Just another stroll (part 3)

Betty gets a whole new experience. Even gets to keep it in the family.
So to speak. Her evil protagonist has upped the stakes. Can she survive this.

Betty had been dreading this day. Ever since she had returned to her dorm after their last encounter. Her nightmare journey seemed to be getting longer and more vicious with every day. He’d been in contact every other day. Her humiliating rapes and abusive tortures played on her 16yr old mind. She’d wept openly while vividly reminiscing her journey back to him. After he’d dumped her out his van
Dirty, smelling of sex, cum covered and spunk soaked yoga pants.

She had no choice but to accept the taxi drivers demands and was raped twice more before arriving at her desired destination. This seemed to inspire her protagonist to new heights of glee. Her shame and humiliation ramped to new heights also. Betty was so down. She’d thought of going to the headmistress, just explain, tell the real story. Then she remembered how that edited rape looked anything but forced. Or the threats he’d made?

To kill her and the other people she’d now been forced to include, albeit unwillingly into the same horrible state of jeapordy that she was presently suffering. Luckily, they were still unaware of this impending . Betty jumped when her mobile phone vibrated. Respite at least from her sleeping nightmares.

“Hi slut! You organised for our little adventure then? “Her heart sunk at his words. “Yes. I have arranged for us to meet tomorrow at the lodge.” ~ ” Good. I’m sure we’ll have a real good time Betty babe. I can’t wait to see you again. Been too long.” Betty thought.
“Never again wouldn’t be long enough you bastard” Though she knew better than to say so. “Remember I’m your school counselor and you need me to explain the resources available to you and them? It’s for your well-being Betty. I’ll fill in any gaps we come across.” He pauses, laughs evilly before adding. “So to speak fuckmeat. You get my drift” The weeping teen listens to his orders and hangs up. Her body is aching already just thinking of his cruel and inhuman behaviour. She got his drift allright!!

He picked her up at the village bus terminus. No witnesses as planned. Betty appearing from behind a shelter when told via phone. She shakily got into the van and sat hands on her lap, staring straight ahead. Her crisp new uniform well laundered and she looking every bit the young 16 yr old schoolgirl she is. Her long jet black hair tied in a pony tail. Her pale complexion contrasting with her lipsticked, pouting red lips, big ice blue eyes that fluttered as the tears forming in the corners threatened to erupt.

Her white blouse and striped school tie heaved under the blue blazer she wore over it. No bra as ordered! Thus her nipple’s were very evident through the cotton material. Her navy blue pleated, knee length skirt hid a white stockinged suspender belt beneath. No panties, as ordered. Black 4″ heeled ankle boots made up the remainder of her very alluring outfit. Betty was even more gorgeous than he remembered. His little fuck queen looked a pedophilic dream. His cock grew harder by the second as he whisked his nubile prize to her uncertain fate.

The journey would take a couple of hours and the silent treatment from her just wasn’t going to be tolerated.
“So cum dump, have you missed me? Did you enjoy our last little get together. Fuck me I know I did!!” Betty just whimpered and looked out the window. Her bottom lip trembling. The man reached over and stroked her cheek. She flinched but didn’t move.
He let his hand drop onto her right shoulder and creep slowly down to pull her blazer lapel opening it further.

This gave him access to her young firm breast. He moaned. “Mmm. Nice n pliable, slag! You been playing with those baby’s? They seem bigger again. Love it.” He twisted her nipple enjoying her scream of agony then pulled her blazer back over her erect nipple. “Laters rapemeat. Need you presentable.? For now that is.” He sniggered. Betty silently sobbed. He didn’t speak or look at her again for the next half hour. The girl was dying to just scream her frustrations at him and jump out the door of the van.

Better to die on the road than wait for more of his torturous debauchery. Which Betty knew was always going to occur. Her nerves were shattered. The silence, the fear of not knowing what was coming next?. The mental torture every bit as painful as the physical. Which surely must come soon?. Her reverie was suddenly awakened by him shouting at her? “BITCH. I’M NOT HAVING THIS DUMB INSOLENCE. YOU FUCKING ANSWER ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOUR DUMB ARSE. YOU HEAR ME FUCK FACE?” ~ “I’m sorry. Please, I was lost in thought. I’m ready to listen!! Honest mister, please don’t get upset. I’ll be good really.”

The teenager pleaded to him. Only too aware of his temper when riled. “Get my cock out slut, then get your mouth round it. I’m needing some fun, your so fucking boring to go out with. Useless little bastard, you need a good slap! Wake your ideas up bitch. That what you want? A slap or six maybe, hmm?”
Betty quickly fumbled with his zip soon fishing out his ramrod thick cock. She knew it intimately from previous use on her young holes. So with practiced ease and without another word Betty’s lucious lips closed over the throbbing slimy pole. The only sounds now were her slurping teary gulps and his throaty encouragements.

