How to be a good daughter

When mom left me, my dad and my siblings, I stepped up and took care of everything.

I’ve been taking care of my dad and siblings for nearly 3 years, since I was 11 years old, mom just left one day and never came back, apparently she couldn’t cope with us kids, which wasn’t very nice, but fuck her, we don’t need her.

The following is now a typical day in my life, because I had to step up and take moms place.

In the morning I’ll get out of bed, dad would always catch me and cheekily slap me on my butt as I stood up, “Ouch! – Naughty.” I’d say, then I’d go to the bathroom, get a shower and dressed in my school uniform, then I’d wake up my 4 year old sister Abbie, and my 7 year old brother Sean, and tell them to get up, get washed and get dressed.

I’d then go downstairs and make breakfast, chocolate cereal and orange juice for my brother and sister, and toast and coffee for dad, then they’d all come down and we’d eat at the table together.

After breakfast we’d get our coats and shoes on, pick up our bags, dad would give us all a kiss, but my kiss was not just a peck, it was always a proper passionate kiss, and he’d cheekily squeeze my butt, as usual, dad is quite handsy, and I’d playfully slap his hand away, “Hey! – Stop that, dad. I’ll see you tonight. Love you.”

“Love you too, baby.” He’d say then I’d leave with Abbie and Sean, dropping them off at their school on my way to mine.

After school I’d get home with Abbie and Sean, they’d go upstairs and play, or plonk themselves in front of the TV, while I cleaned up the house, tidying up, hoovering, doing the laundry, dad would get home from work a few hours later, he’d give us all a kiss and a hug, then we’d sit down and eat the dinner I cooked for us all.

After eating I’d do my homework then relax for a while before getting Abbie and Sean washed and put to bed.

Then I’d come downstairs, dad would be sat in his chair watching the news, I’d sit beside him and we’d cuddle, “How was work, dad?” I’d ask.

“Another long day, baby.” He’d reply.

“Oh….” I’d say, then, sensing he is tense, as he always is, I’d rub my hand on the crotch of his trousers and feel his cock beneath the fabric, it always relaxes him, then I’d unzip him and pull it out, giving it a gentle rubbing, “… You need to relax, dad.” I’d say.

He’d leaned back and close his eyes, quietly groaning with pleasure, I’d lay down across the couch, still rubbing his cock, but now I’d be sucking on his tip too while he stroked my head and butt.

“Is that nice, dad?” I’d ask.

“Yeah.” He’d say.

“Does it want some pussy?” I’d ask.

“Oh, yeah. Yeah, please, baby.” He’d reply.

I’d reach up my school skirt and pull off my panties, then I’d sit up, straddle him, and slide his cock up my pussy and start to gently ride him, he’d grab my ass and bounce me up and down, he’d take most of the control, I just hold on and enjoy the ride, dad sometimes like to bounce me hard and fast on his cock, “Oh – Ungh – Dad – Ooah”

Dad would then release his stress, ejaculating it all in to me, and he’d groan pleasurably when he did, “Ooaagh!”

Dad had a high sex drive, after we finished on the couch, he’d stand up, still with his cock inside me, and he’d carry me upstairs to our bedroom, it used to be mom and dads room, but now its dads and mine.

He’s slap us on the bed, then briefly sit up while he undressed me, then he’d fuck me again, for hours, sometimes 2-3 times a night.

In the morning I’ll get out of bed, dad would always catch me and cheekily slap me on my butt as I stood up, and you get the idea, the day would repeat itself, the only thing that would change is when and where we’d have sex, and in what position, but it’s always good.

I remember the night I let him take my virginity, it was a few weeks after mom left, and he was really upset, sex just happened, I let it happen, it made my dad happy, and I enjoyed him putting his big cock inside of me.

My dad is a single hardworking parent, and he has needs, I am honoured to be able to take care of his needs, and take care of my siblings and the home, I don’t think I’m doing anything more than any loving daughter would for her family.