Growing up in the south 50’s 60’s – Chapter 2.5

Introduced to my first pussy with JL and white woman

I was so tired that I just pulled my jeans and shirt off leaving my boxer underwear all I was wearing. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, I didn’t even pull the spread down. I dreamed about getting sucked off, It was so real that I shot off, causing me to wake up, as soon as my eyes popped open I saw a tall man next to my bed his hand was still stroking my slick dick from the cum I shot.
I flipped over on my belly trying to hide, hell boy to late to turn over you done loaded my hand up, with that cum. Yo Uncle sent me down to wake you up to come to breakfast. My name is Josh, I see to the hosses and that ornery damn mule, oh we got a couple of donkeys also. Boy now you turn over you know Josh done seen that dick.How old are you boy, I answered 14 as I turned onto my back my dick still out of my boxers.
Josh said, damn boy you got more dick than any I seen sept that nigger JL. I wondered how he had seen JL’s dick but didn’t say anything.Now boy you better get yo ass up to the house. Fo Mr. Fullerton comes down here. I always get in here around 5:30 to start cleaning stalls, I figure you going to be helping me. I jumped out of bed pulled on clean wrinkled jeans, took off to the house. I stopped and knocked on the screen door, Uncle Jerry said come on in Donnie you almost missed breakfast, but that is alright seeing as how you didn’t get here till almost time to get up.
You sit right hear Donnie next to Joyce, his youngest daughter the older daughter Maxine was married and gone. Joyce was a year older than me and was stuck up, didn’t even say hello.Marie Uncle Jerry’s wife was a big woman, I mean big as in her tits were huge as was her ass. She brought scrambled eggs in, put a scoop on Uncles plate then Joyce’s then leaned into me putting eggs on my plate,
I could have moved away but the feel of her soft tit against my arm made me freeze. Marie went back to the kitchen and brough coffee for Jerry, and milk for Joyce. Marie looked at me for the first time and said what di you want to drink. My aunt’s cleavage was right in my face, milk I said to her tits. Marie smiled and said ok Donnie.So, the day begins, wake up to getting jacked off shooting on a strange mans hand and now I am sitting here sporting a chubby from looking at Aunt Marie’s tits. I guess a wind blowing across my dick would make it hard. Uncle Jerry said you hurry now and let me show you around the farm today and get your chores set up.I was real hungry cause I hadn’t ate since before I got on the bus yesterday.
Marie told Jerry let him be now, I will send him down when he gets finished eating. Joyce finished her breakfast and took her plate and disappeared. I had finished my milk. Aunt Marie noticed and said you want some more milk, Donnie and smiled causing my face to turn red. Aunt Marie reached across the table her cleavage right in my face. Picked up the glass left the table, I could swear she shook her ass as she went into the kitchen. A few minutes later she was back, and 2 more buttons were unbuttoned. When she leaned over, I could see almost all her big tits. My dick when full hard and straining against my jeans. Aunt Marie must have known that I was turned on by her tits. I finished my breakfast and tried to hide my hard on as I stood to leave. That didn’t work cause Aunt Marie told me to come help her in the kitchen just a minute before I went back to the barn. I picked up some plates and followed into the kitchen, she turned and looked right at my dick this time her face turned red. My dick was very noticeable down my leg. Not only was my dick 8” it was thick so wasn’t no way to hide it. Aunt Marie said really low I see you took after your pa. That struck me as strange cause I didn’t know she even knew who my pa was. As I started to go out the back-door Aunt Marie said come give me a hug fore you go. She hugged me and pressed against me causing my dick to flex and I know she felt it.When I got outside, I pulled my shirt out hoping to hide my hard on. By the time I got to the back of the barn I was back in control. I heard Uncle Jerry talking about what he wanted Josh to show me, cause he had to run a couple of errands. Josh said he would make sure I got everything done.
My uncle came by me on the way out and said now you do what josh tells you to. Then he turned and asked what size jeans I wore because he would buy me some over all’s. Josh asked me if I had a plain tee shirt to wear so I wouldn’t get my shirt dirty, I said yes in my suitcase. Well why don’t you go put one on and come back. He walked behind me to my little room and came in with me. As I pulled my shirt off Josh said boy I want to see yo dick again. Don’t give me no problem, cause if you do, I will tell yo uncle you lazy. I wasn’t embarrassed I just dropped my jeans and boxers my dick still about half hard. Josh reached my dick then kneeled and started sucking me off. He wasn’t as good as the man on the bus, but I busted in just a few minutes. Josh held my dick in his mouth and jacked his off. I hadn’t even seen his dick, as he held my dick in his mouth after I shot off, he jacked off. Then stood, that is when I saw his dick, it was about the size of a pinky finger. Josh looked at me and said don’t you be telling no body about me sucking yo dick. Then he said I bet My Priscilla would like this dick, maybe one day you can come around and let her have some of this dick.Now you come on boy we got lots to do.
When we got back in the barn Josh said now you start on cleaning out the stalls while I start checking hooves make sure they ok. He disappeared and I didn’t see hide nor hair of him until my uncle’s truck turned down the drive. Then like magic Josh appeared grabbed a fork and started cleaning the last stall. Uncle walked down the isle checking the stalls and making sure fresh hay was spread. When he got to me, he said you might make it boy. JL is coming over here this morning to take some hay up to the Grinsted’s, gona load the trailer and pull it with the tractor up the road about a mile to their barn. I want you to help JL load the trailer, then go with him to help stacking the hay in the loft in the barn.Now hurry up and get the water trough filled before he gets here. Yes, sir Uncle Jerry I will get right on it. I pulled the hose over to the trough and started filling it, I had just finished rolling the hose up when I heard JL’s old truck come down the drive.JL stopped next to the barn, stepped out grinning from ear to ear. Damn boy you smell like horse shit go wash them shoes off. Uncle Jerry spoke up saying I got you a pair of brogans and 2 pair of overalls in the truck. Try on the brogans if they fit wear them, I guessed the size, but looking at yo shoes I think they will fit.Now coming from being dirt poor and getting my clothes from the salvation army, this was a real treat. Uncle said boy take them overall to the house and ask your aunt to wash them to get the dye washed out might make them a little more wearable. Hurry boy JL is waiting,
I ran to the truck grabbed the bag with my new overalls, and the box with the brogans looked at the size on the box and thought they are going to be to big.I took off to the back door and the washroom dropped the bag hollered for Aunt Marie. I didn’t want to track up her kitchen, as she came into the washroom she said what you hollering about. Don’t you know I got work to do scrubbing floors, I told Aunt Marie sorry, Uncle Jerry told me to bring these overalls to you. She looked at me and said how you know they fit. I know I looked dumb, and said I don’t know for sure.Aunt Marie held the overalls up to my back, then said you got to try these on, strip the jeans off so I can see if they will fit before I wash them. I said ok where can I change, right here Donnie what’s wrong with that.
Well I cain’t in front of you, oh hell boy you ain’t got nothing I haven’t seen before. turned my back to strip and heard her laugh, said you got nothing to be ashamed of, from what I saw this morning. Turn yoself around and don’t be shy. I turned around my face bright red unsnapped my jeans forgot to pull my shoes off first so there I was hopping around on one-foot Jeans at mid-thigh trying to get my shoes off.

