Gay teen boy

True story

I was fifteen at the time my home life was trash my parents they where drunks and 95% never around. Well as long as I can remember I had to struggle to get cloths ect my dad was to cheap fix water in house and house was a dump. I took baths in a very cold creek near the house . Well I guess that caused me to have very very very little hair on my body.
Well there was older man down the road I would help do stuff for him around his house for some money. Well I was at his house one day and it was hot out. I had no shirt on an shorty shirts on. I was very under developed in my package area. He bought me out a cold glass of water we sat down on the porch and started talking. Well at first was about my situation then he asked me about friends I told him that I don’t have any. Then he asked me if I had a girlfriend. Being the early 80’s it was very taboo to say what I said. I told him that I really wasn’t interested in girls. Well I heard stories about him but I didn’t believe in rumors. But I knew they were true when he moved over and sat down beside me and rubbed my bare leg.
He said well you are kind of feminine with your long hair and said no hair on your body. He asked me if I what part I felt I was if I was ever with a man. I told that I would love to be the woman. I asked him if he wanted me to leave because I like guys. He said no then told me that when I was around he sat on the porch to watch me. He said that he knew that I heard rumors about him . I said yes I have but I don’t pay attention to rumors and don’t care about them. He said well some are bs and some are true . He was still rubbing my leg but he was rubbing high up on my thigh. He said yes he did take pictures of boys but they were very conservative and nice. He said even though he thought about it he never took naughty ones or did anything. I asked him to be honest with me if he wanted to take naughty ones of me and do naughty things with me. He said that he would love to. He asked me if I wanted to. I said yes put had to go get go take a bath first an do a few things. He said okay and I left.
I went back home and douched and went and took a bath at the creek and washed my long hair and put on a pair of daisy duke shorts I found in my mom’s room and went back to his house. He was waiting for me sitting on the porch in just his boxers. He said are you sure that you want to do this. I said that I was very excited about it. We went in the house and I took my shoes off at the door . He surprised after I did when he kissed my lips. He had a very expensive camera and he asked me to slowly take my clothes off for him. I did as he took pictures of me till I was completely naked. He took some pictures of me posing on the couch different ways and the chair. He was touching and rubbing me all over when he wasn’t taking pictures of me. He had me lay down on the couch and put one leg up on the back and other hanging off holding a pink teddy bear. After a few pictures he sat down the camera and came over to the couch took the teddy bear and got down and kissed me passionately as our lipstick press together and our tongues intertwined his had between my legs and playing with my boi pussi and push a finger in it . I reached down feeling his cock. He broke the kiss and sat up his fingers still in my boi pussi his cock was hard sticking out of the hole of his boxers being right by my face I licked it a few times before I went ahead and wrapped my lips and mouth around it it was first time I ever had a cock in my mouth and it felt an tasted so good and amazing. He grabbed his camera and took a few pictures of his cock in my mouth . He said that I was a natural at sucking. I soon was deep throating him since I didn’t have a gag reflex. After a few minutes he started to tense up and said that he was going to come and shot his hot creamy load in my mouth and throat and I swallowed every single drop of it. He kissed me passionately again after wards.
He stood up and took his boxers off an I sat up on the couch he sat down beside me and I cuddle up next to him putting my head on against his hairy chest he had his arm around me. Then he said to me if anyone saw you come in the house rumors might start. I said that I don’t care about it. Then he said do you want people to know. I told him well rather they knew than rumor. He said ok taking my hand and we went outside and kissed an sat making out and cuddling knowing that some nosey people were seeing. The best thing we did was walking around the yard completely naked he kissing me and us feeling each other and I even stop a kiss and giving him a quick sucking. Then he said that we should go in the house. So we did.
Once we were inside he started to kiss my neck and sucking on it leaving big hickey’s . Then he asked me if I liked it when he had his fingers inside of my boi pussi I said yes. He asked me if I wanted to feel his cock in my boi pussi I didn’t hesitate a split second and said yes. He took me to the bedroom and we were laying down on the bed kissing his cock was rock hard . He gave me a passionate kiss and then put lube on my boi pussi and inside of it then his cock. I put my legs up on his shoulder and then I felt the tip of his cock against my boi pussi he gently pushed it inside of me stretching my boi pussi open. His cock was thicker than his two fingers but it felt amazing. The deeper he went in the more amazing it felt. I was moaning in pleasure as he was completely in me and started pumping in and out of me I was moaning in pleasure as he did it felt and was amazing. After a good 30 minutes or so he filled me up with his hot cum. It made my tiny cock cum also.
He kissed me passionately till his cock slipped out. We laid there quiet for a minute. He asked me what I thought about it and I said that I love it and I want more of it. He then said he would love to have me all the time but wanna me to become more feminine. I said how he said that he had a friend that would help and show me.

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