Giving my first blowjob

My story of when I sucked my disabled friends cock.

This is my story about when I sucked my first cock, I was 11 and he was 17, his name was Anthony

Anthony was disabled, he couldn’t really do much for himself, he was mostly laid in his bed watching a TV, just laying there, his arms sort of twisted up and he always drooled from the side of his mouth.

I was introduced to him one day when my mom took me with her to work, she was a carer and Anthony was one of her patients, something about him just made me laugh, not at his disability, but his personality, I could see it in him, and we played together and stuff, even though he couldn’t really move or talk, he was still fun to hang out with.

On one of the days mom took me with her, I was coming out of the bathroom and as I walked by his bedroom, I just saw out of the corner of my eye my mom washing and changing him on his bed, he had his pants off and I saw his cock, it fascinated me, it was my first time seeing one, and I saw mom washing it and his balls, she wasn’t molesting him or anything, just doing her job.

Since that day I couldn’t stop thinking about it and I looked up cocks online and watched some porn videos, it peeked my interest.

A few weeks later I was at his house and my mom and his mom wanted to pop in to town, so they asked me to watch Anthony while they were gone, mom had already washed and changed him and everything, so I wouldn’t have to do anything like that, just stay with him, because they knew we were friends, they trusted me to watch him.

As soon as they left I went upstairs and sat on his bed with him, after a short while he drifted off in to one of his many sleeps that he had during the day, and I saw that as my chance.

I put my hand down his pants and felt his cock, it felt kind of rubbery and soft, it was odd but still fascinating, his balls was sweaty and soft as I cupped and kneaded them in my hand, I moved position and pulled his pants down to just above his knees, and continued to play with his cock while he slept.

I rubbed it like the girls did in the porn video’s I watched, and it got tougher, harder and a lot bigger, very quickly, I loved pulling his foreskin back and seeing the tip of his cock come out, it was shiny and had a ridge around it, when I squeezed his cock as I rubbed my hand up and down his hard shaft, the tip got redder and swelled up.

Still copying what I saw in the porn video, I leaned down and licked my tongue from the base of his balls all the way up his cock to the tip, and repeated it a few times, it tasted salty and sweaty, but oddly I liked that taste, so I continued and when my mouth was full of saliva, I lifted his cock vertical and took it in to my mouth and started to suck on it while still rubbing and tugging on his shaft.

Anthony woke up and started whining at me, I laughed and told him to be quiet, I could tell he liked what I was doing.

After a few minutes his cock swelled repeatedly and Anthony started to cry as he shot his sperm in to my mouth, I swallowed some, but most of it drizzled out of my mouth and ran down his shaft and dripped on to his balls, there was loads of white sticky sperm everywhere.

I quickly grabbed a towel and wiped it all up, Anthony stopped crying, I pulled his pants back up and we watched TV.

No one ever found out I gave him a blowjob, but I didn’t go back after that because I was afraid I’d get caught.

I now wish I had though, I could have fucked his cock for him, I think he would have enjoyed that.

And that was my first blowjob.