I accepted Daddy’s offer

My daddy randomly came in to my bedroom one rainy day and offer me money in return for sexual services.

It was a Saturday and normally I would have been outside playing my friends, but it was raining really heavily, and had been for over a week, so I couldn’t go out, instead I just stayed in my room and laid on my bed colouring in my colouring book and listening to my music.

There was a knock on my bedroom door, “Come in.” I shouted.

My door opened and my daddy’s head peered in, “It’s only me love.” He said, stepping in and shutting the door behind him, he walked over to my bed and sat on the edge, looking at what I was doing, “That’s really good, did you do that yourself?” he asked, complimenting me and my colouring.

“Yeah.” I replied.

Then he just sat there quiet watching me colouring for a few minutes, and he had his hand in his pocket fidgeting, it was distracting, “Did you want something, daddy?” I asked.

He then took his hand out of his pocket and he was holding a $100 bill, my eyes lit up, it was the most money I’d ever seen in my entire life, well, I was only 11, so my life hadn’t been that long, but still it was a lot of money to me.

“If I gave you this would you do something for me?” he asked, nervously.

“Do what?” I asked.

Then he made me promise the biggest most secret promise I’d ever made not to tell anyone, “I promise.” I said.

He stood up and unzipped the front of his pants, I immediately sat up on my bed wondering what he was doing, when he finished unzipping, he unbuttoned them then reached inside and pulled out his cock, it was fully erect, and huge to my little eyes, I couldn’t speak.

“I want you to suck daddy’s cock. Do you think you can do that for me?” he asked.

“You want me to – what?” I asked, in shock that my own daddy would ask me to do such a thing.

“You don’t need to be afraid, darling. It’s just like sucking on a lollipop, you like lollipops, don’t you?” he said.

I nodded.

Then he held my hand and placed the $100 bill in it, “Here. That’s yours. If you do this for me.” He said.

I felt like I was holding a million dollars in my hand, it was so much money, “I don’t know.” I said, unsure of what to do, was it okay for me to suck his cock, will it hurt, will it taste icky, I was sure this wasn’t a normal thing for a daddy to ask his daughter to do, but it was a lot of money, “Okay.” I said.

“Yeah? – You mean it?” he asked, seeming happy with my response.

“….Yeah. Yeah I’ll do it.” I said.

“Oh, good girl. Good girl.” He said, pushing his pants all the way down to his knees and stepping closer to the bed towards me and gently wiggling his cock in front of my face.

It looked like a big ugly mushroom, with a small mouth in the middle, and I was hesitant, I shuffled on my bum up to the edge of the bed and I held his cock in my hand, it was warm and felt hard when I tightened my grip a little, I rubbed it a couple of times and then slowly opened my mouth.

“It’s okay, darling. Just pretend it’s a blueberry lollipop, your favourite.” Said Daddy.

Moving my head forward, I hesitated a couple of times, then I rested the tip of his cock on my bottom lip and let go of it, then I placed my hands on the edge of the bed and I gulped nervously before closing my eyes, and I moved my head forward taking his cock in to my mouth.

Daddy had his hands gently holding my head and helping me move it forward and back.

It slid over my tongue and rested on it like a pillow, I had maybe 3 inches of it inside my mouth, I closed and sealed my lips around it before slowly moving my head back and feeling it sliding out of my mouth, I repeated a few times.

It didn’t really taste of anything, certainly not a blueberry lollipop, but it wasn’t awful as I thought it may have been, it was actually quite nice, “Mmm.” I sounded, I enjoyed feeling the ridges and veins of his cock as it slid over my tongue and after a couple of minutes I started to enjoy sucking on.

I opened my eyes and was looking down as his long cock as it moved in and out of my mouth, my saliva had created a little white foam on his cock, I reached up and gripped the base of it with my left hand, and I pushed daddy’s hands off my head, I could do this on my own now, and I began to suck it a little faster, and I got more and more in to my mouth, this was fun, and daddy was groaning happily to my movements.

“Keep going, darling. Keep going. Don’t stop.” Groaned Daddy.

I saw that his knees had started shaking and he was groaning more frequently and lightly thrusting forward as I continued to suck him, then he suddenly held my head in place and drove his cock to the back of my throat, I held on to his hands that were holding my head, as I felt his cock swell between my closed lips, then he ejaculated and his sperm impacted the back of my throat and my mouth began to fill with his warm sperm.

“Oooah – Oooah – Oooooooh.” Daddy groaned pleasurably.

When he finally loosend his grip I was able to move my head back and open my mouth, I drooled daddy’s sperm down my chin, as it pooled on the top of my tongue my taste buds activated, it was a sour taste, very warm and gooey texture, I coughed, and caught his sperm in my hand as it poured out of my mouth.

I licked it off my lips and swallowed what remained in my mouth, I enjoyed the sensation of if bubbling in my throat as it went down, and the taste was quite nice, daddy lifted my hand to my mouth, “Go ahead, darling, drink that down.” He said.

So I poured it out of my hand in to my mouth, swirled it around my mouth like mouthwash, then swallowed it down, it was very yummy.

“Daddy loves you so much…” he said, leaning down and kissing me on my forehead, “…Good girl. Good girl.” He said.

“I can do it again – if you want?” I asked, having enjoyed sucking on his cock and swallowing his sperm, I was eager to do it again.

Daddy looked at me with surprise, “You want to do it again?” he asked.

“Yes.” I said.

He looked like he was tearing up, he just looked so happy with me, I’d never seen my daddy look that happy before, “Maybe tomorrow. Okay.” He replied.

“Okay, daddy.” I said.

Daddy left and I was $100 richer.

I gave daddy head every 2-3 days until my 13th birthday, he didn’t always pay me though, he didn’t have too, I enjoyed and liked doing it, on the night of my 13th birthday daddy paid me $2500 to let him take my virginity, I accepted his offer and daddy fucked my pussy good and I felt his sperm in a whole new part of my body, best night of my life.

I’m so glad I gave my cherry to my daddy, he was so loving and gentle with me, and made it a memorable experience.