Headache cure

My son, Kevin, had complained of a headache and gone to bed early. He was starting high school in a week and I was concerned that he might miss his important first days if he was sick. I went up to check on him and found him in bed wide awake.

“Is you head still hurting honey?” I asked.

“Yeah mom, I took a Tylenol but it hasn’t helped yet.”

I was wearing a robe with my sheer nightie under it. I noticed that Kevin kept looking at my chest area. I looked down and saw that my robe had come partway open and he could see my breasts, which were visible under the sheer fabric of my lingerie.

“Oh! I’m sorry honey!” I closed the robe again. “I should have fastened my robe better, or not worn this nightie!”

I was not surprised that he had looked. He is a teenage boy after all!

“Sometimes it helps your dad when I massage his temples. Would you like me to try that with you?”

“Sure mom, that would be great!”

I sat next to him on the bed and started to massage his temples with my thumbs. He half closed his eyes but a moment later he looked at my breast area again. I looked down also and damn! My robe was open again! What was worse I also noticed a bulge in the sheets around his midsection. My son was getting an erection looking at my tits! I got a twinge in my pussy thinking I was making my boy excited! Instead of closing my robe this time, I leaned forward, ostensibly to get a better angle to massage his temples, but in reality I wanted to expose more of my breasts to him. I knew I was going down a dangerous road but I couldn’t stop myself. His eyes opened wider and I knew he could see my nipples through the gauzy material. I glanced at his midsection again and his sheet was tenting even higher! “Dang, how big is he? He’s too young to have a cock as big as it looked!”

I started breathing heavier and my pussy was getting wet. I wanted to touch him!

“Uh, honey? I think I know why you have a headache. Do you masturbate?”

He turned all red but didn’t move his eyes away from my breasts.

“Um, gosh mom! I can’t tell you that!”

I was determined to get my hands on his cock!

“This is important honey! At your age, if you don’t masturbate you can get a pain down there and a headache!” I had no idea if this was true.

“Uh, okay, sometimes, but I haven’t for a few days.”

“Well, how often do you masturbate each day normally?”

He was fidgeting and obviously uncomfortable talking about this, but I pressed him for an answer.

“Well, sometimes 3 times.”

Holy shit! 3 Times! My husband has trouble getting it up once a week! I was doing the fidgeting now, rubbing my cunt against the mattress.

“I’m going to help you get better but this has to be our secret, okay? You have to swear to it!”

“Okay mom, but what are you going to do?”

I didn’t answer but started to pull the sheet down. His boxer shorts appeared and I could better see the tent in them. I was trembling as I grabbed the waistband and pulled them down. Kevin was wide eyed as I exposed his stiff cock! It was bigger than I thought it should be for a boy his age! It looked as big as his dad’s, who’s was 6 inches.

“Oh Kevin! This is your problem! You need to have an orgasm!”

I wrapped my hand around his cock and pumped up and down. I leaned over it and spit on the head, then smeared it all over.

“Ohhhhh mom! That feels good!”

I used my free hand to loosen my robe and let it fall from my shoulders, exposing my lingerie! He drew in a quick breath when he saw my boobs on full display in the transparent top. He looked down and could see my pubic hair and cunt through the equally transparent panties.

I spit more saliva onto his cock and stroked faster. I wanted to see him shoot all over the place, even on me! There was part of me that knew I should stop but the slut in me was stronger. My cunt was burning hot and I needed something in it but I wouldn’t allow myself to fuck my own son!

I could tell he was getting close. He started panting and squirming.

“Are you going to shoot, honey?”

“Yes mommie, I’m gonna do it!”

I sped up my stroking and at the last second pointed his cock at my face. I don’t know why I did it, I didn’t think about it, I just moved my hand and his cock was staring at me!

I felt the pulse as the cum spurted out and hit me on the forehead it ran down onto my nose as a second blast hit my right cheek! I lowered it so the last strong spurt landed on my tongue! There were two more streams that landed on my nightie, then the rest flowed out over my fist.

“Oh god mom! Oh god!”

“Does my baby feel better now?”

“Yes mommie, much better!”

I still had his cum on my face and nightie and the taste of cum in my mouth.

“I’m glad honey! But this is our secret headache cure, okay? We can’t share this with anyone! You have to swear to me that you won’t tell anyone!”

Just then my husband called from the bedroom,

“What the hell are you doing in there? Just give him a pill and get your ass in here!”

I held my finger to his lips to tell Kevin to be quiet then used a towel from his bathroom to clean the cum from my face and nightie. Then I returned to my bedroom. My husband was turned the other way and I slipped into bed, wondering what had driven me to do what I did. I lay awake for a long time vowing to resist the lust that drove me to what I did.

When I woke in the morning I tried to get back to normal. I made breakfast and it was a Saturday so naturally my husband left for golf after eating . When Kevin and I sat in the kitchen after eating he said, “uh, mom? I have a headache again.”

