Her body needs stimulation too

I have been fucking my disabled step-daughter for nearly a month, and her pussy is so good.

I married my current wife 5 years ago, she came with two kids, Ryan and Chloe, and Chloe is disabled, she is, for lack of a better word, retarded.

I raised them both as if they were my own flesh and blood, taking on the huge responsibly of looking after Chloe, she could do nothing on her own, she had to be dressed, bathed, fed and exercised every day, it wasn’t easy, but I did it.

But unknown, and still unknown to my wife, Chloe and I have built a connection with each other, I’m a stay at home dad while my wife goes to work every day, her career as a nurse is more valuable than my job at the local petrol station, so I was happy to give up my job and look after Chloe.

Now 12 years old, Chloe may be disabled, but she is a good looking girl, she has buck teeth and her face is a little strange, but she is still beautiful, and she has a great body, and now that she’s heading in to her teenage years her breasts have started to sprout and she’s a nice rounded C-cup.

Bathing her in the mornings and at night has become an absolute joy, I’m able to rub my hands all over her and feel her lovely bouncy breasts and plump little hairless pussy, it’s so tender to the touch, and I hadn’t failed to notice she started getting a little “moist” down below.

Her body was ripe and ready for sex, and as a warm blooded male, who absolutely adored her and was in love with her, I couldn’t have lived with myself if I let her pussy, bouncy breasts and smoking hot little body go to waste, the fact her pussy had started to get wet told me that she was sexually aroused, and it wanted to be fucked, she wanted to be fucked, she shouldn’t miss out on the pleasures of life just because she’s disabled.

Most days when my wife left the house to take Ryan to school and go to work, she’d often remind me that Chloe needed stimulating, she was referring to her brain, stimulation with colour, light and sound, but surely her body needed stimulating too, absolutely it did, I was willing to give Chloe what I knew she needed.

I see more of and spend more time with Chloe each day than I do her mother, and it had an unintended effect, I fell in love with Chloe, and I know that sounds silly, how can a grown man fall in love with a disabled little girl, stupid right?, well I don’t know the answer, I just know how I feel about her, I love her, not as a step-daughter, but something more.

In the few months leading up to this I was cuddling her more, kissing her more lovingly, touching her more intimately and falling more and more in love with her.

Just over 3 weeks ago, after my wife and step-son left the house, I went upstairs and woke Chloe up, I fed her breakfast and changed her diaper, she had to wear them because she was unable to go to the toilet on her own, then I put the TV on that is attached to the ceiling, Chloe can’t sit up, she lays down all down, and I laid on her special bed beside her and we watched her favourite morning cartoons.

Then at 10:30 I turned off the TV, it was time for her morning bath, so I went in to the bathroom and drew her a bath, then I removed her pyjamas and took off her diaper, scooped her up in my arms and carried her in to the bathroom before laying her gently down in to the bath water, my arm underneath her back to keep afloat, and I washed her as usual.

Seeing her naked body and rubbing her with the sponge aroused me, I could feel my cock swelling inside my pants, for a moment I lost my breath, and my heart was racing, I scooped her up out of the bath and carried her back to her room, then laid her down on her bed.

After catching my breath, I got the big towel and dried her off, but once I was done, instead of dressing her as I normally do, I just left her naked, stepped away from the bed and just looked at her, she is so beautiful.

I had dried her perfectly, you had too in order to prevent bed sores, but I noticed her pussy had become wet again, she was aroused, it was time, I took off all my clothes and I laid on the bed beside her, and I rubbed my hands all over her naked body, and tickled her with my fingertips just to hear her giggle.

Then I used the remote at the side of her bed to turn on the music and dancing ceiling lights to keep her stimulated.

When I fondled her breasts and put my hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy, she didn’t react, even when I pushed my finger inside her warm tight hole, she didn’t react, her brain just wasn’t registering it.

I was lying beside her naked, my cock erect, and fingering her pussy, I kissed her on the cheek and slowly rolled myself over on top of her, because she wears a diaper all day, she kind of lays down like a baby, with her legs wide open, which was good for me.

I pulled my fingers out of her and pushed my cock inside, the inside of her pussy was very tight indeed, it was a struggle to get it in, but her inner walls eventually gave way and opened up, letting me slide my length inside her.

My legs were shaking as I slowly started fucking her, I put my arms under and around her, cuddling her as I thrust, she closed her eyes and looked quite peaceful, whilst I enjoyed her tight hole for the first time.

After a while she started to make a familiar sound, she doesn’t speak, just grunts and breathes out random noises, the sound she was making is the sound she makes when she’s happy, its how we tell when she’s happy, and it just made me more determined, she was happy that I was fucking her, she liked it.

I gently slapped her on her cheek to get her attention, as we always have to do in order to get her to look at us, she opened her eyes and looked at me, “Hi, baby.” I said, as I lovingly stared in to her pretty blue eyes, and continued to fuck her.

I fucked her for nearly half an hour, I had in fact ejaculated after the first 10 minutes, but her pussy was so tight it restricted my cock and stopped it shooting out, so I just kept going until the pressure built up so high to the point where my sperm just exploded out of my cock, “My gorgeous girl – Oooaaaah – Ooh – Oooah.” I came inside her for the first time.

I rested beside her for a little while, Chloe seemed happy enough staring at the lights on the ceiling, then I got dressed, I wiped up the sperm that had dripped from her pussy, put a diaper on her and dressed her, then went downstairs and made us some lunch.

Her pussy would be wet every 2-3 mornings, and I fucked her every single time it was wet, well, I wouldn’t say I fucked her, it was more making love really, because I do love her, so much.

I don’t think of it as abuse, its’ not, I’m doing it because I love her, and people who love each other have sex, and I know Chloe enjoys it, I’m giving her body the stimulation it needs, just like I stimulate her mind.

I have been having sex with Chloe for nearly a month now, my wife has no idea, I’ve had to buy morning after pills and give them to Chloe at night because I hate using condoms and I don’t want to get her pregnant by accident, that wouldn’t go down well.


Speaking as just a man, I have to say that fucking a 12 year olds pussy is unbelievable, it is so good, it feels amazing, it seems to me that a girls pussy is at its best when it’s young, if you haven’t tried it then you need too, seriously, wow.

I hope you don’t judge me for fucking my disabled step-daughter, I don’t really care if you do, it’s not going to stop me doing it, just remember I’m doing it out of love for her.