Fell flat of my ass adding to my embarrassment, I heard Aunt Marie laughing, then suddenly she stopped laughing she was looking at my dick that had managed to pop out during all my falling around, this time Aunt Marie’s face was red, but she didn’t stop looking. I managed to get my shoes off stripped my jeans off then pulled one of the overalls out and slipped them on. Aunt Marie came over and adjusted the suspenders, backed off saying gona have to hem them up some, lets see how they fit in the crotch then proceeded to check by placing her hand on my thigh and sliding upwards right on top of my dick, I felt a light squeeze and my dick swelling to full hard in a matter of seconds. Marie looked up at me saying boy you got a fast trigger, that thing already hard. I said I am sorry Aunt Marie I cain’t help it. Donnie it is ok I have seen them before maybe not as big, then stopped but her hand never stopped moving, my dick flexed as I shot off. Damn boy yo have a fast trigger.I was so embarrassed and ashamed, for losing control. Drop the overalls and I will wash both then hem them up.
I started to turn but Aunt Marie said you face me I want to see you. Well what you waiting on Christmas, I slipped the overalls off letting them slide all the way down, I heard a quick intake of breath then her hand on my naked dick which was still hard.

Aunty gona have to do something with this but can’t right now. You leave that door open tonight and I will try to come see you.So, I find myself putting my jeans on when Joyce comes through the door stopped sayin what you doing with you pants half off, I tried to finish in a hurry but my dick had slipped out in plain view still almost hard. Joyce let out a gasp turned and ran back in the door. That Aunt Marie had just entered. I shoved my feet in my shoes and took off out the back door.JL looked up saying what you been doing boy get yo ass up here and help me. We got lot’s to do.
JL had already stacked half the wagon by tossing the bales up then positioning them, JL said you get on the wagon and I will throw the bales for you to position. Easy right, hell no cause each bale weighed almost as much as I do. He tossed and I struggled to stack the bales, after 10 minutes I was sweating like crazy my shirt soaked and I am having trouble trying to lift the bales, but I didn’t give up I continued to do the best I could.

