I think I fingered my mom’s ass when I was a kid (?)

Constipated young boy needs his mother to convince him of home-remedy.

The following is a true account of something that happened to me 6 years ago, just after my 11th birthday. At the time I thought nothing about it as it seemed normal to me, but as I became a teenager some vivd memories kept me up at night, and the more I thought about them and tried to recall exactly what happened, the more I realised that it was in fact not normal.

As a child, like most today as well, I had horrible eating habits. So much so that my stomach was almost always cramping or constipated. My birthday in particular was a time of the year when my bad eating habits were indulged by my mother, and to that end I would usually have really bad cramps and be severely constipated around that time of year. However the year of my 11th birthday my stomach had not gone for almost a full week, and my mother had become quite concerned. The doctor had prescribed me some medicine, but they did not seem to be working. The evening after my birthday she had decided to give me a warm bath and try a home remedy my grandmother had suggested.

I remember well, how my mother came into the bathroom as i was hurriedly washing, so I could get back to a new Lego set she had given me. Then she said something along the lines of “Granny gave me some advice on how we should help you.” And without further warning she pulled out a latex glove and put it on. I was very confused as I watched her do so, then she told me to hold onto the side of the bath and point my butt at her. At this point i became very suspect of this as I thought I was definately not going to like where this is leading.

She put some gel (lube) on the ine finger of her glove and as she approached me she started darting her had to my butthole. I immediately jumped up and out of the bath, and she tried calming me to no avail however. And as she tried to grab my arm I ran out of the bathroom stark naked and wet. As she chased me all around the house I eventually sprinted into her room and locked the door behind me.

She then stood on the side of the door for ages and tried to explain to me that all she wanted to do was to ‘manually’ loosen my obstruction so I could poop. Somehow she managed to convince me to open the door, and she was a lot more calm than before. She then sat me down on the bed and tried to explain in detail what she was going to do. Yet in my mind it sounded like she was going to shove her whole hand inside me to pull this thing out, and I started crying and pleading her to try something else.

Now this is the part I remember so vivdly. I was sat on her bed and she got up and stood in front of me and again explained to me she was just going to use ‘one little finger to break my poop up so I can go to the toilet’ yet I was still very apprehensive.

As she stood there she looked at me and said that it was ‘not so bad, and that if i wanted I could do it to her first so I could see that it doesn’t hurt’

Of course my curious adolescent mind took her up on the offer almost immediately. She then took some of the gel lube she had and put a dollop on my index finger. And as i sat staring at the strange substance my focus was drawn to her as she undid her pants, just letting them fall over her hips, then she turned away from me. I saw her pull down her pants and underwear just enough so i could see her bum, then she reached back with one hand and pulled her one asscheek apart just enough to expose her puckering hole to me. I stared in amazement as I had never seen that part of her anatomy before. She looked back at me over her shoulder and said: “See honey, now all mommy is going to do, is just take that one little finger and put it inside your bum, and then just swirl it and break up your poop.”

To which I said: “You mean like this?” And I let my finger shoot forward and dart straight into her hole in one swift motion.

As soon as my finger went inside her asshole I heard her gasp, which scared me a little, and I stopped, holding my finger dead still and asked her if she was okey. I remeber she just kind of cleared her throat and said she is fine. I felt her asshole contract really hard on my finger trying to push it out but i just pushed it in deeper until I was in her to about my second knuckle. Then her anus relaxed and kind of winked at me and i shoved the rest of my finger in all the way.

There was this brief silence and all i could hear was her breathing heavily. She started talking again saying how it was fine and that it did not hurt at all, but i was in a trance and i remember just staring at my finger as I swirled it around inside her, then pulling it out a bit and pushing it back in. It felt like an eternity, but was probably only a few seconds. I remember her body shuddering slightly, and she let out a low sigh, then she reached back and grabbed my hand and slowly pulled my finger from her.

Needless to say I was sold on the idea, and she had me prop myself over the side of the bed so she could ‘help’ me, but i cannot remember that, all I remember is lying on the bed looking at my finger and I kept wanting to smell it.

In fairness to her it did work, but we never had to use that technique again and we never really spoke of it after that, she did however tell me that I should not tell any of my friends or other people.

So yeah there you have it, and now in my teens I am absolutely obsessed with mature ladies with big asses, go figure hey! Hahaha.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