Girls’ Gaze

Tara pulled me over, and held her phone up. As if to take a selfie, but she took a picture of a man, instead.
TW: Dialog heavy.

She also held the phone up, instead of sideways to fit us both in, but he didn’t look over. He didn’t even stop bouncing his foot on his knee, and drumming his fingers on the table.

“You think he’s hot.” I kept my voice down, since we’re out in public.

“Yeah, look at his arm.”

“I can’t really see his bicep.” He wasn’t super muscular, so the short sleeve hung loose, and the front of it wasn’t pulled tight over his chest. “I don’t think that’s his best side.” I can’t really imagine him looking right at me, and smiling with his head turned away to the side.

“Yeah, but look how his muscles flex, when he moves his fingers.”

“Oh,” I looked up, and tried not to laugh out loud. “Look at his leg!” I pointed at the picture, then twisted the nail out of the way so I could blow it up with my thumb.

“He’s waiting for his boyfriend.” We jumped, when this guy came up behind us, and I held my heart to feel it stop beating out of control. “Sorry,” he stepped back, “Your table is ready.” He stepped aside in his apron, and even bowed slightly, waving his hand.

“So, you think he’s gay?” Tara asked on the way bye, so she could keep her voice down, but I looked back. Nope, still just sitting there, staring off into space, bouncing his knee, and drumming his fingers on the table, but in those shorts. I could really see the muscle in his calf. A lot better than his arm, but she’s right. Drumming the table like that, the muscles played under the skin in his arm like shrink-wrapped cables, or something.

“So, what can I get you girls?” The waiter pulled a notebook out of his apron, and a stub of pencil out of the spiral.

“Um,” Tara smiled, and rubbed her lip with her pinky nail. “You don’t have a beefcake.” She flipped over the menu.

“I’ll see if the chef wants to make you Yorkshire Pudding, but that could take a while. It’s like a soufflé with beef drippings, and onion gravy.”

“Yeah, why don’t you ask him?” She sighed, and checked her makeup, on her phone, and snapped another picture. “Huh, he’s right, he is gay.”

I looked back, and they stopped hugging. The other guy pushed his seat out and sat down, but he was skinny, girly, and had the tips on his bangs bleached blonde. “Uh, what’s with that lesbian hair?” Swirly rainbow tie dyed shirt, too. So, Ultra-gay.

“I guess it’s just gay hair.” She shrugged. She turned her phone to show me the picture of them hugging, but standing up. I got to see his shirt hang over his pecs, the sleeve ride up off of his arm, and try to imagine myself. Well, that bowl-cut, with a braid hanging off the back like a rat-tail really ruined it for me.

“Huh,” I sighed, “I guess it’s true, the best ones really are gay.”

“He must be the butch.” I nodded, no need to ask what one.

“The chef said she’d be delighted to make you a Yorkshire pudding, or toad in a hole.”

“What’s that?”

“The same thing with a sausage.” He grinned, and winked right at Tara. “It’s her specialty.”

“Uh!” She rolled her eyes, and looked away, but smiled a little when he turned to me.

“Oh, I’ll try that,” we handed him the menu, and I checked out his butt when he went off to tell the chef. “I think he likes you.”


“Why’s he a perv, just because you’re 13.”


“Almost 14, and you’re perving on that guy.” I didn’t even bother looking back, he’s taken. “So what’s the difference?”

“I didn’t know he was gay?”

“So what? What if he’s married, or demisexual.”

“Uh!” She rolled her eyes, “Another one?”


“Haven’t you noticed that ever since the whole LGBT activist movement thing, they’re coming out with a new sexuality every week.”

“No, not really. They’ve been talking about this stuff forever behind closed doors, and we’ve only been really paying attention for like a year and a half. So if you think about it, everything seems new to you.”

“Why, how long have you been thinking about sexuality?”

“I don’t know, I guess I’ve just been trying to find my own identity.”

“Yeah, you’re not like the other girls.”

“Ooh ooh!” I raised my hand, and waved it, “Pick me, pick me!”

“Uh!” She crossed her arms.

“I’m sorry, that was mean.”

“I’m not a pickme girl.” She sulked.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Huh!” She sighed, and fixed her top, before she dropped her arms in her lap. “Okay, I forgive you, and I’m sorry I called you an NLTOG.”

