
“Hello, my name is Jasmine,” I announced to the guests as I welcomed them into our house.
I was trying hard to be polite, but I was seething. The four men had come to see my mother, Pearl, on church business. But I had been promised by my Mom that she was going to take me to the observatory tonight.
I knew Mom would be caught up for a few hours and by then it would be far too late to go out. Tonight was the first fine Friday night in over a month and I really wanted to go. Mom usually did not have meetings for the church on Friday nights, this had been a last minute affair.
Mom had become involved with the church soon after my father had been killed in a car smash four years ago.
I knew one of the men as the local pastor, and then as he introduced the others to mom, I heard their names. Mr Humes, from the neighbouring area, Mr Johnson, from the ministry, and Mr Dimmock from the youth league.
I tried to catch mom’s eye and let her know that was disappointed and annoyed at not going out.
She turned to me, “I’m sorry Jasmine, not tonight, I m going to be busy.”
“You Promised!” I blurted out before I got my anger back in check.
“Jasmine, that will do, I can’t tonight, we will try again next week.”
“Yes Mom.” I said with a big sigh. I knew not to say anymore.
“What seems to be the problem?” Mr Dimmock asked, looking at me.
“I was going to take Jasmine to the observatory tonight. It’s only open on Friday nights.” my mom informed them, “But this meeting arose, so we will have to try next week.”
“Ah, I see” Mr Dimmock looked me over, then with a quick glance at my Mom, “Do you like the stars and Planets?
“ Yes, I do like them,” I replied.
“That’s good, I like them too. Perhaps if there is a park or reserve nearby where I could show you what is in the night sky.” He turned to Mr Johnson, “I don’t really need to be at the meeting, you don’t mind if I deal with her.”
“Of course, as you wish.”
He turned to my Mom, “Pearl, is there someplace we can go away from the lights and we can look up at the stars?”
“There is a reserve at the end of the street, Jasmine knows the way. Are you sure about this?”
“Oh Yes. It would be nice to take her there.”
Something in his tone caught my attention, but I was feeling excited about learning more about the stars and planets.
“Please, can I go,” I almost begged.
“Very well, Jasmine, you must be a very good girl for him, and do what he asks, understood?”
“Yes Mom, I promise to be a very good girl.”
“Alright, go and get your Jacket, hurry along now, don’t keep him waiting.”
“Yes Mom.”
I dashed away and found my jacket, pulling it on over my dress, but leaving it undone at the front. I met Mr Dimmock at the front door and we began to walk towards the reserve.
“How old are you Jasmine?” He casually asked
“I’m twelve, I will be thirteen early next year.”
“Do you go to High School Jasmine?”
“ I will start at High School at the beginning of next year.”
“That will be nice.”
We arrived at the reserve and then started along a lit pathway.
After a minute or so Mr Dimmock stopped, “We need to move away from the lights, ok?”
“Yes, there is another path ahead, we can go along there, it will be quite dark.”
“Good, that is just what I want.”
We followed the path for a couple more minutes, then we stopped and the path petered out into a small clearing.
For the next half an hour we looked up at the sky as Mr Dimmock pointed out stars and constellations, along with Jupiter and Saturn. Mr Dimmock stayed very close to me, sometimes bumping into me, touching me, and holding my arm up as a pointer.
“I think it would strain out necks less if we were to lie on the grass,” he suggested.
“Ohh Ok, good idea,” I replied.
I sat down the leaned over backwards to rest on the grass, Mr Dimmock sat next to me, but didn’t lie down.
“Now Jasmine, you caused a little bit of fuss earlier, yes?”
“Yes, but mom did promise.”
“You were a bit naughty really, weren’t you?”
I hesitated to answer, but then said, “A little bit.”
“I don’t mind that you were naughty, sometimes I like girls who are naughty.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I waited.
Mr Dimmock leaned over me and put his hand on my shoulder, “Now Jasmine, I want you to be a very good girl for me, and keep nice and still. Understood?”
“Yes.” I was confused but recalled my promise.
“Good girl!” He leaned further over me his hand came to rest on my right breast.
I gasped.
“Be a good girl now, keep still.”
He made a small circle with his hand gently rubbing my breast.
“That’s it, good girl.” He circled again. “See, not so bad is it, most girls really like this.
I gave a small whimper but stayed still while his hand circled a few more times. Then he swapped his hand over to my left breast and began to circle on that one.
“Well that was nice,” he crooned in my ear. “But it will be even better with my hand directly on your breast.”
He slipped his hand to the center of my dress and popped a few buttons undone.
“What, What are you doing?” I whimpered.
“Now, now Jasmine, Be a good girl for me. Keep still and just relax.”
His hand slipped under my dress over to my right breast, his fingers digging under my training bra to find the soft cone of my breast.
“Ohh, this is very nice Jasmine, very nice indeed.” He gave my breast a squeeze.
I whimpered.
“Good girl Jasmine, you feel so nice.”
