Joy Buzzer

Our aunt, and uncle came over to spend the night in the boy’s room, but it was nice out, so they put up a tent in the back yard.

My cousin Shelly got to sleep in my room, so I set up a little bed on the floor for her while she got ready for bed. “It’s a nice night, so why don’t you open up the window for some fresh air?”

I couldn’t help noticing that she had on a real bra when she took it off, and put on a teeshirt to sleep in, but she just kept her panties on, so I couldn’t see how hairy she was in there.

Then, when I opened up the window, we heard the boys talking right under my window in the tent. My cousin Josh told my brothers about the homos at camp, and Shelly got down on her knees to listen.

She waved me over and whispered “This aught to be good.” So, they didn’t hear us.

I got down, and whispered “What?”

“Oh, you got to go to summer camp!” That had to be my little brother, Luke.

“Yeah, but there sure were a lot of homos.”

Shelly turned to whisper, ‘each time he tells it, it gets better, and better!’

“Well, how did you know they were homos?” My big brother, Mark. He’s a teenager like Shelly, so his voice cracked for a while, but then it stopped, and his voice stayed almost grownup. That’s how I could tell the difference even in the dark, and through the roof of the tent.

“Because they just waited for you to fall asleep at night to fuck with you.”

“Ooh, you said a dirty word!” Luke is such a tattle tell.

“Well, if you tell on him, then he won’t tell us about the homos at summer camp. What did they do to you?”

“Nothing, because I stayed wide awake every night until they got done, and went to sleep.”

“Got done doing what?” Matthew asked so he’d keep telling them the story.

“Well, whoever fell asleep got it. This one boys snored real loud, so they got up, and touched his dick.” Josh paused to see if Luke said anything about his language again, but he didn’t. “He got a boner, so they pulled his pants down, and pulled their pants down, and stuck his pecker in their mouths, and beat off all over him so he was all sticky when he woke up.”

‘see?’ Shelly had her night shirt up, and her hand down the front of her panties. So, I nodded, and touched myself. Just trying to imagine all those homos molesting a boy in his sleep.

Then, Lucas yawned real loud, and said “Well, that was a great story, but I’m really sleepy, so goodnight.” I think I heard Matt kiss him goodnight, or maybe Josh, but I leaned over to ask Shelly ‘you think they’re gonna do it?’

‘Yeah,’ she got up, and let her teeshirt fall down. ‘that’s it, so we better go to bed.’ I closed the window quietly, but she just stepped over Lukes old baby bed mattress, and got under the covers, in my bed.

I yawned real loudly, “Yeah, it’s late, so we better go to bed,” I got under the covers, and snuggled up, right next to Shelly. “Shelly, I have this friend. Well, 2 friends actually, and don’t tell anyone I said this, but there girlfriends.”

“You mean, lesbians?”

“Uh huh, they told me a story, only it wasn’t a true story, but just a fantasy about teenagers sleeping over on the internet?”

“Huh,” she rolled over, and she must have pulled her shirt up, after I turned the lights off, because I could feel her bare boobs on my arm. “And let me guess, it made you horny?” She felt down my arm, and followed it into my underpants, so I pulled my hand out, and closed my eyes.

Glad that I didn’t have to remember any of the naughty stories I read on the internet, or make up any details about my friend, and her girlfriend. The sleepover when they became girlfriends, but when she touched me, I just moved down as far as I could without her hand slipping out of my crotch.

So, I could turn, and feel her bare breast. Pick it up, and rub her nipple with my thumb, and hold it up to my mouth so I could suck it. ‘oh,’ her voice changed, but it didn’t crack, ‘you’re not too hairy yet.’ She rubbed my boney pubes, and stopped rubbing my joy buzzer, but I forgot to tell her about playing Mr. Clown.

So, I’ll tell you, this girl at school dressed up as a clown for talent show, and walked around in big shoes, but she pained her face black on the bottom, and white on top with a big heart over over 1 eye, and a spade over the other, and a neck tie. She was a lesbian, but she was in 6 grade, so she graduated after the talent show, and started middle school, so we never saw her again.

Then, she told us the truth: She didn’t really like clowns, she just got the costume for Halloween, because she thought clowns were scary and then she got out the hand buzzer to shake hands. She had to wind it up, to tickle your hand when you shook her hand, but then she told us it’s a vibrator, too. Or, “Like a vibrator.”

“What’s a vibrator?” We asked, because we’re all in 4th grade, and we didn’t know all about sex. Some of us knew the gross stuff, because they got their periods, and told us all the stuff their mommies said about growing up. Bleeding between the legs, and even where babies come from. Maybe that’s what made me so homo, and maybe it was J.

I shouldn’t probably write her full name, but it starts with a J, and she’s the first lesbian I ever met, and she made us do gay stuff with her joy buzzer, and sit on each other’s faces, but that didn’t make any of the other girls into lesbians, or even bisexual, just me. So, I bet it’s because of how disgusting the other girls made it all sound when they got their periods, that made me not want to have sex with boys at all, ever.