Until JL climbed on the wagon and finished for me. Lets get some water then head out. Went over to the hose turned on and drank from the hose I noticed JL handing me the hose saying go ahead boy you look like you bout to fall out. Then winked and said you got a surprise coming today.I asked what was the surprise, don’t yo never mind boy you gona like it. Load up we got to go. Where am I going to sit JL, you prop on the fender with your feet on the floor. JL climbs on first me right behind him after I got situated, he said lets go.JL said on the way back I might let you drive, but not now with that trailer loaded.
That would be great to learn to drive the tractor. It only took 10 or 15 minutes to reach the Grinsted horse stables. The lane to the stables was a probably 200 yards from the main road. JL said as we turned on to the lane, boy yo ever had any pussy? I told the truth saying nope never. JL said now don’t do nothing dumb and let me talk to Mrs. Grinsted.We pulled up in front of the barn under the hay loft door. There was a pulley system used for lifting bales up to the loft. JL said you climb up in the loft and drop the rope and hook down.
I climbed down from the tractor just as a heavy set middle age woman came out of the barn door. I stopped and said hello, she looked me up and down saying who are you boy. I am Donnie and a nephew of Uncle Jerry. Sent to help JL unload this hay. She didn’t look happy, as she turned back to JL saying you don’t need help do you.Donnie you go on up in the loft while I talk to Mrs. Grinsted. So up the ladder I went.

Opened the hay loft door and dropped the rope and hook down, and waited after a couple of minutes I sneaked a look down in the barn and saw Mrs. Grinsted all over JL. I heard her say you know I wanted this dick today. I never heard a white woman say something like that to a black man, hell I never heard a woman say it at all. JL whispered something to her, she smiled and nodded her head yes.JL and I made short work of off loading the hay, come on down Donnie JL said. I climbed down and Mrs. Grinsted was at the bottom of the ladder waiting, come with me Donnie so I followed her to the back of the barn where the tack was stored.
I looked back and saw JL smile and way me in, Now Mrs Grinsted was about 40 but still looked good. She looked at me and said JL told me you was a virgin. I know I turned bright red; well I want to fix that for you boy, come over her. She pulled her shirt off then dropped her pants, well come her let me see what we have here. She just took over undressed me, stopped when she saw my dick and said boy you got a big dick, not as big as JL’s but big.
I had no idea what to do, I did know that if she continued to rub my dick It would cum, I think she felt me get harder, so she stopped. Laying down she spread her les and said come lay on me.
She reached down and placed the head against her and said push and push I did it was slick and warm and by the time I was all the way in I shot off. I started to pull out but was grabbed and held, she said don’t move I felt her squeezing me and rocking her ass against me, my dick never went soft as she continued to squeeze and rock.

I started to move stroking short strokes then longer then faster and faster, I heard groaning and a something like a squeal. I continued fucking faster and faster until I collapsed shooting deep in her again.Then I heard JL say don’t get all that pussy boy save some for JL. I turned and saw JL buck naked his huge dick bobbing as he moved closer to the pallet. I pulled out and JL took my place, JL’s dick was thicker and at least 3” longer maybe 4” longer.
JL got between Mrs. Grinsted thighs his big looked even bigger as he pinned that pussy spreading it, I watched as inch after inch disappeared, when he hit bottom she started Cumming, JL pulled out leaving just the head in, then shoved it back as deep as he could. As I watched his black dick plunge in and out of that white pussy I was rock hard again.

I turned my eyes toward Mrs. Grinsted face, just intime to see her eyes roll back as JL hammered her, It was amazing to see a woman fucked into almost a unconscious state. I heard JL groan then his hips flexed as he sank almost all his dick into her pussy. JL pulled out and said give that pussy some more cum, sloppier the better. I didn’t have to be told twice. As soon as JL got off I was back between her legs fucking like a rabbit.

JL whispered slow down some, lets get her to turn that ass up doggy style, I didn’t want to pull out. But I did, JL told her to get on her knees, I was back inside that pussy damn it was sloppy wet, my 2 loads and JL’s and I don’t know how many time Mrs. Grinsted had cum. Then another surprise, JL was so close to us that his dick was right in my face, I turned my head and his dick was in my mouth he was soft but still almost his full length,
I am glad she didn’t turn and see my mouth stuffed with dick. JL’s dick got hard so he had to pull everything but the tip of his dick out of my mouth, this triggered another cum from me. JL just pulled me aside and shoved that monster in until Mrs. Grinsted hollered no to deep. JL just continued to pound that pussy as hard as he could, He actually got all his dick in side that pussy when he shot off. Mrs. Grinsted was in one constant groan and moan, saying nooooooo to deeeep. But her ass continued to push back even after JL shot and his dick started to get soft. Just the idea of that pussy swallowing JL had me up and hard. But what I wanted was to suck JL.

I knew that was not going to happen so as he pulled out I tried to push back in Mrs. Grinsted just fell on her belly and I followed her down her legs were squeezed together but that didn’t matter to me I had half my dick in her, started short strokes and I must have hit something cause she started bouncing her ass and carrying on more than ever. I know now that the way she was laying caused me to be right on her G-spot.
But back then I had no idea what I was doing. I fucked probably 20 minutes as hard as I could, when I shot off that time there was nothing left to shoot. As I pulled out, I could see cum all over her from ass to belly button. Mrs. Grinsted lay there quivering her ass clenching, then she was crying, later that is a good thing when you fuck a woman until she cries you have done it right.

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