I always forget that Forty Hall is just outside of London

“I always forget that Forty Hall is just outside London,” I say tentatively, trying to break the awkward silence that has fallen over the latter part of our ride. In the distance in front of us, we are just about able to see Forty Hall, glowing in the dark, with its warm reflection in the lake. “It feels miles away, doesn’t it?” William helps me from the back seat. Jonas keeps focusing on driving. It’s too dark for me to see his face, and if I did, it would probably be expressionless. Only when we reach the front of the house I am able to catch him smirking. Did he have the same idea I did? But he can’t – we’d agreed that I was going to be the one to decide.

I can’t help to shiver once we take our coats off in the entrance. I try to blame it entirely on the poorly heated Hall and on the fact that the Bowles only inhabit it for a few weeks throughout the year. I know that William and Jonas are staring at my green gown, but I can’t make myself turn to look at them in their dinner jackets. I can imagine how exquisite they look. I’m more scared than I should be.

I rush in the ballroom towards the refreshments table, maybe with more enthusiasm than it would be appropriate to show. I start nervously sipping champagne while Frank Bowles greets me and immediately starts telling me everything about how difficult it was to get such a good band with such short notice. I am actually genuine when I congratulate him on it – the band is really good – but I am still relieved when a gentleman I vaguely know (is it Mark Ashcroft, or am I misremembering?) asks me for a dance.

The whole evening, I feel that Jonas, William and I are constantly playing cat and mouse with each other. Catching them glancing at me while dancing with someone else feels like a small but delicious triumph, until I realise that other times they probably have noticed me staring at them, too. The rare times we happen to be talking within the same circle, one of us always finds a way to head off with someone apparently more interesting than the rest of us.

By 10 o’clock, I can’t take it anymore. I haste to finish my third glass of champagne and I awkwardly ask William for a dance. His smile and his warm embrace give me the last bit of courage I needed. “I’m ready,” I whisper in his ear as the song ends. He looks at me with a mixture of pride, apprehension and excitement. “Now?” he asks. I nod, then we both look around to find Jonas. He’s at the refreshments table, amiably talking with Lady Julia Evans. William keeps holding my hand as we walk toward the table. He grabs a bottle of champagne, while I gently touch Jonas’ long hand, which is lazily resting on the edge of the table. Hoping for him to have caught my sign, I walk with William towards the guest apartments.

I almost hoped for the room to be completely dark, or for its furniture to be covered by cloths, just to give us something useful to do while waiting for Jonas to finish off his conversation with Lady Julia and join us. But no, the dim, warm lighting could hardly be more inviting, and you could almost tell that the room was waiting for us. “I’m happy with this place,” I say, looking around.

“Are you nervous?” asks William, placing the champagne bottle on the round dining table. I get closer to him. “Yes,” I whisper, and I tentatively give him a sweet, short kiss. I’m simply kissing a friend in somebody else’s holiday house, but it feels like the boldest thing I’ve ever done. William responds with affection and curiosity, as we get used to feel each other in a completely unusual context for us.

I hear the door opening. I briefly freeze and turn my eyes to see Jonas walking towards us. He’s smirking again. Had he really been able to read my thoughts, then? He gently but forcefully joins in, embracing my back and directing my lips towards his, while pushing me towards the table. I turn nervous but also more delightfully excited with every step. Jonas turns me towards the table while kissing my neck. He starts playing with the slip of my gown, slowly, slowly pulling it down. On my other side, William pulls his hand up the daring slit of my gown, exploring every inch of my knickers and my suspenders. The gown soon slips under me, which allows William to move to my breasts. The lace of my brassiere is so fine that I can feel everything under it. The circles he’s making around my nipples are delightfully excruciating. I’ve never experienced all this care and attention towards me, and I luxuriate in it.

A bottle is being opened. I feel Jonas’ cold hands opening my brassiere and letting it fall on the ground. He makes me kneel, and I meekly obey. “Close your eyes, and open your mouth,” he whispers. I can feel the champagne dripping on my tongue. Before I can swallow, some of it runs down my mouth, down my neck, and towards my breasts. William’s warm lips lick the liquid over my breast, lingering on the nipple – one moment he’s biting it, the next moment he’s kissing it gently. After a few more and more thirsty gulps on my part, Jonas stops dripping the champagne over me. I anticipate what I’m going to taste next. As usual, Jonas is one step in front of me. “Would you like to have your wrists tied?” he asks. I revel in my surprised but enthusiastic “yes.”

William unties his bowtie and he uses it to tie my wrists on my back. Jonas unzips his flattering trousers, and William quickly joins him to do the same. I start with a brief taste – first William, then Jonas. The first time, I pick up all the difference in their taste, while anticipating the moment when, soon, they’ll be indistinguishable in my mouth. I keep alternating between the two, each time going deeper. Everyone, including myself, is relieved by my first moans of pleasure. We were right to be brave.