Over the next couple of minutes, I tried hard to stay still but I squirmed each time he gave either one of my breasts a squeeze. Then he pinched my nipple, making me gasp out loud.
“You are doing so well, such a good girl for me. Now Jasmine, it time to see what else you have for me.”
I felt his hand slip out from inside my dress and the run down the front of my dress to my belly, then I felt him take hold of my dress and start to pull it up.
“What are you doing?” I squeaked out as struggled to sit up again. “That’s my dress.”
“Jasmine!” He hissed in warning.
I gasped and froze for a moment.
“Jasmine, you really need to be a very good girl now. You promised to be a good girl. You don’t want me telling your Mom that you were naughty and disobedient, do you?”
“No,” I reluctantly gave in, I didn‘t want him telling on me for being naughty.
“Good girl, now lie back and try to take it easy.”
I eased back down on the grass, his hand went back to my belly and caught hold of my dress again, gently pulling it up to my waist. His hand then began to roam about and rub over my legs and my belly. Then brought his hand up along the inside of my thighs and up over my panties. I squirmed.
“Oh yes, Jasmine, yes. This is what I have been wanting to have.” His hand rubbed back and forth over my panties again, making me cringe and whimper.
“Please, I don’t…”
“You will do as required,” He hissed again. “Let’s see just what you have got.”
I froze again, his hand on my belly, he plucked up my panties and slipped his hand under them, his hand worming down to find my small slit.
“Please,” I whimpered, “Please.”
“You like that, don’t you?”
“No,” I cried.
“A pretty little girl like you should!”
He wriggled his fingers and made me squirm again.
“Please, No.” I wailed.
“I think you want me to get straight to the point then, very well, that is fine with me.”
What his point was I didn’t know, but then he took a firm grasp of my panties, and with a swift yank, he pulled my panties down my legs. I squirmed as his hand ran right down then hooked my panties off over my sneakers.
“My panties, No!” I squawked in alarm while trying to sit up again. “Please, give me my panties.”
I was pushed back down as he leaned right over me, his hand came up and clamped over my mouth, scaring me.
“Quiet, don’t make a fuss.” He wriggled more, over on top me. “Come on Jasmine. You need to be a really good girl now. Understood?”
I looked up at him unsure what to say. I felt scared now, I wanted to go back home.
“Understood?” he repeated.
I slowly nodded, then quietly said, “yes.”
He took his hand away from my mouth, then ran it back down over my belly and onto my thighs. I quivered. His hand returned back up my thighs and then ran over my slit, making me cringe. I felt his finger come back to my slit, and he stroked up and down against it a few times, I began to tremble, unsure what he was intending to do.
”Open up nice and wide,” he whispered in my ear while pushing my thighs apart.
“What are you doing?” I cringed as he shifted his weight to be more on top of me.
“Now now, Jasmine, keep quiet, just relax, I have something special for you.”
He reached down, undoing his pants and pushing them down along with his underwear.
“What…” I began to but his hand clamped over my mouth again.
“I said to keep quiet.”
His weight shifted and he rolled right over on top of me, slipping in between my thighs which felt very awkward and scary for me, his hand still clamped on my mouth.
His other hand snaked down between us and into the space between my legs. I realized I could not move. Then he shifted slightly and I felt something firm push up against my slit close to where my entrance was. I whimpered.
“Be a good girl now Jasmine,” He crooned again.
I felt him push in against my slit, whatever it was going directly to where my entrance was, jamming into place.
“Owww,” I gasped as it hurt.
He pushed again.
“Owww, that really hurts,” I cried.
“I told you to keep quiet,” he hissed at me, then he removed his hand from my mouth, “You will stay quiet.”
He had something in his hand, a hanky I guessed, but then he began to push it inside my mouth, making me gag. His hand then clamped over my mouth again, holding in the cloth he used. A moment later I realized much to my horror and dismay exactly what he had just stuffed into my mouth, it was my panties.
He pushed in harder and I felt an awful tightness and pain, his shaft head began to squeeze past my entrance. Tears well up in my eyes as I quivered and trembled. I let out a muffled cry but he ignored it.
Again he pushed, his shaft slipped in a bit more. Tears tumbled down the sides of my face. It really hurt like hell.
He eased back for a moment, giving me half a second of unexpected relief, but then he pushed in again, his shaft slipping deeper, I was to scream, but my mouth was full and his hand kept my mouth closed.
“Ohh. Yes, you are just so tight Jasmine, really tight, this is so good.”
He eased right back out just past my entrance, then he slowly pushed in again. I felt the awkward tightness as he moved back inside me, making me quiver. He followed the same sequence a few more times, easing out then pushing back inside. Then he stopped for a moment inside me, he then pushed in further, making me gasp and try to cringe away. More tears rolled down the sides of my face.
He eased back only a small distance and then pushed slowly in until the tightness made his stop. Again and again, he repeated the short probing thrusts, but his shaft got no further.
