I cheated for my sexual desires but I don’t regret

I have been married for 8 years now. We live in a quiet neighbourhood in Panaji in Goa. Our only child is off to hostel and it is just me and Salima at home all day. I am Sunny- a guy of 40 now. I own a small bar and restaurant in Panaji close to our home. Business is doing well. In short, our life is perfect. Everything we can ask for is in place and I could not have asked for a better life. But I cannot deny I often crave more. Life seems boring and mundane at times and all I want is to break free. Especially our sex life has been the reason behind extreme frustration for quite some time and I cheated for my sexual desires without regrets.

I never got to tell Salima though about my sexual needs. She is a soft and kind soul. Her sober demeanour, caring nature make her the best wife one can ask for. But all these qualities have made her quaint and passive in bed. I want more. We barely have sex even during weekends and when we do, its very routine. Once she is asleep, I often lie awake imagining the things I wanted to do with her but cannot. I even hide away and masturbate watching porns.

The situation was getting unbearable by the day when I finally decided I had enough. I talked to my best friend and business partner- Aaron. He is the eligible but middle-aged bachelor and the heartthrob of the neighbourhood. To him, the sacred bond of marriage never meant much. When I told him about my frustration, he laughed it off.

“Dude, this is not even a problem! I know just the girl to lift your mood.” He spoke.

“Girl? What girl? What are you planning exactly?” I was suspicious.

“You know- Goa escorts are in high demand and I happen to know the best of them. Have some fun- I will arrange for you. And don’t worry- your secret will be safe with me.” He winked and smiled, pulling out his phone as he did so.

I was not really sure if this is what I wanted but I nodded slightly. He was already on phone with someone and by the sound of it, he has started making the arrangements. Escorts in Goa are famous- they are an attraction to the young tourists but that is not what I had in mind. But I let him take charge anyway.

Once he was done on phone he said, “Her name is Alisha- she will be there at your pub around 11pm tonight.  Call up Salima and say you are staying with me- I will take over after that.”

I did as he asked. As soon as I told Salima I will be staying out tonight, Aaron snatched the phone from me and started joking and conversing with her. That charmer has a weird way with women! Even Salima cannot get past it. In a couple of minutes when he handed back the phone, Salima was smiling happily and fine with the entire plan.

The obstacle was done and now remained the painful wait till this girl arrives. I was tensed but I won’t deny the slight excitement I felt. I always had a fetish for anal sex but Salima would never allow it. She even hated slightest spanking and may be that is why I cheated for my sexual desires. Aaron left the bar by 11pm and I kept waiting. Precisely at 11:30PM, there was a knock at the front door. I ran down to open the door and saw the most ravishing beauty before me.

Alisha was tall and had dark black wavy hair that almost touched her waist. Her body was the most proportionate I have seen in a woman. She was dressed in an acid green dress that ended four inches above her knee. Her facial features were sharp and her eyes, cool grey.

She walked in with a smile and closed the door behind her. Before I could react, she had walked right up to me and flung her arms around my neck, kissing my mouth. I was paralyzed at fast by the absurdity of the situation but then I started kissing her back. She was wild and I finally felt like I could let go and embrace every bit of my kinkier side. I lifted her off the ground while she kissed and she wrapped her legs under my butt. I grabbed her butt, squeezing them hard and carried her up to the lounge.

I dropped her on the divan in the lounge and dived on top of her. She was already pulling off my shirt and I wasted no time in removing her dress. Her boobs looked even better when naked. She pushed me hard and I landed on the other end of the divan and then she went down on me and started sucking my cock. She sucked harder and harder- slathering it with her saliva. Her chin was dripping with drool. I popped out my cock from her mouth and went behind her. She giggled turning her head at my direction- her eyes inviting me in.

I positioned my dick at her butt hole and then shoved hard. She probably tried to protest but I had no time for that. Once my entire cock was inside her anal hole, I started banging harder. I wrapped her hair around my fist and pulled back her head. With the other hand, I was squeezing her boobs without any mercy. She was completely in my control. I kept fucking her hard and she moaned loudly. This went on for 40 minutes almost. We had not even spoken since she came in. I was finally thinking clearly and realized I didn’t care to know her name or about her- nor did I remember my wife while I felt her ass squeeze around my dick. I could experience this kind of pleasure as I cheated for my sexual desires and I’m more than happy.

I finally orgasmed hard inside her butthole and then withdrew and sat on the divan beside her. She sat down there as well and looked at me, “Was that what you wanted?” Her tantalizing smile said I would definitely be getting more of that through the night. I know I cheated for my sexual desires but not everything is under our own control is what I feel.