Handy Randi

When I got older, and passed my driving test, I got the old car. I guess I should be disappointed, but in some ways it was my first love.

So, I was happy, even though my friends made fun of the roll up windows. It didn’t even have electric door locks, but it was my old “Beater.”

I guess I should recap: When I was about 10, I discovered the hand brake handle, and I got caught dry humping it in the Safeway parking lot. One thing led to another, and when my folks came out with the groceries. I was turned around, playing with a stranger’s hardon in the back seat.

I mean he got in the back, but I stayed up front. To keep humping the hand brake handle bent over between the front seats. Dad got pissed, and scared him off. Then, he called the cops, and I had to make a report, but I told them that I molested a stranger in the back seat. He got away, so nothing came of it, but then after that.

Dad especially made sure I wasn’t left alone where I could get my hands on another stranger. Nowadays, you’d call it “Cock blocking,” but I hadn’t heard of that yet. By the time I started high school, my big sister was a Senior, my little sister was in middle school, and our youngest brother was just finishing up 6th grade.

So, before the summer break started I had to pick him up for school, while my big sister picked up our little sister from the Jr. High. I guess I should say that my dad was always a car guy, and mom was into it, too. So, he liked to drive fast, and pull tricks like handbrake turns to show off, but it turned mom on, too.

So, my big sister got the old sports car, while I got the old family car, when dad got new ones to replace them. We had a big 2 car garage, which he kept the Beemer, and the Miata in. Since they were new, and the old ones parked out in the driveway. Where I could go out, and play in the car. Before I was old enough to drive it for real, but my brother came out and caught me one night.

In the middle of the night, I had a wet dream, and got up to go out, and masturbate. By then, I found my baby hole, and popped my own cherry with my fingernails, but remember what I said about my first love? Well, for some reason, I never found anything quite as exciting as riding the hand-brake.

Especially once I could get the keys, and turn the engine on. In neutral so the whole transmission shook, and vibrated between my legs. I sat back, with my shoulders on either side of the front seats. I had my shirt up, and my hands full of tits. Moaning, and finally orgasming right there in the driveway.

Satisfied, I put it back in Park, and turned off the engine to take the keys back inside, and go back to bed. “Oh!” I almost knocked my little brother over with the door getting out. “What are you doing up?”

“I thought somebody was stealing the car, so I wanted to stop him.” He brought his gun, a little plastic revolver with the metal coating scratched, and peeling off. He had the Texas Marshal badge pinned on his nightshirt too, but I just took his hand, and led him back up on the porch.

He had a million questions, since he caught me doing something pretty weird, and I figured if I took him inside then he’d wake up the whole house, and I’d have a lot of explaining to do. So, just to keep it contained to my little brother, I sat him down on the porch swing.

“Huh, I love that car. I know, it’s a little weird, but sometimes, I even have to make love to it.”

“How?” He shook his head.

“Well, you saw how. It doesn’t really have a dick, but the parking brake is close enough to satisfy me, for the night. Not every night mind you, so I guess it’ll hold me for another week, but.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Huh, sex. I guess, I’m having sex with the car.”

“Oh,” he nodded, and shook his head. “That’s not how you have sex. You have sex with a man, and a woman when they get married, and you can’t marry a car, can you?”

“No, but when you’re a little older, I guess you’ll find out that there’s really all kinds of sex. Gay sex, cheating sex, premarital sex, and alone sex with some sort of toys if you have them.”

“Oh, like mommy’s toy penises in her bra drawer.”

“What were you doing in mom’s underwear drawer?”

“Nothing? I heard her playing in there, so I came to see what was the matter, and she said go back to bed, but then she put it away, in her bra drawer. She didn’t have a bra on, though. She was naked.” He nodded.

“And how did that make you feel?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t know what was going on, and I was worried, because it sounded like she was crying, but then she told me she missed daddy, and then I felt sleepy, so I went back to bed.”

“It didn’t make your little dick hard seeing mom’s naked tits?”

He shook his head, “Not until the morning when I have to pee, but it always does that.”

He was too young to even know what to do with a boner when he got one. So, as much as I wanted to show him, I had to wait. Until he was a little older, and he got a chance to talk to the eldest’s boyfriends. I guess that’s where he heard about it, because she started dating, but she never cheated on them.

Being the second eldest, I know she’d tell me first thing. Because we’re sisters, and we keep each other’s secrets. She just dated them for about a week, and then she’d come to complain to me about them. Everything she didn’t like about him, but it didn’t bother her at first. I guess looking for some excuse why he wasn’t the one for her, but sure enough. The next day, she’d come to me, and cry on my shoulder saying they broke up.

I asked her why she kept doing that over and over, when I should have known. Far be it from me to judge her for making the same mistake with high school boys. Over and over again when I kept trying to have sex with the family car, but I couldn’t stop.

Once my little brother caught me, he started coming out to watch me, and even rubbed his bald little pecker hard watching me. Which led to me telling him “That’s not how you do it,” and inviting him into the back seat to show him how it’s done.

I molested him, my own little brother, before he even had a hair on his body below the eye lashes. I always felt bad about it, and myself, but I couldn’t help it. I knew what I wanted, a bigger one, with hairy balls full of sperm just waiting to splash out all over the place, but under our dad’s watchful eye. I never really got a chance to be alone with boys.

Any other boys, besides my little brother, and he was horny for me too. So, I showed him how big boys beat off, and I was pretty hands on about it. He knew he wasn’t supposed to, so he wouldn’t tell anyone else what I did to him, but sometimes he came to get me in the morning. We went down to the garage, and got in the Miata. Since that was a convertable, and dad parked it with the top down in the garage. We could get in it, and fool around without having to worry about the neighbors catching us when the sun came up, and they went out to get their papers.