I revel in how slutty I’m feeling. In a way, this must feel like torture for them – me switching to the other cock right when it was getting to feel really good. But then, it is a gentle torture for me as well – delaying to have them inside me, and revelling in the anticipation. Suddenly, they stop – they must have signalled that to each other, but I can’t see it as my eyes remain ecstatically closed. I open them to see William patiently slipping off my knickers, my suspenders, my stockings, my shoes. I can’t see Jonas – it’s a large room and he must have walked towards the wardrobe.

He comes back holding a hunting rope and a riding crop. The Bowles apparently didn’t get rid of their hunting equipment, even if they haven’t done it for quite a few years now. He looks at me inquisitively. “Would you like me to use these?” he asks. I nod. I’m enjoying how powerful I’m feeling in my powerlessness, and I want more of it. William helps me to stand and guides me towards the sofa. I kneel on top of it, my wrists still behind my back, leaning on my shoulders and my neck, my face turned towards the fireplace, my ass lifted in the air. William ties my ankles with the rope, while Jonas slowly moves down my back with the riding crop. “Are you ready?” he asks gently. My moan is short, soft, but unmistakable.

The tip of the riding crop moves down my ass, reaching my pussy, with an exquisite insistence. Then it hits. My surprised, almost shocked moans intensify as the hitting continues and William starts licking my ass. They both hold back only initially – they soon get rid of any apprehension. Jonas’ hitting gets faster and faster, until it starts slowing down. Every following hit is more feared and more pleasurable than the previous one. I luxuriate in every hit as if it were the last one, but cruelly, and yet ecstatically, it never is. William stops tasting me and spreads my cheeks, stroking my ass. Even if my ankles are closely tied together, I feel like I’m being more opened than I’ve ever been before.

I have a fraction of a second to dimly realise that the hitting has stopped – then William penetrates me, in one steadfast and heart-stopping stroke – it didn’t really hurt, did it? Maybe it did, just a little – and that makes a surprised smile grow on my face. Jonas notices it and kneels to gently kiss my lips. He then moves my chest a bit so that my head is just on the sofa’s edge. With no need to say anything, I open my mouth wide and eager to let his cock slide in. He starts fucking my face with no restraint. His moan when I let him go deeper down my throat is delicious. “Who would have thought –” he whispers. William is getting deeper and deeper, too, to a place I didn’t even think existed. Normally, I’d spread my legs wide in acquiescence, but I can’t – and that makes me revel in the sensation even more. My eyes are wet by the time they stop, my ass is glowingly exhausted. I don’t know if they suspect how close to climaxing I was, but I’m glad they’re not asking it. I’d rather take my own time with these things. Instead, Jonas asks if I want to let my hands and ankles loose.

“Yes,” I moan, panting both from the exhaustion, and from the excitement realising that we’ve just begun. When he unties me, my hand nonchalantly and almost automatically falls on my clit. I start caressing it, almost as an afterthought.

“It’s probably best to indulge in it,” says William, pragmatic. Jonas goes to pick up the champagne and two glasses, then they both sit on the two armchairs in front of the couch.

“Mmh.” I start lazily stroking it. I know what they’re doing, and what they want me to do. It’s hard to resist it, when it is also exactly what I want. They start sipping from their glasses, amused.

My stroking becomes more and more intense. My fingers almost seem to be slipping inside me. As much as I like it, it feels almost too easy. I’d rather be penetrated by their large cocks. Once again, they almost seem to read my mind, as I can feel a definite tension taking over the room. They’ve set themselves up to a cruel game, pretending to be all taken up by appreciating their drink, while they’d much rather be doing something else. This encourages me to be bolder, to take it to the limits of what they can bear. While my right hand keeps playing with my clit, my left hand first pinches and pulls my nipples, then it playfully circles my neck, applying just enough pressure to make me gasp. I boldly glance at them, then I turn around to show them my ass which is moving in ecstasy, firstly with slow, sensual movements, then in an impatient way. My fingers play with my ass, stroking it, briefly getting in while my moans get needier.

“I already miss having a cock inside my ass,” I moan.

“Do you?”. Even if I can’t see them, I am now certain that they’ve started playing, too. I smile, triumphantly, and I turn towards them, sucking my finger.

“I’d love to fuck your brains out right now,” says Jonas, with a slight moan.

“But I’m in a state of complete undress and you are two fully clothed gentlemen,” I protest, teasing them. “It would feel hardly balanced. Won’t you take those off, too?”

With my delight, they do as told. Instead of awkwardly doing it on their own, they help each other out, with impatience, which makes it even more endearing for me. I exult when they reveal their chests, and their arms – I anticipate the moment when those will be embracing and overpowering me. When they’re done, they bring me in and one indulges in kissing me while the other strokes my pussy and my ass, and I do the same with his cock. I then kiss the other one, until Jonas leads me to the bed.