Betty aware of his warning to stay presentable. Meaning no cum stains on her clothes. “Not just yet fuckmeat.”
He had chided her. Was the reason for her gulping and gagging as his very thick creamy load erupted into her throat and she cleaned him off not leaving a drop to spoil her lovely clean uniform. He smiled at her as she licked her lips and took out a lipstick from her bag. “Your getting better slut. We’ll make a top class whore of you yet.” He watched her blush. “God your something else Bitch, I hope you’re shaved Betty? I don’t like stubble as you know?. Show me dumb slut. Hitch your skirt up.”

Betty had stopped applying her lipstick. She pulled the hem of her skirt to her waist. Her pale firm thighs radiant in their white silk sheaths.
Her porcelain white legs slowlyy peeled open, exposing her coral pink cunt. Shaved!! Smooth as the day she was born. Her labia was a tight slit with a sheen of pre cum twinkling just within her 16yr old fuck hole. He looked intermittently at his prize. “Oh I can’t believe I own that cunt. I am so looking forward to our little stay at the lodge. Will be a whole new experience for you bitch.” Betty just sighed and sat legs Akimbo feet up on the dashboard. Giving every trucker they passed an eyeful of her sitting humiliatingly exhibiting her lush teen pussy.

“Ok tease, you can put your wet slit away now. Sit up and get yourself sorted. You better stop sniveling or I’ll gladly just fuck your arsehole as I fucking strangle you in front of these fuckers. Shut the fuck up. I’m deaf listening to it.” Betty didn’t need another telling and stopped crying immediately. The meeting place was near. The lodge was a motel in the woods run by some aquantances of his. He didn’t need any nosey parkers swing or hearing what he was up to.

As they pulled onto the long single track leading to the lodge. Betty was told to make sure the others were on their way. She got confirmation via text they’d be there in 30mins. Betty couldn’t stop them now and regretted not going to the police and her schoolmasters. Vanity was about to cost her everything she loved and held dear. He growled at her again, she wiped her eyes and sat up on seeing the place he’d lured them too.

30 mins later. Betty is composed sitting on a chair at reception. The man behind the desk stripping her with his eyes. Betty shifted uncomfortably. She needed to pee and said so loudly.
“Fucking hurry up cunt they’ll be here in a few minutes.” He told the desk guy to holler if anyone arrived. Betty and him hurried to the bathrooms. Once in he kept the door open and watched her pee.

Ordering her to lift her skirt he kicked her legs open wider, his desired intention reached. The degraded teens embarrassed further when he suddenly gropes, then, wipes her fanny lips with his middle fingers. licking the residue. “Mmm. Nectar baby. You taste lush. Hope for yours and their sakes, they do too?” He told her to hurry up and both returned to reception just as a large SUV arrived in the car park.

He watches intently as the classy looking redhead and two young girls are hugging and kissing with Betty. “This is so good of you Mr Kidd. To be so concerned about Betty’s well-being. I wouldn’t like it known around her school, especially on her last year there, about her issues. Shall we call them that.?” Betty stood head bowed with her stepsisters as introductions were concluded. He had eyed up the three as they spoke and boy did he like what he saw.

Stepmum was Francine. Age 38, not slim but lithe, athletic looking. Nice size breasts by swell of her jumper. Nice arse, small but looked poured into her expensive trousers. Dainty feet. She was only over 5′. All in all a neat package. Her sparkly green eyes and fair skin complemented by her bobbed ginger hair gave the impression of a model in younger years maybe?

The girls were only a few years in age younger than their older sister. Mia was 11, she looked a lot older. Dressed as she was in tight short shorts and vest, with her little budding tits looking way too big for her small skinny frame.
Twin mounds belying her pre teen age. Her tight bum cheeks looked like they were glued together they were so tight. Her long blonde hair and big green eyes made her cute face draw you to it.

Zia was something else though. She was 13. 5’2, Dark blonde hair down to her waist, same green eyes as the other two. She looked a ringer for her mum and he guessed that’s how she had looked at that age. Her long legs were coltish but not skinny. They held her shapely arse perfectly as she turned he clocked the swell of her firm young tits. “Wow” he thought. What this kid lacked in age she more than made up for in looks.

She was perfect and dressed like she was in a clingly top and yoga pants with heeled sandals she could have been 18 yes old. Next to Betty and her sister she stood out like a sore thumb. Wasn’t his thumb that was sore!! His cock and the desk guys too probably were stiffening rapidly. He hurried to get the meeting under way as time was going on and they’d had a long trip so needed to rest before dinner. He’d insisted on them staying overnight due to long drive and tiredness.

The desk guy smiled as he handed out the room keys. “Have a nice stay. Be here for all your needs folks.” He interrupted the guy and said. ” Francine. Why don’t you Betty and I head into the lounge there and I’ll fill you in on what’s happening with and reasons for her counseling? After all that is why were here hmm?” The girls can watch TV in their chalet. We shan’t be too long and I’m sure a few snacks and juices can be found?” He looked at the desk guy knowingly? “Why yes sir, that’s no problem. Just tell me your order and I’ll see they’re well taken care of.”

