I didn’t know my dick could do that

My babysitter found out I was a complete 100% virgin who knew nothing about sex, so she taught me, and now we play and fuck every weekend.

Our babysitter is so cool and she plays with me a lot.

Every weekend my parents pay Heather, the girl who lives down the road, to babysit, she’s 16, she’s mainly here to watch my sister but when my sister goes to sleep, she comes in to my bedroom and keeps me company, I’m 11, this story is the first time it happened.

I was just laying on my bed playing on my Switch and there was a knock at my door, “Come in.” I shouted.

Heather opened the door and looked inside, “Hi, just checking up on you. Are you alright?” she asked, she had such a nice voice.

“Yeah, thanks.” I replied.

“Is that one of those Switch things?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I replied.

Then she walked over and laid on the bed beside me watching me play my game, she shuffled herself right up to me so our sides were touching, and she placed her head against the side of mine, I felt a bit nervous, and embarrassed because I was wearing my X-Men pyjamas, but it was kind of cool having a girl laying on my bed and being so close to me, she smelt so good and I kept losing lives on my game because my eyes constantly flicked to the side to look at the bumps on her chest.

“Can I have a go?” she asked.

“Sure.” I replied, handing her the console, I instructed her on how to play the game, she held the Switch up in the air and started to play but she kept dying quickly and laughed every time she lost a life, she caught me looking at her cleavage down her V-neck top, she laughed at me, “Hey! – Focus on the game will you. Cheeky.” She said.

“Sorry.” I said.

She put the Switch down for a moment, placing it on her chest, then she got her phone from her pocket, typed something on it and then handed it to me, “Here. Watched that.” She said, handing it to me and then picking up the Switch again to play it.

I took the phone from her and I couldn’t believe my eyes, she put a video on her phone that was a compilation of topless girl pictures, I sat up on my bed and stared at the phone, I was seeing naked boobs for the first time and lots of different girls with lots of different size boobs.

“Enjoying that?” she asked, a few minutes later.

“Yeah!” I replied, I was loving it.

“You’ve seen naked boobs before, right?” she asked.

“No. Never.” I replied.

“Then what do you think about when you tug off?” she asked.

“Huh?” I uttered, I didn’t know what she meant.
She turned off the Switch and put it down on the bed then rolled over on to her side facing me, “Oh gosh. Have you never tugged on your dick?” she asked.

I looked at her like she was insane, “No.” I said.

She took the phone out of my hands and sat up in front of me, then she held both my hands, “Do you know what a boner is?” she asked.

“No.” I replied, honest to god I didn’t know what it was, we hadn’t got that far in school yet and amazingly none of my friends ever mentioned or talked about this stuff.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“I’m eleven.” I replied, she must have known that already.

She gasped out a brief laugh then she let go of my hands and placed her hands against her mouth like she was in shock, “Peter, you have to let me show you something. I promise you will love it. I can’t believe this, this is so cute. Please – Please let me show you something.” She said, sounding very excited.

“Okaaaay.” I replied, nervously.

She got me to lay down on the bed and she laid on her side next to me again, “I’m going to need to see your dick, are you okay with that?” she asked.

I was nervous and blushing at that point and a bit scared and embarrassed about showing her my dick, but I said yes, then covered my eyes with my hands, she pulled my pyjama bottoms down and felt the cold air on my dick and balls as she exposed it.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Peter. That’s a nice dick. I’m going to touch it, okay?” she said.

“Okay.” I said, looking through the gaps of my fingers still covering my face.

She cupped my balls in her hand and then moved her hand around my sack, then she lifted my dick and started to rub it, she kept peeling back my foreskin, shifting it up and down, she had a loose grip and it felt quite nice, “This is what tugging is. Take your hands off your face, have a look.” She said.

I took my hands away and watched her tugging on my dick, it was really nice and made me feel good inside, my balls were tingling and my legs were shaking, I felt my heart pounding against my chest and my dick start to throb and then got bigger over time.

“There it is. That’s your boner.” She said, she looked so happy seeing my long hard dick, it was about 5 inches long when it stopped growing any bigger.

“Why – Why is it – Why big?” I groaned, I feeling so strange, like I was floating in the clouds.

“Because that’s what your dick is meant to do. Get ready, you’re going to love this.” She said.

She tightened her grip around my hard 5 inch boner and she tugged it fast and hard, she was tugging it so fast her hand went blurry, I began to feel an odd sensation in my dick, “I think I need to pee.” I groaned.
She laughed, “It’s not pee. But when you feel it coming, just let it out, release it, let it go.” She replied.

I couldn’t control my body any longer, my legs started moving around on their own, I was grabbing my bed sheets to try and keep my arms still, then my ass kept lifting off the bed, it was bouncing up and down in sync with her tugging, “Ung – Oooh – Ungh” I groaned, and then I pee’d but it wasn’t pee at all, when the pressure I felt in the tip of my dick went away, I looked down and saw a long stringy line of white stuff sprayed all up my pyjama top.

Her hand was also covered in it, it looked like thick milk, “What is that? – did that come out of me?” I asked.

“Yes – That’s your seed. Your spunk. You just ejaculated.” She replied, “It was a big load, I’m impressed with that one.” She added.

Her compliments made me smile, “I feel tired.” I said, slamming my head down on the pillow.

She draped her right leg across my body, leaned over and gave me a kiss, “Aww bless you. You are so cute.” She said.

She became infatuated with me, even going as far as breaking up with her boyfriend to spend more time with me.

Every weekend she taught me something new, teaching me about my dick and sex, she gave me my first blowjob and she took my virginity about month later, finally letting me fuck her after spending weeks eating out her pussy, we even did kinky stuff, one weekend she took her hair bobble out and put it around my balls and the base of my dick to keep me hard for over 5 hours while she abused my cock all night long, sucking and tugging me off, it hurt having a boner for 5 hours but I enjoyed it a lot.