I Loved Being Molested

I didn’t think I would, or I was always scared it could happen to me, but he was nice enough.

We’re out in the street, having a water fight. The neighborhood closed it off, so we could get out our water hoses, sprinklers, and balloons. It was a fun way to cool off, and my family was there, but then I found myself on the wrong end of it.

I sputtered, and wiped out my eyes, because I just had a water balloon blow up on my face. Then, I looked around, and the children were over there. In front of me, laughing, playing, and running around, but I was done.

I didn’t see anyone I new, from my family. None of my neighborhood friends, just a bunch of kids from maybe 6 to teen age? Adults standing around, and some of them had folding chairs, coolers, and drinks.

“Hey,” he ran up to me, “Are you okay?” He squatted down, and wiped water off my face, “Don’t cry.” I wasn’t crying, but then he hugged me, and picked me up. I put my head down, and hugged his shoulder.

I felt better, but then I heard the squeals, and laughter fade away. I looked up, and saw the backs of adult’s heads, the cars they parked, but the City didn’t set up Road Closed signs like they did for the July 4th parade.

The firemen drove firetrucks, and towed floats, but they didn’t turn on their hoses to spray down the crowd. I think the adrenaline wore off, because I got sleepy. I didn’t pass out, but I put my head down, and closed my eyes, until we got to his car.

He put me in the front seat, and ran around to drive off. “Sorry,” he said, looking at the road, “I don’t have any towels for you to dry off.”

I said “Sorry I got your seat wet,” but he just laughed it off. He took me to a store, and bought me a towel. A big beach blanket, with a bucket, shovel, sand castle, and ball on it. Then, he took me around to the summer clothes, with it wrapped around me to buy me a new dress.

I got to pick out a peach one, with a tube top, a built in skirt, and spaghetti straps to hold it up.
We didn’t spend long there, and I didn’t get a chance to try them on, but he said I could change in the back seat. He didn’t drive off, until I put the new dress on, but he didn’t buy me underpants either. Mine were wet, so I just put on the dress, naked underneath.

“Thank you,” I said to be polite, and told him “It’s very nice.”

“I’m glad you like it, but you must be tired after such a big day.” I nodded, and lay down in the back seat. I never even thought of him as a stranger, I had spoken to. He was so nice, and kidnapped me so quickly, that I never got a chance to think.

Then, in the store, I suppose I got greedy. He said I could get whatever I want, and he spent so much money on me. When we got there, and he opened the back door, I just sat up.

Rubbing my eyes, “Where are we?” It was bright, but I saw grass in the sunlight before he got in, and closed the door.

“A special place, my favorite place, and I wanted to show you, to cheer you up.” But before I could look away, he took my face, and kissed me.

“Oh,” the first thing I thought was, “I didn’t know this was a date.” He let my face go, and held onto my shoulders. Gently rubbing my neck with his fingertips to feel it heat up.

“You’re very pretty.” I looked up in his eyes.

“Thank you,” I smiled, and told him, “You’re very handsome too.” I didn’t know what else to call him, but after that, he slipped the spaghetti straps off my shoulders, and rubbed my arms with his thumbs.

“You’re going to be a young woman soon.” He looked down at my chest, when the top slipped down, over my nipples. “I see that you’re already starting to develop breasts.” He lay me down, and got off the seat so he could bend over, and kiss my nipple. He sucked it in, and licked it in his mouth, but I had noticed that, myself.

My nipples had gotten swollen, an sensitive. Especially in the morning when I got dressed. That’s when I noticed the fabric slipping over them, and ran to ask my mom for a training bra, to cover them up.

I hadn’t worn one under my bathing suit, just a teeshirt, and shorts over it, but then his hand felt down my tummy to the skirt. Started rubbing my legs with it, which made them start feeling sensitive too, but he didn’t go right for my crotch.

In fact he skipped around it to my leg, but I spread them, hoping he’d take the hint, and touch me. There, where I’m not supposed to let a man touch me, before we’re married. Then, I realized that he was a stranger, and I talked to him with a naughty giggle.

“Smooch.” He planted one last kiss on my nipple, and then looked up. In my eyes, he smiled down at me, and asked, “That tickle?”

I shook my head, and then I thought of a lie. “I think it’s just the dress.” So, he pulled it up, and touched me bare handed, but on the leg.

“Maybe we should take it off?” He looked down, and pulled the top with the spaghetti string, then he kissed down my tummy, and sucked in my belly button to swirl it around with his tongue.

I laughed, so it slipped out of his mouth. “Now that tickles, but I like it.” I nodded.

“You know what you might like even more?”

I nodded, excited and picked up my knees so his hand slid down to my hip. The dress pooled up around my waist, exposing my newly awakened, but still hairless sex. “Huh, kiss me there.” I thought my nipples felt swollen, and sensitive, but he just planted a kiss between my legs.

“Smooch, like that?”