“It’s okay, not like it isn’t true.” At least I stopped trying to be a MPDG.

“Well, what’s this new one you mentioned?” She held up her phone, but didn’t take a picture of the gay couple again.


“That’s D. E. M. I…”

“Sexual,” I nodded, and scooted over next to her. “It just means you have to feel an emotional connection with someone for them to turn you on.”

“Oh, we used to call those women, back in the day.”

“Uh, well it’s not like. All women.” I waited for her to say something about #NotAllWomen, but she didn’t. She just kept scrolling down, and tapped on Wikipedia.

“What’s it say?”

“Pretty much what you said. Only it’s under grey asexuality for some reason. What do you call the opposite?”

“Um, look.” I pointed with my nail, so it didn’t feel my finger on the touchscreen. “It says that’s a common trope in romance novels, for female characters.”

“Well, I’m not like that.”

“Like what?” The other girls?

“Like, I don’t know. I guess I’m not attracted to anyone I know, but lately, I’ve been thinking about, you know. Strangers?”

“Ooh, stranger danger?”

“No, not like perverts stalking you, and looking in your window to catch you in your underwear, and hopefully you take it off. So they can masturbate looking at you naked.”

“Oh, no. You obviously haven’t thought about that, a lot.”

She just blushed, and bit her lip. Shaking her head. “Well? I guess I’m worried about what they might think if they knew me, or even if they went to school with me. Especially after I get done, I worry about seeing them again in the halls. After they’ve seen me naked?”

“So, you make up a stranger, but not too creepy, old or.”


“You don’t want him to be perfect?”

“Yeah, a perfect stranger. I know it’s totally unrealistic, even if I did run into a man like that, why would he even look twice at me?”

“Because you’re smart, funny, caring, and. Sorry,” I scooted back, around to the other side of the table, when she started getting uncomfortable. It happens, whenever we talk about sex. It’s not just her, sometimes I get a little weirded out, and others it’s our friends, but we can’t not talk about it.

We’re not little girls any more, we’re going to start high school in a couple of months, and being freshmen. We have all those older boys to worry about. Just being there in the halls, and not talking to us, because we’re freshmen, and.

“I’m sorry, I totally forgot to ask you what you wanted to drink.” He came back.

“Oh, I’ll have the strawberry lemonade.”

“Um,” I thought about it, and shook my head, but we had drinks here all summer, when we could actually go out to eat on summer, but. “This toad in a hole,” I blushed, and tried not to giggle, “Thing. You ever had it?”

“Not as a dish, but I’ve had the Yorkshire pudding, and the sausages.” Tara snorted.

“So, you would know, would that work with a lemonade? I usually have the cranberry lemonade, but IDK if that would really work with a beef fat soufflette, and sausage.”

“You might want to try paring it with something more savory, like an iced coffee?”

“Oh good idea, I’ll have that then.”

“Cream, sugar?”

“No cream, just sugar, but not too sweet? You said it’s not a sweet dish.”

“I don’t think it would pair well with the citrus, honestly.”

“Yeah, better make mine an iced Latte, then.” Tara shoed him off with both hands before he wrote that down. She waited until he was out of earshot before she called him a “Hipster.”

“Uh, what makes him a hipster?”

“You heard how he talked about a Soufflé.” She exaggerated the accent, “With beef drippings, and a sausage.”

“Yeah, he works in a European restaurant. So, they probably have pronunciation classes in between wine tastings, so they know how to say soufflé. Besides that, if he was a hipster, then he would have corrected me when I called it a soufflette thing.”

She smiled, when I admitted that. I threw it out there, just to test if he was actually one of those insufferable elitists that corrected you if you’re a girl. Oh, come on. You’ve been on the internet, and read the comments. You know if a girl doesn’t spel everything exactly right, than some neckbeard will be right there to corect her.

“You like him.” she didn’t have to ask.

“I don’t know, I’d like to get to know him a little better, if you know what I mean.”

“Huh!” She just shook her head. “You really are a demisexual, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” I’m kinda glad she was the first one I came out to. “I think so.” I knew she would understand.

“I guess we just used to call that a hopeless romantic.”

So, just skipping past a whole lot of ladies’ room talk that you don’t want to read, because it’s not about boys, or sex.