Betty was about to let her nerve get the better of her but bit her tongue when she saw him flash the blade in his pocket. “Oh certainly.” Francine agreed. “Give us more time to catch up with our darling Betty later. She looks stunning, as per. Though I didn’t expect to see you in your uniform honey?” ~”Erm, new rules. No outings with staff unless in uniform. Previous complaints of inappropriate activity I’m affraid. Male staff especially!!” Francine shrugged and headed for the lounge. Mia and Zia headed to their room and their bar order swiftly followed.

“I know your anxious to get answers to your stepdaughter being so anxious and traumatised.” ~ “I’m afraid Betty has been less than truthful with you and us Francine? She has been exposing herself in the woodlands near school and was found to be prostituting herself with the village men and boys. I found her and after I used her cunt and arse I..” ~ “Sorry. Mr Kidd you just said.. did you say… I can’t believe this??” Betty screamed as Francine was thrown from her seat with a viscous kick from under the table.

She rushed to her feet but was caught round the neck and threatened with decapitation if she tried to resist. She wept openly as she watched Betty just sit crying as her stepmother was assaulted and restrained. Handcuffs and ballgag now clamped on her wrists and mouth. She was ankle tied with Betty’s tie. Adding to her and the tens shame. “Now then Francine. I know your scared and I know your girls are too. Or will be. He laughs in her face.

In a little while Betty will show them all she’s learned since we met up.? Won’t you slut?” He says, pulling her up off her chair and telling her to lift her skirt and finger fuck herself until he says stop!! Francine’s eyes are out on sticks her mumbling protests unheard. Betty is in her eyeline, school skirt tucked hem to waist and her sexxy garter belt and stockings framing a bald cunt a 7yr old would be proud of. The mum looks on horrified as Betty spreads her legs and split’s her labia open.

Moistened already by his groping her musky cunt spreads her aroma toward the waiting audience. She slowly slips one then two fingers up inside her young fanny. Her thumb strumming on her hardening clit. Mum watches her fuck herself hard and fast as her attacker starts to feel her up. His rough hands clawing at her jumper, scratching her tanned skin as he pulls it up and over her face. Leaving her bra covered tits to his and her stepdaughters view. Though Betty isn’t seeing much due to her tears and her impending orgasm. The sloshing sounds increasing with every finger thrust into her raw pink Introitus.

Meanwhile Francine is writhing in shame and humiliation as she wails feeling his mouth clamp onto her firm nippled tit as his hands unbutton and loosen her trousers. He gets exasperated with the fiddly items and just uses his knife to cut and rip the garment from the shocked woman’s body. Her cute green silk thong not quite hiding her very obvious ginger pubed cunt. He wasted no time admiring it and ripped it from her also. Eliciting more pain filled shreiks.

They coincided with the shreiks of Betty. Now collapsed to her knees her thighs shaking with her hand trapped between them as she orgasms loudly. squirting hot pungent cum on herself and the carpet. She sits, looking dazed mouthing sorry over and over to her stepmum. Strangely fascinated while watching him thrusting into her.

Francine was sat on her knees, head resting on the floor, hands behind her back, her jumper now ripped away from her, bra was hanging on her arm. Her cute thong torn off and discarded along with her expensive trousers. His thrusting rock hard penis delivering to Francine what Betty knew to be a pain filled hammering. One which she was aware she had contributed too. Betty hung her head in shame as she heard her mums screams through her gag.

Her ordeal didn’t last very long though. He had been very horny and very impatient to fill her luscious posh cunt with his rapeseed. Francine mooed like a wounded calf and fell to her side when he pulled his raping prick from her raw abused hole. His spunk drooling behind and leaving a trail down her arse cheek. He stood shakily, sweating and breathing heavily as he chided both females, saying.

“Now let’s get you two to your beds you look terrible!!” He told Betty to get her mum to her room. “No need to cover up. No one was coming or going to get help so be sure to do as your told by anyone else around here. You hear me bitches.” He paused. “I’ll slit those two pieces of jailbait from the cunt up if you try anything. Don’t force me to regret not tying them or you up Betty!!”

He paused letting Betty clean his cock with her mouth as he fingers her sloshy cunt. “Not yet anyway” He looked at Francine’s horror filled eyes as she’s helped to walk very unsteadily out the room. Her abused hole dripping his cum down her thighs as they walk. He knew she’d got the message. Her babies were in danger and she couldn’t do a thing to help them. The thoughts going through her head were the same possibly as the ones going through the guy heading to chalet 2. Just to deliver more juice to the mouthy bitches encamped there. He knew the juice he had in mind for them and it wasn’t on any bar list!!…

To be continued if wanted.
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