I’m a fucked up boy you know

Well I’m 14 and want to fuck a girl either older or younger than me but at the same time I wanna give older guys blowjobs n shit- here’s the story

Yo guys my name is Lucas, I’m 14 from the UK with pretty fucked up dreams.
You see I’m straight right? And always will be.
I love girls and their physique and really want to have sex quite soon with one either older or younger (maybe like 12 or who knows I’m not sure yet lol)
And I’m really horny all the time.
Until recently I’ve been having dreams of giving blowjobs and shit to an old guy.
So I’m bi? But I think myself as straight? I don’t know.

I want to have sex with a girl first because I’m not sure about doing the gay stuff yet. There’s no girls that are as horny as me nearby so I’m having trouble fulfilling my dreams ha.
Once I fuck a girl with no limits- like I mean no limits- id think about the older guy issue. I want the girl to be a virgin like me- but it’s alright if she isn’t I guess it just makes me comfortable if she’s a virgin like me ya know?

I’m not sure what to do
Because I get these dreams of fucking older and younger girls and then some days I get dreams of giving blowjobs- like I said I’m really horny all the time and really want sex with a girl as soon as I can.
I’ll be checking for comments every once n a while to respond to any and stuff you know?
If you got advice please let me know

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