Learning The Ropes

Dana dimmed the lights and turned on her fan so it wasn’t too quiet. She removed her underwear, keeping on her long nightshirt. She got into bed, pulling the cover up over her. After she was good and comfortable, she grabbed her phone off the nightstand.

It was ridiculous, at twenty-two, to be shy about masturbation. She knew that! But her upbringing had made this whole process into a shameful act. She was trying to move past it, but in very small steps.

Hell, two months ago there is no way the lights would be on at all. She unlocked the phone and headed to her favorite dirty story website, on a private web browser of course. She didn’t want anyone accidentally finding her history.

Another thing that shouldn’t be shameful, and that she was working on, was her recent realization she is bisexual. She probably should have noticed sooner; she had one too many posters of scantily clad comic book women on her wall growing up. And if posters of Poison Ivy and Wonder Woman aren’t a sign you are into ladies, what is?

The thing that had made the process take so long was how much she liked guys too. She thought she was just straight but also thought girls were super hot. Didn’t everyone?

Turns out, no. Most girls did not think about making out with their best friends and did not stay up all night feeling them lay next to you at sleepovers. So, here she was reading a story about a married couple who invite a young woman to join them in bed and trying not to think about how bad it all made her feel.

But then the story got going a little more, the women tasting each other in that way Dana had only ever read about, and she forgot to feel bad. Her hand snaked under the blanket and started rubbing the insides of her thighs. She was careful not to touch herself yet. She liked to try and time her orgasms with the people in the stories, so she didn’t want to get going too soon.

The husband in the story, whose dick was nine and a half inches, of course, guided himself into one of the ladies as the other one kissed her nipples, sucking gently on one and then the other.

Dana’s own hand finally made contact. She trimmed her pubic hair but was thinking about shaving it all off. She didn’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend right now, so she figured it was a good time to experiment and see what worked for her.

She realized she was starting to drift, and refocused on the story. Woman One, the young one who was joining the married couple, was fucking the man, and the wife was now sitting over her face, letting the young girl explore her with her tongue. All of this, especially this, was really working for Dana. She slowly drew a circle with her fingers around her clit. She ran a finger down her lips and took some of the juices to lubricate her fingers.

She read as the husband and wife took turns tasting the younger woman, seeing who can be the one to actually make her cum. As the story built, Dana’s pace started to pick up. She applied more pressure to her clit, and started moving it in small circles. She began to feel her orgasm approach, but the story wasn’t done, so she backed off, running her fingers through her short pubic hair.

The fucking began again, this time the husband and wife were going at it, her on top riding his ridiculously large cock. The younger woman actually took a place next to them and watched while using her own hand to get off.

Dana liked this a lot, really allowing her to get into the story. If the hot young woman can fuck herself, then Dana can too. She started rubbing her clit again after lubing up once more. She glided over and over it. The girl in the story was close, and so was Dana. She imagined herself there, with that couple.

She watched as the older woman’s tits moved in rhythm with their fucking. She watched as she rode him, raising herself off of his dick over and over. She pinched her nipple as she rubbed and rubbed and…

Dana came hard. Her legs tensed as it rushed over her. She held her breath, relishing the feelings. How can anything this pleasurable possibly be bad? Then the orgasm passed and she was left, hand on her pussy, shame in her heart. It was better than it used to be, but she really wanted to move past this. She cleaned herself up with a small hand towel and slipped on some underwear before drifting off to sleep.

Two weeks later, Dana was working at the coffee shop when in walked a redhead who nearly took Dana’s breath away. She couldn’t decide if her heart really did a little stutter, or if it was in her imagination!

The woman was third in line, and Dana watched her from behind the relative safety of the counter. She wasn’t working the register, which was good. She didn’t think she could have formed sentences right then.

When the redhead finally got to the counter, Dana couldn’t help but stare. The woman was tall but not crazy tall. Dana would have to look up just a little if they were to look each other in the eye. Her eyes were blue, with maybe just a hint of yellow or green around the middle. It was hard to tell from over here.

The redhead was wearing jeans and just a simple blue t-shirt, but both the jeans and the shirt were tight and showed off the woman’s curves.