Tara (Teen Bisexual 3sum)

“Ugh!” Kevin knew that was a joke about beefcake, but the whole Yorkshire pudding thing was even more disgusting than it sounded. So, I stuck the sausage on a fork, and let Chas wolf it down.

That shut her up, so I could think. Something they said about it being a female trope, wanting to get to know someone before you jumped into bed. I guess it’s a gay male stereotype that they prefer anonymous sex, in bathrooms, and stuff.

I don’t know, but it’s nice to see them having a date, hugging, and kissing on the cheeks. Kinda not unlike us finally talking about this stuff right out in the open instead of running for the girl’s room, and giggling.

Also, that toad in the hole is like a sausage stuffed down a cupcake, so the batter puffs up, and hardens into this meaty flower, so yeah. Kevin up to his old tricks again, I didn’t know he was working today, it’s just he hits on you with a crowbar. When you get a chance, could you look up tact for me real quick? Yeah, that would be great.

I’m not bicurious, I’m just curious. I envy her for finally figuring out what’s wrong with her, sexually. I honestly don’t know what I am, but I guess I have been hitting the gay porn, a little too hard lately.

So, then she finished it, and asked Kevin when he gets off work. She didn’t say it like, “When do you get off… Work?” So, he could get in the obligatory joke, but he said “I don’t know. I have a lot of stuff to clean up, so maybe I can call you?”

“Yeah,” she flipped over the receipt, and wrote down her number. “You better text me instead.”

Oh well, she’ll show me the dick pic when she gets it. “Well,” she got up, “I’m gonna take a dump.” She threw her napkin on our plates, and that’s a clue that she doesn’t want to go to the bathroom, to talk.

“Huh, huh?”

Then, the guys looked over at me, and the butch even pointed. I looked around, and pointed at my chest, me? They waved their waiter over to pay the bill, in cash. The hippy dippy man pulled out the money, and payed for both of them.

“Ugh!” I picked up the tab. “Souffé. Soufflé.” Pretty sure Yorkshires in England, you pretentious prick. Didn’t they teach you that in between the wine tastings?

She already talked too much about her feelings, expecially her romantic feelings, so I’ll just cut to the chase. He heard us talking about him, not like we tried to keep our voices down, but it was crowded, so I thought the crowd was loud enough to drown us out.

A long story short, they waited out front, and met me. He walked me down the street to his car, where he was parallel parked, and put his hand up on the roof. To drum his fingers, and make the muscles dance in his arm, so I imagined what else he could do with his hands.

“Oh,” I snapped out of his spell. “Where’s your boyfriend?”

“He went to get his car,” he didn’t deny it, “So, he can follow us, if you want to go for a ride?” He just went around to the driver side, and pulled out his keys to unlock the doors. I bit my lip, looking around as if anybody cares about a young girl, getting in a car with an older man, and that’s what’s so cool about Chas.

Honestly, she doesn’t care what people think about her. Yeah, she went through a phase, where she dressed to show off her bras when she started wearing them, and then she went through the crayola box trying to find the right color for her hair, but then the lockdown, and then she came out, and she changed back.

She stopped trying to find herself, and just went back to the same girl I knew all my life. Brown hair, when there’s nothing wrong with brown hair, and green eyes. She didn’t start wearing colored contacts, but today I noticed she’d even mastered makeup.

He finally leaned over, and pushed open the door, when the Fiat Panda (Swear to god) pulled up on the street.

“You coming?”

“Yeah,” I hoped so. “Where we going?” His boyfriend stopped traffic in his James may mobile, and let us out, while I buckled up. Adjusted the strap between the cups of my 28As. (Just to get that out of the way.)

“I don’t know, we’re talking about going for a drive in the country…”

I looked back, “In 2 cars?” It doesn’t matter how much gas mileage you get in that little hatchback if you import it all the way from Italy, then take 2 cars for a ride in the country. You know what my problem is by now: My standards are way too fucking high. He signaled in the turn lane, and pulled into a parking garage.

“Well, we can talk about who should drive.” He laughed, “Not much of a back seat in that little Fiat.”

“No, this is cool.” The truth is, I finally asked her out on a date, and then I ruined it by talking about anonymous sex with strangers, when really I’m just afraid of risking our relationship if it turns sexual, and now she’s going out with Kevin, which makes me jealous, but how can I say that I prefer friends with benefits to anonymous sex with strangers when I haven’t tried either. “Just pull up past the other cars, but not out in the sun, where it’s hot.”

