffee stained mask down, so I pinched it with my nails, and peeled it carefully. So, the edges of the tear didn’t cut the ring.

“UH, fuchuh!” I looked back to see the woman let go, and try to hold him up. Shaking, and ejaculating, with his penis bouncing with each gush filling the rubber tip in white splashes. “Huh, thanks.” He let his arms down, so she let him stand up. Even squatted to pull up his pants.

“Good, now you can finish me off?” The other one shivered, and started to droop. The foreskin wrinkling before it snapped over the large flared red head, a clear drop clinging to the piss hole.

“Um, you mind if I switch?”

“Yeah, you really like big uncut cocks?” She handed me the third condom, after all she was prepared. She expected this, and dressed for it. There was a little square with doors into businesses, but only 3 corners. The forth offset, and leading back to the street.

Where anyone could see her pulling her skirt up over the tops of thigh high stalkings, and a garter belt, but no underpants to cover the dirty blonde birds nest over her crotch.

I shook my head, and looked down. At the white toes of canvas high tops. Converse Chuck Taylors, he lost his erection.

“Huh, you want to talk to me?”

“Dirty?” He nodded, excited, and honestly it looked weird. I lied when I said that I preferred a natural one, without the foreskin cut off, when actually I hadn’t had the chance to touch one. “Little boy?”

“Yeah, huh.”

“You dirty little boy, didn’t your father teach you to clean this out?”

“I’m sorry,” I could hear it in his voice when he showed up. He wasn’t just polite, and when she shamed him for being late, he wasn’t just sincere about being sorry.

“Huh, that’s what this is about for you, isn’t it?”

“Huh!” She was bent over, and holding her knees, while the other guy thrusted hips to slide the condom I’d put on him in, and out. “UH!”

“You should be ashamed of yourself.” He nodded. “You’re turned on by this, aren’t you, you filthy little perv?”

“Yeah, uh! Yeah!”

“You don’t deserve.” What? “It?”

“I’m mhn! IHN!” He even whined like a little boy, even though he wasn’t. He certainly had nothing to be ashamed of, but I pulled the skin out to grip it tight. “Uh!” He hunched so it slipped out. “Uhfuck!”

“Uhn! You’re heavy! Jesus, just. Uhn!” I set him down, as gently as I could, and felt around the tight rubber tubing. Turning the bead to feel the button, and release it.

“Huh! Huh!” Freed, his balls finally shriveled up and a little grit from the filthy alley floor stuck to his scrotum, so I brushed it off. “HhuhHhuh!” He shook his head, but his rms wer down, hugging himself like a straight jacket, still tight around his elbows. He looked almost asleep, but the way he was breathing told me that I’d done it. I somehow managed to satisfy him, stumbling through this weird fantasy, and finding the right buttons to press.

“Huh, wow.” I stood up, and brushed my hands off. “So, you guys do this sort of thing all the time?”

“Yeah, let me get your number, but it’s anonymous. I’ll call you next Friday?”

“It’s a Friday/Saturday thing?”

“We set it up friday night, so we can meet up on saturdays.”

“Sounds good.” My man brushed the rest of the dirt off his bare ass, and picked the cock tournequet up to put in his pocket, before running off with his tail between his legs. I bit my lip, grinning, but proud.

“Oh, let me text my boyfriend, and see if he’d like to join us. Um, you know where I can get those Adidas track suits cheap?”

“Oh, we’ll figure out something else to wear, while we brainstorm another place to meet, but the more the merrier.”

[Hey, hun.]

[How’d it go, you have fun?]

[You get off soon?]

[I can take a break. Why, you horny?]

“Oh,” she started walking off. “And where did you get those boots?”

“Oh,” she looked back, and lifted her heel to check. “Um, Payless?”

“Hm!” They didn’t look that cheap.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