The woman, whose name happened to be Pamela (a redhead named Pamela, really? Poison Ivy, eat your heart out) finished ordering and took a seat at a small table. She got out a small laptop and began typing away at something. Dana realized this meant the woman was going to be around for a bit, not just get her coffee and leave. Fuck, she wasn’t going to get much work done today.

Pamela’s order finished and it landed to Dana to bring it to her. She took the warm cup and stepped slowly over to her.

“Order for Pamela?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

The woman looked up at Dana and smiled. If there had still been any question to whether or not Dana liked ladies too, the answer was an astounding absolutely. Dana handed over the drink and smiled back.

“Let me know if you need anything,” Dana said.

“Ooh… anything?”

The woman could just be joking with her, or she could actually be hitting on her. Dana had no way of knowing. Instead, she blushed, nodded, and walked away.

Dana excused herself and went to the restroom. She splashed some water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. Dana wasn’t an astounding beauty, but she was definitely pretty. All throughout high school and for the little bit of college she went to, she had never struggled to find men to date.

Men were easy. You smile at them, show a little leg or cleavage, and bam. You can get them to do pretty much whatever you wanted. Women though? Dana had never dated a girl and outside of a few truth or dare games, had never kissed a girl either.

She pulled her blonde hair back in a ponytail, straightening any flyaways, and looked at herself again. At least her work uniform was flattering. Short-sleeved black button-up, whose cut emphasized her chest.

In fact…

She undid one more button. It created just enough cleavage to catch someone’s attention, but not so much she’d get in trouble with her boss.

In that moment, looking at herself and being relatively happy with what she saw, she decided she was going to shoot her shot. Worst thing that could happen is she would continue to not have a date.

Well, she guessed, the worst would be the redhead screaming at her in front of the whole store causing her to lose her job and thus her apartment that she JUST moved into. But that was unlikely. She tried to remind herself not to always go to the worst case scenario! Anxiety is a bitch.

Dana exited the bathroom, stepped up to the counter, and grabbed a business card. She flipped it over and wrote her name and number.

Then the hard part. She walked over to Pamela. “Excuse me,” she said, just above a whisper. Pamela turned and smiled up at her.

“What was that?”

“I said excuse me.”

“For what, you haven’t done anything wrong.”

“No, I meant… I was just.”

“It’s okay, I’m just messing with you!”

Pamela put a hand on Dana’s arm and she froze. She couldn’t, at that particular moment, remember why she even walked over here. Rational thought was not her friend. “Dana, are you okay?”

How did she know her name? Oh, yeah, the name tag. This kind of shook Dana out of it and she smiled again.

“Sorry, yes. I’m fine. I just wanted to give you this.”

She handed over the business card. Pamela looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

“Now why, pray tell, are you giving me a business card to this establishment?”

“No! I mean yes, but…”

She reached down and turned the card over. Pamela looked at the tidy print, and then up at Dana.

“Oh? Oh!”

Pamela smiled and let out a little laugh. Dana’s heart dropped. Pamela saw and again put a hand on Dana’s arm.

“No, honey! I’m not laughing at you, I promise! It’s just funny because I was trying to figure out how to give you this.”

Pamela pulled a little strip of paper from inside her laptop bag and handed it to Dana. On it was Pamela’s name and number. Dana let out a small laugh too.

“Well there you go! We had the same idea.”

“Yes, Dana, we did.”

Dana blushed again and couldn’t keep eye contact with Pamela.

“Well I need to get back to work,” Dana said.

“Me too.”

The whole interaction was less than three minutes, but it was three minutes she played over and over again in her mind.

Dana tried not to spend the rest of her shift watching Pamela typing away, but it was hard. Occasionally they would catch each other looking and quickly look away.

Pamela left after an hour or so but did that little hand gesture that meant call me. Do people still do that? Just call? If anything she’d text, but how does one signal that from across the room? She felt her mind wandering and was very excited when her shift ended.

At home, Dana looked around her bedroom. She was standing in her underwear, a cute red bra and a red lace thong that went well together but didn’t quite match. She was trying to decide which dress to wear for her first date with a woman. She only had one shot at getting this particular problem correct.