“I think you should take a Tylenol today. Last night was so you could sleep.”

“But mom, it made me feel so much better. A lot better than the pill you gave me!”

He had that puppy dog look that got me every time. Added to that was the obvious tent in his sweat pants. My pussy started getting wet remembering how much sperm he shot out and how it tasted!

“Okay but this has to be the last time okay honey?” I always had trouble saying no to Kevin, something my husband always criticized me for, telling me I was spoiling him.

“Um, mom? Can I see you again?”

“See me? What do you mean, honey?”

“You know, like last night. I want to see your body again. But without anything on.”

I trembled with desire when I heard him say that! I wanted him to see me! Wanted him to see my tits and my pussy!

I knew I would do this over and over, but I told him, “okay hon, but just this once, okay?”

“Okay mom! You’re the best!”

Well, that was a matter of perspective. And I was the best today because I gave him a hand job last night and he wanted another one.

I was still in my robe and jammies so I unbelted the robe and let it fall to the floor. Then I pulled my nightie over my head, baring my breasts to him!

“Can I touch them mommie?”

“Of course honey, you can touch them!”

He tentatively reached out and touched my nipple with a finger. An electric shock ran through me and I moaned as he twirled my nipple in his fingers. I scooted closer and pulled his shorts down. He wasn’t wearing underwear and his cock sprang up, nice and hard!

“Oh honey! You’re hard already! Did mommie do that?”

“Yes mommie!”

I reached out and wrapped my hand around his hot cock. He was rubbing all over my breasts and I was moaning as he took one hand and tried to pull my panties down. I was going to stop him but I really wanted him to see and touch my cunt. I lifted my hips and allowed him to pull my panties off. He leaned forward and took both hands and spread my cunt open. I was getting very wet as he explored my cunt. He put his finger on it and ran it up and down, causing me to moan, “ooooooohhhhhhh!! Baby! Keep doing that! Mommie likes it!”

I kept stroking his hard cock as he moved up to my clit, which was protruding from its sheath. “What’s this mom?”

“Ohhhh!! God! It’s, it’s my c..clit! It’s, oh god! It feels good when you touch it!”

“Like when you touch my cock mommie!”

“Oh yes honey!!”

We were both panting and as we got closer to our orgasms I got an overwhelming urge to take his cock in my mouth! I told Kevin, “I’m going to make you feel even better honey!”

I leaned down and first licked his shaft and the kissed the tip before taking him deep into my mouth!

“Oh mom!! That does feel better!! Ohhh yes!”

I started moving my head up and down and swirling my tongue around his head. He started moving his hips to match my rhythm and I knew he was getting close. I wanted to taste his cum hot from his cock!

He was still rubbing my clit and I took his finger and showed him where my hole is. He put his finger in and I guided him in and out! I was gurgling as I also approached a blinding orgasm!

“Ohhhh mommie!! It’s gonna shoot!”

He arched up and his sperm shot into my mouth! I sucked and swallowed as his cum spurted large amounts of cum into my mouth. Some of it leaked from my mouth and ran down my chin. Just as his cock was almost drained, I suddenly came violently, sucking hard on his cock and holding his hand deep while I rubbed my clit!!

“Mmmmmmmpppph,!” I moaned around his still oozing cock!!

I jerked on the chair and my legs jerked all over.

Finally, we both calmed down. I pulled off his cock and licked my lips.

“Now honey, you must never ever tell anyone about this! Do you understand.”

He nodded. “I need to hear you say it! Promise you won’t!”

“I promise mom! I would never tell anyone!”

“It’s very important, honey! If anyone were to find out, I would lose you!”

“I know mom, I would never want to lose you!”

I smiled at him, “good, now go do something while I get some stuff done around here!”

The rest of the day and that night were normal. He didn’t ask and I didn’t offer.

Sunday, of course, my worthless husband was gone again, ‘fishing’ he said, but I suspected he was doing something else, who knows what, so Kevin and I were alone again. I had vowed to myself that I would be firm and not give in to him if he asked. And sure enough, mid morning he came to my room where I was straightening the bed and said, “mom? Uh, do you think we could, like, play around again.”

“What? No headache excuse this time? Just play around?”

“Well, yes, I mean it’s been since yesterday morning and all.”

I didn’t even try to argue about it or put him off! I was frustrated with my husband and horny as hell from the last two days so I just replied, “Well, since we’re in the bedroom already and you asked so nicely… how can I refuse!”

“Are we going to get naked again, mom?”

“Oh, definitely honey! We’re going to get naked and on the bed and we’re going to do things we haven’t done yet!”

“Oh wow! Like what things?”

“Well let’s get naked and I’ll demonstrate!”

We both had our clothes off in half a minute. I got on the bed and purred, “come to mommie!”

