Kathy discovers sex 1

I was home a little early today. I was supposed to go swimming at Judy’s (my best friend), but her mother wanted her to go to the store with her and help carry groceries. Oh well, I had a mean homework assignment anyway so really needed the time to hit the books. My bedroom is upstairs and at the end of the hall so I have to walk past everybody’s bedroom to get to mine. As I walked past Danny’s room I could hear a thumping sound and he seemed to be moaning. I looked in through the slightly ajar door to see what was going on. Danny was sitting on his bed, his thing in his hand. He was moving his hand up and down on it very fast while he was looking at a picture in a Playboy magazine. Even tho he was turned toward me, he seemed so intent on the picture he was looking at that he never saw me peeking. Suddenly he gave a growl and milky cream started shooting from the end of his thing, it shot so hard that some of it even made it to the wall. So that’s how a boy starts a baby growing I thought, fascinated by the dangerous stuff jetting out of my brother. I could feel a tinge between my legs and my nipples jumped to attention. The crotch of my panties was getting soaked by juice leaking out of me. I realized that he would be looking up soon, and would catch me peeping, so I moved quietly down the hall to my own room.

Stripping out of my school clothes as I always did, I realized that I was also going to have to change my panties. It was the first time that had ever happened to me, but I understood what was going on. Several of my girlfriends had confided in me that they masturbated, and that they would get so wet down there after they got excited that they would have to take a shower afterward. I had avoided masturbating because I knew that once you started you couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to get into that addiction, Mom and Dad were pretty strict and if they caught me it would be curtains for sure. Still I couldn’t get over the vision of Danny, the look of pain on his face as his stuff surged from his thing. He must have been experiencing extreme pleasure. If it was pain, why would he do it? Trying to get that picture out of my mind, I headed for the shower.

Several days went by, and I still couldn’t shake the vision of my brother shooting his stuff. Every time I thought of it I would start leaking juice, soaking my panties, and adding an unwanted odor to my person. I enjoyed the feelings between my legs and to my nipples, but it was getting out of hand, I was having a hard time concentrating on anything else. The feelings had been strongest when I was actually watching him, and I wanted to watch him again. Mom was out of town on a business trip, and Dad usually worked late, so I figured that Danny thought it was safe as long as I was going to be out of the house. All I had to do was fake him out that I would be going over to Judy’s and hope his door was slightly open. I told daddy that I would be swimming over at Judy’s the next day with Danny standing nearby. There I thought, the trap is set.

The next day I came straight home after school. Going to my room, I waited for Danny to get home. Sure enough, shortly after he got home he went into his room and I could hear the thumping start. I quietly made my way to his door and gazed in through the crack. Danny had taken off his school clothes and was sitting on the bed, the same magazine in his hand, pulling up and down on the rigid rod growing out from between his legs. His hand was moving faster and faster as he started to moan, then for some reason he looked up. For just a moment are eyes locked, then I ran for my room. I figured that was the end of that as I removed my clothes and bra. I left my panties on because I would be dumping them in the hamper next to the shower. Moments after I had removed my clothes, wearing his robe Danny burst into the room.

“Please don’t tell mom and dad” he begged, “PLEASE DON’T”. Now as brothers and sisters go, Danny and I had always gotten along quite well. There was no way I would have snitched on him, but I thought that I would have a little fun with him. I went to my closet and put on my robe, then turning to him said “That is the first time I’ve ever seen a boy’s thing, but it was too far away for me to get a clear view. Show me your thing up close and I’ll keep quiet”. This shook him up a bit (*Grin), but he slowly parted his robe so I could look at his privates. It looked quite different then it had before. Where before it had been a stiff rod sticking out from his body, now it looked like a shriveled-up noodle. “No fair”, I said, “I want to it looking like it did before”. “That’s hard to do”, he bleated, “I have to be excited for it to get hard”. “Well what do you do to get it excited”, I asked. “I look at a picture of a nude girl in the Playboy magazine”, he said. “So go get the magazine”, I demanded. Gee it was fun having so much power over my elder brother.