Pamela had said it wasn’t going to be super formal, and that she could wear what made her comfortable. For Dana to be comfortable, she would have to stay home.

So she decided she wanted to be hot. If she could be just hot enough so that Pamela just looked at her all night, that would make her comfortable. Or at least happy.

She decided on the black dress, but if she wore that one, the red straps of her bra would be an issue. She could go braless, the dress could handle it, but she wasn’t sure she could deal with spending the night worried her nipples were just doing their own thing.

So she decided to change all of her underwear to black. She didn’t have a black thong, so she found some underwear that still came up pretty high in the back showing plenty of cheek.

She had tried shaving off all of her pubic hair but found that just a little hair down there made her feel the sexiest. Besides, bare took so much work! When she put on the black underwear, she inadvertently touched herself and realized just how excited she already was for tonight.

She didn’t know if anyone would be seeing her without the dress on tonight, but she sure as shit would be prepared just in case. The bra that went best with the cheeky unders was kind of see-through. She looked at herself in the mirror, seeing the outline of her nipples through the material, and decided this would do nicely. You know, just in case.

Dana and Pamela had been texting for two weeks. They had tried and tried again to get a date going, but one or the other had plans or obligations and so they kept putting it off.

So here, two weeks into their… friendship? It wasn’t really a relationship yet, so that probably worked as well as anything to describe it.

So two weeks into their friendship, they were going on their first date. Dana made sure that Pamela knew it was her first date with a girl, and Pamela promised she’d be nice… unless Dana asked her not to be. That text had made Dana blush just like the time they met. She had no problem masturbating that night!

They hadn’t had phone sex or really full-on sexted, but there were a few times where they’d be going back and forth and then someone would say something kinda sexy, and the other one wouldn’t respond quite as quickly for a few minutes. Dana wasn’t sure it was the same for Pamela, but it was almost always because she was taking care of herself.

The time came, and Pamela pulled up to the curb in front of Dana’s apartment. Pamela jumped out and after giving Dana a short hug, opened the door to her car for Dana.

Pamela was wearing tight black pants and a sparkly green halter top with a black sport coat kind of jacket over it. She looked fucking hot, was Dana’s opinion of the whole thing. Dana had pulled her blonde hair up, but Pamela let her red waves flow. It came down just below her shoulders. Dana’s nerves were up, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering. But she was so goddamn excited!

Ashton, TX is not a very big town. 10,000 people and fairly conservative. So they decided it was worth the thirty extra minutes to drive one town over, where the town was ten times the size and half as horrible. They parked and went inside of a nice, but not too fancy, restaurant.

“Have you ever eaten here?”

“I have not! But I did a bunch of research and this place has won a couple of awards for their pasta.” Pamela looked pleased with herself.

Dana just imagined slurping up pasta, Alfredo sauce flying everywhere. No! No worst-case scenarios tonight. Just be here in the moment!

They ordered and the pasta was indeed pretty fantastic. Dana felt she did a pretty good job not getting it everywhere. And she managed to have some self-control and stop before she felt too full. Which was important because the next stop involved dancing! The club had a big dance floor and it was packed. The music was a loud mix of dance and rock songs and featured stuff from the 80s and 90s with a few modern songs thrown in.

That being said, Dana couldn’t have told you anything they played for the first hour or so. As soon as they walked in, Pamela ordered two shots. They took them, and then Pamela led Dana to the dance floor, her red hair bouncing. Once they started dancing, all else kind of fell away. She knew there were people all around them, and she knew there were people staring at them while they danced, but she didn’t care.

She felt Pamela’s body against hers. Relishing the heat and the softness of her. Pamela eventually draped her jacket over a chair which left her back exposed. Dana wrapped her arms around Pamela and felt the skin of her back. Pamela placed her hands on Dana’s hips and pulled her close. They looked at each other and smiled. “You look so fucking hot!” Pamela had to shout over the music


Pamela came in super close, her lips almost touching Dana’s ear. “You look so fucking hot!” she said again.

Dana didn’t say anything, just kind of looked away. Pamela took her chin and lifted it so they were looking at each other. Dana noted that there was definitely some yellow in Pamela’s eyes. And then, while she wasn’t paying attention, Pamela kissed her.