He smiled and climbed on the bed next to me.

“Now hold me Kevin! I need to be held!”

“Oh yes, mom!”

He put his arm around me and I kissed him, not motherly but passionately! He put a hand on my breast and I grabbed his hard, hot cock! I couldn’t get enough of him! I stroked gently and he rolled my nipple as he reached down to rub my clit.

“Are you going to suck my cock again?”

“No honey.” He looked dejected!

“I’m going to let you fuck me!” I continued, as he gulped and said, “your going to let me put my cock in your cunt?”

“Well, that’s the general idea!” I laughed.

“Um, I’ve never done it.”

“I know, and I will show you how to do it!”


“Okay, first I’ll get in position.” I spread my legs and took his hand and pulled him on top.

“Now grab your cock and put it on my cunt. Ohhh, yessss! That’s it! Now rub it up and down my slit. Mmmmm, baby! Just like that! Ohhhhh! Now, uh, now when it goes down and you feel the hole, just push in! Aaaaaaaaaaggghhhh!!! Oh god! Yes!! Yes!! You’re inside me!, Oh fuck! Now, all the way! Push it all the way in! Ohhhhhhhhhh yes!! It’s all in me!! Your cock is all the way in mommie’s cunt!”

“Oh god mom! I am! Oh god! I’m in your cunt! Oh god! It’s good!!”

“Oh yes honey! Fuck me!! Fuck mommie!!! Ohhhhhh baby!! Fuck mommie good!!”

He started going in and out and I was rising to match his strokes. I pulled his head down to my nipple and he sucked on it, making me fuck him harder.

“Ohhhh yesss baby!! You’re fucking me! Fucking me good!! Oh god! Say nasty things!! Call me dirty names! I’m a slut! I’m an incest slut! A fucking incest fucker!”

“Yes mom, you’re my fucking slut! You’re my mommie whore! You’re fucking you’re son!! Oh god mom! Fuck me!!”

His nasty words sent me over the edge into a massive orgasm. My legs twitched and my hips spammed as I threw my head back and held his head to my breast.

“Oh god! Bite my nipple!! Bite it!”

He bit down and the pain shot through me, intensifying my orgasm!

“AaaaiiiyyyyYyyeeeee!! Oh god! Too much!! Oh god, it’s too much!!”

“Ohhhhhhhh yess!! Cuming mom! Cuming in you! In your cunt! Yeeeeaaaaa!!”

I felt his cock pulse and he started filling me with cum. He shot an incredible amount of sperm into me! I thought I would pass out but then I started to ease back to normal as my orgasm ebbed. I felt him begin to soften and then his cock popped out, followed by a huge amount of cum.

“Whew! That was awesome Kevin! Oh my god!”

“Oh god yes, mom! I thought I would pass out!”

Later that day I was in the kitchen and Kevin snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and grabbed my boobs!

“KEVIN! You scared me to death!”

“Sorry mom, couldn’t resist!”

He massaged my breasts and I felt him getting hard, his cock pressing my ass!

He guided me to the table and pushed me down so my ass was toward him in a doggy position. He just pulled my shorts and panties down and shoved his cock into my cunt.

“Ohhh god! Again! Fuck me again Kevin!!”

All reluctance or resistance to fucking my son were gone! There was no guilt about what we were doing, only extreme pleasure. I encouraged him to dominate me.

“Oh Kevin! Yes! Take me! Make me yours! Ohhhhh god! I love it when you take me!! Harder! Fuck me harder!! I’m your slut! I’m your mommie slut!”

“Oh yeah mom! I’m gonna fuck you every day! I’m gonna fuck your cunt! Your mouth! Your ass!”

“Oh baby! Ohhhhhh!!! Fuck! I’m going to cum baby!! Ohhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuccckkk!”

I grabbed the edge of the table and pushed back at Kevin, trying to get more of him inside me!!

“Oh yes Mommie!! I’m cumming too!! Take it!! Take my cum in your cunt!!”

My orgasm exploded in me and I pushed back against him hard as he pushed in! I could feel his cock probing my cervix and it drove me to cum even more violently.

“Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!” I repeated moans as he emptied himself in me!

Kevin groaned, “ahhhhhhh!,! Fuck!! I love your cunt!! I love you!!”

I was so happy and lusty that I started crying, tears running down my cheeks! My husband had never made me feel this way!

“Why are you crying mom?”

“Oh honey! I’m crying because you make me so happy!”

We hugged and kissed like young lovers.

We decided we better get cleaned up in case my husband came back early. We needn’t have worried because he didn’t return home until eight that night. He said he had stopped for a few beers with the guys. I knew it was a lie, but at this point I didn’t care. I was getting all the love I needed and more from Kevin!

