Holly (Superfecundation) Extreme Edition – Part 4 – The Party

It had been a few weeks since James had told her boyfriend to call back. She explained that she walked past a crime scene where some girl had bashed a guy across the face with a rock. One of the attending police officers stopped her, denoting her as a suspect because she so happened to be nearby and sweating. Apparently, the police officer then looked through her pockets for ID. When Jack called, the police answered and told him to call back.

This lie seemed to have worked but to be honest, she didn’t know why was still with him.

To make things worse, the girl Jack had a crush on, had asked him out recently. The ginger one who he would watch, Holly knew her for wearing a crop top showing off her belly piercing and jean shorts in the summertime. She lived in the same neighbourhood as Jack and he would watch her every summer. She knew this because Holly would catch him looking and unlike her, he was a terrible liar.

The girl was apparently so upset he had gotten with Holly and said no to her that she went out with this dick head named Joe who knocked her up and then beat the shit out of her when he found she was pregnant and let his friend rape her (Comment below if you want to see this story).

Now it seemed like he blamed himself.

Holly took the freshly removed dick and put it in her mouth, it tasted and felt like sex. He pushed her head down, she squirmed and felt it hit the back of her throat. She choked, and she began to gag, his hand let go.

She looked up to him.

He grabbed her head and shoved her head back down. He pushed her down so that the dick would stick down her throat. She began to choke and gag but held her down. She flailed her arms around but Jackson pushed down with all his might, she coughed. He cummed down her throat.

“Swallow it.”

She tried to swallow it but gagged and shook her head, struggling to breathe. He grabbed her by the throat, she inhaled and then gulped it down.

“Now, go to school.”

“The fuck is wrong with you! That really hurt…” She said

“OH shut up?”

“You can’t keep mistreating me like this! I deserve better!”

“You deserve better? You think your so smart because you’re top of your class but your a stupid fucking idiot slut who’s cheating on her boyfriend and currently being fucked by three different dudes mostly me and that James kid.”

Holly’s eyes widened, and a sickly feeling began to twist and turn in her stomach.

“H-how did you find out about that?”

“What you think I’m a idiot? Some other guys cum, your vagina was red when you got to me, and these only two of the reasons. How about you opening your legs so he can look up your skirt?”

“Shut up!” She said beginning to sob.

“So you’re finally starting to feel bad for your actions?”

“Why you do you even care?” She sobbed. “All you want is what’s between my legs.”

“I don’t care so fuck off to school why don’t you. But don’t say about being mistreated when your acting like a slut and cheating on your boyfriend.”

“Go to hell” She said, tears in her eyes, picking her up underwear, and putting it on. She headed to the door of his bedroom.

Later in first class, Holly sat with the taste of his cum still in his mouth. She wasn’t paying attention, she couldn’t. She just couldn’t. She had so much on her mind.

Holly went to look over to James and met another face looking back at her. It wasn’t James, it was Jack, in one of the few classes they had together.

“When did you get in?” She said.

“Just now. You okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine. Listen, I’m sorry for how I’ve been of recently.”

“I’m glad your okay. Thats all that matters, Holly” He smiled.

She didn’t deserve him. Holly’s legs were widened enough so James could see her pink lace thong that she pulled up from her session with Jackson this morning but he hadn’t fucked her at least not in the pussy but in the head, mentally and in the mouth.

At break, she found an area outside, away from everyone else, behind the football courts.

“Listen I’m sorry we haven’t talked since… you know… you took my virginity.” She said, saying the last part under her breath.

“Yeah, about that…” Jack looked hesitant, he looked around and then look around again. “Holly… I”

“…You’re about to break up with me.” She said is disbelief, even though she had no right.

“Its just since that day in your bedroom. Weird things have happened, you’ve been behaving weird. You show up late sometimes in school, sometimes stinking of sweat and old milk.”


“Just listen, alright.” He said “I know you would never cheat on me. You’re not like that and don’t I even think you care that much about sex… but its too much stress for me and its making me paranoid.”

Jack walked away leaving her to drop to the ground. Now she really did feel alone.

After school, she took a deep breath and knocked on Jackson’s door. He opened the door and she looked at the floor and said.

“You were right. I’m sorry.”

Jackson walked but left the door open, she walked in and closed the door. He was all she had left. As the door closed, he shoved her, she fell against the stairs. He lifted up her waist and fucked like a dog from behind.

“You want to prove that I was right?”

His waist smacked against her ass.

“Yes.” Holly moaned trying to mask how upset she was

“This weekend… your coming to this party.”

“ok?” She joked.

“Its a party where people share their girls with whoever goes to the party.”

Her eyes widened.

“You want me to be used by a bunch of men?”


“I… don’t think I really want that.”

“That’s a shame since your bf would so upset if he saw pictures of you being fucked.”


Even if they were broken up and he didn’t know. She still didn’t want that image of who she is inside Jack’s head to be ruined.

Jackson flooded her insides and then yanked her naked and dripping, up the stairs.

He took a photo from under his mattress of her mouth wide open moaning with him fucking her from behind.

She stared at the photo.

“I’ve made you cum more times than your bf ever will. Don’t start being ungrateful now. You’re a slut. That’s all you are, Holly. A fucking slut who men are going to use this weekend for a cumbucket. You better hope your protection is strong enough otherwise this weekend someone is gonna fuck a baby into you.”

He grabbed her by the throat.

“you’re… hurting me.”

He shoved her against the wall, he fell to the ground.

“How about considering what you are about to do this weekend? Do your boyfriend a favour and give him a turn.”


She wasn’t going to do it but she was going to this party. That she deserved and was going stop caring and let them treat her like shit, all that sex was bound to feel good.