“Oh, oomph!” I started moaning, so Shelly had to get up on top of me, and smother me in her chest, but then she went back to my joy buzzer, and stuck her knee between my legs, so her fingers rubbed hard on my joy buzzer, and I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t mind because it felt so good! I didn’t even finish before she felt down to the hole, and stuck a finger in.

It wasn’t easy, so she had to hammer it in with her knee, and she nailed me while I was still cumming. It felt so good that I didn’t even mind how bad it hurt, because the orgasm made it all better. Finally, she rolled off, and let me catch my breath. “Huh huh huh!”

‘sh,’ she whispered, ‘you don’t want to wake up my mom, and dad.’

‘i’m sorry, i couldn’t help it, you made me feel so good, and i’m not a virgin any more.’

‘huh, i know, but don’t tell anybody it was me.’

‘i know, i promise, we’ll pinky swear on it tomorrow, but tonight. you think you could sit on my face?’

‘you want me to?’ she pulled back the covers.

‘oh yeah, more than anything, but we better get on the floor.’

‘good idea,’ since I got Luke’s old baby bed mattress for her to sleep on, it was really too short for her, so her legs hung off the bottom on the floor, and she shaved her legs so they were too smooth, but oh well. I guess her mom made her shave her legs, and she did it, because she doesn’t want her to guess that she’s a lesbian.

Her secret’s safe with me, but she didn’t shave her pubes, so I had some short curly hairs to tickle my nose, and lick out of the way on the sides, so when I tucked those in the sides, they were out of the way, and oh yeah she was naked now. I forgot, but when we got up from under the bed, she took off her teeshirt, and panties to sit on my face naked.

She looked really good, even in the little light that came in the window from the back porch. I found her little petals right away, and followed those up until my teeth got in the way, since they grew back in front, since J sat on my face in 4th grade. So, I had to pull my nose out of her bush, and wiggle my tongue until I felt her petals stick together, and dug around in there until I found the hole in her clit hood.

I know it’s called a clitoris, I just prefer joy buzzer, so grownups don’t know we’re talking about licking clit, but it was so tiny, I couldn’t even feel it. “Oh, ha!” Finally, she jumped, and humped to tell me I hit the right spot, but that made her boobs jiggle. Hanging over my eyes, in the little porch light shining in through the window, so they were dark on the bottom, but I could see her chin shining until that went dark, and she smiled, looking down.

“You’ve done that before!”

I just nodded, since she humped off my tongue anyway, so I started digging for her joy buzzer again, but she said “No, lick down to the hole,” and scooted up on my face again. So, my nose pressed into her pubes again, and I took a deep breath with my mouth open, but that just sucked her pussy juice in my mouth, and I never had a teenager sit on my face before, so she was so wet I could taste it.

So, I felt the hole, and wiggled my tongue in, searching for her virginity, but I can’t call it a cherry, because it doesn’t taste like cherry it all. I mean, on the other girls with cherries, but she didn’t have none, and I didn’t get a chance to tell her she didn’t have to break mine, because I was too busy cumming like gangbusters with her big fat tits all over my face.

“UH!” she grunted loud, so I had to push her butt up.

‘sh,’ she grabbed my pillow, and turned around sideways, so I had to lay down with my butt on the cold floor, but she put the pillow down on the bed so she could muffle her grunts, and moans in it while I went to town, until her sex hole started twitching.

“Mh mh mh mhn!” She really humped my tongue hard, even though her pussy squeezed my tongue out, and no matter how hard I tried to stick it back in there, it was too soft to push through the tense love muscle.

“Aglh!” Then, I tasted piss, and it tasted just as “Gross” as it smelled.

“Hihn!” She turned around to sit back up against the side of the bed. “Hihn hihn!” I spat, and wiped my mouth, but by the time I came back from washing my face, and rinsing the pee taste out of my mouth, she was curled up on the little baby bed, just like a baby.

So, I climbed into bed, but even the pee taste didn’t turn me off. After what all happened, and even the biggest orgasm I ever had so far, I was still horny, but I forgot to pull down my underpants. Oh yeah, and she stank up the whole room with sex, but I bet if I splashed cold water up there, that would have cooled me off, but I felt the hole, and gently inside it.

It was bloody, and sticky, so it hurt when I touched the cut all the way around the inside. She must have twisted her nail in to cut it all the way around, but I’m surprised my love muscle wasn’t strong enough to squeeze her finger out. My mom’s baby doctor (OB/GYN) told me I had an annular hymen, and that means it’s like a ring, but she couldn’t show me it on the screen, with the little camera. She tried to, but I felt it when I got home, and now it was gone.

So, I fell asleep with my finger in there, so it didn’t scab up, and stick together, but then in the morning, I pulled it out. “Shelly, look!” I shook her arm, and showed her. “Look at my pinky!” I wiggled it, and sure enough, it had a pink ring around it, but it didn’t dry up in the night.

“That’s great, but I need a shower.” She put on a shirt, and her pants with no underwear, just to wear to the bathroom, with my mom, and dad there. They were up already, but the boys went to piss in the corner, right by the tent. I opened up the window, but they were already fighting.

