How Porn Channels Gave Me Sexual Satisfaction

I’m not saying I was a bad lover to begin with, because who in their right mind willingly cops to something like that? What I will say is, that before I accidentally found my way down a porn channels rabbit hole, I was much less aware of all of the incredible things a single body can do and feel. That’s how it led to immense sexual satisfaction.

“Tiff, have you seen these free porn channels?” Robert. My co-worker. He’s the type of guy that is just effortlessly handsome. Cheeky, and devilishly clever in that really nonchalant way. We would often joke about all the crazy porn we had seen on Tiktok, or giggle as we awkwardly scrolled past bright images of impossibly tiny Asian women, with perfectly round breasts and perky little nipples; barely contained in their far too tight school uniforms. Shrieking in pleasure as glistening tentacles darted in and out of their most intimate recesses, ripping their pretty little panties, and finally snaking their way through those bulging tits. It wasn’t the images that made it awkward, but instead me trying to hide the fact that my panties were already soaked with anticipation at what I was seeing. Robert never seemed phased by Hentai, but for me, it was all I could do not to reach across and grab Robert firmly by the cock, like the shiny tentacles would grab their little school girl treats, and beg him to fill me in the same urgent way.

So as far as I knew, it would be the same situation as it always was- Robert laughing good naturedly at the obscure and over the top sexual images, and me barely being able to hide my throbbing pussy- because each time I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, my lace thong would inevitably tug itself over my swollen clit, nearly causing a surge of orgasmic stimulation to reach my lips. I bit down on my tongue, hoping to keep myself from giving away my intrigue.

“No, I haven’t seen them. What are these ‘porn channels’ things all about then?” I asked through clenched teeth.

Robert flung his wheeled desk chair across the small space between our adjacent cubicles. “It’s like porn tv channels- you can literally see any- And I mean ANY, Tiff- porn you’re interested in.” He flung that Cheshire Cat grin my way with the same grace and speed with which he maneuvered his chair.

I gave what I was hoping was a casual laugh. “Grannies and big black cock again?” I tried to seem nonplussed at the thought, even though I could feel the delicate weave of cotton lace start its lurid dance over my already moist vagina. Too much for a Tuesday, I thought to myself. Jesus, I need to get laid and need some sort of sexual satisfaction.

After barely making it through Robert’s boyishly cavalier explanation of how porn channels worked without completely soaking through my favorite dark grey pantsuit, the day marched on as normal. After work, I went and picked up my favorite take away, let myself into my little apartment, flicked on my radio and fed my cat. Exhausted, and annoyingly frustrated, I flung myself on the bed. Hearing my phone ping from where I had left it on the kitchen table, I begrudgingly peeled myself off of my goose down duvet.

Robert had sent a screenshot from one of the free porn channels he had shown me earlier, with the dry message “who even likes this stuff?”. The screen shot showed a strong jawed man with his face buried in the round apple-shaped ass of a beautiful brunette. You could clearly see his long tongue posed and ready to viciously lick her perfectly pink asshole, while he flicked delicate fingers into her hairless (and also pink) pussy. She was covered in tattoos of flowers, like a living work of art; he was in a business suit, crisp and clean.

The image sent me over the edge. I set the phone back down on the kitchen table again, the picture he had sent consuming the entire screen, and all but ripped my panties out from under my skirt. My hand frantically searching to satisfy that anxiously pulsating need for sexual satisfaction. As I slipped two of my long, perfectly manicured fingers into my dripping wet pussy, my other hand began to fondle my breast, squeezing that luscious lump of flesh and playing delicately with a nipple that was so hard it threatened to shatter. I came almost instantly.

I took my phone into the bedroom and decided to give the porn channels another look. What Robert didn’t seem to realize is that I was into that stuff. That I wanted him to pick me up with his strong hands and put me on a kitchen table. I wanted him to rip off my panties and eat my ass until I was begging him to enter me, until I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted him to explode inside of me, so I could feel his stiff cock jolt at the same time my own pleasure bubbled and burst.  I didn’t even know that was something I wanted. I had no idea that something like that was even in the cards.

I flicked through more porn tv channels, curious about what else I might be missing. For hours I laid on my bed, dreaming of oiled women rubbing their gleaming, round tits, across my face and over my lips. While men with rigid penises penetrated every impatiently waiting hole I had to offer. I came. My entire body was a playground, sucking and licking all of the body parts that worked themselves over my face, the wet slap of skin against bouncing bodies. Sexual satisfaction can be amazing is what I could feel and nothing else. My senses were on fire, my imagination felt like it was going to explode with possibility. I came again. I gently reached down, tapping my spent and now overly-sensitive clit. I brought my fingers back up to my own lips, tasting the sweet satisfaction of the hours I had spent exploring things I never knew existed. I laid back, exhausted and thrilled at the thought of all of the dirty things I had just witnessed, all of the filthy things I had just done. I smiled to myself thinking- who needs Robert.