I gave him a chance to ruin it, with the obvious joke about me being hot, but he never said it. There wasn’t any consent, it was just an unspoken agreement that I judged them wrong. Kevin told us he had a boyfriend so we’d pick him, instead. He’s definitely the quintessential pickme boy, and I’m so horny that I just want to get it over with.

S, it’s just kinda nice that they didn’t ruin it by talking. “How’s this look?” He turned around, to put his hand up on my headrest, and back into a space, but his fingertips drummed on the leather, and I just closed my eyes. Nodded, and waited for it to happen when his boyfriend pulled up.

“So, what’s the plan, man?”

“Ugh!” So 70s. “So you’re bi?”

“Bi curious, you?”

“Just curious, but.” I looked behind him, and bit my lip. I jumped when the man reached over to pop the glovebox, but the hippy guy just took off his shirt. Oh yeah, and he had one of those voices where they try to sound like a girl, but only sound like a wishy washy boy trying to sound like a girl?

“Ooh!” I reached out the open window, and felt up his “Abs.”

“I like pilates.”

“Uh!” I rolled my eyes, and looked back, but then I saw his pants open, his dork in one hand, and a rubber in the other so he could roll it down with a couple of strokes. “Huh!”

“You better take your top off,” the topless guy said, so I got that out of the way before i bent over, to smell the sprermicidal lube, but then I got a surprise. “Mint?”

“Yeah,” he laughed, “They’re condomints.” Well, I did just have a sausage. the same sausages they put in the bangers and mash, so I stopped fighting the urge to pop it in my mouth, and freshen my breath.

“She give good head?”

“Yeah,” he patted it for me. “Huh, go slow. Just like that, no need to rush.”

“Smup! Huh, thanks.” I turned back, and saw that surfer dude had dropped his shorts. Reaching in the window to grab a rubber, from his droopy little dick. “Huh!” I took his hand, and the rubber. “Let me take care of that for you.” I put it on my chest, and let me explore my bra, while I reached out to grab his bony butt. Pull him in, and kiss his rippling midriff. Take a deep breath of his sweaty pubes, and looking down to skip pats the hairy stuff. “Uh!” It bumped me under the chin, and I laughed. “Ahuh!”

“Huh, let’s see how good you are at sucking dick.” He held my chin, rubbed my cheek with his thumb, and stuck it in my mouth. “Wh?” I spit it out. “Why do guys do that?”


“Say suck my dick, then make you suck on your fingers, or thumb?”

“To get it wet, for lube?”

“To finger you.” Oh yeah. his boyfriend ran his hand up my leg, and started beating out that hypnotic rhythm in my lap.

“Oh,” I threw out the condom. “Put that on,” I had to get up, so I could pick up my skirt, bend over with my knees in the seat, so he could pull them down, and go to town with his mouth. “Oh, ah! heyhihn!” He didn’t skip my butthole, but he didn’t stick to it exclusively, either. He went all over, wiping up my taint with his whole tongue like a washcloth. Then pointing it to slip down, and wiggle through my lips, all the way down to where they split, and making me jump when he struck my clitoris like sparks from a lighter.

“Ugh!” I pushed the minty dick out of my mouth. “Huh, careful, I’m sensitive there.” It’s still so tiny, I’m amazed that he found it so easy, but it almost hurts if you touch it too hard.

“Swop!” behind me, “What about here?” He wiped his wet finger down my crack, and rubbed my butthole.

“Oh!” U rubbed it back against his probing digit, and pulled the little one back to stuff his dick in my mouth, to suck it, and hump his thumb when it wiggled in. “Oh, oh! Fuck, no fuck me. Fuck me for real now, uhn!” His thumb, and fingertip pulled out so quick, the holes almost popped, but then I heard the leather rub on his knees when he got up. Snapped his fingers so my bra unhooked, just like that. I swear, I barely felt him pull it, and then it popped open, like he snapped his fingers. I didn’t even know girls that could do that, but then he rubbed his dick up, and down, between the holes.

“Which one?”

