Gay or not gay

When I was younger ( M ) I used to hang out with the older guys from around town. There’s was a back woods party coming up that I was invited to go and thought how awesome was that .
So on that particular day , I lied to my mom ( dad was not in the picture ) about going to the party . There’s was both guys and girls at this party . It seemed that most of us were drinking ( beer ) I thought is was super cool hanging out with older people .
There was this one particular couple that I was hanging out with the hole time . I didn’t know them completely but they seemed cool and acting like new friends . After some time , the girl suggested that we all go into the house . It’s was old large , loud with people and Smokey .
We went into this small bed room and that’s when it got Weird , they asked me if I liked girls ( ya ) have I ever been with a girl ( no ) what about a guy ( no , what No ) was I still a virgin ( I mean yes ) so a few more embarrassing questions the guy stands in front of me , he pulls down his pants and out springs his massive dick , now I was a little guy and by no means was the size of my dick even close to what his was . Not sure what went through my head but I reached up and grabbed his dick seconds later I had his dick in my mouth and was blowing him . ( wow what was I doing ?) next I remember being on a bed he was behind me trying to pull down my jeans . I’m looking over my shoulder at him that’s when I reached down , undid my buckle , I pulled down my own pants and underwear for this guy ( what was I thinking
So he comes up behind me , puts his hard wet dick up to my butthole and rams it in . I bucked , screaming and shouting . But my own dick was hard and I cummed without even touching it . I was in pain but injoys the release . Now crying from the pain I told him to stop. And after a few more vary hard thrush he did . He backed away from me and she came up and whispered in my ear ( wow see you liked it when she saw I’m dick dripping with cum .
I rolled over pulled my pants up then apparently drifted off to sleep , a little while later I got up and left . I drove my self home and put that hole experience out of my memory .
Now fast forward lots of years , I’m married to my wife with kids and living a normal life but recently remembered that experience . Wow ! Was I mean to be gay or not ?

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