Gay but not gay

Me and my friend Aaron practiced jerking, sucking and fucking on each other, but we’re not gay.

I’m Paul and I’m 12 and I like masturbating… a lot.

My friend Aaron is also 12 and he also enjoys masturbating.

The other night Aaron was staying over at my house and we were on my bed with my tablet looking at tiktok videos of girls from our school, hot, cute girls, that we’d very much like to fuck, but sadly it would probably never happen.

Then we watched some porn and started talking, both of us wishing we had a girl to do those things with.

Then we got an idea, we talked about masturbating each other, and sucking each other, and at first we were both up for it, but then when we were under the covers and about to do it, we chickened out because it felt really “Gay.”, not that we have anything against gay people, it’s just not for us really.

But then I remembered I had a box of condoms in my drawer so I figured, “If we put a condom on then we’re not really touching each other’s cock, we’re just touching the outside of the condom.” So we decided to try that instead.

We got under the covers, took off our bottoms, sat up and both put on a condom, then we both reached under the covers, not looking, we grabbed each other’s cock and jerk each other off, it was a little weird but it felt really good having someone else jerking on my cock instead of me, it felt unpredictable, and so nice, and even better when I ejaculated, “Ooah fuck.”

About an hour later we were lying in bed and I thought, “I wonder what it’s like getting sucked off.”, Aaron said he’d try it if I promised to do it to him, so I put on a fresh condom, laid down, brought up a video of Kelly, a hot girl from school, and in the video she was on holiday on the beach in her bikini.

I watched the video while Aaron went under the covers and sucked on my cock, I fantasised that it was Kelly sucking me off, and it was incredible, Aaron’s mouth was so warm, it gave me a whole new feeling, it was great when I came, it’s a good job I was wearing a condom otherwise Aaron would be choking on my massive load just then.

Then I sucked off Aaron, it wasn’t too bad with the condom on his cock, like sucking a warm lollipop.

I woke up in the middle of the night having had a dream that I was fucking Kelly, I woke up with a massive erection.

I asked Aaron if he’d let me fuck him in his butt hole, “Let me see what it’s like. I know it’s not a pussy but it’s a bit like one. Let me try it.”, and I managed to convince him to let me try.

So I put on a condom, Aaron got on his front, I covered his upper body with the blanket, just leaving his ass sticking out, and I told him to hold his cock and balls so I didn’t see them, and I just pretended it was Kelly’s ass.

I pushed my cock between his bum cheeks then just pushed my cock in to his butt hole, it was really warm and tight around my cock, then I just fucked him straight away, thrusting in and out, “Oh Kelly.” I groaned out repeatedly, with my eyes closed, thinking about her, and pounding Aaron’s butt hole pretending it was hers.

I fucked his butt hole until I ejaculated, luckily the condom didn’t bust.

Then I let Aaron fuck me up my butt hole, it wasn’t too bad, stung a little, but it was alright.

It was fun and good practice but we won’t do it again.

I hope Kelly notices me one day and I can get her to be my girlfriend, then she lets me fuck her good and hard.