How l lost my Virginity by Rape

Only 14. It wasn’t what I expected or wanted. My brothers best friend betrayed me.

I put out a comment about this so I decided to share the whole story.

I always had a little crush on him. Jared. He was always around my family from the time I was 5-6 and him and my brother became friends when they were 11. He was so funny and such a good friend to my brother.

As I got a little older about 11 I realized that I had feelings for him. I mean it was innocent right? Just a little girl interested in the now high school age boy. He started to actually be nice to me then. When my brother would pick on me he would say, “Hey ease up man, she just a kid.” Even though I didn’t like him calling me a kid, it was nice to have someone defend me.

When I turned 13 that was the first time he texted me. We had only really ever spoke with my brother around. Just a, “Happy Birthday welcome to being a teenager,” message. Still having a little bit of a crush on him it meant so much. I trusted him so much.

He didn’t text me back for a while after I replied, “Thanks so much! You’re awesome!!” I convinced myself that he was just being nice and I probably seemed way to eager. Then about 6 months after my birthday (he had turned 18 at this point and was getting ready to graduate) he messaged me again.

“Hey,” was all he said. Me never really getting any kind of attention from a guy before him texting me first meant the world. Sounds stupid now but I was only 13 at the time and never even kissed a boy yet.

I almost immediately responded, but I calmed myself down and waited a couple mins and just said hey back. In about 10seconds he already responded and said, “you know I’m coming over this weekend maybe you and I can hang out a little. Just you and me.”

My heart jumped. He wants to hang out with me! 13 year old 8th grade nobody! I couldn’t wait a couple mins to reply this time and sent back, “okay cool, but what about my brother?”

“We’ll hang after he’s asleep, and don’t tell anyone about it. I don’t want your brother to worry after all we’re just buds you and me.”

“Just buds,” I thought. I was kinda bummed he used that word “buds” everyone knows you only call people you don’t have a crush on bud. I shrugged it off and told myself it would still be cool to have an older friend. So, I texted him back okay and he responded with just the word “cool” and I went on about my week.

Finally, the weekend came. It was Saturday night and I am sitting in my room when I hear them come home probably from a party or something. While I lay in bed I wanna text him so bad, but I wait. He said after my brother is asleep I tell myself.

I hear my brother go into his room and slam down on his bed. He was drunk no doubt. About 10 mins later I get the text, “Hey there cutie, come on down to the basement I’m on the couch tonight.” I read it with a huge smile and very quietly leave my room and make my way down. I had picked out my most beautiful nighty I had. Light pink with lace, and white socks. I had to wear the socks because it’s freezing in the basement anyway, but they are also knee high and very cute. They made me feel grown up.

I slowly walked down the stairs and I hear the TV on at a low, but still hearable volume. I walked over to the couch and he hears me come down. He looks up and smiles at me and I want to melt. “Hey cutie, sit and lets watch.”

“Okay,” I respond softly. I sit at the other end of the couch because he did say we’re just buds after all. After about 10mins of this and quietly giggling from me because American Wedding (sequel to American Pie) was on and my mom said I couldn’t watch it so I had never seen it before. I can feel Jared look at me. His eyes turning my cheeks pink and I know I have a stupid smile on my face.

After another minute goes by of this awkward silence he says, “hey cutie. Come sit by me I don’t bite.” This makes me laugh and I eagerly walk over and sit right beside him. He puts his arm around me and I let myself settle in to him.

I almost start to doze off when he asks, “Hey, what have you done with a guy?” I’m a little thrown by this question and don’t answer right away. “I just mean has a guy ever touched you, ever kiss anyone, you know you’re like a sister to me and I don’t mind beating someone up.”

I hate that he called me like a sister, but it was nice he cared so I told him, “there wouldn’t be anyone to beat up.”

“So you’re a virgin? Never even kissed a guy?”

“No,” I say feeling embarrassed. He’s probably kissed so many girls, “is that bad?”

“Oh no. It’s good. Makes you good.” I smile at this and go back to the movie when before I settle back into his cheat like I was before he grabs me by the chin and kisses me. I wanted to scream and die right there from excitement.

“Sorry,” he starts, “I just couldn’t wait anymore and I wanted your first kiss to be with someone who cares about you.” I swoon. I couldn’t believe it.

Not knowing what to say I said, “thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He replies.

Then began the grooming which at the time I didn’t know what was happening. Randomly over the next 6 months he would ask me how I was and send me cute texts saying how he wished he could be with me. Saying how beautiful I was. I was head over heels and he’d only ever kissed me. Then came my birthday.

Turning 14 wasn’t a huge deal. You were already a teenager last year and you still can’t drive so we decided to just go out to dinner with my family, and Jared. My mom saw him like a son and him and my brother had already planned to hang out that weekend so it worked out perfectly for him to come to dinner.

Through the whole dinner he’s texting saying he has a present for me tonight and will give it to me when we hang out later. I was so excited so happy! I was thrilled when dinner was over because it was bringing me closer to him.

Finally I hear the door open and my brother and Jared stumble in. About 10mins later my brother goes into his room and I get the text. “Come downstairs.” I do and there he is waiting for with my present I hoped.

