Grandpa’s Granddaughter Allie

We are going to my grandfather’s for a birthday dinner and fun in his pool. For now we are stuck in the car, watching the trees pass and fade into desert. My grandfather lives in Arizona, the home if the lizards my momma calls it. Daddy came too, he held me in his lap like a special girl as we drove up the last mile of road and into the dusty drive way near a large white house with a huge all around patio.

The front yard had some cactus that grew under the shade of a swing set that looked old and rusty. I ran passed it as I slid out of the passenger door and ran up to the porch into Grandpas arms. He was big, warm, and his hands always tightly hugged me into him. “Hey Dale” He said to my father and then nodded to my momma. “Hey dad” Daddy said as he patted grandpa on the shoulder and carried a suitcase passed us into the house with momma not far behind with her purse.

“And how are you my dear Allie ?” Grandpa asked gazing down at me. I smiled and blushed. “I’m fine.. ” I said bashfully. Grandpa kissed my forehead and then ran a hand up and down my bum. “Good girl, now come in so we can dress you for swimming”.

When I was ready I came out of my room and raced out to the back yard where my mom and dad stood eating icecream. My grandfather was in trunks and sat in the pool with a beer. I raced into the pool and waded around happily. It was hot and sunny, unlike Minnesota where I lived. I loved Arizona, I decided.

Mr.Bojangles, the black cat, sprung along the fence posts a few feet away meowing for attention from my father. the cat was ancient, as my mother said, he had grey eyes now that were once blue, and his whiskers were wrinkled and hung down.

Daddy patted the kitty as I swam up to Grandpa and snuggled near him. He patted me and sipped more beer.

He swatted me lightly as I squealed and giggled with delight. Before he reached I felt my skin sizzle and tingle with each swat. I blushed and then he rubbed my bum curiously. “Did I hurt yeah sweetie ?” He asked. I shook my head and then grinned at him. “No Papa” I said smiling. He nodded.

After swimming I got my burger and ate in the house while watching TV. The lights were being turned off when I started to feel tired. “Allie time for bed” Daddy said loudly turning off the TV. I sighed and walked in my night gown to the bedroom and laid in my bed without need for blankets.

I awoke in the middle of the night in tears, the dream that had plagued me was forgotten but I was still scared and shaking. I headed into my Grandpa’s room and climbed into Grandma’s side, where she would have been if not for her death.

I laid down and hugged onto Grandpa’s arm. He grunted and opened his eyes, he almost closed them and then they went wide and his hand went to his crotch which I hadn’t noticed. He wasn’t wearing anything.

He sat up looking startled. “Allie, what the heck are you doing in here ?” He hissed through the darkness.

I sat up and felt tears leak out of my eyes. “I had a bad dream” I whispered my voice breaking. He looked torn and then patted my head very hastily. “Sweetie I’m sorry but Grandpa needs his sleep, I need you to go back to your ok ?” He said nervously. I shook my head “Its to dark”.

He sighed and was startled when I leaned over and hugged into him. I sat on his lap, hoping he would hold me my momma did and stop protesting. “Okay… but just for a moment” He said patting my back. He laid back and hummed, trying to make me fall asleep, but I struggled.

I watched the moonlight dance through the blinds for awhile and then wiggled as something poked my leg, and then my crotch. For some reason that second poke caused an electric shock to run up my stomach and ball in chest. I held my breath and wiggled to feel it, I felt Grandpa grunt, his hand instinctively pressing me closer. I began to run against it, closing my eyes as it made my blood tingle and my skin turn into flames.

I began to rock hard enough to creak the bed, gripping grandpa with a new fury of passion,hoping whatever this was would stop and at the same time praying to god it never would. Grandpa lay quietly, only gripping me tighter as his poke got harder. It got so intense that grandpas arm began to lift my gown until the poke was this warm hard something rubbing into my private parts. I felt the need to pee and stopped, pure fear and dread filling me. “Papa, I’m gonna pee” I whimpered.
“Its ok sweetheart, you can go” He whispered gently. I began to move more as a rocket shot of electricity released me of all control and caused me to pee. The warm liquid covered this hard thing, and then I was so tired I didn’t care I was wet.

Grandpa held me, heaving, grunting, but not moving a muscle. He gave a tiny thrust that slid the hard thing along my privates. “No” He snapped at himself, spooking me.

He slid me off and got up so fast I didn’t get a chance to see what the hard thing was. I left to my bedroom, scared I was in trouble, but to tired to wait for punishment. I fell asleep in my bed my crotch wet with pee.
(To be continued)