“It’s all yours,” he says, laying over the bed facing upwards. I climb over him and I can’t help but moaning when I push his cock inside me. I lean over to kiss him, while I gently but steadfastly move up and down. As much as this is nice, I’m expecting more. William joins in in something that, before, I hadn’t even been able to consciously admit of imagining in my fantasies. With one foot on the ground and one on the edge of the bed, he penetrates me just as he did before, but this time, I am almost shocked by the tearing, overwhelming sensation of having two cocks inside me. I relinquish all the control that I’ve build up in the past minutes, as Jonas places his hands on my hips and starts guiding them up and down, making me feel the whole length of his cock, while William is merciless in his pounding. He pulls me by the hair, I arch my back, defenceless, as Jonas lets go of one hip to expertly and caringly stroke my clit. I am inexorably and almost effortlessly overcome by my orgasm, as I fill the room with a satisfied scream. When I open my eyes, Jonas is smiling, a mixture of pride and mischievousness on his face.

As William lets go, Jonas quickly moves over so that he’s now towering over me, overpowering me with his strong arms. The insistence with which he pounds me takes my breath, as I realise he was holding this energy while I was the one fucking him. I can glimpse William being unsure whether to join in, but he seems to change his mind and he goes to wash off instead. I am hardly able to consciously acknowledge this, as Jonas holds my wrists down on the bed and he does his last, deep, almost violent strokes inside me before filling me with his cum. Surprising as it is, I love feeling his slut, being aware that he’s just used me. He softly thanks me and kisses me before dragging himself on the armchair, exhausted.

At this moment, William joins me to do one of the most caring gestures I’d ever imagined – he bends over me and he starts licking my pussy which is now overflowing with cum, cleaning me up. I’m amazed by how different this feels from Jonas – now I feel accepted, cherished, cared for, and I equally needed both. He patiently sucks and licks my clit and pussy, slowly but constantly, unexpectedly building in me a desire to come again. He puts a finger in, and then puts it inside my mouth, making me taste myself as he penetrates me. His expert gentleness overtakes me, so that I moan of surprise and also of pleasure when he unexpectedly slaps my boobs. “Would you like me to come on them?” he asks.

“Yes, please,” I murmur. I’ve never felt as sexy as the moment when he does it, his cum dripping over my erected nipples. He leans over to clean it up, indulging in sucking and gently biting my nipples, way after there’s any cum left to clean on them. When he lays down on the bed, I’m surprised that he doesn’t doze off, but he instead asks me to climb over his face. I pretend to be confused and almost offended.

“I’d find it hard to believe you haven’t thought about it,” he murmurs. It isn’t time to hide myself, so I only hesitate for a few seconds before sitting on his face. My movements are gentle, but insistent. I become unapologetic in how much I’m enjoying it, using him for my own pleasure. I’m fucking a guy’s face, while another guy is dozing off nearby after having fucked my brains out. The image of hedonism is so perfect I can’t fully acknowledge it.

I must have moaned in pleasure a little bit too loud, or maybe just loud enough, as it makes Jonas join us again, a flash of surprise and perhaps admiration as he first sees us, to which I respond with a complicit smirk. His tongue starts exploring my mouth as he strokes my breasts. “What would you like for us to do to make you come again?” he murmurs gently and exquisitely, and I don’t hold back. I tell them what I’d like, and we move back to the table. I bend over with my hands on the edge, while Jonas grabs my hips, playfully slaps my ass, and then penetrates the only hole he hasn’t been in yet. His insistence makes me scream as my grip on the table tightens. It’s the third time I have a dick in my ass tonight, but I feel like it’s something you can’t completely get used to – it overcomes me every time. William kneels under me and starts fingering my pussy, hitting my G-spot with such an accuracy that my extremely deep orgasm comes right when Jonas’ cum is filling up my ass. The pleasure hits me as I relinquish every control and a warm, transparent liquid comes down William’s long hand, while I feel Jonas’ cum inside me. I’ve never felt more wet. While I’m still panting, William makes my satisfied body kneel with no resistance on my part. I open my mouth as he slides his cock in. I let it slide deep in my throat, while he makes a delightful moan. With a few strokes, he comes right deep in it and I can feel his cum going down my throat.

I’d love for our bodies to collapse entangled on the bed and stay there for the whole night, but we know that we can’t. Before putting our clothes back on, they sweetly kiss me and then we hug each other. “You were so brave,” William says. I know they can feel the joy in my embrace.

I go out of the room first, attempting everything I can to look completely innocent and beyond suspicion. No one needs to know that I’ve just had cum all over and inside me. I really hope that my hair doesn’t look as matted as I think it does. Fortunately, an unsuspicious James Appleton acts as my saviour by asking me to dance. I reply cordially and we start dancing with apparent ease, though it is a struggle for me to try not to show how overwhelmed my body is right now.

I almost forget, for a little time, about William and Jonas’ attempts to sneak out of the room unnoticed. Then I start wondering if we’ve just done a huge mistake that will ruin our friendship forever, of if we’ve just made the best decision we could have ever made. At the end of the song, I hear the door opening. I glance over it, sharing a secret smile with whoever is going to come out first, and in that instant, my worries get answered to.