“Uh,” before I could answer, he gripped my shoulders, and sank in. “UH! Fuck. Ah huh! Fuck, me. Yeah, fuck. Mhn!” I just held onto the window, and tried not to fall out. Get fucked right out of his front seat, and enjoyed the pounding. Getting deeper, and faster, without even having to tell him, but I knew even before he so adroitly unhooked my bra, he wasn’t any gay man. “AHUHN!” He popped out. “Yeah, in the ass. Stick it in my ass, huh!” I heard their knees on the seat, and it took a little too long for him to get back inside me, so I caught my breath, and looked back.

Panting, the other guy (Who I’d forgotten) had come around, and the driver opened up the door to sit down. Bend over with his hands in his hair, and get his face fucked. “Gug guk kuh!” He shook his head, and got up. “Go on,” he pushed his dat in, so I turned back around, to hang out the window, and get buttfucked while he brought his big dick around for me to suck.

“Ug guh!” I pushed him off. “Stop,” I waved behind me, so he’d stop inching into my sphincter. “Huh, I don’t want to deep throat, I don’t like it, uhn!” My asshole slammed shut, and i even felt it pucker. “Hm!” I like that, “Let me out.” So, I could reach up, and jump on his hips. Wrap my legs around him, while he felt around under my leg. His friend lent a hand, aiming it, and stayed down to lick out my ass while I bounced on the cock.

“Ah ah ah ah!” Then, I fell back on the hood, and he picked my legs up. Slipped out, and down, to press in, and stretch my back door.

“Yrhhhuh!” It finally popped through, and it didn’t hurt. “Uh!” I just tried to breathe, but I couldn’t suck in air with that big rubbery log sinking in, inch after inch, until I felt full.

The other guy got on the hood with me, and held his balls out in the ring of his fingers. Rubbing them in my face, and over my lips. I held them shut, because they’re hairy, but breathed in through my nose, and I had no idea how sexy ball sweat could be until I smelled it, tasted it on my lips when he moved up to rub them over my eye. my nose, my other eye, and then POP!

“Ihnaugh!” He jammed it right up my cunt, then he pulled out, and pressed it up against my pucker again.

“No,” I crossed my legs, “No, stop. Huh!” They just stood back, in front of the bumper, and waited for me. Not touching each other, or even looking away from me. “Huh!” I caught my breath. “I’m sorry, but you’re too big to take in the butt.” I pointed over to the middle one, “So why don’t you take the back?”

So, we tried that next, but really this turned into an opportunity for me to find out what I really liked. Anal, I had no idea that I’d like that. Even more than the regular sex, but I guess I was still a little sore from losing my virginity that roughly. So that bothered me, it didn’t hurt as much as I’d think, but it still hurt, so it bothered me.

He took his dirty rubber for me to suck him off, but ass to mouth? Again, I had no idea it would be like this, but just knowing where it had been, and blowjobs? Yeah, oh yeah. If they could both fit them in my mouth at the same time. I tried, but their hips were what got in the way, and being 2 different sizes.

So anyway, I finally got off on his thumb. The big one, tucked up my butt, but I found out what he can do with his fingers. Beating wave after wave across my pubes, that’s what set me off, so I had to spit out the cock, and just try to breathe, with my back door squeezing his tumb, and his fingertips roughly rubbing my pubes. I peed a little, I couldn’t help it, but then I was satisfied. I had a lot to think about, so I grabbed my clothes. Put on my shoes, and walked down the ramp. Putting my bra on, and tuning out the rough grunts from the back seat. The car rocking from the suspension, and the image of that faggot bent over to get brutally plowed like that.

“Huh!” I found a little spooge I missed on my shoulder, and sucked it off my fingers. Got the rest of the way dressed in the stairwell, and took off my heels to climb down barefoot.

“Huh!” No idea if I can feel anything like that with a girl. Well, not just any girl. “Chas.”

I went to message her, but I found that she already sent me. [OMG, he’s such a sick fuck!]


[You know him?]

[I don’t know him that well. He’s only been working there a couple years,] And they’ve been closed off and on for half of that, [but I tried to warn you.]

[Well, you call everyone a pervert.]

[Yeah, because it takes one to know one? Where RU?]

[Back at the restaurant. And U?]

[You know that parking garage on.] I looked up [4th?]

[I’ll look it up. CU there?]

[I’ll meet you halfway, but you won’t believe what just happened.] “Damnit!” I forgot to take pictures, but I was right.

She didn’t believe me.

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