“Ew, didn’t anyone never tell you you don’t piss where you sleep?” Josh asked.

“No, but I didn’t wet the bed at all!” Lucas shook it, and pulled his underpants back up.

“That’s great.” Mark got out, and yawned, “Now we have to move the tent.”

“Well, we have all day to worry about where we’re gonna camp tonight.” Josh looked up, and smiled, so I crossed my arms to cover up my hard nipples, just in case they showed through my skimpy little nighty. “Hey Lanie!”

“Uh, it’s Mel.” I ducked back under the window.

“What’s her problem?”

“She’s just in middle school.” Matt told him, but I didn’t want to get up in front of the window to close it, with my nipples sticking out, in my night gown. “So, she doesn’t want to be called Lanie any more.”

“Huh!” My cousin came back in, with a towel tucked between her breasts, and another one to dry her hair. “So what are the boys up to now?”

“See for yourself.” I went out, but when I looked back, she was already leaning out the window, and the towel slipped off her back.

“UH!” I slammed the door, and went to take a shower, before everyone used up the how water, but I don’t think she’s really gay at all! She tricked me, and peed in my mouth, after I went to all the trouble to eat her out and she took so long, because I bet she was thinking about penis the whole time I was tongue fucking her.

Now, she’s showing her tits off to my brothers, but when i got out of the shower, Lucas was standing right there in the bathroom.

“What are you doing in here?”

“I wet the bed, so I need to take a bath.”

“I thought you didn’t wet the bed.” But sure enough, the front of his undies were still wet.

“Don’t tell them I lied.”

“Okay, but if you’re going to start keeping secrets,” I pulled open the linen closet over the sink. “Then you better learn to keep a secret yourself, okay?”

“Oh kay.” He nodded, and dropped his drawers, but he just sat down in the water, when it was halfway up his skinny little legs.

“Luke, I heard you and the boys talking last night.” I tucked the fresh towel down the front, even though I didn’t really have much to hold it together, in between. I just started.

“About homo camp?”

“Yeah,” I sat down on the toilet lid. “Did you like camping out with the boys last night?”

He just nodded, but I couldn’t help noticing that his floating pisser stopped floating. It just stayed up against his tummy, while I talked about what the boys didn’t do in the tent, but the little liar sure could keep a secret. For such a little tattle tale telling everyone else’s so we get in trouble, because he got a little stiffy right away.

“Well, even if they didn’t molest you in your sleep, your little weener is still dirty from pissing your pants, so you better wash it.”

“Don’t look!”

“Okay,” I turned around, and took the soap. Splashed water up on his back, and got the soap to wash it. “Huh, you know it doesn’t make you a homo if you let boys molest you in your sleep. Here.” He took the soap. “You better get up out of the water, so you don’t wash the soap off.” I felt down his back. “Or your dirty little pooper.”

“Uh!” He clenched his butt tight, but he wasn’t strong enough to squeeze my fingers out.

“You better make sure the front is clean enough.” He turned around, and covered his butt with both hands.

“Well, that’s plenty of soap suds.” I splashed water up between his legs, and felt how wrinkled his ball bag was. Also loose from all the hot water, but his little stiffy wasn’t hanging down at all. He kept clenching his thighs whenever I tried to feel back behind his balls, and touch his dirty little butthole again, so I stopped. “Sit down in the water.” I held onto him, but I knew what to do from this other story I read on the internet.

Only instead of big brother, and little sister, it was an older girl. I think, she said she was 13, but she also said she had big 36 double Ds, so I think she just lied to make the story better. I sure never heard of a 13 year old with big double Ds, but I have heard my friends lie, and say they were older, or even in middle school! Back when we’re all in 6 grade, and they were trying to get boys to make out with them, so they said they’re older, because 6 grade boys are still like little boys, and they don’t want to kiss you at all.

“Huh!” Why should I wait for them to grow up, and talk to me, when I’ve got a little boy at home? I’m gay, but he doesn’t have to know that. I’m going to have to get a boyfriend some time, so I can cheat on him with my mistresses. Just like the ladies in my favorite stories, but just because I like cheating bisexual housewife stories the best doesn’t mean I don’t read the other ones, if they look nice.

“Okay, that should be clean enough, stand up, and let me check.”

“Okay,” now it didn’t even have the soap suds like a snowy white cloud, or Santa Claus beard, or Merkin. You know what a Merkin is? Joy told me that’s like painting her face black on the bottom. It wasn’t blackface, it was supposed to look like a beard, but they also make beards to wear in your underwear to look like you have pubic hairs.

“I better check to make sure.” I held out his stiff little pecker, and sniffed the head to make sure, but I didn’t smell any soap residue. So, I licked it, and it didn’t taste soapy either. So, I sucked him off, as much as a little 8 year old boy can orgasm at all, but I just decided that if I’m gonna get a boyfriend to hide the fact that I’m a lesbian from, then he’s going to want me to suck his dick, at least.

I’ll tell you one thing that’s nice about doing it with cute little boys, with pretty faces, and big fat cheeks rosy with blush, though. A stiff little cock is a hell of a lot easier to find than a clit!

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