Gloryhole surprise

Got way more then i bargained for at the local gloryhole.

Boring stuff out the way first,  iam 16 have a little sister 10 a mum and dad, guess just your normal family,

I’m not a virgin I lost that to a boy at the park behind a bush, yep I know romantic hey, anyway he was tiny so dont really count as my hairbrush is bigger then he was.

Where we live there is a unisex public toilet that is a well known glory hole spot.

My first time there I was nervous as hell, felt sick but was curious, I knew what went on in there i just wanted to see for my self, I got to the toilets no one outside, tiptoe in and notice both cubicle doors open and empty, i go sit in the far one and lock the door.

10 mins pass and im getting bored now and thinking to myself, 5 more mins and im leaving, then I hear a car pull up, the toilet edge onto a carpark, the car door shuts and my heart starts beating hard, I can hear it, then I hear footsteps up to the cubicle next to me, i hold my breath dont know why I just did,

His door closes and locks, after a few seconds he coughs and taps his foot under myside of the cubicle, i gave a little cough back and his fingers then rested through the hole in the wall, there was writing all over the wall but right above the hole said touch for cock.i gently touch his fingers amd he slowly pulls away and and says in a deep voice boy or girl, i reply with im a girl kinda quietly,  i hear rustling then his penis comes through the hole, i was shocked at the size it was very long but kinda skinny like a pencil,  i gently put my hand around it and gently started to wank him, after a minute I thought now or never and put my mouth over it, it didn’t really taste if anything but soap so wasn’t unpleasant,  then he started to make little noises which made me feel good and want to carry on, im now full on sucking licking and kissing this grown mas cock and enjoying it, he pulls away from me and says grab the stall in the corner and let me fuck you, i look down and see a little wooden stall, i wasn’t ready for that so I just said i can’t and he replied he has condoms and I just say on my period,  I wasn’t but knew it would stop him asking,  his dick came through the hole again and I went straight back to it sucking and wanking, with in minutes he started Cumming, ive never tasted cum before and it was awful i started coughing and gagging as he was Cumming in my mouth, I pulled back and watch his cock slowly go limp amd drip cum when he pulls out and as quick as anything was gone and the car had driven off.

I sat there in a kinda daze thinking did that happen but I coukd still taste his cum so knew it had, i straightened myself up and hurried out and back home.

Passing all these cars walking home had me thinking it could be anyone of them, i started to feel myself get wet.

That night in bed I got my hairbrush and started mastebating while replaying what happend earlier that day, I started fucking myself with the brush and imagined pulling the stall over and getting fucked through the hole, with that i came soo hard it felt amazing and as I was laying there catching my breath I thought tomorrow im gonna fuck somone through there and fell off to sleep.

Next morning I’m up showerd and tell mum and dad im going for a run, nothing unusual as I like jogging, dad says bye and says he will be gone before I get back as he has to be at work early today, and mum tells me not to long as she wants me to babysit my sister while she goes shopping.

I head off its about a 5 minute walk away so not to far, i get there again no one was there and carpark was empty I quickly hurry inside and get my cubical and settle down, I hear the familiar sound of a car pull up and I double check the stall is there and lift my tennis skirt and remove my panties, before I know it he is next door to me and his door locks, nothing was said this time just silence so I put my fingers through the hole, my little hand with bright pink nail polish on, i leave them there for a few seconds and then slowly pull them back and i hear a belt unbuckaling and a zip and trousers being pulled down, the cock that came through the hole looked amazing if not beautiful,  just as long as the other guy but thicker alot thicker, worried for a second as it was soo much bigger then my hairbrush i wasn’t sure I could take it, i gently wrapped my fingers round his big hard cock and gently rubbed up and down, I was licking all round his helmet admiring it, i could only get the end of his cock in my mouth due to the size of it but his heavry breathing told me I was doing well, with my free hand I started to masterbate and was surprised to feel how wet i had gotten, i stop sucking and let go of his cock and he pulls out of the hole, i drag the wooden stall to under the hole climb on to it and position my wet pussy pressed up over the hole, first thing I felt was his tongue licking all over and inside me, thats was a first for me and felt amazing, then i could feel him running his penis up and down my slit before stopping at my entrance,  he slowly started to push inside me, it felt so big I stopped breathing for a moment, it filled me i felt so full I thought I was going to burst as I felt him squash up against my cervix, i pushed back hard and kept my ass pushed up against the wall as he pulled partly out and pushed back in again taking my breath, he built up a nice rythem fucking me as I was thinking to my self how im fucking a real grown man properly, with that i tensed up and started to cum my pussy milking his cock and as I cry out i feel his cock swell and start to pump deep inside of me, he holds him self inside of me till his throbbing stops and I come to realise in the heat of it we didn’t use a condom, he then slipped out again taking my breath and leaving my stomach feeling empty inside, i grabbed my panties and put them on as I hear the toilet flush and through the hole came a business card with him saying, call me.

The amazing feeling I was feeling shot to sick in seconds as the voice and the buisness card was my dads.

I froze in disbelief amd heard the car door shut i rushed out a peered round the corner and yep thats my dad driving away in his car, just then as I see him i feel a some of his cum leak out if me.

I dont remember the walk home, the things going through my head, id just had sex with my dad, he cheated on mum, how many times does he do this and he cum inside me,

I head straight to the shower to get my dads cum out of me and off me but my mum stops me and tells me off for taking to long and tells me to watch my sister and my shower can wait.

2 hours i sat there with my little sister feeling our dads cum still leaking from me.

The day went on id showerd freshend up was feeling sexuly please but still sick in a way, I needed to get the morning after pill and decided I had to tell dad what we did and he can help me get it.

After dinner my sister went to watch TV in the front room and mum had gone to wash up so I was sat at the table with dad, he was doing something on his phone, as i said hey dad I found this on my run this morning and handed back his business card, he went to grab the card and say somthing but stopped dead and went white as a ghost as he noticed my tiny hand with the pink nail polish on, identical as earlier, he looked up at me open mouthed as I walked past and all I said to him was im going to bed, im going to need the morning after pill,  goodnight, and walked off.

There’s many parts to this if you want it?

Please forgive the grammar and spelling im no author.

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