Danny came back with the magazine and sat on my bed rubbing his thing, nothing happened. I took the magazine and looked at the picture myself. Being older, the girl had bigger breasts than I did, but to be honest, I thought that I looked every bit as good as her. I threw the magazine down on the bed, and suggested that if he couldn’t make it big for me to see, maybe I could touch it instead. “Ok”, he said, “Anything you want as long as you won’t tell mom and dad”. I just touched the head with my fingertips when it jumped. After it jumped it didn’t return to full soft, but stayed a little harder. Gently I caressed the head and was rewarded with feeling it grow even bigger and harder in my hand. My hand wandered down to the sack at the root of his thing. I know from sex education that this was where the sperm was made that came out when the boy had an orgasm. Just the thought of all that danger was having its effect on me. My juice was flowing so strongly that I could feel it soaking past my now saturated panties to wet the robe. My fingers finished caressing his sack and my hand was again moving up his shaft, now hard as a rock and turning purple at the head. Danny’s eyes were half closed and his breathing was starting to change.

I had been so interested in Danny’s thing that I hadn’t noticed that my robe had come untied and was also open. Danny had noticed tho and when I looked at him again he was staring at my now bare breasts. Looking down I could see my own breasts, nipples standing at attention like they did when I was very cold. I went to close the robe, taking my hands off of Danny, then thought better of it. Turnabout was fair play, let him see my breasts, besides it felt good to have him staring at me. Danny moved his hands to my breasts and gently rubbed them, feeling the soft firm flesh and touching the hard nipples. More juice gushed out of me. The feelings were exquisite, both my breasts, and between my legs, were feeling like something wonderful was going to happen. Seeing that I hadn’t given him any resistance, Danny moved his hand down to my panty covered crotch. As his fingers touched my privates through the thin material, my whole body jerked. The good feelings between my legs were starting to get unbearable. Danny moved his hand inside the waistband of my panties and then he had his finger right on my privates, I was losing my sanity it felt so good. He was afraid to move his finger around, and I was starting to want that more than life itself.

Looking down at Danny’s crotch, his thing had turned from a little wrinkled noodle to a huge purple tipped monster. I again wrapped my hand around the shaft and started to run it up and down like I had seen him doing in his room. “Oh God Kathy, that feels so good you couldn’t even guess” he moaned. He was wrong, as I moved on his shaft it was causing him to move his finger around me. Both of our breathing was now ragged, I could hear him moaning, and realized that I was moaning also. My whole body was responding to what was going on between my legs. I could feel the tension building up in every muscle of my body. My breasts tingled as the nipples tried to get ever bigger. I wanted Danny to rub me faster, so I moved my hand faster on him. I kept going up that spiral till I thought that if I didn’t explode I’d be walking around feeling like a knot. Then it started to happen, the tension built quickly till my body went rigid. Only my hand kept moving on Danny’s thing, every other muscle in my body was frozen stiff. Then it was as if every muscle in my body throbbed at once. The pleasure was so intense that it was like pain. Danny’s fingertip had just barely entered my body, as I screamed, I grabbed his hand with my free hand and tried to push it down so more of his finger would enter me. I screamed again as I felt a slight sting and then another throb of pure ecstasy. Danny growled and through the fog I felt him get even bigger and start to throb in my hand. With each throb he would shoot a stream of his stuff, and then I would feel my body throb in response.

Then it was over. I was almost glad, if it had continued I think I would have passed out. Danny’s stuff was all over the place. On the bed, on my lap, coating my tummy, and the final spurts had coated my hand. I brought my hand up to look at it, just think, if any of it had gotten into my body I might be pregnant. I realized how dangerous what we had just done really was and vowed that it would never happen again.

As I sat there staring at the dangerous curds of white cream, Danny put his arms around me and gave me a long wet kiss. It seemed so natural, I hugged and kissed him back. We sat kissing and caressing each other’s bodies for quite some time. “That is the best I have ever had” he said, running his fingers through my hair. “It’s the first time for me”, I admitted, “It was so good that it scared me”. Looking at the clock, we both realized that we had better get dressed, dad would be home soon.

Just as my girl friends had warned me, after 3 days I wanted more. My vow never to do it again evaporated. I had a bigger problem than they did tho, I wanted to do it with Danny. I convinced myself that as long as all we did was masturbate each other it should be safe. I should be sure tho that the next time he spurted it should be pointed away from me. If any of it got on me he might just rub it into my body and then I might be in trouble. Getting home late from school, I went into Danny’s room and asked him what he thought of all this. Danny admitted that since that day, all he could think of was my little body spasming under his fingers. He said that his orgasm had been so much stronger than he could do himself that he had stopped masturbating. We wrapped our arms around each other and kissed deeply. I could feel his strong hands cup my bum, but that was all. It was late and dad would be home soon.