“No deeper, ahehihn!” He picked me up, and moved over to the middle, so I laughed delighted, and pulled the dress down to kick off my legs. I never bothered putting my jellies (Jell sandals) back on after I changed in the back seat, but instead of laying me back down again, he turned me over, and put my butt up on the back seat.






“Ooh,” I clapped my legs together, then crossed them, and turned away. He let go so I could fall over, and curl up. Covering my butt. “No, not there.”


“That’s too dirty. You like, such dirty things?”

“I just tried it to see if you liked it.”


“Okay, that’s off limits.”

I sat up, “Good.” Pulled his shirt off. “Now, you get naked, and show me your body.” He looked around, so I looked around, too. When I got up to look out the back window it was just a clearing, in the middle of a bunch of trees, but I also saw a dirt road behind us. Of course the same dirt road he drove me down to get me here, but the grass was neatly cut, and watered too.

I think, it had gotten hot enough for the grass to start drying out, but “I see why you like this place so much.”

I looked up, and he grinned. Nodding, he took my hands, and put them on his crank.


“Well, you wanted to see it.” I felt around it, and the stubbly skin behind it. He shaved it, all off but not recently, so it started growing out. “You want to try sucking it?”

“I don’t know if it’ll go in my mouth.”

“Just try it, you’ll never know if you like it if you don’t. Ah!”

I scraped it with my teeth. “Told you it’s too big to fit.” On purpose, I didn’t really want it in my mouth, and honestly, I didn’t like it at all. It was too rough, and he shaved his face, so it didn’t rub my legs when he was eating me out, “So, you know it’ll never fit in there in a million years.”

He grabbed my groin hard, and started feeling around where I didn’t want his finger to go neither. So, I stood up. “NO!” I shook my finger at him. “No means no.”

“Okay, okay. I’m just trying to see what you like.”

“I know what I like, you already found it when you kissed me.” I pointed. “Down there.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, so go ahead, and kiss me again.” I tried climbing up on the front seats, but that didn’t work. I had to bend over with my back on the roof, I didn’t like how the cloth there felt, and my arms got tired just hanging onto the dashboard that way, so I climbed down.

Laughing, so he laughed back, and wiped his mouth, but as soon as I stood up in the seats, I bent over, and shook my pussy at him. Giggling, so he grabbed my butt, and pulled me back over the seats to shove his tongue back in me.

“Okay,” I scooted down. “Kiss my butt now. Yeah, kiss it real good, and stick your tongue in there. Now, down here.” I scooted back up, and rubbed it on his nose. “Kiss my pussy, kiss it real deep, stick your tongue in there, oh!” Rubbing his nose in my butthole, and hoping I could fart.

“Huh?” I felt it, touch the end, and lick around a hole, I didn’t even know I had in it. “Huh, taste that? Does it taste like cherry?”


“Sh, shut up and lick it. Lick my cherry real good. That’s what you wanted isn’t it?”

“Leah!” He tried to say yeah, but he didn’t pull his tongue back.

“Well you can’t have it, but you can lick it real good. Yeah, lick that cherry real good. Huh!” I just went on, and on like that, but once I found what I really liked, I closed my eyes, and really let myself feel it.

Not an orgasm, I didn’t give myself orgasms until later. A little later, when I could lay down alone, and not worry about anybody coming in. Catching me playing with myself, lick my finger to get it wet enough, and feel the ruffles around the hole in my cherry.

It wasn’t real big, at first, but if I played with it enough. Cut my nail carefully enough, and got loose enough, eventually I could get my finger in. Without breaking it, I finally got an orgasm with my knuckle stuck. So I could pump my pinky in and out, make it flutter like a trampoline, only with air, and fluid trapped behind it with my finger plugging the hole like a cork.

That was after he stopped, started breathing really fast, and I turned around to hold my chin up. My elbows propped on the back of the seats to watch him beat off for me, but he didn’t look at me. He had his eyes squeezed tight, until finally, he slowed down.

“Oh, oh fuck. Ohhhh!” He moaned, and shot his wad up his panting tummy. I laughed, and he opened his eyes. Looked up at mine, and they’re blue. Dark blue, but still pretty to me. I remember his eyes the best, but when he got done, I reached out to touch it. A little drop on the end, and I could smell it filling up the whole car.

I didn’t really like the smell, but I still stuck out my tongue, and tapped it to taste it anyway.

“You like it?”

“Ew no. Ptew! Ptew! You better take me back, and get me something to drink, to get rid of the taste.”

You want to hear a dirty joke? This cowboy walked into a bar, and he ordered a beer, with a shot of whiskey. He drank the beer, and the shot, then asked for another. Finally, the bartender cut him off.

“Woah there, cowboy.”

“Jush gimme another. I jush had my firsht blow job.”

“Well, this one’s on the house.”

He waved it off, and just staggered out. “Nah,” he said, “If that don’t kill the taste, nothing will.”

He dropped me off with a soda, and I got to keep the towel. The prettiest dress until I outgrew it, but nobody ever asked me where I got it. I never told, but I never saw him again, neither.

Oh well. I learned how to molest myself, instead…

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