It was soft and sweet at first. Just the two of them testing the waters, getting a feel for one another. But then Dana pulled Pamela tighter and their kiss became more intense. Dana’s first kiss with a woman was one she would never forget. Pamela was sweet and smelled pretty, even with the sweat from all the dancing. Pamela was everything in that moment.

Her hands traced Pamela’s shoulder blades and Pamela’s hands squeezed Dana’s hips. They parted, catching their breath. Dana wasn’t usually one for PDA, but that wasn’t really something she was worried about currently. She had spent so much of her life denying who she was and not really understanding the feelings she possessed. So this, here with Pamela, was almost cathartic.

They didn’t really talk much, just danced close and kissed often. Then a song came on called “Wishes” and Dana almost screamed.

“My friend wrote this!”

“What do you mean?”

“This song, it’s my best friend Nicky Lowe. She grew up in Ashton!”

“No shit? That’s crazy.”

They danced to the song, enjoying its beat and ambiguous lyrics about loving deeply. The song didn’t use masculine or feminine pronouns, so people had kind of adopted it as a lesbian song, even though Dana was pretty sure she knew what guy it was really about.

The song ended and Dana asked if they could sit down for a bit. “Oh thank God, I didn’t want to be the first to give in!”

They headed back to their table and ordered a round of drinks. Pamela looked at Dana and smiled.

“So, I heard you were going on your first girl/girl date?”


It took Dana a moment to realize Pamela was being facetious.

“Oh yeah? Who told you that?”

“A little bird.”

“And what did that bird tell you.”

“Not much, just that you hadn’t ever done this sort of thing before. I was just wondering how it was going?”

Dana took a moment before answering.

“I’d say it’s going pretty fucking well.”

“Yeah? That’s good to hear.”

“What about you? I heard you were going on a date too! How’s that going?”

“I don’t know! The girl is really hot, but I don’t know if she’s into me.”

“Hmm. What could she do that would let you know?”

They had been getting closer and closer. They still had to speak loudly to be heard over the music.

“I guess if she was really enjoying herself, she could give me a wink and slap me on the ass.” Dana hadn’t expected that answer, and laughed a little.

“All right, that could probably be arranged.”

They continued their conversation, talking about work, about boys they had dated, and how Pamela had decided after her first time with a guy it was just not for her. They joked about all the signs that were there for Dana and how she just hadn’t noticed them until she was in her twenties.

They thought about dancing some more, but it was getting late. Their buzz had faded some and Pamela felt safe to drive. They stood up to leave and as Pamela reached for her jacket, Dana tapped her on the shoulder. Dana winked at her, and deftly moved her hand to smack Pamela on the ass. It was loud, even with the music, and Dana’s eyes went wide! “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No! It was loud, but it felt just right.”

Pamela kissed Dana once more, quick and sweet, then took her hand and headed to the door. The ride back to Dana’s apartment was mostly conversation-free, but not uncomfortable. Pamela put on Nicky Lowe’s second album and with each new song, she would ask Dana if she really knew her.

They got to the apartment and Pamela parked the car. They sat with the music off for a moment. Then at the same time, they began to speak.

“You can come…”

“I don’t know if you wanted…”

“You go ahead.”

“No, you go.”

Then a pause before they both began again.

Finally, Pamela took Dana’s hands and they both stopped. “Dana, I don’t want to presume or pressure you at all.”

“No, of course not. I just…”

“Hey, no, I get it! We don’t really know each other and…”

“It’s not that! It’s just… well, before tonight I’d never really even kissed a girl. So while I love the idea of inviting you up and… you know… it’s also kind of scary! Is that okay?”

“Hey, of course. I get it! Well, how about I come up, we have one beer, and just talk. I’ll sit on the other end of the couch or whatever you have going on up there and won’t make a move unless you tell me.”

Dana imagined all the things she’d like to do with the woman. “Deal.”

Thirty minutes and two beers later and they are feeling pretty good. Pamela kept to her word and sat at the far end of the couch. Dana pulled her legs up onto the couch and the movement left the hem of her skirt, pretty high. Pamela tried to not notice but was doing a pretty bad job of it.