We watched TV that night and Kevin and I tried to act normal. Again, we didn’t have to worry, my husband didn’t even pay attention to us. I thought to myself that it was clear that our ‘marriage’ was over, but I was not in a hurry to separate. He could continue doing whatever it is that he does and I would continue getting my comfort from Kevin!

Monday morning after hubby left for work, Kevin was still in his room. There was a week until school started so I wanted to take advantage of the time we had left. I went to his room and he was still asleep. It was a warm day so he had kicked his sheets down and was wearing only his boxers. I walked quietly to his bed and kneeling beside it I gently reached through the fly and pulled his cock out. I lowered down and took it in my mouth and licked around the head. He stirred and opened his eyes, looking at me, “ohhh god mom!”

I sucked and licked and then started stroking his cock rapidly, wanting his cum in my mouth!

“Stop mom! I want to fuck you!”

I pulled off enough to answer, “not now honey! I want to swallow your cum! We have all day to fuck and I intend to do nothing else today!”

I returned to my sucking and jerking! It didn’t take long until I got my first load of the day!

“Aaaaaahhhhh!! Mom!! Cumming!! Ohhh god!!”

His cum spurted into my mouth and I swallowed it, but then, getting a perverse urge, I took his cock out and painted my face with streaks of the white goo that spewed from his cock. When it slowed to an ooze running over my hand I took it and smeared it on my boobs! Then I used my finger to scoop the cum into my mouth!

If you’re wondering if I work, I do. I work as a software developer for a major company working 100% from home. I make a 6 figure income and because I am an efficient developer, I only work an average of 30 hours a week. That’s why I have the flexibility to take a day off to have sex with Kevin. We went downstairs and had a big breakfast. When we finished I got up and pulled my lounge slacks down. I wasn’t wearing panties and I leaned over the table and Kevin got in position behind me. His cock was hard and he shoved it right into my cunt!

“Ooooooohhhhhhh! Kevin! I love your cock in my cunt! It’s so deep!”

“Yes! Fucking deep! Ohhhhhhh! Ooooooohhhhhhh!”

Kevin fucked me deep and fast but then pulled out.

“Ohhhhhhhhh noooo!! Put it back in”

I felt him rub his cock all over my wet pussy, the I felt his cock probe my asshole!

“No Kevin! Not this time! I haven’t cleaned myself so you’ll get very messy if you continue!”

“Oh yeah, sorry mom, didn’t think about that!”

“Well let me know another time and I’ll take an enema before we do it.”

He slid his cock back down to my cunt and he shoved it back in!

“Oooohhhhhhhhh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me hard baby! Fuck mama! Ohhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhh!!”

I felt his balls slap my clit when he shoved in and on the outstroke he almost pulled out.

“Oh yes! That’s it!!! Right there honey!! Ohhhhhhh!!ohhhhh!!”

I reached under my body and rubbed my clit rapidly, speeding me to a massively extreme orgasm. His cock was hitting all the right spots as I started cumming, shaking so much that the table was scooting across the floor. It hit the wall and his cock jammed deep into me!

“Aaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhh!!! Oh fuck! It’s so deep!!” I felt it probe my cervix and it sent me even higher! I was arching back at him with my head thrown back! I was moaning constantly and I had lost control of my legs and then to my embarrassment, I started to piss.

“Ohhhhhhh god! I’m pissing all over you!! Ohhhhhhh!! Ohhhhhhh!! Shit! Fuck! Fuck!”

“Oh yes mom! You slut! My mom slut! Yeah, piss all over me!!”

“Oh honey, I’m cumming so hard!!”

“Me too mom! Cumming in your cunt!!”

Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, his cum shot into me!

When he finished, he kept his cock inside me.

“Now I have to pee mom!”

“Piss in my cunt honey!”

“Really? In your cunt?”

“Yes!! Yes!! Piss in me! Piss on me!!”

I was beyond control as I continued to cum! Then I felt his hot piss filling my cunt!

“Oh baby! You’re doing it! Pissing! Pull out and piss on my body! All over me!”

He pulled out and pissed on my back, then I knelt on the floor and he pissed in my face, on my tits and on my cunt. I was rubbing it in and still cumming until I finally collapsed on the floor in a puddle of piss!

“Oh god honey! That was fucking hot! I love what we do! I love you!”

“Oh mom! I love you too!!”

We cleaned the kitchen and then took a shower together. We went about our usual scheduled the rest of the morning. That session exhausted us and we didn’t have the energy to fuck anymore that day.

That night I decided to have a talk with my husband. I told him I didn’t feel anything for him anymore and it was obvious he didn’t love me anymore. I told him I didn’t want anything from him but would like to keep the house. I would pay all the expenses as long as he didn’t object to Kevin staying with me. It was Kevin’s choice how much he’d see his father.

Needless to say, Kevin and I lived as lovers until he left for college. And when he came home on break, we would fuck like crazy.