That only lasted until I got my driver license, and the old car that I loved so well. Dad said to pick up my brother, and bring him straight home, but I could always make an excuse about getting stuck in Traffic. After school, the high school had it’s own traffic, between parents picking up the Freshmen, the older students like me who had cars, and all the parents backed up at the elementary school to pick up their kids there.

So, we’re always late coming home, and I could pull over to get in the back seat. Dry humping his boner by then, while he got his hands up my top, and my bra unhooked. To feel my titties, and get it up to ride him to orgasms for both of us. Still shooting blanks, but then at the end of the year. He got a couple friends to wait with him around the corner where I picked him up.

That’s how we avoided traffic in the school zone. He walked, far enough away to get out of the 20 mile an hour speed limit, and waited on the sidewalk. This time, he had 2 boys with him, including an older boy. Okay, 12. I guess you could call him a “Bad boy,” he was almost 13, and got held back because he kept skipping school, getting suspended for fights, and caught with cigarettes.

As soon as they got in the car, I smelled the stale smoke, and I drove off. “Give me your hand.” My brother in shotgun, I smelled his fingers. “You been smoking?”

“No, that was me.” His friend said. “I’m Andy by the way.” He held out his hand, but I shook my head instead.

“Well, I’m driving.”

My brother laughed, and said “Maybe we could pull over somewhere.”

“Like where, you got money for the drive through?” I shook my head, but I was already horny from the drive over. Looking forward to getting my hands in his pants, his up my shirt, my bra off and rubbing one out on his lap. To relieve the stress of school, I hate to say it, but I wasn’t exactly the most developed girl in my class.

I got pulled over all the time, and asked to see my Learner’s Permit. I know, that’s no excuse for molesting pre-teen boys, but I can’t help it. I’m like horny all the time, and still looking like a freshmen, none of the boys my age would give me the time of day if I asked them. They sure as shit aren’t inviting me to their parties, to get me drunk, and make out.

Little do they know that I barely have any inhibitions to lower with alcohol. Honestly, you don’t have to get me drunk. I’m not even a cheap date, all he had to do was hold still a minute, and get it out. Where I can see it, touch it, squeeze it, and pull it hard enough to ride. I really do prefer my car, but even when I was a little girl, I knew that it was just a car. I was crazy to have feelings for it like it was a real person, and it bothered me, but not enough to stop.

My brother knew it too, so he bragged about me to his friends, especially “Andy.” His name’s not Drew, but my brother lied to them, too. He said that I had a name for myself in High School. “Haven’t you ever heard of Handy Randi?”

Of course not, because nobody called me that. My friends called me “Miri,” and nobody else really talked about me, they just ignored me. (I know Randy’s a boy’s name, but it rhymes with Handy.) For giving out hand jobs to all the High School boys, because I didn’t. I never got the chance, but I know for sure I would have if I could have. My brother knew it too, so he told the oldest boy he knew all about it. He just left off the part about it being all fantasies. Stories we told each other when we masturbated together, and dry humped.

So, it didn’t take any more convincing to drive the 3 of them to the closest spot. Private enough to molest my brother, but now I had 2 more boys in the car to worry about. I needn’t have worried, it turns out as soon as they got a handful of titty each, they didn’t even think about us being brother and sister. They were just grateful for him setting us up together.

He got out, and back in the back seat. So “Randy” could get in the middle, and I could climb back between the seats. He scooted out so I could really hump my panties into my snatch, with a hard little dick in each hand, and before long we all had orgasms.

It wasn’t until I dropped them off, and got home that I found the cum-stains inside my skirt. I wore skirts and tops all the time. Every day, because while I like pants, and dresses. You can’t really hump my panties up under my pants without taking them off, and my brother can’t get his hands up my top in a dress.

So, I wore skirts, tops, and underwear, on purpose. It just made it easier to dry hump boys, once I had more than one to do it with. Somebody other than my brother, but Andy had me fooled. I noticed right away that he was a little bigger. Maybe about 4″ to the top of his balls, which was good enough for a long stroke. Humping him through my panties, but he didn’t have any hair on it.

It turns out that his mom didn’t shave her legs, she used Veet. That’s like shaving foam, but it dissolves the hair down to the roots, so you just have to wash them off. (She used it on the lip, and chin, so nobody knew she had facial hair, too.) He thought that I was into it, hairless little boys, so he used it to get hairless again. Like a little boy, but when I found out, I made him start growing it out again.

It wasn’t much, but I felt a little less like a child molester. The other boy (Not even making up a name) turned out to be gay. I don’t know why he came along, I guess to hide it from the other boys, but he didn’t have any trouble keeping it up. I even felt it twitch between my fingers, but being only 10. It wasn’t just dry, and hairless, but also too small to really pump in both hands. So, I just pinched it with 2 fingers, and a thumb. The way little boys do, if they start jerking off before puberty.

I’m kinda proud of myself, that I could even give a gay boy an orgasm, but I guess it helps that he wasn’t the only boy in the back seat. He only came along that one time, and I barely even saw him around for years after that. Finally, I ran into him at Rocky Horror, he had a boyfriend he called “Daddy,” and made out in the corner of the theater. Sitting in his lap while people were throwing rice, or toilet paper when it was the right time. I saw them back there, when everyone got out their lighters for the “There’s a Light” song, but that’s a whole nother story…

It was just the 3 of us all summer. Me, my boyfriend Randy, and my little brother tagged along to watch, mostly.

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