They talked about where they went to school and why Pamela even lived in such a small town like Ashton. She’d come to help her mother move and because her work was all remote and the property prices were phenomenal, she had actually bought the house next door to her mom.

“If you have a whole ass house, why are we at my little apartment!”

“I just wanted you to feel comfortable. I thought home field advantage might help.”

“Hmm… well I guess that makes sense. But next time, I wanna see all your stuff.”

“Next time? How do you know there’ll be a next time?”

Dana’s face went shocked!

“Oh! It’s like that? Even after the wink and the slap, you’re still going to leave it up in the air?”

“That slap wasn’t even that good.” Pamela smiled and Dana went red.

“Wow, now you’re criticizing my ass-slapping ability!?”


“Come here!”

Dana’s voice left no room for argument.

“Yes ma’am!”

Pamela got to her feet and stepped over to Dana. Dana stood up, and even four inches shorter than Pamela, she was in control of this moment. “Turn around.”

Pamela did as she was told. Dana gave no warning before slapping Pamela’s ass quite a bit harder than she had at the club. Pamela let the wave of pleasure and pain wash over her. She turned back to Dana, who winked at her.

“A slap and a wink. That means you’re enjoying yourself, right?” Pamela asked. Her voice was low, just above a whisper.

“Very much so.”

Pamela kissed her then. She took Dana in her arms and held her tight. Their tongues slipped over each other. At one point Pamela sucked on Dana’s tongue, and Dana’s legs actually shook a little.

Pamela pulled Dana down to the couch with her. Their hands explored each other. Dana felt the soft skin of Pamela’s arms and back while Pamela felt Dana’s calves and thighs.

Dana couldn’t believe what was happening right now. She’d always been kind of a bookworm and a nerd, and here she was kissing a really fucking hot redhead. Pamela propped a pillow up against the arm of the couch, and laid Dana back against it. She kind of hovered over her, then leaned in and kissed her some more.

She kissed Dana’s cheeks, then behind her ear. She kissed down to her clavicle. “You okay?” She asked before continuing.

“Oh god, yes.”

And with that, Pamela kissed a little lower. She kissed the top of Dana’s breasts while one of her hands felt its way up the outside of her thigh. Dana had to try and control her breathing. She was getting lightheaded and didn’t want to accidentally pass out in front of this woman. This fucking woman who was here for her!

Pamela’s hand moved under Dana’s skirt and onto her hip. Was this really happening? It was amazing and scary and so different than the few guys she’d been with.

“Pamela, wait.”

Pamela stopped moving. Her lips were kissing the very edge of exposed flesh on Dana’s left breast, and she didn’t move them, before responding. Her voice was a little muffled.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes! Of course. I just thought, maybe, if you wanted, we could go to my room?”

The relief and excitement that crossed Pamela’s face was almost comical. She jumped up and took Dana’s hand, pulling her up. She let Dana lead the way, but didn’t let go of her hand. Dana turned on the two side lamps. They had little red squares of cloth over them, so the light was dim and tinted. After the lights were set, Dana stepped over to Pamela again.

“I feel like I interrupted you out there. What were you doing?”

“Me? Oh, I was just… kissing… here… and here…” With each word, she kissed another part of Dana. Her neck, her collar, her breasts.

“Hey, I have an idea!” Dana said, louder than intended.

“What’s that?”

“Well, I was just thinking, that this could help.”

Dana pulled the straps of her dress aside, and let it fall to the ground. She was really happy she’d worn something sexy underneath. Pamela was caught a little off guard, but she was here for it. She took in the girl before her. Dana was sexy and funny… and you could see a hint of nipple through her bra! Fuck.

“Oh that will be very helpful, thank you.”

Pamela pushed Dana back towards the bed. When Dana met it, she sat down. She looked at Pamela and realized she still had all her clothes.

“Hey, I’m not telling you what to do or anything, but I would really like you to take those off.” She motioned to Pamela’s pants.


Dana just nodded.

“In that case, I might need a little help.”

“Oh really?”

Dana reached up for the button on Pamela’s pants. It came undone and she slowly pulled the zipper down.

“You mean like this?”


