How I got Raped by my Neighbour

I was around 13 years old when this happened and It was a total shock to me but I loved it at the end.

Mr. Richards was our next door neighbor for years and he was a close family friend of ours. He knew me and my siblings since we were babies and whenever my parents went out for something I was always instructed to stay at his place and Mr. Richards always welcomed me like I’m his own daughter.

So I used to be at his place from when I was about 4 years old and I used to hang out with his two sons, him and his wife. I was really close with their family after mine.

But even though he and his family treated me like their own Daughter Mr. Richards always had a little crush on me since I started to grow up.

I’ve seen him looking at my thighs whenever I wore shorts and he always admired me for wearing short dresses and compliments me on my looks.

As I was growing up to my preteen ages It became more obvious and I started to feel the vibe he had on me. But the thing is I never found it creepy or bad I found it cute since he was my crush too.

So when I was about 12 I started to wear shorts that went too high up or skirts above my mid thighs.

I loved the way he looked at me, specially when he compliments me on beauty I always lost myself in his looks and words so eventually I became an addicted to these things and I was very careful about anyone else noticing it.

Just like this days passed by and Mr. Richards two sons moved out the house for College, to a different city and his wife also went more often to her parents house to take care of them so we both started to spend a lot of time with each other.

So one day we were hanging out with each other at his house and I had on a short sleeveless frock.

We both were sitting on the floor playing a board game and without even realizing it I was keeping my feet wide so that Mr. Richards could have a look inside my skirt.

So I saw his eyes were looking down on me and I pulled my thighs together as fast as I could with a blushing face and he smiled at me and said,

“I didn’t see anything Huny, I only saw your baby panties”

I was shy and I kept my feet closed and I even held it with my hands.

Then he moved away the game we were playing and came closer to me on his knees and sat in front me.

And said “why are you shy? You don’t have anything to get shy about. You are a beautiful girl and you must be proud of yourself”

I loved how kind his voice was and I nodded at him.

Then he pulled my hands around my thighs and spread my feet apart like he’s opening a cupboard and without me even realizing he was looking under my skirt with a smile on his face.

It’s like he was looking at something so special and I just looked at his face without saying anything.

He asked me “is it OK if I can see more huny?”

And I asked him back “how?”

Then he said “like this” while running his both hands up my hips to bring down my panties and I tried to stop him but he slapped on my hand saying “No”

I was shocked that he did that and I was completely shocked at what’s happening at that moment. I had never shown myself to anyone except for my mom and I never thought I’ll let Mr. Richards to look at my baby parts.

Then I started to cry when he pulled my underwear from my feet and he kept it aside and lifted my frock to go up to my belly. Then he took a long look at my pussy while biting his lips.

And he whispered “wow this looks so beautiful”

I had no idea what he meant by that but I kept still while Weeping.

Then he asked me to to get up and he pulled me up with my hips and pulled off my frock leaving me naked. I started to cry more and loud and he pulled my 13 year old naked body into his chest and Hugged me and said,

“Don’t cry huny, You know how much I love you and I knew always from when you are a baby that one day you will be mine”

I just held on to his neck and cried more.

Then he continued “I know you love me too huny, because I know you put on all my favorite dresses every day to impress me so be a good girl and stop crying”

When I heard those words I kinda knew that he caught my interests on him too but I never in a million years thought that it’ll end up me being nude in front of him like this.

So I just slowly started to get ok and I was even ashamed to pull my self out of his body, so I kept my chest glued onto his..

He tried to pull me out but I was tightly hanging to him so he just carried me and stood up, held my naked butt on his arm and took me to the bedroom.

Then he went straight onto the bed and lay down on it while my hands and feet around him tight. He pushed his whole weight on to my tiny chest and body and I had to take my hands off to push him up but when I took my hands off he suddenly grabbed one of my hand and tied it onto a bed post with a blanket and I started to shout and scream while he grabbed my other hand to tie up..

He said “calm down huny” multiple times while he succeeded in his mission and I kept on kicking and screaming. Then he grabbed my both feet and tied it up too leaving my arms and feet to spread out..

I still kept screaming but he didn’t care about it then he removed all his clothes and stuffed his underwear he just removed into my mouth saying shut up.

I cried and screamed as much as I can but my sound was totally muffled out.

Then he showed me his huge cock and said “look at what you did” and smiled at me with his giant cock oozing with pre cum and for a minute I stopped screaming and wondered what was going to happen to me next.

He took some oil and rubbed it all over his cock and poured some onto me and rubbed it all over my chest and my baby nipples. He pulled my nipples upwards and pinched them hard till they got red.

Then he poured a lot of oil on to my pussy and with a grin on his face he rubbed it all over and even pushed it into my tiny hole with his finger.

Then he came closer to me and asked me “are you ready?” and I was speechless at that moment.

He carefully came on top of me and suddenly I felt his Gigantic cock ripping through my virgin baby cunt and I was in pain like I never felt before.

I bled a little bit too but he never stopped he kept on ramming his rod like I was a full grown woman. I gave up after a while and I just laid there letting him to use me.

And to be frank I felt something good about it too. But as a young baby girl I wasn’t having a clear idea about it so I just let him do whatever he did.

Then he took out his cock and rubbed it on top my pussy and again he pushed it in and kept on fucking me like I’m his own property.

And then with a huge groaning noise he released his semen into my tiny hole and it felt so warm inside.

Then he pulled his cock out and fell down next to me and just stayed there like he was completely satisfied with what he had.

At this point I wasn’t shouting or fighting back so he reached out to pull his underwear out of my mouth and he untied my feet and hands too.

Then I tried to touch down to feel my pussy and to take a look at it but he shook his head saying no and he pulled me to his body and Hugged me. For some reason I Hugged him too and he kissed all of my face and he even lick my tears out.

Then he said “You are the best thing I ever had huny”

I was just shaking on his chest..

Then he said “I love you” and I replied “I love you too”

And he said “your parents and my wife aren’t coming home tonight so we are going to stay together the whole night”

And I said “OK” while feeling my stretched pussy pulsating with a tiny pain.

-The End-

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