I sit down with a big grin, and he kisses me on my forehead. He’s holding a pretty pink bag and hands it to me to open. As I start to open it he says, “No. Not here go put it on in the bathroom.” I smile and say okay surprised he got my something to wear.

I open it up and I am surprised. It’s a lace pink onesie with buttons in the crotch area. It’s practically see through, and honestly I didn’t wanna put it on. No one has ever seen me this naked. My swim suit covered more, but I didn’t want to disappoint him so I put it on.

I waited about 5 extra mins trying to get the courage to walk out, and finally I do. As I’m still walking to him he looks at me and his mouth falls open, “wow,” he says, “ didn’t know you have that much body under all your clothes.” I blush. I never thought of myself as sexy. “Come here,” he says in a deeper voice. He immediately grabs my face and pulls me in to kiss him. I kiss back and we start making out. I’m not sure what to do with my tongue, but he knows that and takes the lead slowly introducing his tongue into my mouth.

This lasts about 5 mins then he starts to put his hands on my breasts. I pull back just a little, but I let him touch me. I liked him so much and wanted him to like me. He then starts to reach his hands in my panties, and I pull completely away. “Umm Jared… I don’t.. I’m not ready for that,” I say with a little tremble in my voice. He looks down at my body.

“You look ready,” he says then forces his hands in my underwear, “You feel ready.” I was not prepared for him to do that and I try to get up.

With is hands still in my panties I say, “Stop Jared please,” and my eyes full with tears. Partly from fear, partly from now he’ll never wanna be with me.

He continues to rub my vagina as I squirm and cry. He then pins me down and forces his tongue in my mouth. Instinctively, I bite him. Not enough to draw blood, but I want him to stop. I don’t wanna hurt him. I like him a lot, I just don’t want to do this.

He lifts himself up still straddling me, raises his hand, and smacks me hard. I never thought he would ever hurt me. I start sobbing, and he puts one hand over my mouth and one on my throat.

“Shut up shut up shut up,” he demands, “Do you want your brother to know. Do you want your parents to come down here with you wearing that. Looking like a slut coming on to me. Sending me flirty texts. You want this. You want me to fuck you right?” I continue to just lay there struggling to breath. “RIGHT?” He repeats, “you want me to fuck you.” I’m so scared and losing air as he squeezes a little harder I manage to shake my head yes to get him to stop.

“That’s right. Good girl. You’ve always been a good girl. You do what you’re told right?” I shake my head yes again afraid to say no.

“Good. Now stand up,” I do what I’m told, “start by taking off your socks slowly.” As I bend down I look back at him and see he has out his phone pointed at me, “Jared please don’t record me doin-“ I’m cut off by him smacking me again.

“You’re going to do what ever the fuck I want because you’re a good girl.” I rise back up and go back to taking them off. “Good. Now unbutton the bottom of your onesie,” I hesitate, “ Now!” He growled. I again do as I’m told. “Turn around and slowly bend over, and spread yourself,” I do this too.

Still holding his phone he stands behind me and with one hand undos his pants and I hear them slide down. I feel his massive thing against my ass. I start to cry harder. “Do you know how long I wanted this?” He asks I remain silent thinking it’s probably a rhetorical question. “Do you remember for your 11th birthday you had a pool party. You had that hot pink one piece. Your hair was finally long again after you cut it short a couple summers before. You breasts had finally started to come in. Just a little. Your sweet little nipples would get hard as you would get in and out of the pool. That’s when I knew you would be mine.” I just continued to cry more silently now afraid to do anything that might upset him. I really thought he liked me.

He stops talking and begins to touch my body. Grabs my tits from behind, my ass, and finally my pussy. I didn’t know it but I was really wet down there. Sometimes that would happen, but not this much. He starts to rub faster and faster until it starts to feel good, “please stop, don’t,” I plead. Not wanting to happen what I knew was going to happen. Then, I cum. All over his hands and I cry harder hating my body.

“See you did want it,” he says so cocky, “now get up and look at me,” I listen, “just let this happen. Be my good girl.” After saying this he guides me down to the couch and I’m laying on my back. Stokes his cock and starts rubbing the outside of my pussy with it. Then, all at once he forces it in breaking my hymen and causes blood to drip out of me. I cry out and he covers my mouth. He continues to go in and out in and out. It so painful and I want it stop. Through his hand on my mouth I try saying, “please, please stop please,” but it’s muffled.

He continues and he starts grunting more and more saying, “who’s my good girl. You’re my good girl. You do what daddy wants.”

Finally after it feels like forever he cums. He fills my pussy with his juice and tells me how much I like it. He collapses on top of me and stokes my hair for a while. I’m left to lay there under his weight still crying as he tells me, “you were so good. You’re mine now. I’ve marked you. You’re no good just a slut.”

After a while he finally gets up and goes to the bath room. I stay there not knowing if I’m allowed to move yet. 5 mins later he comes back out and gives me a towel. I wipe myself and stand extremely sore and raw. I get dressed. He looks at me and grabs me by the chin, “Is my good girl going to tell anyone?” I shake my head no. “Good. I would hate to show anyone our little video. Now go to your room”

I listen and head up the stairs. Behind me I hear, “Happy birthday.”

I wake up the next morning pretending nothing happened. We all sit down for breakfast and eat like normal. I never told anyone.

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