She finished with the zipper, took the pants, and pulled them down, over Pamela’s hips. It took a little work, but it was absolutely worth it. Pamela fell onto the bed and Dana gave one last pull to get them off. Laying on her bed was a tall, slender, woman wearing a halter top and the skimpiest panties she’d seen in a long time.


Now it was Pamela’s turn to get shy. “What?”


Dana motioned to all of Pamela.

“All of you. I can’t believe this is happening.”

“It is.”

Pamela stood up and pulled Dana close. Their naked thighs touched and a shiver ran up Dana. They kissed, their hands roaming and feeling each other. At about the same time, they reached up to remove each other’s tops. They laughed and decided to let Dana go first. She turned and Pamela undid the clasp.

Before exposing herself, she asked Pamela to turn around. Pamela did as she was asked. Dana undid the tie of Pamela’s halter top, and Pamela shuffled out of it. She turned back and it gave them both a moment to take in the other. Pamela’s breasts were a little bigger than Dana’s, with pale nipples and freckles on the tops of each breast.

Dana’s breathing increased and she could feel her own breasts moving with each one. Her nipples were darker than Pamela’s, and there were no freckles here, but Pamela was in awe. They both were, really.

Dana broke the spell and took the two steps to close the gap between them. She stood close and one of Pamela’s nipples touched her breasts and she sighed deeply.

“Kiss me.”

And Pamela did. They kissed for a long while, their hands finally free to explore each other mostly free of clothing. Dana felt as her breast was touched by a woman for the first time. There was less urgency than with a man. Pamela seemed to be taking her time, really taking it all in.

Pamela guided Dana back down onto the bed and lay next to her. They stopped kissing for a moment and Pamela took her hand and ran a finger down Dana’s side. It tickled but not in a bad way. As the finger bumped over her ribs, she had to stifle a giggle, but there was so much excitement in the touch. When the hand reached Dana’s hip, and thus her underwear, Pamela stopped.

“Oh no! Well, this just won’t do.”


“Well, you see, you are just wearing entirely too much clothing.”

“Am I now?”

“I don’t make the rules, but I can’t keep going with this much on!”

“Well, that’s a sad state of affairs.”

They looked at each other and smiled. Pamela put a finger under either side of Dana’s underwear and pulled them down. Dana raised her hips to help. And just like that, she was naked.

“Only one problem I can see,” Dana said.

“And what is that?”

“You seem to be overdressed for this particular party! It’s a strictly no-clothes kind of affair. You wouldn’t want to insult the host!”

“Oh, absolutely not.”

Pamela stood back up and quickly pulled her own small underwear off. “Better?”

Dana looked her up and down.

“Oh yes.”

Pamela kept her pubic hair short too, but there was definitely more than Dana currently had. But, she figured, if you’re a redhead, you might want to keep some just to show off! Pamela took the hair tie from her wrist and tied up her hair. She then climbed back onto the bed, but instead of laying next to Dana, she placed herself over her, looking down at the blonde girl.

She had an arm on either side of Dana and one knee in between her thighs. She leaned down and kissed Dana’s neck. She followed a trail much like the one she had earlier, only this time there was no clothing to get in the way. When she got to Dana’s breast she took her time. Pamela kissed the undersides, and then the sides. Working in small circles before finally licking first Dana’s right nipple and then her left.

Dana let out a soft moan and arched her back, pushing her breast into Pamela’s mouth. Pamela used her teeth to put just a little pressure, and Dana let out a little cry of pleasure. Pamela kissed Dana’s ribs and down her side. Then across her belly and to the other side. She followed the crease where Dana’s leg met her body with her tongue. She kissed all around, making sure to kiss her thighs.

When she finally made contact with Dana’s pussy, Dana let out a gasp.

“Oh yes…”

Pamela let her tongue find Dana’s opening, and licked up and down her lips. On the third or fourth pass, she licked her clit. Then back down, back up. The waiting was killing Dana, but when Pamela got back to her clit again, she found it was worth the wait. Pamela slipped first one, and then two fingers into Dana, and used her tongue to really get to work.