He eased right back to be just out then he pushed in as far as he could, the tightness restricting his movement. It hurt more each time he hit the tightness, but he tried again, going right back then going in as far as he could. I cringed and tried to gasp, but each time it got muffled and he ignored my sobbing pleas.
“Come on Jasmine, just a bit more. You are doing so well. You feel heavenly to me,” he whispered to me.
I was very confused by his comments, but I just wanted him to get off me.
He then eased back and shifted his weight slightly. Again he pushed in, his shaft sliding in past my entrance, probing the depths of my body. While not quite so tight, it was still very uncomfortable for me. His shaft moved a little further inside me. Another push and his shaft slipped in a little bit more. That seemed to delight him.
Another much more firm push and I cringed and whimpered, His shaft sliding in, going noticeably deeper. Again he pushed in, his shaft worming its way further inside me. Another couple of thrusts and I felt this shaft begin to push my insides about, and his lower belly press against mine.
“Yes, Jasmine, yes, this is much better.” He rasped out. “You are such a good girl.”
He slowly eased his shaft all the way out, then slowly pushed it all the way back inside me. It was still tight and uncomfortable, but it no longer hurt. He repeated that action a few more times, then he paused.
“Are you going to be a very good girl and be quiet for me?”
“Yes,” I squeaked, then nodded my head.
He removed his hand and eased out my panties, I gulped a few times now, relieved to use my mouth and not gag.
He started the long, slow deep pushes again, his shaft still tight but able to slide through my entrance.
I wanted to ask him what he was doing, I wanted him to stop I wanted him to take me back home. I had so many questions about what he was doing but I kept my silence.
Slide in and hold, then ease out, again and again, he pushed his shaft deep inside me.
“You are such a good girl, I really do appreciate you letting me do this with you, it really is something very special.”
I didn’t know what to say or know that if I was allowed to say anything, so I kept quiet.
His shaft kept on moving, sliding in and then back.
‘You are doing so well Jasmine, this is even better than I had hoped.” He pushed in deeply again. “Don’t you worry about a thing, this can be our own very special secret, understood?”
“Our own very special secret?” I quietly asked not sure that I could speak.
“Yes Jasmine, a very special secret, just between the two of us, it had to be just between the two of us, nobody else. Promise!”
“I promise, just between the two of us.” I really did not want to get into any more trouble.
“Thank you, Jasmine, I am sorry I had to hurt you to begin with.” He pushed in much more firmly. ”Please forgive me.”
“I forgive you.” I paused, “I didn’t understand.”
“Thank you.” he puffed, “I really do appreciate you letting me be with you, it’s not often I get such a good chance.”
He pushed in again, this time a bit faster and firmer, then a quick ease back and push again. He seemed to breathe harder faster, but he also seemed to be getting excited as well. The next couple of pushes were quite short but finished deep, only withdrawing a small amount.
“Oh, oh oh!” he pushed in quite hard.
“Oh Jasmine, Oh yes!” he seemed ecstatic.
His shaft seemed to quiver and I felt a sudden warm rush inside me, a moment later his shaft quivered again, along with another rush. A shot hard push and his shaft quivered more, and I felt a series of pulses along with more rushes inside me.
“Oh Jasmine, thank you, thank you, thank you, that was truly wonderful. You have been such a good girl, you really have.”
He shifted his weight to not be so heavy on top of me. His shaft then slowly slid back out from inside me. I felt relief at not having his shaft inside me but then I began to feel a kind of sticky wetness between my legs.
I reached down and ran my hand briefly over my slit. “Ugh, it’s sticky.”
“Well, it can be a bit like that sometimes, it’s nothing to worry about, just use your panties to give it a wipe.”
He handed me my panties and moved to be beside me. I used them to wipe me than he told me to put them back on.
“I think it’s about time that I took you back home. You have been amazing for me, thank you.” He reached out and helped me to my feet.
“Just remember that this is our own very special secret. Don’t go telling or you could get into trouble.”
He walked to the path and waited for me to follow. I quickly caught up.
”Just our own very special secret, I promise not to tell.”
“Good girl. You are very sweet Jasmine, thank you.”
We walked out of the reserve, then started towards home.
“I think it might be a good idea if you can shower when we get back, and make sure you wash your panties too.”
“Yes, that sounds like a good idea.”
We arrived back and mom asked how it all went, but before I could say anything Mr Dimmock replied.
“She was a very good girl, we spent a lot of time looking at the stars and constellations. She had a very good time.”
“That’s very good of you, thank you,” she turned towards me, “go shower and put your clothes in the machine, set it going once you are done. I’ll be here for quite a while, so head for bed, ok.”
“Yes mom, I will.”
I left and went to the shower, washing out my panties and then adding my clothes into the washing machine, then setting it running. Then I went to bed.
A couple of months later I began to feel sick and had bad tummy cramps. Mom took me to the doctors. After, she was very angry with me, telling me that I had to stay in my room from now on. Finally, she told me what was wrong, she informed me that I was going to have a baby.

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