Dana looked down at Pamela and watched her. Again she was struck with an awe that any of this was happening at all. She didn’t know what she did to deserve this, but she was going to enjoy it while it lasted. Which apparently would not be much longer, at least for this round. The combination of Pamela’s hands and tongue working on her, brought her to the brink of orgasm quicker than she had expected. The orgasm kind of snuck up on her and before she even really had a moment to think it through, she was cumming.

“Fuck, yes! Oh fuck.”

Pamela kept her mouth in place until she could feel the muscles of Dana’s pussy stop spasming. The skin of Dana’s neck was crimson, and she squeezed one of her own breasts as the orgasm faded.

“That was fucking amazing.”

“Thank you!”

Pamela moved up next to her and kissed Dana. Dana had kissed men after they’d gone down on her, but this was different. Not worse or better, necessarily, but it was somehow sweeter. The realization of what just happened suddenly came to Dana and she got very shy. She tried covering her face with her hands, but Pamela stopped her.

“No, don’t do that! You’re beautiful and I want to look at you.”

It took some effort, but Dana lowered her hands and caught the other woman’s gaze. While looking at each other, Dana’s hand went to Pamela’s breast. She’d felt her own many times, but somehow feeling someone else was so very different. They were soft and smooth, except the nipple, which was hard. She pinched it a little, watching Pamela’s face. Pamela closed her eyes and leaned her head back, enjoying the sensation. Dana noticed that the pale nipples had taken on a darker pink tone as they went along.

Before Dana even really thought about what she was doing, she leaned forward and took Pamela’s nipple into her mouth. She flicked her tongue across it, then sucked on it. She enjoyed the feel of the nipple on her tongue. She squeezed the breast, and pinched the nipple again.

She had Pamela lay back and took the other one in her mouth. Dana was surprised by just how right this felt. She ran her hand down Pamela’s side, feeling the soft skin, and placed her hand on the short bush of red hair. She kept licking Pamela’s nipple, but she was more focused on her hand. She had never felt another woman down there, and it was fascinating. She found that while Pamela kept a short red bush up top, she actually shaved her lips.

She ran her fingers across the smooth skin, feeling the folds of the inner lips as she went. She ran a finger along the opening, feeling how wet Pamela was. She lubed up a finger, and then gently pushed it in. Pamela was pressing Dana’s head to her breast, but gasped in pleasure. Dana added a second finger, and pushed it in as well. She moved her fingers in a come here motion, which she had learned from one boyfriend or another.

She kept her fingers moving, but started to move her mouth down as well, kissing Pamela’s stomach and pubic hair. Dana could smell her, and loved it. She kissed Pamela’s clit, then gingerly stuck out her tongue and licked.

Pamela’s reaction was more than enough encouragement. She grabbed big handfuls of the bedsheets, and her whole body tensed.

“Yes, yes.”

That was the kind of feedback Dana always loved hearing. She licked up and down, her fingers still probing inside. Her tongue moved as fast as she could make it. She thought that Pamela was getting close to cumming, so she kept her rhythm the same. Up and down, in and out.

When Pamela came, it kind of shocked Dana. Her whole body tensed and Dana’s head got caught between Pamela’s legs. It didn’t hurt at all, she was just surprised. Slowly, Pamela relaxed.

Pamela grabbed Dana’s shoulders and pulled her up to lie next to her. They gave each other a small peck, and then Dana collapsed into Pamela’s arms.

“Thank you!” Dana said.

“No, thank you. That was amazing.”

“Well yes, but I just mean for being patient with me and kind of showing me the ropes.”

“Oh I didn’t show you all the ropes. These are just a few of the plethora of ropes available!”

“Good to hear!”

They lay like that for a while, and then Dana looked up at Pamela.

“You can stay the night if you want, but I also understand if that’s weird and you want to go home.”

Pamela moved a lock of hair that had fallen across Dana’s cheek back behind her ear.

“If you’re okay with it, I’m okay with it.”

Dana just smiled, turned on her white noise machine, and pulled the covers up. She thought about the shame she had felt when masturbating and thought this should have been worse. But it wasn’t. There was nothing at all wrong with this. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep.

Pamela stayed awake a little longer, watching Dana sleep. Pamela thought about how sweet Dana was and how excited she was to show her more of the ropes.